import from Eurecom OpenAirInterface
diff --git a/asn1/utils/ b/asn1/utils/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d173b81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asn1/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+import re, os, sys, string
+import datetime
+import getopt
+import getpass
+version = "0.5"
+lines = ""
+iesDefs = {}
+ieofielist = {}
+outdir = './'
+filenames = []
+verbosity = 0
+prefix = ""
+FAIL = '\033[91m'
+WARN = '\033[93m'
+ENDC = '\033[0m'
+fileprefix = ""
+def printFail(string):
+    sys.stderr.write(FAIL + string + ENDC + "\n")
+def printWarning(string):
+    print WARN + string + ENDC
+def printDebug(string):
+    if verbosity > 0:
+        print string
+def outputHeaderToFile(f, filename):
+    now =
+    f.write("""/*******************************************************************************
+  Eurecom OpenAirInterface
+  Copyright(c) 1999 - 2012 Eurecom
+  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+  under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
+  version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+  This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
+  more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+  this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+  51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+  The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
+  the file called "COPYING".
+  Contact Information
+  Openair Admin:
+  Openair Tech :
+  Forums       :
+  Address      : EURECOM, Campus SophiaTech, 450 Route des Chappes
+                 06410 Biot FRANCE
+    f.write("/*******************************************************************************\n")
+    f.write(" * This file had been created by script v%s\n" % (version))
+    f.write(" * Please do not modify this file but regenerate it via script.\n")
+    f.write(" * Created on: %s by %s\n * from %s\n" % (str(now), getpass.getuser(), filenames))
+    f.write(" ******************************************************************************/\n")
+def lowerFirstCamelWord(word):
+    """ puts the first word in a CamelCase Word in lowercase.
+    I.e. CustomerID becomes customerID, XMLInfoTest becomes xmlInfoTest
+    """
+    newstr = ''
+    swapped = word.swapcase()
+    idx = 0
+    # if it's all-caps, return an all-lowered version
+    lowered = word.lower()
+    if swapped == lowered:
+        return lowered
+    for c in swapped:
+        if c in string.lowercase:
+            newstr += c
+            idx += 1
+        else:
+            break
+    if idx < 2:
+        newstr += word[idx:]
+    else:
+        newstr = newstr[:-1]+ word[idx-1:]
+    return newstr
+def usage():
+    print "Python parser for asn1 v%s" % (version)
+    print "Usage: python [options]"
+    print "Available options:"
+    print "-d        Enable script debug"
+    print "-f [file] Input file to parse"
+    print "-o [dir]  Output files to given directory"
+    print "-h        Print this help and return"
+    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "df:ho:", ["debug", "file", "help", "outdir"])
+except getopt.GetoptError as err:
+    # print help information and exit:
+    usage()
+    sys.exit(2)
+for o, a in opts:
+    if o in ("-f", "--file"):
+        filenames.append(a)
+    if o in ("-d", "--debug"):
+        verbosity = 1
+    if o in ("-o", "--outdir"):
+        outdir = a
+        if outdir.rfind('/') != len(outdir):
+            outdir += '/'
+    if o in ("-h", "--help"):
+        usage()
+        sys.exit(2)
+for filename in filenames:
+    file = open(filename, 'r')
+    for line in file:
+        # Removing any comment
+        if line.find('--') >= 0:
+            line = line[:line.find('--')]
+        # Removing any carriage return
+        lines += re.sub('\r', '', line)
+    for m in re.findall(r'([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\s*::=\s+SEQUENCE\s+\(\s*SIZE\s*\(\s*\d+\s*\.\.\s*[0-9a-zA-Z-]+\s*\)\s*\)\s*OF\s+[a-zA-Z-]+\s*\{\s*\{\s*([0-9a-zA-Z-]+)\s*\}\s*\}', lines, re.MULTILINE):
+        ieofielist[m[0]] = m[1]
