blob: 30b65daba2c83add1b7af6886a9b322b8ef000d2 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# without this, pylint will fail when inner classes are used
# within the 'nested' kwarg of our TlvMeta metaclass on python 3.7 :(
# pylint: disable=undefined-variable
Various constants from 3GPP TS 31.102 V16.6.0
# Copyright (C) 2020 Supreeth Herle <>
# Copyright (C) 2021 Harald Welte <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# Mapping between USIM Service Number and its description
import pySim.ts_102_221
from pySim.ts_51_011 import EF_ACMmax, EF_AAeM, EF_eMLPP, EF_CMI, EF_PNN
from pySim.ts_51_011 import EF_SMSR, EF_DCK, EF_EXT, EF_CNL, EF_OPL, EF_MBI, EF_MWIS
from pySim.ts_51_011 import EF_CBMID, EF_CBMIR, EF_ADN, EF_SMS, EF_MSISDN, EF_SMSP, EF_SMSS
from pySim.ts_51_011 import EF_IMSI, EF_xPLMNwAcT, EF_SPN, EF_CBMI, EF_ACC, EF_PLMNsel
from pySim.ts_102_221 import EF_ARR
from pySim.tlv import *
from pySim.filesystem import *
from pySim.construct import *
from construct import Optional as COptional
from construct import *
from typing import Tuple
from struct import unpack, pack
import enum
EF_UST_map = {
1: 'Local Phone Book',
2: 'Fixed Dialling Numbers (FDN)',
3: 'Extension 2',
4: 'Service Dialling Numbers (SDN)',
5: 'Extension3',
6: 'Barred Dialling Numbers (BDN)',
7: 'Extension4',
8: 'Outgoing Call Information (OCI and OCT)',
9: 'Incoming Call Information (ICI and ICT)',
10: 'Short Message Storage (SMS)',
11: 'Short Message Status Reports (SMSR)',
12: 'Short Message Service Parameters (SMSP)',
13: 'Advice of Charge (AoC)',
14: 'Capability Configuration Parameters 2 (CCP2)',
15: 'Cell Broadcast Message Identifier',
16: 'Cell Broadcast Message Identifier Ranges',
17: 'Group Identifier Level 1',
18: 'Group Identifier Level 2',
19: 'Service Provider Name',
20: 'User controlled PLMN selector with Access Technology',
21: 'MSISDN',
22: 'Image (IMG)',
23: 'Support of Localised Service Areas (SoLSA)',
24: 'Enhanced Multi-Level Precedence and Pre-emption Service',
25: 'Automatic Answer for eMLPP',
26: 'RFU',
27: 'GSM Access',
28: 'Data download via SMS-PP',
29: 'Data download via SMS-CB',
30: 'Call Control by USIM',
31: 'MO-SMS Control by USIM',
32: 'RUN AT COMMAND command',
33: 'shall be set to 1',
34: 'Enabled Services Table',
35: 'APN Control List (ACL)',
36: 'Depersonalisation Control Keys',
37: 'Co-operative Network List',
38: 'GSM security context',
39: 'CPBCCH Information',
40: 'Investigation Scan',
41: 'MexE',
42: 'Operator controlled PLMN selector with Access Technology',
43: 'HPLMN selector with Access Technology',
44: 'Extension 5',
45: 'PLMN Network Name',
46: 'Operator PLMN List',
47: 'Mailbox Dialling Numbers',
48: 'Message Waiting Indication Status',
49: 'Call Forwarding Indication Status',
50: 'Reserved and shall be ignored',
51: 'Service Provider Display Information',
52: 'Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)',
53: 'Extension 8',
54: 'Call control on GPRS by USIM',
55: 'MMS User Connectivity Parameters',
56: 'Network\'s indication of alerting in the MS (NIA)',
57: 'VGCS Group Identifier List (EFVGCS and EFVGCSS)',
58: 'VBS Group Identifier List (EFVBS and EFVBSS)',
59: 'Pseudonym',
60: 'User Controlled PLMN selector for I-WLAN access',
61: 'Operator Controlled PLMN selector for I-WLAN access',
62: 'User controlled WSID list',
63: 'Operator controlled WSID list',
64: 'VGCS security',
65: 'VBS security',
66: 'WLAN Reauthentication Identity',
67: 'Multimedia Messages Storage',
68: 'Generic Bootstrapping Architecture (GBA)',
69: 'MBMS security',
70: 'Data download via USSD and USSD application mode',
71: 'Equivalent HPLMN',
