blob: 3d56c6d74767fae65a0c34023aa0a0a7b63a0c02 [file] [log] [blame]
pySim-shell is an interactive command line shell for all kind of interactions with SIM cards.
The interactive shell provides command for
* navigating the on-card filesystem hierarchy
* authenticating with PINs such as ADM1
* decoding of SELECT response (file control parameters)
* reading and writing of files and records in raw, hex-encoded binary format
* for some files where related support has been developed:
* decoded reading (display file data in JSON format)
* decoded writing (encode from JSON to binary format, then write)
By means of using the python ``cmd2`` module, various useful features improve usability:
* history of commands (persistent across restarts)
* output re-direction to files on your computer
* output piping through external tools like 'grep'
* tab completion of commands and SELECT-able files/directories
* interactive help for all commands
Running pySim-shell
pySim-shell has a variety of command line arguments to control
* which transport to use (how to use a reader to talk to the SIM card)
* whether to automatically verify an ADM pin (and in which format)
* whether to execute a start-up script
.. argparse::
:module: pySim-shell
:func: option_parser
cmd2 basics
ISO7816 commands
This category of commands relates to commands that originate in the ISO 7861-4 specifications,
most of them have a 1:1 resemblance in the specification.
The ``select`` command is used to select a file, either by its FID, AID or by its symbolic name.
Try ``select`` with tab-completion to get a list of all current selectable items:
pySIM-shell (MF)> select
.. 2fe2 a0000000871004 EF.ARR MF
2f00 3f00 ADF.ISIM EF.DIR
2f06 7f20 DF.GSM EF.PL
2f08 a0000000871002 DF.TELECOM EF.UMPC
Use ``select`` with a specific FID or name to select the new file.
This will
* output the [JSON decoded, if possible] select response
* change the prompt to the newly selected file
* enable any commands specific to the newly-selected file
pySIM-shell (MF)> select ADF.USIM
"file_descriptor": {
"shareable": true,
"file_type": "df",
"structure": "no_info_given"
"df_name": "A0000000871002FFFFFFFF8907090000",
"proprietary_info": {
"uicc_characteristics": "71",
"available_memory": 101640
"life_cycle_status_int": "operational_activated",
"security_attrib_compact": "00",
"pin_status_template_do": "90017083010183018183010A83010B"
pySIM-shell (MF/ADF.USIM)>
.. argparse::
:module: pySim-shell
:func: Iso7816Commands.change_chv_parser
.. argparse::
:module: pySim-shell
:func: Iso7816Commands.disable_chv_parser
.. argparse::
:module: pySim-shell
:func: Iso7816Commands.enable_chv_parser
.. argparse::
:module: pySim-shell
:func: Iso7816Commands.unblock_chv_parser
This command allows you to verify a CHV (PIN), which is how the specifications call
it if you authenticate yourself with the said CHV/PIN.
.. argparse::
:module: pySim-shell
:func: Iso7816Commands.verify_chv_parser
Deactivate the currently selected file. This used to be called INVALIDATE in TS 11.11.
Activate the currently selected file. This used to be called REHABILITATE in TS 11.11.
.. argparse::
:module: pySim-shell
:func: Iso7816Commands.open_chan_parser
.. argparse::
:module: pySim-shell
:func: Iso7816Commands.close_chan_parser
This command allows you to perform the SUSPEND UICC command on the card. This is a relatively
recent power-saving addition to the UICC specifications, allowing for suspend/resume while maintaining
state, as opposed to a full power-off (deactivate) and power-on (activate) of the card.
The pySim command just sends that SUSPEND UICC command and doesn't perform the full related sequence
including the electrical power down.
.. argparse::
:module: pySim-shell
:func: Iso7816Commands.suspend_uicc_parser
pySim commands
Commands in this category are pySim specific; they do not have a 1:1 correspondence to ISO 7816
or 3GPP commands. Mostly they will operate either only on local (in-memory) state, or execute
a complex sequence of card-commands.
Display human readable file description for the currently selected file.
.. argparse::
:module: pySim-shell
:func: PySimCommands.dir_parser
.. argparse::
:module: pySim-shell
:func: PySimCommands.export_parser
Display a tree of the card filesystem. It is important to note that this displays a tree
of files that might potentially exist (based on the card profile). In order to determine if
a given file really exists on a given card, you have to try to select that file.
Verify the ADM (Administrator) PIN specified as argument. This is typically needed in order
to get write/update permissions to most of the files on SIM cards.
Currently only ADM1 is supported.
Perform card reset and display the card ATR.
Linear Fixed EF commands
These commands become enabled only when your currently selected file is of *Linear Fixed EF* type.
