blob: 249a55b2fa4901a9b3b808b1a6ea36c3a8d49405 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef SIMTRACE_H
#define SIMTRACE_H
/* Endpoint numbers */
#define DATAOUT 1
#define DATAIN 2
#define INT 3
#define BUFLEN 5
#define PHONE_DATAIN 5
#define PHONE_INT 6
typedef struct ring_buffer
uint8_t buf[BUFLEN*2]; // data buffer
uint8_t idx; // number of items in the buffer
} ring_buffer;
extern volatile ring_buffer buf;
extern volatile bool rcvdChar;
extern volatile uint32_t char_stat;
extern volatile enum confNum simtrace_config;
enum confNum {
/// CCIDDriverConfiguration Descriptors
/// List of descriptors that make up the configuration descriptors of a
/// device using the CCID driver.
typedef struct {
/// Configuration descriptor
USBConfigurationDescriptor configuration;
/// Interface descriptor
USBInterfaceDescriptor interface;
/// CCID descriptor
CCIDDescriptor ccid;
/// Bulk OUT endpoint descriptor
USBEndpointDescriptor bulkOut;
/// Bulk IN endpoint descriptor
USBEndpointDescriptor bulkIn;
/// Interrupt OUT endpoint descriptor
USBEndpointDescriptor interruptIn;
} __attribute__ ((packed)) CCIDDriverConfigurationDescriptors;
extern const USBConfigurationDescriptor *configurationDescriptorsArr[];
/* Helper functions */
// FIXME: static function definitions
extern uint32_t _ISO7816_GetChar( uint8_t *pCharToReceive );
extern uint32_t _ISO7816_SendChar( uint8_t CharToSend );
/* Configure functions */
extern void Sniffer_configure( void );
extern void CCID_configure( void );
extern void Phone_configure( void );
extern void MITM_configure( void );
/* Init functions */
extern void Sniffer_init( void );
extern void CCID_init( void );
extern void Phone_init( void );
extern void MITM_init( void );
extern void SIMtrace_USB_Initialize( void );
extern void _ISO7816_Init( void );
/* Exit functions */
extern void Sniffer_exit( void );
extern void CCID_exit( void );
extern void Phone_exit( void );
extern void MITM_exit( void );
/* Run functions */
extern void Sniffer_run( void );
extern void CCID_run( void );
extern void Phone_run( void );
extern void MITM_run( void );
/* Timer helper function */
void Timer_Init( void );
void TC0_Counter_Reset( void );
#endif /* SIMTRACE_H */