72: 'Additional TERMINAL PROFILE after UICC activation',
73: 'Equivalent HPLMN Presentation Indication',
74: 'Last RPLMN Selection Indication',
75: 'OMA BCAST Smart Card Profile',
76: 'GBA-based Local Key Establishment Mechanism',
77: 'Terminal Applications',
78: 'Service Provider Name Icon',
79: 'PLMN Network Name Icon',
80: 'Connectivity Parameters for USIM IP connections',
81: 'Home I-WLAN Specific Identifier List',
82: 'I-WLAN Equivalent HPLMN Presentation Indication',
83: 'I-WLAN HPLMN Priority Indication',
84: 'I-WLAN Last Registered PLMN',
85: 'EPS Mobility Management Information',
86: 'Allowed CSG Lists and corresponding indications',
87: 'Call control on EPS PDN connection by USIM',
88: 'HPLMN Direct Access',
89: 'eCall Data',
90: 'Operator CSG Lists and corresponding indications',
91: 'Support for SM-over-IP',
92: 'Support of CSG Display Control',
93: 'Communication Control for IMS by USIM',
94: 'Extended Terminal Applications',
95: 'Support of UICC access to IMS',
96: 'Non-Access Stratum configuration by USIM',
97: 'PWS configuration by USIM',
98: 'RFU',
99: 'URI support by UICC',
100: 'Extended EARFCN support',
101: 'ProSe',
102: 'USAT Application Pairing',
103: 'Media Type support',
104: 'IMS call disconnection cause',
105: 'URI support for MO SHORT MESSAGE CONTROL',
106: 'ePDG configuration Information support',
107: 'ePDG configuration Information configured',
108: 'ACDC support',
109: 'MCPTT',
110: 'ePDG configuration Information for Emergency Service support',
111: 'ePDG configuration Information for Emergency Service configured',
112: 'eCall Data over IMS',
113: 'URI support for SMS-PP DOWNLOAD as defined in 3GPP TS 31.111 [12]',
114: 'From Preferred',
115: 'IMS configuration data',
116: 'TV configuration',
117: '3GPP PS Data Off',
118: '3GPP PS Data Off Service List',
119: 'V2X',
120: 'XCAP Configuration Data',
121: 'EARFCN list for MTC/NB-IOT UEs',
122: '5GS Mobility Management Information',
123: '5G Security Parameters',
124: 'Subscription identifier privacy support',
125: 'SUCI calculation by the USIM',
126: 'UAC Access Identities support',
127: 'Expect control plane-based Steering of Roaming information during initial registration in VPLMN',
128: 'Call control on PDU Session by USIM',
129: '5GS Operator PLMN List',
130: 'Support for SUPI of type NSI or GLI or GCI',
131: '3GPP PS Data Off separate Home and Roaming lists',
132: 'Support for URSP by USIM',
133: '5G Security Parameters extended',
134: 'MuD and MiD configuration data',
135: 'Support for Trusted non-3GPP access networks by USIM'
# Mapping between USIM Enbled Service Number and its description
EF_EST_map = {
1: 'Fixed Dialling Numbers (FDN)',
2: 'Barred Dialling Numbers (BDN)',
3: 'APN Control List (ACL)'
0: 'updated',
1: 'not updated',
2: 'plmn not allowed',
3: 'locatation area not allowed'
EF_USIM_ADF_map = {
'LI': '6F05',
'ARR': '6F06',
'IMSI': '6F07',
'Keys': '6F08',
'KeysPS': '6F09',
'DCK': '6F2C',
'HPPLMN': '6F31',
'CNL': '6F32',
'ACMmax': '6F37',
'UST': '6F38',
'ACM': '6F39',
'FDN': '6F3B',
'SMS': '6F3C',
'GID1': '6F3E',
'GID2': '6F3F',
'MSISDN': '6F40',
'PUCT': '6F41',
'SMSP': '6F42',
'SMSS': '6F42',
'CBMI': '6F45',
'SPN': '6F46',
'SMSR': '6F47',
'CBMID': '6F48',
'SDN': '6F49',
'EXT2': '6F4B',
'EXT3': '6F4C',
'BDN': '6F4D',
'EXT5': '6F4E',
'CCP2': '6F4F',
'CBMIR': '6F50',
'EXT4': '6F55',
'EST': '6F56',
'ACL': '6F57',
'CMI': '6F58',
'START-HFN': '6F5B',
'PLMNwAcT': '6F60',
'OPLMNwAcT': '6F61',
'HPLMNwAcT': '6F62',
'PSLOCI': '6F73',
'ACC': '6F78',
'FPLMN': '6F7B',
'LOCI': '6F7E',
'ICI': '6F80',
'OCI': '6F81',
'ICT': '6F82',
'OCT': '6F83',
'AD': '6FAD',
'VGCS': '6FB1',
'VGCSS': '6FB2',
