blob: d173b81138d76205ec33ed180314d5cfd9c1a9f8 [file] [log] [blame]
Harald Welte245daf92015-08-30 22:38:40 +02001#!/usr/bin/python
3import re, os, sys, string
4import datetime
5import getopt
6import getpass
8version = "0.5"
10lines = ""
11iesDefs = {}
12ieofielist = {}
13outdir = './'
15filenames = []
16verbosity = 0
17prefix = ""
19FAIL = '\033[91m'
20WARN = '\033[93m'
21ENDC = '\033[0m'
23fileprefix = ""
25def printFail(string):
26 sys.stderr.write(FAIL + string + ENDC + "\n")
28def printWarning(string):
29 print WARN + string + ENDC
31def printDebug(string):
32 if verbosity > 0:
33 print string
35def outputHeaderToFile(f, filename):
36 now =
37 f.write("""/*******************************************************************************
39 Eurecom OpenAirInterface
40 Copyright(c) 1999 - 2012 Eurecom
42 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
43 under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
44 version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
46 This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
47 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
48 FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
49 more details.
51 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
52 this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
53 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
55 The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
56 the file called "COPYING".
58 Contact Information
59 Openair Admin:
60 Openair Tech :
61 Forums :
62 Address : EURECOM, Campus SophiaTech, 450 Route des Chappes
63 06410 Biot FRANCE
68 f.write("/*******************************************************************************\n")
69 f.write(" * This file had been created by script v%s\n" % (version))
70 f.write(" * Please do not modify this file but regenerate it via script.\n")
71 f.write(" * Created on: %s by %s\n * from %s\n" % (str(now), getpass.getuser(), filenames))
72 f.write(" ******************************************************************************/\n")
74def lowerFirstCamelWord(word):
75 """ puts the first word in a CamelCase Word in lowercase.
77 I.e. CustomerID becomes customerID, XMLInfoTest becomes xmlInfoTest
78 """
79 newstr = ''
80 swapped = word.swapcase()
81 idx = 0
83 # if it's all-caps, return an all-lowered version
84 lowered = word.lower()
86 if swapped == lowered:
87 return lowered
89 for c in swapped:
90 if c in string.lowercase:
91 newstr += c
92 idx += 1
93 else:
94 break
95 if idx < 2:
96 newstr += word[idx:]
97 else:
98 newstr = newstr[:-1]+ word[idx-1:]
100 return newstr
102def usage():
103 print "Python parser for asn1 v%s" % (version)
104 print "Usage: python [options]"
105 print "Available options:"
106 print "-d Enable script debug"
107 print "-f [file] Input file to parse"
108 print "-o [dir] Output files to given directory"
109 print "-h Print this help and return"
112 opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "df:ho:", ["debug", "file", "help", "outdir"])
113except getopt.GetoptError as err:
114 # print help information and exit:
115 usage()
116 sys.exit(2)
118for o, a in opts:
119 if o in ("-f", "--file"):
120 filenames.append(a)
121 if o in ("-d", "--debug"):
122 verbosity = 1
123 if o in ("-o", "--outdir"):
124 outdir = a
125 if outdir.rfind('/') != len(outdir):
126 outdir += '/'
127 if o in ("-h", "--help"):
128 usage()
129 sys.exit(2)
131for filename in filenames:
132 file = open(filename, 'r')
133 for line in file:
134 # Removing any comment
135 if line.find('--') >= 0:
136 line = line[:line.find('--')]
137 # Removing any carriage return
138 lines += re.sub('\r', '', line)
140 for m in re.findall(r'([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\s*::=\s+SEQUENCE\s+\(\s*SIZE\s*\(\s*\d+\s*\.\.\s*[0-9a-zA-Z-]+\s*\)\s*\)\s*OF\s+[a-zA-Z-]+\s*\{\s*\{\s*([0-9a-zA-Z-]+)\s*\}\s*\}', lines, re.MULTILINE):