+    for m in re.findall(r'([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\s*::=\s+E-RAB-IE-ContainerList\s*\{\s*\{\s*([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\s*\}\s*\}', lines, re.MULTILINE):
+        ieofielist[m[0]] = m[1]
+    for i in re.findall(r'([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\s+([A-Z0-9-]+)\s*::=\s*\{\s+([\,\|\{\}\t\n\.{3}\ \-a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s+}\n', lines, re.MULTILINE):
+        ies = []
+        maxLength = 0
+        # TODO: handle extensions
+        if i[1].find('EXTENSION') >= 0:
+            continue
+        if fileprefix == "":
+            fileprefix = i[1][:i[1].find('-')].lower()
+        for j in re.findall(r'\s*\{\s*([a-zA-Z0-9-\ \t]+)\s*\}\s*[\|,]*', i[2], re.MULTILINE):
+            for k in re.findall(r'ID\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)\s*CRITICALITY\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)\s+[A-Z]+\s+([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)\s*PRESENCE\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)', j, re.MULTILINE):
+                printDebug("Got new ie for message " + i[0] + ": " + str(k))
+                if len(k[2]) > maxLength:
+                    maxLength = len(k[2])
+                ies.append(k)
+        if len(ies) > 0:
+            iesDefs[i[0]] = { "length": maxLength, "ies": ies}
+        else:
+            printWarning("Didn't find any information element for message: " + i[0])
+if len(iesDefs) == 0:
+    printFail("No Information Element parsed, exiting")
+    sys.exit(0)
+f = open(outdir + fileprefix + '_ies_defs.h', 'w')
+outputHeaderToFile(f, filename)
+f.write("#include \"%s_common.h\"\n\n" % (fileprefix))
+f.write("#ifndef %s_IES_DEFS_H_\n#define %s_IES_DEFS_H_\n\n" % (fileprefix.upper(), fileprefix.upper()))
+for key in iesDefs:
+    if key not in ieofielist.values():
+        continue
+    for (i, j) in ieofielist.items():
+        if j == key:
+            break
+    f.write("typedef struct %sIEs_s {\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', i)))
+    f.write("    A_SEQUENCE_OF(struct %s_s) %s;\n" % (re.sub('IEs', '', re.sub('-', '_', ieofielist[i])), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('IEs', '', re.sub('-', '_', ieofielist[i])))))
+    f.write("} %sIEs_t;\n\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', i)))
+for key in iesDefs:
+    keyupperunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', key.upper())
+    keylowerunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', key.lower())
+    shift = 0
+    if len(iesDefs[key]["ies"]) == 0:
+        continue
+    # Presence mask
+    for ie in iesDefs[key]["ies"]:
+        ieupperunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', ie[2].upper())
+        if ie[3] == "optional" or ie[3] == "conditional":
+            f.write("#define {0:<{pad}} {1}\n".format("%s_%s_PRESENT" % (keyupperunderscore, ieupperunderscore), "(1 << %d)" % shift,
+            pad=iesDefs[key]["length"] + len(keyupperunderscore) + 9))
+            shift += 1
+    if (shift > 0):
+        f.write("\n")
+    f.write("typedef struct %s_s {\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', key)))
+    if (shift > 0):
+        f.write("    {0:<{pad}} {1};\n".format("uint16_t", "presenceMask", pad=iesDefs[key]["length"] + 2))
+    for ie in iesDefs[key]["ies"]:
+        ieunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', ie[2])
+        iename = re.sub('id-', '', ie[0])
+        ienameunderscore = lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', iename))
+        if ie[2] in ieofielist:
+            f.write("    %sIEs_t %s;" % (re.sub('-', '_', ie[2]), ienameunderscore))
+        else:
+            f.write("    {0:<{pad}} {1};".format("%s_t" % ieunderscore, ienameunderscore, pad=iesDefs[key]["length"] + 2))
+        if ie[3] == "optional":
+            f.write(" ///< Optional field")
+        elif ie[3] == "conditional":
+            f.write(" ///< Conditional field")
+        f.write("\n")
+    f.write("} %s_t;\n\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', key)))
+f.write("typedef struct %s_message_s {\n" % (fileprefix))
+f.write("    uint8_t procedureCode;\n")
+f.write("    uint8_t criticality;\n")
+f.write("    uint8_t direction;\n")