.. argparse::
:module: pySim.filesystem
:func: LinFixedEF.ShellCommands.read_rec_parser
.. argparse::
:module: pySim.filesystem
:func: LinFixedEF.ShellCommands.read_rec_dec_parser
.. argparse::
:module: pySim.filesystem
:func: LinFixedEF.ShellCommands.read_recs_parser
.. argparse::
:module: pySim.filesystem
:func: LinFixedEF.ShellCommands.read_recs_dec_parser
.. argparse::
:module: pySim.filesystem
:func: LinFixedEF.ShellCommands.upd_rec_parser
.. argparse::
:module: pySim.filesystem
:func: LinFixedEF.ShellCommands.upd_rec_dec_parser
.. argparse::
:module: pySim.filesystem
:func: LinFixedEF.ShellCommands.edit_rec_dec_parser
This command will read the selected record, decode it to its JSON representation, save
that JSON to a temporary file on your computer, and launch your configured text editor.
You may then perform whatever modifications to the JSON representation, save + leave your
text editor.
Afterwards, the modified JSON will be re-encoded to the binary format, and the result written
back to the record on the SIM card.
This allows for easy interactive modification of records.
Transparent EF commands
These commands become enabled only when your currently selected file is of *Transparent EF* type.
.. argparse::
:module: pySim.filesystem
:func: TransparentEF.ShellCommands.read_bin_parser
.. argparse::
:module: pySim.filesystem
:func: TransparentEF.ShellCommands.read_bin_dec_parser
.. argparse::
:module: pySim.filesystem
:func: TransparentEF.ShellCommands.upd_bin_parser
.. argparse::
:module: pySim.filesystem
:func: TransparentEF.ShellCommands.upd_bin_dec_parser
In normal operation, update_binary_decoded needs a JSON document representing the entire file contents as
input. This can be inconvenient if you want to keep 99% of the content but just toggle one specific
parameter. That's where the JSONpath support comes in handy: You can specify a JSONpath to an element
inside the document as well as a new value for tat field:
Th below example demonstrates this by modifying the ofm field within EF.AD:
pySIM-shell (MF/ADF.USIM/EF.AD)> read_binary_decoded
"ms_operation_mode": "normal",
"specific_facilities": {
"ofm": true
"len_of_mnc_in_imsi": 2
pySIM-shell (MF/ADF.USIM/EF.AD)> update_binary_decoded --json-path specific_facilities.ofm false
pySIM-shell (MF/ADF.USIM/EF.AD)> read_binary_decoded
"ms_operation_mode": "normal",
"specific_facilities": {
"ofm": false
"len_of_mnc_in_imsi": 2
This command will read the selected binary EF, decode it to its JSON representation, save
that JSON to a temporary file on your computer, and launch your configured text editor.
You may then perform whatever modifications to the JSON representation, save + leave your
text editor.
Afterwards, the modified JSON will be re-encoded to the binary format, and the result written
to the SIM card.
This allows for easy interactive modification of file contents.
BER-TLV EF commands
BER-TLV EFs are files that contain BER-TLV structured data. Every file can contain any number
of variable-length IEs (DOs). The tag within a BER-TLV EF must be unique within the file.
The commands below become enabled only when your currently selected file is of *BER-TLV EF* type.
Retrieve a list of all tags present in the currently selected file.
.. argparse::
:module: pySim.filesystem
:func: BerTlvEF.ShellCommands.retrieve_data_parser
.. argparse::
:module: pySim.filesystem
:func: BerTlvEF.ShellCommands.set_data_parser
.. argparse::
:module: pySim.filesystem
:func: BerTlvEF.ShellCommands.del_data_parser
USIM commands
.. argparse::
:module: pySim.ts_31_102
:func: ADF_USIM.AddlShellCommands.authenticate_parser
cmd2 settable parameters
``cmd2`` has the concept of *settable parameters* which act a bit like environment variables in an OS-level
shell: They can be read and set, and they will influence the behavior somehow.
If enabled, pySim will (when asked to write to a card) always first read the respective file/record and
verify if the to-be-written value differs from the current on-card value. If not, the write will be skipped.
Writes will only be performed if the new value is different from the current on-card value.
If disabled, pySim will always write irrespective of the current/new value.
This parameter determines if generated JSON output should (by default) be pretty-printed (multi-line
output with indent level of 4 spaces) or not.
The default value of this parameter is 'true'.
If enabled, full python back-traces will be displayed in case of exceptions
Boolean variable that determines if a hex-dump of the command + response APDU shall be printed.
Boolean variable that determines if path (e.g. in prompt) is displayed with numeric FIDs or string names.
pySIM-shell (MF/EF.ICCID)> set numeric_path True
numeric_path - was: False
now: True
pySIM-shell (3f00/2fe2)> set numeric_path False
numeric_path - was: True
now: False
pySIM-shell (MF/EF.ICCID)> help set