'VBS': '6FB3',
'VBSS': '6FB4',
'eMLPP': '6FB5',
'AAeM': '6FB6',
'ECC': '6FB7',
'Hiddenkey': '6FC3',
'NETPAR': '6FC4',
'PNN': '6FC5',
'OPL': '6FC6',
'MBDN': '6FC7',
'EXT6': '6FC8',
'MBI': '6FC9',
'MWIS': '6FCA',
'CFIS': '6FCB',
'EXT7': '6FCC',
'SPDI': '6FCD',
'MMSN': '6FCE',
'EXT8': '6FCF',
'MMSICP': '6FD0',
'MMSUP': '6FD1',
'MMSUCP': '6FD2',
'NIA': '6FD3',
'VGCSCA': '6FD4',
'VBSCA': '6FD5',
'GBAP': '6FD6',
'MSK': '6FD7',
'MUK': '6FD8',
'EHPLMN': '6FD9',
'GBANL': '6FDA',
'SPNI': '6FDE',
'PNNI': '6FDF',
'NCP-IP': '6FE2',
'EPSLOCI': '6FE3',
'EPSNSC': '6FE4',
'UFC': '6FE6',
'PWC': '6FEC',
'IWL': '6FF0',
'IPS': '6FF1',
'IPD': '6FF2',
'ePDGId': '6FF3',
'ePDGSelection': '6FF4',
'ePDGIdEm': '6FF5',
'ePDGSelectionEm': '6FF6',
# 3GPP TS 31.102 Section (EF_5GS3GPPNSC)
class EF_5GS3GPPNSC(LinFixedEF):
class NgKSI(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x80):
_construct = Int8ub
class K_AMF(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x81):
_construct = HexAdapter(Bytes(32))
class UplinkNASCount(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x82):
_construct = Int32ub
class DownlinkNASCount(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x83):
_construct = Int32ub
class IdsOfSelectedNasAlgos(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x84):
# 3GPP TS 24.501 Section
_construct = BitStruct('ciphering'/Nibble, 'integrity'/Nibble)
class IdsOfSelectedEpsAlgos(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x85):
# 3GPP TS 24.301 Section
_construct = BitStruct('ciphering'/Nibble, 'integrity'/Nibble)
class FiveGSNasSecurityContext(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0xA0,
nested=[NgKSI, K_AMF, UplinkNASCount,
DownlinkNASCount, IdsOfSelectedNasAlgos,
def __init__(self, fid="4f03", sfid=0x03, name='EF.5GS3GPPNSC', rec_len={57, None},
desc='5GS 3GPP Access NAS Security Context'):
super().__init__(fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, rec_len=rec_len)
self._tlv = EF_5GS3GPPNSC.FiveGSNasSecurityContext
# 3GPP TS 31.102 Section
class EF_5GAUTHKEYS(TransparentEF):
class K_AUSF(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x80):
_construct = HexAdapter(GreedyBytes)
class K_SEAF(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x81):
_construct = HexAdapter(GreedyBytes)
class FiveGAuthKeys(TLV_IE_Collection, nested=[K_AUSF, K_SEAF]):
def __init__(self, fid='4f05', sfid=0x05, name='EF.5GAUTHKEYS', size={68, None},
desc='5G authentication keys'):
super().__init__(fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, size=size)
self._tlv = EF_5GAUTHKEYS.FiveGAuthKeys
# 3GPP TS 31.102 Section
class ProtSchemeIdList(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0xa0):
# FIXME: 3GPP TS 24.501 Protection Scheme Identifier
# repeated sequence of (id, index) tuples
_construct = GreedyRange(
Struct('id'/Enum(Byte, null=0, A=1, B=2), 'index'/Int8ub))
class HomeNetPubKeyId(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x80):
# 3GPP TS 24.501 / 3GPP TS 23.003
_construct = Int8ub
class HomeNetPubKey(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x81):
# FIXME: RFC 5480
_construct = HexAdapter(GreedyBytes)
class HomeNetPubKeyList(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0xa1,
nested=[HomeNetPubKeyId, HomeNetPubKey]):
# 3GPP TS 31.102 Section
class SUCI_CalcInfo(TLV_IE_Collection, nested=[ProtSchemeIdList, HomeNetPubKeyList]):
# TS 31.102
class EF_SUCI_Calc_Info(TransparentEF):
def __init__(self, fid="4f07", sfid=0x07, name='EF.SUCI_Calc_Info', size={2, None},
desc='SUCI Calc Info'):
super().__init__(fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, size=size)
