blob: 75c386265a77bd90e0b465c51ce74c78e589ca60 [file] [log] [blame]
Using PC/SC reader interface
Reading ...
Autodetected card type: sysmoUSIM-SJS1
ICCID: 1122334455667788990
IMSI: 001010000000102
GID1: ffffffffffffffffffff
GID2: ffffffffffffffffffff
SMSP: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe1ffffffffffffffffffffffff0581005155f5ffffffffffff000000
SPN: Magic
Display HPLMN: True
Display OPLMN: True
PLMNsel: fff11fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
fff11fffff # MCC: 001 MNC: 001 AcT: UTRAN, E-UTRAN, GSM, GSM COMPACT, cdma2000 HRPD, cdma2000 1xRTT
ffffff0000 # unused
ffffff0000 # unused
ffffff0000 # unused
ffffff0000 # unused
ffffff0000 # unused
ffffff0000 # unused
ffffff0000 # unused
ffffff0000 # unused
ffffff0000 # unused
ffffff0000 # unused
ffffff0000 # unused
fff11fffff # MCC: 001 MNC: 001 AcT: UTRAN, E-UTRAN, GSM, GSM COMPACT, cdma2000 HRPD, cdma2000 1xRTT
ffffff0000 # unused
ffffff0000 # unused
ffffff0000 # unused
ffffff0000 # unused
ffffff0000 # unused
ffffff0000 # unused
ffffff0000 # unused
ffffff0000 # unused
ffffff0000 # unused
ffffff0000 # unused
ffffff0000 # unused
fff11fffff # MCC: 001 MNC: 001 AcT: UTRAN, E-UTRAN, GSM, GSM COMPACT, cdma2000 HRPD, cdma2000 1xRTT
ffffff0000 # unused
ffffff0000 # unused
ffffff0000 # unused
ffffff0000 # unused
ffffff0000 # unused
ffffff0000 # unused
ffffff0000 # unused
ffffff0000 # unused
ffffff0000 # unused
ffffff0000 # unused
ffffff0000 # unused
ACC: 0008
MSISDN (NPI=1 ToN=1): +77776336143
AD: 00000002
SIM Service Table: ff3fffff3f003f1ff00c00c0f00000
Service 1 - CHV1 disable function
Service 2 - Abbreviated Dialling Numbers (ADN)
Service 3 - Fixed Dialling Numbers (FDN)
Service 4 - Short Message Storage (SMS)
Service 5 - Advice of Charge (AoC)
Service 6 - Capability Configuration Parameters (CCP)
Service 7 - PLMN selector
Service 8 - RFU
Service 9 - MSISDN
Service 10 - Extension1
Service 11 - Extension2
Service 12 - SMS Parameters
Service 13 - Last Number Dialled (LND)
Service 14 - Cell Broadcast Message Identifier
Service 17 - Service Provider Name
Service 18 - Service Dialling Numbers (SDN)
Service 19 - Extension3
Service 20 - RFU
Service 21 - VGCS Group Identifier List (EFVGCS and EFVGCSS)
Service 22 - VBS Group Identifier List (EFVBS and EFVBSS)
Service 23 - enhanced Multi-Level Precedence and Pre-emption Service
Service 24 - Automatic Answer for eMLPP
Service 25 - Data download via SMS-CB
Service 26 - Data download via SMS-PP
Service 27 - Menu selection
Service 28 - Call control
Service 29 - Proactive SIM
Service 30 - Cell Broadcast Message Identifier Ranges
Service 31 - Barred Dialling Numbers (BDN)
Service 32 - Extension4
Service 33 - De-personalization Control Keys
Service 34 - Co-operative Network List
Service 35 - Short Message Status Reports
Service 36 - Network's indication of alerting in the MS
Service 37 - Mobile Originated Short Message control by SIM
Service 38 - GPRS
Service 49 - MExE
Service 50 - Reserved and shall be ignored
Service 51 - PLMN Network Name
Service 52 - Operator PLMN List
Service 53 - Mailbox Dialling Numbers
Service 54 - Message Waiting Indication Status
Service 57 - Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)
Service 58 - Extension 8
Service 59 - MMS User Connectivity Parameters
USIM Service Table: 9e6b1dfc67f6580000
Service 2 - Fixed Dialling Numbers (FDN)
Service 3 - Extension 2
Service 4 - Service Dialling Numbers (SDN)
Service 5 - Extension3
Service 8 - Outgoing Call Information (OCI and OCT)
Service 9 - Incoming Call Information (ICI and ICT)
Service 10 - Short Message Storage (SMS)
Service 12 - Short Message Service Parameters (SMSP)
Service 14 - Capability Configuration Parameters 2 (CCP2)
Service 15 - Cell Broadcast Message Identifier
Service 17 - Group Identifier Level 1
Service 19 - Service Provider Name
Service 20 - User controlled PLMN selector with Access Technology
Service 21 - MSISDN
Service 27 - GSM Access
Service 28 - Data download via SMS-PP
Service 29 - Data download via SMS-CB
Service 30 - Call Control by USIM
Service 31 - MO-SMS Control by USIM
Service 32 - RUN AT COMMAND command
Service 33 - shall be set to 1
Service 34 - Enabled Services Table
Service 35 - APN Control List (ACL)
Service 38 - GSM security context
Service 39 - CPBCCH Information
Service 42 - Operator controlled PLMN selector with Access Technology
Service 43 - HPLMN selector with Access Technology
Service 45 - PLMN Network Name
Service 46 - Operator PLMN List
Service 47 - Mailbox Dialling Numbers
Service 48 - Message Waiting Indication Status
Service 52 - Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)
Service 53 - Extension 8
Service 55 - MMS User Connectivity Parameters
Done !