blob: fc780b15959fe81a57ebc021781693b3410aea54 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <libusb.h>
struct dev_id {
uint16_t vendor_id;
uint16_t product_id;
/* Find any USB devices in the system matching the given Vendor and
* Product ID */
libusb_device **find_matching_usb_devs(const struct dev_id *dev_ids);
/* structure describing a single matching interface found */
struct usb_interface_match {
/* libusb device E*/
libusb_device *usb_dev;
/* Vendor ID of the device running matching interface */
uint16_t vendor;
/* Product ID of the device running matching interface */
uint16_t product;
/* USB Bus Address */
uint8_t addr;
/* configuration of matching interface */
uint8_t configuration;
/* interface number of matching interface */
uint8_t interface;
/* altsetting of matching interface */
uint8_t altsetting;
/* bInterfaceClass of matching interface */
uint8_t class;
/* bInterfaceSubClass of matching interface */
uint8_t sub_class;
/* bInterfaceProtocol of matching interface */
uint8_t protocol;
/* index of string descriptor of matching interface */
uint8_t string_idx;
int dev_find_matching_interfaces(libusb_device *dev, int class, int sub_class, int protocol,
struct usb_interface_match *out, unsigned int out_len);
int usb_match_interfaces(libusb_context *ctx, const struct dev_id *dev_ids,
int class, int sub_class, int protocol,
struct usb_interface_match *out, unsigned int out_len);
libusb_device_handle *usb_open_claim_interface(libusb_context *ctx,
const struct usb_interface_match *ifm);