def _encode_prot_scheme_id_list(self, in_list):
out_bytes = [0xa0]
out_bytes.append(len(in_list)*2) # two byte per entry
# position in list determines priority; high-priority items (low index) come first
for scheme in sorted(in_list, key=lambda item: item["priority"]):
return out_bytes
def _encode_hnet_pubkey_list(self, hnet_pubkey_list):
out_bytes = [0xa1] # pubkey list tag
out_bytes.append(0x00) # length filled later
length = 0
for key in hnet_pubkey_list:
out_bytes.append(0x80) # identifier tag
out_bytes.append(0x01) # TODO size, fixed to 1 byte
out_bytes.append(0x81) # key tag
length += 5+len(key["hnet_pubkey"])//2
pubkey_bytes = h2b(key["hnet_pubkey"])
out_bytes += pubkey_bytes
# fill length
out_bytes[1] = length
return out_bytes
def _encode_hex(self, in_json):
out_bytes = self._encode_prot_scheme_id_list(
out_bytes += self._encode_hnet_pubkey_list(in_json['hnet_pubkey_list'])
return "".join(["%02X" % i for i in out_bytes])
def _decode_prot_scheme_id_list(self, in_bytes):
prot_scheme_id_list = []
pos = 0
# two bytes per entry
while pos < len(in_bytes):
prot_scheme = {
'priority': pos//2, # first in list: high priority
'identifier': in_bytes[pos],
'key_index': in_bytes[pos+1]
pos += 2
return prot_scheme_id_list
def _decode_hnet_pubkey_list(self, in_bytes):
hnet_pubkey_list = []
pos = 0
if in_bytes[pos] != 0xa1:
print("missing Home Network Public Key List data object")
return {}
pos += 1
hnet_pubkey_list_len = in_bytes[pos]
pos += 1
while pos < hnet_pubkey_list_len:
if in_bytes[pos] != 0x80:
print("missing Home Network Public Key Identifier tag")
return {}
pos += 1
# TODO might be more than 1 byte?
hnet_pubkey_id_len = in_bytes[pos]
pos += 1
hnet_pubkey_id = in_bytes[pos:pos+hnet_pubkey_id_len][0]
pos += hnet_pubkey_id_len
if in_bytes[pos] != 0x81:
print("missing Home Network Public Key tag")
return {}
pos += 1
hnet_pubkey_len = in_bytes[pos]
pos += 1
hnet_pubkey = in_bytes[pos:pos+hnet_pubkey_len]
pos += hnet_pubkey_len
'hnet_pubkey_identifier': hnet_pubkey_id,
'hnet_pubkey': b2h(hnet_pubkey)
return hnet_pubkey_list
def _decode_bin(self, in_bin):
return self._decode_hex(b2h(in_bin))
def _decode_hex(self, in_hex):
in_bytes = h2b(in_hex)
pos = 0
if in_bytes[pos] != 0xa0:
print("missing Protection Scheme Identifier List data object tag")
return {}
pos += 1
prot_scheme_id_list_len = in_bytes[pos] # TODO maybe more than 1 byte
pos += 1
# decode Protection Scheme Identifier List data object
prot_scheme_id_list = self._decode_prot_scheme_id_list(
pos += prot_scheme_id_list_len
# remaining data holds Home Network Public Key Data Object
hnet_pubkey_list = self._decode_hnet_pubkey_list(in_bytes[pos:])
return {
'prot_scheme_id_list': prot_scheme_id_list,
'hnet_pubkey_list': hnet_pubkey_list
def _encode_bin(self, in_json):
return h2b(self._encode_hex(in_json))
class EF_LI(TransRecEF):
def __init__(self, fid='6f05', sfid=None, name='EF.LI', size={2, None}, rec_len=2,
desc='Language Indication'):
super().__init__(fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, size=size, rec_len=rec_len)
def _decode_record_bin(self, in_bin):
if in_bin == b'\xff\xff':
return None
# officially this is 7-bit GSM alphabet with one padding bit in each byte
return in_bin.decode('ascii')
def _encode_record_bin(self, in_json):
if in_json == None:
return b'\xff\xff'
# officially this is 7-bit GSM alphabet with one padding bit in each byte
return in_json.encode('ascii')
class EF_Keys(TransparentEF):
def __init__(self, fid='6f08', sfid=0x08, name='EF.Keys', size={33, 33},
desc='Ciphering and Integrity Keys'):
super().__init__(fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, size=size)
self._construct = Struct(