141 ieofielist[m[0]] = m[1]
142 for m in re.findall(r'([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\s*::=\s+E-RAB-IE-ContainerList\s*\{\s*\{\s*([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\s*\}\s*\}', lines, re.MULTILINE):
143 ieofielist[m[0]] = m[1]
145 for i in re.findall(r'([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\s+([A-Z0-9-]+)\s*::=\s*\{\s+([\,\|\{\}\t\n\.{3}\ \-a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s+}\n', lines, re.MULTILINE):
146 ies = []
147 maxLength = 0
148 # TODO: handle extensions
149 if i[1].find('EXTENSION') >= 0:
150 continue
151 if fileprefix == "":
152 fileprefix = i[1][:i[1].find('-')].lower()
153 for j in re.findall(r'\s*\{\s*([a-zA-Z0-9-\ \t]+)\s*\}\s*[\|,]*', i[2], re.MULTILINE):
154 for k in re.findall(r'ID\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)\s*CRITICALITY\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)\s+[A-Z]+\s+([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)\s*PRESENCE\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)', j, re.MULTILINE):
155 printDebug("Got new ie for message " + i[0] + ": " + str(k))
156 if len(k[2]) > maxLength:
157 maxLength = len(k[2])
158 ies.append(k)
160 if len(ies) > 0:
161 iesDefs[i[0]] = { "length": maxLength, "ies": ies}
162 else:
163 printWarning("Didn't find any information element for message: " + i[0])
165if len(iesDefs) == 0:
166 printFail("No Information Element parsed, exiting")
167 sys.exit(0)
169f = open(outdir + fileprefix + '_ies_defs.h', 'w')
170outputHeaderToFile(f, filename)
171f.write("#include \"%s_common.h\"\n\n" % (fileprefix))
172f.write("#ifndef %s_IES_DEFS_H_\n#define %s_IES_DEFS_H_\n\n" % (fileprefix.upper(), fileprefix.upper()))
174for key in iesDefs:
176 if key not in ieofielist.values():
177 continue
179 for (i, j) in ieofielist.items():
180 if j == key:
181 break
183 f.write("typedef struct %sIEs_s {\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', i)))
184 f.write(" A_SEQUENCE_OF(struct %s_s) %s;\n" % (re.sub('IEs', '', re.sub('-', '_', ieofielist[i])), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('IEs', '', re.sub('-', '_', ieofielist[i])))))
185 f.write("} %sIEs_t;\n\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', i)))
187for key in iesDefs:
188 keyupperunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', key.upper())
189 keylowerunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', key.lower())
190 shift = 0
192 if len(iesDefs[key]["ies"]) == 0:
193 continue
195 # Presence mask
196 for ie in iesDefs[key]["ies"]:
197 ieupperunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', ie[2].upper())
198 if ie[3] == "optional" or ie[3] == "conditional":
199 f.write("#define {0:<{pad}} {1}\n".format("%s_%s_PRESENT" % (keyupperunderscore, ieupperunderscore), "(1 << %d)" % shift,
200 pad=iesDefs[key]["length"] + len(keyupperunderscore) + 9))
201 shift += 1
202 if (shift > 0):
203 f.write("\n")
205 f.write("typedef struct %s_s {\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', key)))
206 if (shift > 0):
207 f.write(" {0:<{pad}} {1};\n".format("uint16_t", "presenceMask", pad=iesDefs[key]["length"] + 2))
208 for ie in iesDefs[key]["ies"]:
209 ieunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', ie[2])
210 iename = re.sub('id-', '', ie[0])
211 ienameunderscore = lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', iename))
212 if ie[2] in ieofielist:
213 f.write(" %sIEs_t %s;" % (re.sub('-', '_', ie[2]), ienameunderscore))
214 else:
215 f.write(" {0:<{pad}} {1};".format("%s_t" % ieunderscore, ienameunderscore, pad=iesDefs[key]["length"] + 2))
216 if ie[3] == "optional":
217 f.write(" ///< Optional field")
218 elif ie[3] == "conditional":
219 f.write(" ///< Conditional field")
220 f.write("\n")
222 f.write("} %s_t;\n\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', key)))
