blob: 9e8255712dd449f8b5133d3ceb2dbbbe31ab86d8 [file] [log] [blame]
A board defines a given circuit board, i.e. SIMtrace, OWHW, QMOD
It defines the given hardware model for which the program is to be
Current boards supported are:
* simtrace: The good old Osmocom SIMtrace PCB with SAM3 instead of
SAM7, open hardware.
* qmod: A sysmocom-proprietary quad mPCIe carrier board, publicly available
* owhw: An undisclosed sysmocom-internal board, not publicly available
An application is a specific piece of software with given
An environment is a runtime environment, typically defined by a linker
script. The current runtime environments include
* flash: Run natively from start of flash memory
* dfu: Run after a DFU bootloader from an offset after the first 16k
of flash (the first 16k are reserved for the bootloader)
* ram: Run from within the RAM of the chip, downloaded via JTAG/SWD
== Building
A given software build is made for a specific combination of an APP
running in a certain ENVIRONMENT on a given BOARD.
A Makefile is provided. It will create output files in the format
You can specify the APP and BOARD to build when calling make, like
* make APP=cardem BOARD=qmod
* make APP=dfu BOARD=qmod
The level of debug messages can be altered at compile time:
$ make TRACE_LEVEL=4
Accepted values: 0 (NO_TRACE) to 5 (DEBUG)
== Flashing
For flashing the firmware, there are at least two options.
=== Using JTAG + OpenOCD to flash the DFU bootloader
The first one is using openocd and a JTAG key.
For this option, a JTAG connector has to be soldered onto the board, which is not attached per default.
$ openocd -f openocd/openocd.cfg -c "init" -c "halt" -c "flash write_bank 0 ./bin/$(BOARD)-dfu-flash.bin 0" -c "reset" -c "shutdown"
=== Using bossac to flash the DFU bootloader
The second option is using rumba for flashing. No further hardware has to be provided for this option.
=== Using DFU to flash application