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# -*- mode: python-mode; py-indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
* Copyright (C) 2016 sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH
* All Rights Reserved
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import struct, random, sys
class IPA(object):
Stateless IPA protocol multiplexer: add/remove/parse (extended) header
version = "0.0.6"
# OpenBSC extensions: OSMO, MGCP_OLD
PROTO = dict(RSL=0x00, CCM=0xFE, SCCP=0xFD, OML=0xFF, OSMO=0xEE, MGCP_OLD=0xFC)
# ...OML Router Control, GSUP GPRS extension, Osmocom Authn Protocol
EXT = dict(CTRL=0, MGCP=1, LAC=2, SMSC=3, ORC=4, GSUP=5, OAP=6, RSPRO=7)
# OpenBSC extension: SCCP_OLD
MSGT = dict(PING=0x00, PONG=0x01, ID_GET=0x04, ID_RESP=0x05, ID_ACK=0x06, SCCP_OLD=0xFF)
def _l(self, d, p):
Reverse dictionary lookup: return key for a given value
if p is None:
return 'UNKNOWN'
return list(d.keys())[list(d.values()).index(p)]
def _tag(self, t, v):
Create TAG as TLV data
return struct.pack(">HB", len(v) + 1, t) + v
def proto(self, p):
Lookup protocol name
return self._l(self.PROTO, p)
def ext(self, p):
Lookup protocol extension name
return self._l(self.EXT, p)
def msgt(self, p):
Lookup message type name
return self._l(self.MSGT, p)
def idtag(self, p):
Lookup ID tag name
return self._l(self._IDTAG, p)
def ext_name(self, proto, exten):
Return proper extension byte name depending on the protocol used
if self.PROTO['CCM'] == proto:
return self.msgt(exten)
if self.PROTO['OSMO'] == proto:
return self.ext(exten)
return None
def add_header(self, data, proto, ext=None):
Add IPA header (with extension if necessary), data must be represented as bytes
if ext is None:
return struct.pack(">HB", len(data) + 1, proto) + data
return struct.pack(">HBB", len(data) + 1, proto, ext) + data
def del_header(self, data):
Strip IPA protocol header correctly removing extension if present
Returns data length, IPA protocol, extension (or None if not defined for a give protocol) and the data without header
if not len(data):
return None, None, None, None
(dlen, proto) = struct.unpack('>HB', data[:3])
if self.PROTO['OSMO'] == proto or self.PROTO['CCM'] == proto: # there's extension which we have to unpack
return struct.unpack('>HBB', data[:4]) + (data[4:], ) # length, protocol, extension, data
return dlen, proto, None, data[3:] # length, protocol, _, data
def split_combined(self, data):
Split the data which contains multiple concatenated IPA messages into tuple (first, rest) where rest contains remaining messages, first is the single IPA message
(length, _, _, _) = self.del_header(data)
return data[:(length + 3)], data[(length + 3):]
def tag_serial(self, data):
Make TAG for serial number
return self._tag(self._IDTAG['SERNR'], data)
def tag_name(self, data):
Make TAG for unit name
return self._tag(self._IDTAG['UNITNAME'], data)
def tag_loc(self, data):
Make TAG for location
return self._tag(self._IDTAG['LOCATION'], data)
def tag_type(self, data):
Make TAG for unit type
return self._tag(self._IDTAG['TYPE'], data)
def tag_equip(self, data):
Make TAG for equipment version
return self._tag(self._IDTAG['EQUIPVERS'], data)
def tag_sw(self, data):
Make TAG for software version
return self._tag(self._IDTAG['SWVERSION'], data)
def tag_ip(self, data):
Make TAG for IP address
return self._tag(self._IDTAG['IPADDR'], data)
def tag_mac(self, data):
Make TAG for MAC address
return self._tag(self._IDTAG['MACADDR'], data)
def tag_unit(self, data):
Make TAG for unit ID
return self._tag(self._IDTAG['UNIT'], data)
def identity(self, unit=b'', mac=b'', location=b'', utype=b'', equip=b'', sw=b'', name=b'', serial=b''):
Make IPA IDENTITY tag list, by default returns empty concatenated bytes of tag list
return self.tag_unit(unit) + self.tag_mac(mac) + self.tag_loc(location) + self.tag_type(utype) + self.tag_equip(equip) + self.tag_sw(sw) + self.tag_name(name) + self.tag_serial(serial)
def ping(self):
Make PING message
return self.add_header(b'', self.PROTO['CCM'], self.MSGT['PING'])
def pong(self):
Make PONG message
return self.add_header(b'', self.PROTO['CCM'], self.MSGT['PONG'])
def id_ack(self):
Make ID_ACK CCM message
return self.add_header(b'', self.PROTO['CCM'], self.MSGT['ID_ACK'])
def id_get(self):
Make ID_GET CCM message
return self.add_header(self.identity(), self.PROTO['CCM'], self.MSGT['ID_GET'])
def id_resp(self, data):
Make ID_RESP CCM message
return self.add_header(data, self.PROTO['CCM'], self.MSGT['ID_RESP'])
class Ctrl(IPA):
Osmocom CTRL protocol implemented on top of IPA multiplexer
def __init__(self):
def add_header(self, data):
Add CTRL header
return super(Ctrl, self).add_header(data.encode('utf-8'), IPA.PROTO['OSMO'], IPA.EXT['CTRL'])
def rem_header(self, data):
Remove CTRL header, check for appropriate protocol and extension
(_, proto, ext, d) = super(Ctrl, self).del_header(data)
if self.PROTO['OSMO'] != proto or self.EXT['CTRL'] != ext:
return None
return d
def parse(self, raw_data):
Parse Ctrl string returning (id, var, value) tuple
var could be None in case of ERROR message
value could be None in case of GET message
both could be None in case of TRAP with non-zero id
data = self.rem_header(raw_data)
if data == None:
return None, None, None
data = data.decode('utf-8')
(s, i, v) = data.split(' ', 2)
if s == self.CTRL_ERR:
return i, None, v
if s == self.CTRL_GET:
return i, v, None
if s == self.CTRL_GET + '_' + self.CTRL_REP:
return i, v, None
(s, i, var, val) = data.split(' ', 3)
if s == self.CTRL_TRAP and i != '0':
return i, None, None
return i, var, val
def parse_kv(self, raw_data):
Parse Ctrl string returning (var, value) pair
var could be None in case of ERROR message
value could be None in case of GET message
(i, var, val) = self.parse(raw_data)
return var, val
def trap(self, var, val):
Make TRAP message with given (vak, val) pair
return self.add_header("%s 0 %s %s" % (self.CTRL_TRAP, var, val))
def cmd(self, var, val=None):
Make SET/GET command message: returns (r, m) tuple where r is random operation id and m is assembled message
r = random.randint(1, sys.maxsize)
if val is not None:
return r, self.add_header("%s %s %s %s" % (self.CTRL_SET, r, var, val))
return r, self.add_header("%s %s %s" % (self.CTRL_GET, r, var))
def reply(self, op_id, var, val=None):
Make SET/GET command reply: returns assembled message
if val is not None:
return self.add_header("%s_%s %s %s %s" % (self.CTRL_SET, self.CTRL_REP, op_id, var, val))
return self.add_header("%s_%s %s %s" % (self.CTRL_GET, self.CTRL_REP, op_id, var))
def verify(self, reply, r, var, val=None):
Verify reply to SET/GET command: returns (b, v) tuple where v is True/False verification result and v is the variable value
(k, v) = self.parse_kv(reply)
if k != var or (val is not None and v != val):
return False, v
return True, v
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("IPA multiplexer v%s loaded." % IPA.version)