224f.write("typedef struct %s_message_s {\n" % (fileprefix))
225f.write(" uint8_t procedureCode;\n")
226f.write(" uint8_t criticality;\n")
227f.write(" uint8_t direction;\n")
228f.write(" union {\n")
230messageList = iesDefs.keys()
232for message in messageList:
233 if message in ieofielist.values():
234 continue
235 if len(iesDefs[message]["ies"]) == 0:
236 continue
237 f.write(" %s_t %s;\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', message), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', message))))
238f.write(" } msg;\n")
239f.write("} %s_message;\n\n" % (fileprefix))
241for key in iesDefs:
242 if key in ieofielist.values():
243 continue
244 structName = re.sub('ies', '', key)
245 asn1cStruct = re.sub('-', '_', re.sub('IEs', '', re.sub('-IEs', '', key)))
246 asn1cStruct = re.sub('Item', 'List', asn1cStruct)
247 keylowerunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', key.lower())
248 firstlower = re.sub('Item', 'List', re.sub('enb', 'eNB', lowerFirstCamelWord(asn1cStruct)))
249 f.write("/** \\brief Decode function for %s ies.\n" % (key))
250 if len(iesDefs[key]["ies"]) != 0:
251 f.write(" * \\param %s Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key))))
252 f.write(" * \\param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.\n")
253 f.write(" **/\n")
254 f.write("int %s_decode_%s(\n" % (fileprefix, keylowerunderscore))
256 if len(iesDefs[key]["ies"]) != 0:
257 f.write(" %s_t *%s,\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', key), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key))))
258 f.write(" ANY_t *any_p);\n\n")
260 if len(iesDefs[key]["ies"]) == 0:
261 continue
263 f.write("/** \\brief Encode function for %s ies.\n" % (key))
264 f.write(" * \\param %s Pointer to the ASN1 structure.\n" % (firstlower))
265 f.write(" * \\param %s Pointer to the IES structure.\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key))))
266 f.write(" **/\n")
267 f.write("int %s_encode_%s(\n" % (fileprefix, re.sub('-', '_', structName.lower())))
268 f.write(" %s_t *%s,\n" % (asn1cStruct, firstlower))
269 f.write(" %s_t *%s);\n\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', key), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key))))
271for key in iesDefs:
272 if key not in ieofielist.values():
273 continue
274 asn1cStruct = re.sub('-', '_', re.sub('IEs', '', key))
275 asn1cStruct = re.sub('Item', 'List', asn1cStruct)
276 firstlower = re.sub('Item', 'List', re.sub('enb', 'eNB', lowerFirstCamelWord(asn1cStruct)))
277 f.write("/** \\brief Encode function for %s ies.\n" % (key))
278 f.write(" * \\param %s Pointer to the ASN1 structure.\n" % (firstlower))
279 f.write(" * \\param %s Pointer to the IES structure.\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key))))
280 f.write(" **/\n")
281 f.write("int %s_encode_%s(\n" % (fileprefix, firstlower.lower()))
282 f.write(" %s_t *%s,\n" % (asn1cStruct, firstlower))
283 f.write(" %sIEs_t *%sIEs);\n\n" % (asn1cStruct, firstlower))
284 f.write("/** \\brief Decode function for %s ies.\n" % (key))
285 f.write(" * \\param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.\n")
286 f.write(" * \\param callback Callback function called when any_p is successfully decoded.\n")
287 f.write(" **/\n")
288 f.write("int %s_decode_%s(\n" % (fileprefix, firstlower.lower()))
289 f.write(" %sIEs_t *%sIEs,\n" % (asn1cStruct, firstlower))
290 f.write(" %s_t *%s);\n\n" % (asn1cStruct, lowerFirstCamelWord(asn1cStruct)))
291f.write("#endif /* %s_IES_DEFS_H_ */\n\n" % (fileprefix.upper()))
293#Generate Decode functions
294f = open(outdir + fileprefix + '_decoder.c', 'w')
295outputHeaderToFile(f, filename)
296f.write("#include \"%s_common.h\"\n#include \"%s_ies_defs.h\"\n\n" % (fileprefix, fileprefix))
297for key in iesDefs:
298 if key in ieofielist.values():
299 continue
300 structName = re.sub('ies', '', key)
301 asn1cStruct = re.sub('-', '_', re.sub('IEs', '', key))
