blob: 1f7ea1604f3f853321e4fd10730e8b0d60ae177c [file] [log] [blame]
import sys
from typing import Optional
from importlib import resources
def compile_asn1_subdir(subdir_name:str):
"""Helper function that compiles ASN.1 syntax from all files within given subdir"""
import asn1tools
asn_txt = ''
__ver = sys.version_info
if (__ver.major, __ver.minor) >= (3, 9):
for i in resources.files('pySim.esim').joinpath('asn1').joinpath(subdir_name).iterdir():
asn_txt += i.read_text()
asn_txt += "\n"
#print(resources.read_text(__name__, 'asn1/rsp.asn'))
return asn1tools.compile_string(asn_txt, codec='der')
# SGP.22 section 4.1 Activation Code
class ActivationCode:
def __init__(self, hostname:str, token:str, oid: Optional[str] = None, cc_required: Optional[bool] = False):
if '$' in hostname:
raise ValueError('$ sign not permitted in hostname')
self.hostname = hostname
if '$' in token:
raise ValueError('$ sign not permitted in token')
self.token = token
# TODO: validate OID
self.oid = oid
self.cc_required = cc_required
# only format 1 is specified and supported here
self.format = 1
def decode_str(ac: str) -> dict:
if ac[0] != '1':
raise ValueError("Unsupported AC_Format '%s'!" % ac[0])
ac_elements = ac.split('$')
d = {
'oid': None,
'cc_required': False,
d['format'] = ac_elements.pop(0)
d['hostname'] = ac_elements.pop(0)
d['token'] = ac_elements.pop(0)
if len(ac_elements):
oid = ac_elements.pop(0)
if oid != '':
d['oid'] = oid
if len(ac_elements):
ccr = ac_elements.pop(0)
if ccr == '1':
d['cc_required'] = True
return d
def from_string(cls, ac: str) -> 'ActivationCode':
"""Create new instance from SGP.22 section 4.1 string representation."""
d = cls.decode_str(ac)
return cls(d['hostname'], d['token'], d['oid'], d['cc_required'])
def to_string(self, for_qrcode:bool = False) -> str:
"""Convert from internal representation to SGP.22 section 4.1 string representation."""
if for_qrcode:
ret = 'LPA:'
ret = ''
ret += '%d$%s$%s' % (self.format, self.hostname, self.token)
if self.oid:
ret += '$%s' % (self.oid)
elif self.cc_required:
ret += '$'
if self.cc_required:
ret += '$1'
return ret
def __str__(self):
return self.to_string()
def to_qrcode(self):
"""Encode internal representation to QR code."""
import qrcode
qr = qrcode.QRCode()
return qr.make_image()
def __repr__(self):
return "ActivationCode(format=%u, hostname='%s', token='%s', oid=%s, cc_required=%s)" % (self.format,