blob: a6f8a50e6907617b573922db7e11752bc567d954 [file] [log] [blame]
chrysh@gearbox ..a_thesis/sysmocom_repo/usb_application (git)-[master] % ./ -b :(
('args: ', Namespace(cmd=None, conf=None, read_bin=True, select_file=False, sniff=False))
pcsc: wait_for_card
Reading ...
pdu: a0b000000a
ICCID: 8949901701053518711
pdu: a0b0000009
IMSI: 901702391248819
SMSP: ffffffffffffffffffffffffe1ffffffffffffffffffffffff058100945555ffffffffffff000000
pdu: a0b0000002
ACC: ffff
MSISDN: Not available
Done !
chrysh@gearbox ..a_thesis/sysmocom_repo/usb_application (git)-[master] % ./ -S
('args: ', Namespace(cmd=None, conf=None, read_bin=False, select_file=True, sniff=False))
Context established!
PCSC Readers: ['Gemalto USB Shell Token V2 00 00']
Using reader: Gemalto USB Shell Token V2 00 00
Connected with active protocol 1
Select: 0x6E 0x00
Command: 0x6E 0x00
Released context.
chrysh@gearbox ..a_thesis/sysmocom_repo/usb_application (git)-[master] % ./ -b
('args: ', Namespace(cmd=None, conf=None, read_bin=True, select_file=False, sniff=False))
pcsc: wait_for_card
Reading ...
pdu: a0b000000a
ICCID: 8988211000000004534
pdu: a0b0000009
IMSI: Can't read, response code = 9804
SMSP: Can't read, response code = 9804
pdu: a0b0000042
HPLMN: Can't read, response code = 9804
pdu: a0b0000002
ACC: Can't read, response code = 9804
MSISDN: Can't read, response code = 9804
Done !
chrysh@gearbox ..a_thesis/sysmocom_repo/usb_application (git)-[master] % ./ -S
('args: ', Namespace(cmd=None, conf=None, read_bin=False, select_file=True, sniff=False))
Context established!
PCSC Readers: ['Gemalto USB Shell Token V2 00 00']
Using reader: Gemalto USB Shell Token V2 00 00
Connected with active protocol 1
Select: 0x6E 0x00
Command: 0x6D 0x00
Released context.
chrysh@gearbox ..a_thesis/sysmocom_repo/usb_application (git)-[master] % ./ -S
('args: ', Namespace(cmd=None, conf=None, read_bin=False, select_file=True, sniff=False))
Context established!
PCSC Readers: ['Gemalto USB Shell Token V2 01 00']
Using reader: Gemalto USB Shell Token V2 01 00
Connected with active protocol 1
Select: 0x6E 0x00
Command: 0x6E 0x00
Released context.
chrysh@gearbox ..a_thesis/sysmocom_repo/usb_application (git)-[master] % ./ -b
('args: ', Namespace(cmd=None, conf=None, read_bin=True, select_file=False, sniff=False))
pcsc: wait_for_card
Reading ...
pdu: a0b000000a
ICCID: 8949901701053518711
pdu: a0b0000009
IMSI: 901702391248819
ßSMSP: ffffffffffffffffffffffffe1ffffffffffffffffffffffff058100945555ffffffffffff000000
pdu: a0b000002d
HPLMN: 09f107ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
('Unexpected error:', <type 'exceptions.NameError'>)
pdu: a0b0000002
ACC: ffff
MSISDN: Not available
Done !
WEISE SIM mit SELECT vom file:
chrysh@gearbox ..a_thesis/sysmocom_repo/usb_application (git)-[master] % ./ -S
('args: ', Namespace(cmd=None, conf=None, read_bin=False, select_file=True, sniff=False))
Context established!
PCSC Readers: ['Gemalto USB Shell Token V2 01 00']
Using reader: Gemalto USB Shell Token V2 01 00
Connected with active protocol 1
Select: 0x9F 0x16
Command: 0x6E 0x00
Released context.