302 asn1cStruct = re.sub('Item', 'List', asn1cStruct)
303 ielistname = re.sub('UE', 'ue', asn1cStruct)
304 ielistnamefirstlower = ielistname[:1].lower() + ielistname[1:]
305 asn1cStructfirstlower = asn1cStruct[:1].lower() + asn1cStruct[1:]
306 keyName = re.sub('-', '_', key)
307 keyupperunderscore = keyName.upper()
308 firstlower = re.sub('Item', 'List', re.sub('enb', 'eNB', lowerFirstCamelWord(asn1cStruct)))
310 iesaccess = ""
311 if key not in ieofielist.values():
312 iesaccess = "%s_ies." % (firstlower)
314 f.write("int %s_decode_%s(\n" % (fileprefix, re.sub('-', '_', structName.lower())))
315 if len(iesDefs[key]["ies"]) != 0:
316 f.write(" %s_t *%s,\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', key), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key))))
317 f.write(" ANY_t *any_p) {\n\n")
319 f.write(" %s_t %s;\n %s_t *%s_p = &%s;\n" % (asn1cStruct, asn1cStructfirstlower, asn1cStruct, asn1cStructfirstlower, asn1cStructfirstlower))
320 f.write(" int i, decoded = 0;\n")
321 if len(iesDefs[key]["ies"]) != 0:
322 f.write(" int tempDecoded = 0;\n")
324 f.write(" assert(any_p != NULL);\n")
325 if len(iesDefs[key]["ies"]) != 0:
326 f.write(" assert(%s != NULL);\n\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key))))
328 f.write(" %s_DEBUG(\"Decoding message %s (%%s:%%d)\\n\", __FILE__, __LINE__);\n\n" % (fileprefix.upper(), re.sub('-', '_', keyName)))
329 f.write(" ANY_to_type_aper(any_p, &asn_DEF_%s, (void**)&%s_p);\n\n" % (asn1cStruct, asn1cStructfirstlower))
330 f.write(" for (i = 0; i < %s_p->%slist.count; i++) {\n" % (asn1cStructfirstlower, iesaccess))
331 f.write(" IE_t *ie_p;\n")
332 f.write(" ie_p = %s_p->%slist.array[i];\n" % (asn1cStructfirstlower, iesaccess))
333 f.write(" switch(ie_p->id) {\n")
334 for ie in iesDefs[key]["ies"]:
335 iename = re.sub('id-', '', ie[0])
336 ienameunderscore = lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', iename))
337 ienameunderscorefirstlower = lowerFirstCamelWord(ienameunderscore)
338 ietypesubst = re.sub('-', '', ie[2])
339 ietypeunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', ie[2])
340 ieupperunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', ie[2]).upper()
341 if ie[3] == "optional":
342 f.write(" /* Optional field */\n")
343 elif ie[3] == "conditional":
344 f.write(" /* Conditional field */\n")
345 f.write(" case ProtocolIE_ID_%s:\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', ie[0])))
346 f.write(" {\n")
347 f.write(" %s_t %s;\n" % (ietypeunderscore, lowerFirstCamelWord(ietypesubst)))
348 f.write(" %s_t *%s_p = &%s;\n" % (ietypeunderscore, lowerFirstCamelWord(ietypesubst), lowerFirstCamelWord(ietypesubst)))
349 if ie[3] != "mandatory":
350 f.write(" %s->presenceMask |= %s_%s_PRESENT;\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key)), keyupperunderscore, ieupperunderscore))
351 f.write(" tempDecoded = ANY_to_type_aper(&ie_p->value, &asn_DEF_%s, (void**)&%s_p);\n" % (ietypeunderscore, lowerFirstCamelWord(ietypesubst)))
352 f.write(" if (tempDecoded < 0) {\n")
353 f.write(" %s_DEBUG(\"Decoding of IE %s failed\\n\");\n" % (fileprefix.upper(), ienameunderscore))
354 f.write(" return -1;\n")
355 f.write(" }\n")
356 f.write(" decoded += tempDecoded;\n")
357 f.write(" if (asn1_xer_print)\n")
358 f.write(" xer_fprint(stdout, &asn_DEF_%s, %s_p);\n" % (ietypeunderscore, lowerFirstCamelWord(ietypesubst)))
359 if ie[2] in ieofielist.keys():
360 f.write(" if (%s_decode_%s(&%s->%s, %s_p) < 0)\n" % (fileprefix, ietypeunderscore.lower(), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key)), ienameunderscore, lowerFirstCamelWord(ietypesubst)))
361 f.write(" %s_DEBUG(\"Decoding of encapsulated IE %s failed\\n\");\n" % (fileprefix.upper(), lowerFirstCamelWord(ietypesubst)))
362 else:
363 f.write(" memcpy(&%s->%s, %s_p, sizeof(%s_t));\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key)), ienameunderscore, lowerFirstCamelWord(ietypesubst), ietypeunderscore))