+f.write("    union {\n")
+messageList = iesDefs.keys()
+for message in messageList:
+    if message in ieofielist.values():
+        continue
+    if len(iesDefs[message]["ies"]) == 0:
+        continue
+    f.write("        %s_t %s;\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', message), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', message))))
+f.write("    } msg;\n")
+f.write("} %s_message;\n\n" % (fileprefix))
+for key in iesDefs:
+    if key in ieofielist.values():
+        continue
+    structName = re.sub('ies', '', key)
+    asn1cStruct = re.sub('-', '_', re.sub('IEs', '', re.sub('-IEs', '', key)))
+    asn1cStruct = re.sub('Item', 'List', asn1cStruct)
+    keylowerunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', key.lower())
+    firstlower = re.sub('Item', 'List', re.sub('enb', 'eNB', lowerFirstCamelWord(asn1cStruct)))
+    f.write("/** \\brief Decode function for %s ies.\n" % (key))
+    if len(iesDefs[key]["ies"]) != 0:
+        f.write(" * \\param %s Pointer to ASN1 structure in which data will be stored\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key))))
+    f.write(" *  \\param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.\n")
+    f.write(" **/\n")
+    f.write("int %s_decode_%s(\n" % (fileprefix, keylowerunderscore))
+    if len(iesDefs[key]["ies"]) != 0:
+        f.write("    %s_t *%s,\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', key), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key))))
+    f.write("    ANY_t *any_p);\n\n")
+    if len(iesDefs[key]["ies"]) == 0:
+        continue
+    f.write("/** \\brief Encode function for %s ies.\n" % (key))
+    f.write(" *  \\param %s Pointer to the ASN1 structure.\n" % (firstlower))
+    f.write(" *  \\param %s Pointer to the IES structure.\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key))))
+    f.write(" **/\n")
+    f.write("int %s_encode_%s(\n" % (fileprefix, re.sub('-', '_', structName.lower())))
+    f.write("    %s_t *%s,\n" % (asn1cStruct, firstlower))
+    f.write("    %s_t *%s);\n\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', key), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key))))
+for key in iesDefs:
+    if key not in ieofielist.values():
+        continue
+    asn1cStruct = re.sub('-', '_', re.sub('IEs', '', key))
+    asn1cStruct = re.sub('Item', 'List', asn1cStruct)
+    firstlower = re.sub('Item', 'List', re.sub('enb', 'eNB', lowerFirstCamelWord(asn1cStruct)))
+    f.write("/** \\brief Encode function for %s ies.\n" % (key))
+    f.write(" *  \\param %s Pointer to the ASN1 structure.\n" % (firstlower))
+    f.write(" *  \\param %s Pointer to the IES structure.\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key))))
+    f.write(" **/\n")
+    f.write("int %s_encode_%s(\n" % (fileprefix, firstlower.lower()))
+    f.write("    %s_t *%s,\n" % (asn1cStruct, firstlower))
+    f.write("    %sIEs_t *%sIEs);\n\n" % (asn1cStruct, firstlower))
+    f.write("/** \\brief Decode function for %s ies.\n" % (key))
+    f.write(" *  \\param any_p Pointer to the ANY value to decode.\n")
+    f.write(" *  \\param callback Callback function called when any_p is successfully decoded.\n")
+    f.write(" **/\n")
+    f.write("int %s_decode_%s(\n" % (fileprefix, firstlower.lower()))
+    f.write("    %sIEs_t *%sIEs,\n" % (asn1cStruct, firstlower))
+    f.write("    %s_t *%s);\n\n" % (asn1cStruct, lowerFirstCamelWord(asn1cStruct)))
+f.write("#endif /* %s_IES_DEFS_H_ */\n\n" % (fileprefix.upper()))
+#Generate Decode functions
+f = open(outdir + fileprefix + '_decoder.c', 'w')
+outputHeaderToFile(f, filename)
+f.write("#include \"%s_common.h\"\n#include \"%s_ies_defs.h\"\n\n" % (fileprefix, fileprefix))
+for key in iesDefs:
+    if key in ieofielist.values():
+        continue
+    structName = re.sub('ies', '', key)
+    asn1cStruct = re.sub('-', '_', re.sub('IEs', '', key))
+    asn1cStruct = re.sub('Item', 'List', asn1cStruct)
+    ielistname = re.sub('UE', 'ue', asn1cStruct)
+    ielistnamefirstlower = ielistname[:1].lower() + ielistname[1:]
+    asn1cStructfirstlower = asn1cStruct[:1].lower() + asn1cStruct[1:]
+    keyName = re.sub('-', '_', key)
+    keyupperunderscore = keyName.upper()
