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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" pySim: SIM Card commands according to ISO 7816-4 and TS 11.11
# Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Sylvain Munaut <>
# Copyright (C) 2010 Harald Welte <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
from pySim.utils import rpad, b2h
class SimCardCommands(object):
def __init__(self, transport):
self._tp = transport
self._cla_byte = "a0"
self.sel_ctrl = "0000"
# Extract a single FCP item from TLV
def __parse_fcp(self, fcp):
# see also: ETSI TS 102 221, chapter Response for MF,
# DF or ADF
from pytlv.TLV import TLV
tlvparser = TLV(['82', '83', '84', 'a5', '8a', '8b', '8c', '80', 'ab', 'c6', '81', '88'])
# pytlv is case sensitive!
fcp = fcp.lower()
if fcp[0:2] != '62':
raise ValueError('Tag of the FCP template does not match, expected 62 but got %s'%fcp[0:2])
# Unfortunately the spec is not very clear if the FCP length is
# coded as one or two byte vale, so we have to try it out by
# checking if the length of the remaining TLV string matches
# what we get in the length field.
# See also ETSI TS 102 221, chapter Base coding.
exp_tlv_len = int(fcp[2:4], 16)
if len(fcp[4:]) // 2 == exp_tlv_len:
skip = 4
exp_tlv_len = int(fcp[2:6], 16)
if len(fcp[4:]) // 2 == exp_tlv_len:
skip = 6
# Skip FCP tag and length
tlv = fcp[skip:]
return tlvparser.parse(tlv)
# Tell the length of a record by the card response
# USIMs respond with an FCP template, which is different
# from what SIMs responds. See also:
# USIM: ETSI TS 102 221, chapter Response Data
# SIM: GSM 11.11, chapter 9.2.1 SELECT
def __record_len(self, r):
if self.sel_ctrl == "0004":
tlv_parsed = self.__parse_fcp(r[-1])
file_descriptor = tlv_parsed['82']
# See also ETSI TS 102 221, chapter File Descriptor
return int(file_descriptor[4:8], 16)
return int(r[-1][28:30], 16)
# Tell the length of a binary file. See also comment
# above.
def __len(self, r):
if self.sel_ctrl == "0004":
tlv_parsed = self.__parse_fcp(r[-1])
return int(tlv_parsed['80'], 16)
return int(r[-1][4:8], 16)
def get_atr(self):
return self._tp.get_atr()
def cla_byte(self):
return self._cla_byte
def cla_byte(self, value):
self._cla_byte = value
def sel_ctrl(self):
return self._sel_ctrl
def sel_ctrl(self, value):
self._sel_ctrl = value
def try_select_file(self, dir_list):
rv = []
if type(dir_list) is not list:
dir_list = [dir_list]
for i in dir_list:
data, sw = self._tp.send_apdu(self.cla_byte + "a4" + self.sel_ctrl + "02" + i)
rv.append((data, sw))
if sw != '9000':
return rv
return rv
def select_file(self, dir_list):
rv = []
if type(dir_list) is not list:
dir_list = [dir_list]
for i in dir_list:
data, sw = self._tp.send_apdu_checksw(self.cla_byte + "a4" + self.sel_ctrl + "02" + i)
return rv
def select_adf(self, aid):
aidlen = ("0" + format(len(aid) // 2, 'x'))[-2:]
return self._tp.send_apdu_checksw(self.cla_byte + "a4" + "0404" + aidlen + aid)
def read_binary(self, ef, length=None, offset=0):
r = self.select_file(ef)
if len(r[-1]) == 0:
return (None, None)
if length is None:
length = self.__len(r) - offset
total_data = ''
while offset < length:
chunk_len = min(255, length-offset)
pdu = self.cla_byte + 'b0%04x%02x' % (offset, chunk_len)
data,sw = self._tp.send_apdu(pdu)
if sw == '9000':
total_data += data
offset += chunk_len
raise ValueError('Failed to read (offset %d)' % (offset))
return total_data, sw
def update_binary(self, ef, data, offset=0, verify=False):
pdu = self.cla_byte + 'd6%04x%02x' % (offset, len(data) // 2) + data
res = self._tp.send_apdu_checksw(pdu)
if verify:
self.verify_binary(ef, data, offset)
return res
def verify_binary(self, ef, data, offset=0):
res = self.read_binary(ef, len(data) // 2, offset)
if res[0].lower() != data.lower():
raise ValueError('Binary verification failed (expected %s, got %s)' % (data.lower(), res[0].lower()))
def read_record(self, ef, rec_no):
r = self.select_file(ef)
rec_length = self.__record_len(r)
pdu = self.cla_byte + 'b2%02x04%02x' % (rec_no, rec_length)
return self._tp.send_apdu(pdu)
def update_record(self, ef, rec_no, data, force_len=False, verify=False):
r = self.select_file(ef)
if not force_len:
rec_length = self.__record_len(r)
if (len(data) // 2 != rec_length):
raise ValueError('Invalid data length (expected %d, got %d)' % (rec_length, len(data) // 2))
rec_length = len(data) // 2
pdu = (self.cla_byte + 'dc%02x04%02x' % (rec_no, rec_length)) + data
res = self._tp.send_apdu_checksw(pdu)
if verify:
self.verify_record(ef, rec_no, data)
return res
def verify_record(self, ef, rec_no, data):
res = self.read_record(ef, rec_no)
if res[0].lower() != data.lower():
raise ValueError('Record verification failed (expected %s, got %s)' % (data.lower(), res[0].lower()))
def record_size(self, ef):
r = self.select_file(ef)
return self.__record_len(r)
def record_count(self, ef):
r = self.select_file(ef)
return self.__len(r) // self.__record_len(r)
def binary_size(self, ef):
r = self.select_file(ef)
return self.__len(r)
def run_gsm(self, rand):
if len(rand) != 32:
raise ValueError('Invalid rand')
self.select_file(['3f00', '7f20'])
return self._tp.send_apdu(self.cla_byte + '88000010' + rand)
def reset_card(self):
return self._tp.reset_card()
def verify_chv(self, chv_no, code):
fc = rpad(b2h(code), 16)
return self._tp.send_apdu_checksw(self.cla_byte + '2000' + ('%02X' % chv_no) + '08' + fc)