364 f.write(" } break;\n")
365 f.write(" default:\n")
366 f.write(" %s_DEBUG(\"Unknown protocol IE id (%%d) for message %s\\n\", (int)ie_p->id);\n" % (fileprefix.upper(), re.sub('-', '_', structName.lower())))
367 f.write(" return -1;\n")
368 f.write(" }\n")
369 f.write(" }\n")
370 f.write(" return decoded;\n")
371 f.write("}\n\n")
373for key in iesDefs:
374 if key not in ieofielist.values():
375 continue
377 keyname = re.sub('IEs', '', re.sub('Item', 'List', key))
379 f.write("int %s_decode_%s(\n" % (fileprefix, re.sub('-', '_', keyname).lower()))
380 f.write(" %sIEs_t *%sIEs,\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', keyname), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', keyname))))
381 f.write(" %s_t *%s) {\n\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', keyname), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', keyname))))
382 f.write(" int i, decoded = 0;\n")
383 f.write(" int tempDecoded = 0;\n\n")
384 f.write(" for (i = 0; i < %s->list.count; i++) {\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', keyname))))
385 f.write(" IE_t *ie_p = %s->list.array[i];\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', keyname))))
386 f.write(" switch (ie_p->id) {\n")
387 for ie in iesDefs[key]["ies"]:
388 iename = re.sub('id-', '', ie[0])
389 ienameunderscore = lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', iename))
390 f.write(" case ProtocolIE_ID_%s:\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', ie[0])))
391 f.write(" {\n")
392 f.write(" %s_t *%s_p;\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', ie[2]), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '', ie[2]))))
393 f.write(" tempDecoded = ANY_to_type_aper(&ie_p->value, &asn_DEF_%s, (void**)&%s_p);\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', ie[2]), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '', ie[2]))))
394 f.write(" if (tempDecoded < 0) {\n")
395 f.write(" %s_DEBUG(\"Decoding of IE %s for message %s failed\\n\");\n" % (fileprefix.upper(), ienameunderscore, re.sub('-', '_', keyname)))
396 f.write(" return -1;\n")
397 f.write(" }\n")
398 f.write(" decoded += tempDecoded;\n")
399 f.write(" if (asn1_xer_print)\n")
400 f.write(" xer_fprint(stdout, &asn_DEF_%s, %s_p);\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', ie[2]), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '', ie[2]))))
401 f.write(" ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&%sIEs->%s, %s_p);\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', keyname)),
402 re.sub('IEs', '', lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key))), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '', ie[2]))))
403 f.write(" } break;\n")
404 f.write(" default:\n")
405 f.write(" %s_DEBUG(\"Unknown protocol IE id (%%d) for message %s\\n\", (int)ie_p->id);\n" % (fileprefix.upper(), re.sub('-', '_', structName.lower())))
406 f.write(" return -1;\n")
407 f.write(" }\n")
408 f.write(" }\n")
409 f.write(" return decoded;\n")
410 f.write("}\n\n")
413#Generate IES Encode functions
414f = open(outdir + fileprefix + '_encoder.c', 'w')
416f.write("#include \"%s_common.h\"\n" % (fileprefix))
417f.write("#include \"%s_ies_defs.h\"\n\n" % (fileprefix))
418for key in iesDefs:
419 if key in ieofielist.values():
420 continue
422 structName = re.sub('ies', '', key)
423 asn1cStruct = re.sub('-', '_', re.sub('IEs', '', key))
424 asn1cStruct = re.sub('Item', 'List', asn1cStruct)
425 asn1cStructfirstlower = asn1cStruct[:1].lower() + asn1cStruct[1:]
426 firstwordlower = re.sub('Item', 'List', re.sub('enb', 'eNB', lowerFirstCamelWord(asn1cStruct)))
428 iesaccess = ""
429 if key not in ieofielist.values():
430 iesaccess = "%s_ies." % (firstwordlower)
432 keyName = re.sub('-', '_', key)
433 keyupperunderscore = keyName.upper()
434 # No IE to encode...