+    firstlower = re.sub('Item', 'List', re.sub('enb', 'eNB', lowerFirstCamelWord(asn1cStruct)))
+    iesaccess = ""
+    if key not in ieofielist.values():
+        iesaccess = "%s_ies." % (firstlower)
+    f.write("int %s_decode_%s(\n" % (fileprefix, re.sub('-', '_', structName.lower())))
+    if len(iesDefs[key]["ies"]) != 0:
+        f.write("    %s_t *%s,\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', key), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key))))
+    f.write("    ANY_t *any_p) {\n\n")
+    f.write("    %s_t  %s;\n    %s_t *%s_p = &%s;\n" % (asn1cStruct, asn1cStructfirstlower, asn1cStruct, asn1cStructfirstlower, asn1cStructfirstlower))
+    f.write("    int i, decoded = 0;\n")
+    if len(iesDefs[key]["ies"]) != 0:
+        f.write("    int tempDecoded = 0;\n")
+    f.write("    assert(any_p != NULL);\n")
+    if len(iesDefs[key]["ies"]) != 0:
+        f.write("    assert(%s != NULL);\n\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key))))
+    f.write("    %s_DEBUG(\"Decoding message %s (%%s:%%d)\\n\", __FILE__, __LINE__);\n\n" % (fileprefix.upper(), re.sub('-', '_', keyName)))
+    f.write("    ANY_to_type_aper(any_p, &asn_DEF_%s, (void**)&%s_p);\n\n" % (asn1cStruct, asn1cStructfirstlower))
+    f.write("    for (i = 0; i < %s_p->%slist.count; i++) {\n" % (asn1cStructfirstlower, iesaccess))
+    f.write("        IE_t *ie_p;\n")
+    f.write("        ie_p = %s_p->%slist.array[i];\n" % (asn1cStructfirstlower, iesaccess))
+    f.write("        switch(ie_p->id) {\n")
+    for ie in iesDefs[key]["ies"]:
+        iename = re.sub('id-', '', ie[0])
+        ienameunderscore = lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', iename))
+        ienameunderscorefirstlower = lowerFirstCamelWord(ienameunderscore)
+        ietypesubst = re.sub('-', '', ie[2])
+        ietypeunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', ie[2])
+        ieupperunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', ie[2]).upper()
+        if ie[3] == "optional":
+            f.write("            /* Optional field */\n")
+        elif ie[3] == "conditional":
+            f.write("            /* Conditional field */\n")
+        f.write("            case ProtocolIE_ID_%s:\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', ie[0])))
+        f.write("            {\n")
+        f.write("                %s_t  %s;\n" % (ietypeunderscore, lowerFirstCamelWord(ietypesubst)))
+        f.write("                %s_t *%s_p = &%s;\n" % (ietypeunderscore, lowerFirstCamelWord(ietypesubst), lowerFirstCamelWord(ietypesubst)))
+        if ie[3] != "mandatory":
+            f.write("                %s->presenceMask |= %s_%s_PRESENT;\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key)), keyupperunderscore, ieupperunderscore))
+        f.write("                tempDecoded = ANY_to_type_aper(&ie_p->value, &asn_DEF_%s, (void**)&%s_p);\n" % (ietypeunderscore, lowerFirstCamelWord(ietypesubst)))
+        f.write("                if (tempDecoded < 0) {\n")
+        f.write("                    %s_DEBUG(\"Decoding of IE %s failed\\n\");\n" % (fileprefix.upper(), ienameunderscore))
+        f.write("                    return -1;\n")
+        f.write("                }\n")
+        f.write("                decoded += tempDecoded;\n")
+        f.write("                if (asn1_xer_print)\n")
+        f.write("                    xer_fprint(stdout, &asn_DEF_%s, %s_p);\n" % (ietypeunderscore, lowerFirstCamelWord(ietypesubst)))
+        if ie[2] in ieofielist.keys():
+            f.write("                if (%s_decode_%s(&%s->%s, %s_p) < 0)\n" % (fileprefix, ietypeunderscore.lower(), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key)), ienameunderscore, lowerFirstCamelWord(ietypesubst)))
+            f.write("                    %s_DEBUG(\"Decoding of encapsulated IE %s failed\\n\");\n" % (fileprefix.upper(), lowerFirstCamelWord(ietypesubst)))
+        else:
+            f.write("                memcpy(&%s->%s, %s_p, sizeof(%s_t));\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key)), ienameunderscore, lowerFirstCamelWord(ietypesubst), ietypeunderscore))
+        f.write("            } break;\n")
+    f.write("            default:\n")
