blob: 41978b6298948d53b9adbdd28daca04dc00cacaa [file] [log] [blame]
This utility allows to :
* Program customizable SIMs. Two modes are possible:
- one where you specify every parameter manually :
./ -n 26C3 -c 49 -x 262 -y 42 -i <IMSI> -s <ICCID>
- one where they are generated from some minimal set :
./ -n 26C3 -c 49 -x 262 -y 42 -z <random_string_of_choice> -j <card_num>
With <random_string_of_choice> and <card_num>, the soft will generate
'predictable' IMSI and ICCID, so make sure you choose them so as not to
conflict with anyone. (for eg. your name as <random_string_of_choice> and
0 1 2 ... for <card num>).
You also need to enter some parameters to select the device :
-t TYPE : type of card (supersim, magicsim, fakemagicsim or try 'auto')
-d DEV : Serial port device (default /dev/ttyUSB0)
-b BAUD : Baudrate (default 9600)
* Interact with SIMs from a python interactive shell (ipython for eg :)
import pySim
sl = pySim.SerialSimLink(device='/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate=9600)
print sl.read_binary(['3f00', '7f20', '6f07']) # Print IMSI
print sl.run_gsm('00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff') # Run A3/A8