435 if len(iesDefs[key]["ies"]) == 0:
436 continue
438 f.write("int %s_encode_%s(\n" % (fileprefix, re.sub('-', '_', structName.lower())))
439 f.write(" %s_t *%s,\n" % (asn1cStruct, firstwordlower))
440 f.write(" %s_t *%s) {\n\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', key), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key))))
442 f.write(" IE_t *ie;\n\n")
444 for ie in iesDefs[key]["ies"]:
445 iename = re.sub('-', '_', re.sub('id-', '', ie[0]))
446 ienameunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', iename)
447 ienamefirstwordlower = lowerFirstCamelWord(iename)
448 ieupperunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', ie[2]).upper()
449 ietypeunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', ie[2])
450 if ie[3] != "mandatory":
451 if ie[3] == "optional":
452 f.write(" /* Optional field */\n")
453 elif ie[3] == "conditional":
454 f.write(" /* Conditional field */\n")
455 f.write(" if ((%s->presenceMask & %s_%s_PRESENT)\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key)), keyupperunderscore, ieupperunderscore))
456 f.write(" == %s_%s_PRESENT) {\n" % (keyupperunderscore, ieupperunderscore))
457 f.write(" if ((ie = %s_new_ie(ProtocolIE_ID_%s,\n" % (fileprefix, re.sub('-', '_', ie[0])))
458 f.write(" Criticality_%s,\n" % (ie[1]))
459 f.write(" &asn_DEF_%s,\n" % (ietypeunderscore))
460 f.write(" &%s->%s)) == NULL) {\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key)), ienamefirstwordlower))
461 f.write(" return -1;\n")
462 f.write(" }\n")
463 f.write(" ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&%s->%slist, ie);\n" % (firstwordlower, iesaccess))
464 f.write(" }\n\n")
465 else:
466 if ie[2] in ieofielist.keys():
467 f.write(" %s_t %s;\n\n" % (ietypeunderscore, ienamefirstwordlower))
468 f.write(" memset(&%s, 0, sizeof(%s_t));\n" % (ienamefirstwordlower, ietypeunderscore))
469 f.write("\n")
470 f.write(" if (%s_encode_%s(&%s, &%s->%s) < 0) return -1;\n" % (fileprefix, ietypeunderscore.lower(), ienamefirstwordlower, lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key)), ienamefirstwordlower))
471 f.write(" if ((ie = %s_new_ie(ProtocolIE_ID_%s,\n" % (fileprefix, re.sub('-', '_', ie[0])))
472 f.write(" Criticality_%s,\n" % (ie[1]))
473 f.write(" &asn_DEF_%s,\n" % (ietypeunderscore))
474 if ie[2] in ieofielist.keys():
475 f.write(" &%s)) == NULL) {\n" % (ienamefirstwordlower))
476 else:
477 f.write(" &%s->%s)) == NULL) {\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key)), ienamefirstwordlower))
478 f.write(" return -1;\n")
479 f.write(" }\n")
480 f.write(" ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&%s->%slist, ie);\n\n" % (firstwordlower, iesaccess))
482 f.write(" return 0;\n")
483 f.write("}\n\n")
485for (key, value) in iesDefs.items():
486 if key not in ieofielist.values():
487 continue
489 ie = value["ies"][0]
490 ietypeunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', ie[2])
491 asn1cStruct = re.sub('-', '_', re.sub('IEs', '', re.sub('-IEs', '', key)))
492 asn1cStruct = re.sub('Item', 'List', asn1cStruct)
493 firstwordlower = re.sub('Item', 'List', re.sub('enb', 'eNB', lowerFirstCamelWord(asn1cStruct)))
495 for (i, j) in ieofielist.items():
496 if j == key:
497 break
498 f.write("int %s_encode_%s(\n" % (fileprefix, re.sub('-', '_', i).lower()))
499 f.write(" %s_t *%s,\n" % (asn1cStruct, firstwordlower))
500 f.write(" %sIEs_t *%sIEs) {\n\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', i), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', i))))
501 f.write(" int i;\n")
503 f.write(" IE_t *ie;\n\n")
505 f.write(" for (i = 0; i < %sIEs->%s.count; i++) {\n" % (firstwordlower, re.sub('IEs', '', lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key)))))
506 f.write(" if ((ie = %s_new_ie(ProtocolIE_ID_%s,\n" % (fileprefix, re.sub('-', '_', ie[0])))
507 f.write(" Criticality_%s,\n" % (ie[1]))
508 f.write(" &asn_DEF_%s,\n" % (ietypeunderscore))
509 f.write(" %sIEs->%s.array[i])) == NULL) {\n" % (firstwordlower, re.sub('IEs', '', lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key)))))
510 f.write(" return -1;\n")
511 f.write(" }\n")
512 f.write(" ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&%s->list, ie);\n" % (firstwordlower))
513 f.write(" }\n")
514 f.write(" return 0;\n")
515 f.write("}\n\n")