+    f.write("                %s_DEBUG(\"Unknown protocol IE id (%%d) for message %s\\n\", (int)ie_p->id);\n" % (fileprefix.upper(), re.sub('-', '_', structName.lower())))
+    f.write("                return -1;\n")
+    f.write("        }\n")
+    f.write("    }\n")
+    f.write("    return decoded;\n")
+    f.write("}\n\n")
+for key in iesDefs:
+    if key not in ieofielist.values():
+        continue
+    keyname = re.sub('IEs', '', re.sub('Item', 'List', key))
+    f.write("int %s_decode_%s(\n" % (fileprefix, re.sub('-', '_', keyname).lower()))
+    f.write("    %sIEs_t *%sIEs,\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', keyname), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', keyname))))
+    f.write("    %s_t *%s) {\n\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', keyname), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', keyname))))
+    f.write("    int i, decoded = 0;\n")
+    f.write("    int tempDecoded = 0;\n\n")
+    f.write("    for (i = 0; i < %s->list.count; i++) {\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', keyname))))
+    f.write("        IE_t *ie_p = %s->list.array[i];\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', keyname))))
+    f.write("        switch (ie_p->id) {\n")
+    for ie in iesDefs[key]["ies"]:
+        iename = re.sub('id-', '', ie[0])
+        ienameunderscore = lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', iename))
+        f.write("            case ProtocolIE_ID_%s:\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', ie[0])))
+        f.write("            {\n")
+        f.write("                %s_t *%s_p;\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', ie[2]), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '', ie[2]))))
+        f.write("                tempDecoded = ANY_to_type_aper(&ie_p->value, &asn_DEF_%s, (void**)&%s_p);\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', ie[2]), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '', ie[2]))))
+        f.write("                if (tempDecoded < 0) {\n")
+        f.write("                    %s_DEBUG(\"Decoding of IE %s for message %s failed\\n\");\n" % (fileprefix.upper(), ienameunderscore, re.sub('-', '_', keyname)))
+        f.write("                    return -1;\n")
+        f.write("                }\n")
+        f.write("                decoded += tempDecoded;\n")
+        f.write("                if (asn1_xer_print)\n")
+        f.write("                    xer_fprint(stdout, &asn_DEF_%s, %s_p);\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', ie[2]), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '', ie[2]))))
+        f.write("                ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&%sIEs->%s, %s_p);\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', keyname)),
+        re.sub('IEs', '', lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key))), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '', ie[2]))))
+        f.write("            } break;\n")
+    f.write("            default:\n")
+    f.write("                %s_DEBUG(\"Unknown protocol IE id (%%d) for message %s\\n\", (int)ie_p->id);\n" % (fileprefix.upper(), re.sub('-', '_', structName.lower())))
+    f.write("                return -1;\n")
+    f.write("        }\n")
+    f.write("    }\n")
+    f.write("    return decoded;\n")
+    f.write("}\n\n")
+#Generate IES Encode functions
+f = open(outdir + fileprefix + '_encoder.c', 'w')
+f.write("#include \"%s_common.h\"\n" % (fileprefix))
+f.write("#include \"%s_ies_defs.h\"\n\n" % (fileprefix))
+for key in iesDefs:
+    if key in ieofielist.values():
+        continue
+    structName = re.sub('ies', '', key)
+    asn1cStruct = re.sub('-', '_', re.sub('IEs', '', key))
+    asn1cStruct = re.sub('Item', 'List', asn1cStruct)
+    asn1cStructfirstlower = asn1cStruct[:1].lower() + asn1cStruct[1:]
+    firstwordlower = re.sub('Item', 'List', re.sub('enb', 'eNB', lowerFirstCamelWord(asn1cStruct)))
+    iesaccess = ""
+    if key not in ieofielist.values():
+        iesaccess = "%s_ies." % (firstwordlower)
+    keyName = re.sub('-', '_', key)
+    keyupperunderscore = keyName.upper()
+    # No IE to encode...
