blob: 779d9449e47d8193468920e29990a4612a3fdca5 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/make -f
DEBIAN := $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | grep ^Version: | cut -d' ' -f2)
DEBVERS := $(shell echo '$(DEBIAN)' | cut -d- -f1)
VERSION := $(shell echo '$(DEBVERS)' | sed -e 's/[+-].*//' -e 's/~//g')
USBDROPDIR := $(shell pkg-config --variable=usbdropdir libpcsclite)
#export DH_VERBOSE=1
export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all
dh $@ --with=systemd --with autoreconf --fail-missing
dh_auto_configure -- --with-systemdsystemunitdir=/lib/systemd/system \
# dh_clean
# $(RM) tests/package.m4
# $(RM) tests/testsuite
# Print test results in case of a failure
# dh_auto_test || (find . -name testsuite.log -exec cat {} \; ; false)
# Don't create .pdf.gz files (barely saves space and they can't be opened directly by most pdf readers)
dh_compress -X.pdf