+    if len(iesDefs[key]["ies"]) == 0:
+        continue
+    f.write("int %s_encode_%s(\n" % (fileprefix, re.sub('-', '_', structName.lower())))
+    f.write("    %s_t *%s,\n" % (asn1cStruct, firstwordlower))
+    f.write("    %s_t *%s) {\n\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', key), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key))))
+    f.write("    IE_t *ie;\n\n")
+    for ie in iesDefs[key]["ies"]:
+        iename = re.sub('-', '_', re.sub('id-', '', ie[0]))
+        ienameunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', iename)
+        ienamefirstwordlower = lowerFirstCamelWord(iename)
+        ieupperunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', ie[2]).upper()
+        ietypeunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', ie[2])
+        if ie[3] != "mandatory":
+            if ie[3] == "optional":
+                f.write("    /* Optional field */\n")
+            elif ie[3] == "conditional":
+                f.write("    /* Conditional field */\n")
+            f.write("    if ((%s->presenceMask & %s_%s_PRESENT)\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key)), keyupperunderscore, ieupperunderscore))
+            f.write("        == %s_%s_PRESENT) {\n" % (keyupperunderscore, ieupperunderscore))
+            f.write("        if ((ie = %s_new_ie(ProtocolIE_ID_%s,\n" % (fileprefix, re.sub('-', '_', ie[0])))
+            f.write("                              Criticality_%s,\n" % (ie[1]))
+            f.write("                              &asn_DEF_%s,\n" % (ietypeunderscore))
+            f.write("                              &%s->%s)) == NULL) {\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key)), ienamefirstwordlower))
+            f.write("            return -1;\n")
+            f.write("        }\n")
+            f.write("        ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&%s->%slist, ie);\n" % (firstwordlower, iesaccess))
+            f.write("    }\n\n")
+        else:
+            if ie[2] in ieofielist.keys():
+                f.write("    %s_t %s;\n\n" % (ietypeunderscore, ienamefirstwordlower))
+                f.write("    memset(&%s, 0, sizeof(%s_t));\n" % (ienamefirstwordlower, ietypeunderscore))
+                f.write("\n")
+                f.write("    if (%s_encode_%s(&%s, &%s->%s) < 0) return -1;\n" % (fileprefix, ietypeunderscore.lower(), ienamefirstwordlower, lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key)), ienamefirstwordlower))
+            f.write("    if ((ie = %s_new_ie(ProtocolIE_ID_%s,\n" % (fileprefix, re.sub('-', '_', ie[0])))
+            f.write("                          Criticality_%s,\n" % (ie[1]))
+            f.write("                          &asn_DEF_%s,\n" % (ietypeunderscore))
+            if ie[2] in ieofielist.keys():
+                f.write("                          &%s)) == NULL) {\n" % (ienamefirstwordlower))
+            else:
+                f.write("                          &%s->%s)) == NULL) {\n" % (lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key)), ienamefirstwordlower))
+            f.write("        return -1;\n")
+            f.write("    }\n")
+            f.write("    ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&%s->%slist, ie);\n\n" % (firstwordlower, iesaccess))
+    f.write("    return 0;\n")
+    f.write("}\n\n")
+for (key, value) in iesDefs.items():
+    if key not in ieofielist.values():
+        continue
+    ie = value["ies"][0]
+    ietypeunderscore = re.sub('-', '_', ie[2])
+    asn1cStruct = re.sub('-', '_', re.sub('IEs', '', re.sub('-IEs', '', key)))
+    asn1cStruct = re.sub('Item', 'List', asn1cStruct)
+    firstwordlower = re.sub('Item', 'List', re.sub('enb', 'eNB', lowerFirstCamelWord(asn1cStruct)))
+    for (i, j) in ieofielist.items():
+        if j == key:
+            break
+    f.write("int %s_encode_%s(\n" % (fileprefix, re.sub('-', '_', i).lower()))
+    f.write("    %s_t *%s,\n" % (asn1cStruct, firstwordlower))
+    f.write("    %sIEs_t *%sIEs) {\n\n" % (re.sub('-', '_', i), lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', i))))
+    f.write("    int i;\n")
+    f.write("    IE_t *ie;\n\n")
+    f.write("    for (i = 0; i < %sIEs->%s.count; i++) {\n" % (firstwordlower, re.sub('IEs', '', lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key)))))
+    f.write("        if ((ie = %s_new_ie(ProtocolIE_ID_%s,\n" % (fileprefix, re.sub('-', '_', ie[0])))
+    f.write("                              Criticality_%s,\n" % (ie[1]))
+    f.write("                              &asn_DEF_%s,\n" % (ietypeunderscore))
+    f.write("                              %sIEs->%s.array[i])) == NULL) {\n" % (firstwordlower, re.sub('IEs', '', lowerFirstCamelWord(re.sub('-', '_', key)))))
+    f.write("            return -1;\n")
+    f.write("        }\n")
+    f.write("        ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&%s->list, ie);\n" % (firstwordlower))
+    f.write("    }\n")
+    f.write("    return 0;\n")
+    f.write("}\n\n")