'ksi'/Int8ub, 'ck'/HexAdapter(Bytes(16)), 'ik'/HexAdapter(Bytes(16)))
# TS 31.102 Section 4.2.6
class EF_HPPLMN(TransparentEF):
def __init__(self, fid='6f31', sfid=0x12, name='EF.HPPLMN', size={1, 1},
desc='Higher Priority PLMN search period'):
super().__init__(fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, size=size)
self._construct = Int8ub
# TS 31.102 Section 4.2.8
class EF_UServiceTable(TransparentEF):
def __init__(self, fid, sfid, name, desc, size, table, **kwargs):
super().__init__(fid=fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, size=size, **kwargs)
self.table = table
# add those commands to the general commands of a TransparentEF
self.shell_commands += [self.AddlShellCommands()]
def _bit_byte_offset_for_service(service: int) -> Tuple[int, int]:
i = service - 1
byte_offset = i//8
bit_offset = (i % 8)
return (byte_offset, bit_offset)
def _decode_bin(self, in_bin):
ret = {}
for i in range(0, len(in_bin)):
byte = in_bin[i]
for bitno in range(0, 7):
service_nr = i * 8 + bitno + 1
ret[service_nr] = {
'activated': True if byte & (1 << bitno) else False
if service_nr in self.table:
ret[service_nr]['description'] = self.table[service_nr]
return ret
def _encode_bin(self, in_json):
# compute the required binary size
bin_len = 0
for srv in in_json.keys():
service_nr = int(srv)
(byte_offset, bit_offset) = EF_UServiceTable._bit_byte_offset_for_service(
if byte_offset >= bin_len:
bin_len = byte_offset+1
# encode the actual data
out = bytearray(b'\x00' * bin_len)
for srv in in_json.keys():
service_nr = int(srv)
(byte_offset, bit_offset) = EF_UServiceTable._bit_byte_offset_for_service(
if in_json[srv]['activated'] == True:
bit = 1
bit = 0
out[byte_offset] |= (bit) << bit_offset
return out
@with_default_category('File-Specific Commands')
class AddlShellCommands(CommandSet):
def __init__(self):
def do_ust_service_activate(self, arg):
"""Activate a service within EF.UST"""
self._cmd.card.update_ust(int(arg), 1)
def do_ust_service_deactivate(self, arg):
"""Deactivate a service within EF.UST"""
self._cmd.card.update_ust(int(arg), 0)
# TS 31.103 Section 4.2.7 - *not* the same as DF.GSM/EF.ECC!
class EF_ECC(LinFixedEF):
cc_construct = Rpad(BcdAdapter(Rpad(Bytes(3))), pattern='f')
category_construct = FlagsEnum(Byte, police=1, ambulance=2, fire_brigade=3, marine_guard=4,
mountain_rescue=5, manual_ecall=6, automatic_ecall=7)
alpha_construct = GsmStringAdapter(Rpad(GreedyBytes))
def __init__(self, fid='6fb7', sfid=0x01, name='EF.ECC',
desc='Emergency Call Codes'):
super().__init__(fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, rec_len={4, 20})
def _decode_record_bin(self, in_bin):
# mandatory parts
code = in_bin[:3]
if code == b'\xff\xff\xff':
return None
svc_category = in_bin[-1:]
ret = {'call_code': parse_construct(EF_ECC.cc_construct, code),
'service_category': parse_construct(EF_ECC.category_construct, svc_category)}
# optional alpha identifier
if len(in_bin) > 4:
alpha_id = in_bin[3:-1]
ret['alpha_id'] = parse_construct(EF_ECC.alpha_construct, alpha_id)
return ret
def _encode_record_bin(self, in_json):
if in_json is None:
return b'\xff\xff\xff\xff'
code =['call_code'])
svc_category =['category'])
alpha_id =['alpha_id'])
# FIXME: alpha_id needs padding up to 'record_length - 4'
return code + alpha_id + svc_category
# TS 31.102 Section 4.2.17
class EF_LOCI(TransparentEF):
def __init__(self, fid='6f7e', sfid=0x0b, name='EF.LOCI', desc='Location information', size={11, 11}):
super().__init__(fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, size=size)
self._construct = Struct('tmsi'/HexAdapter(Bytes(4)), 'lai'/HexAdapter(Bytes(5)), 'rfu'/Int8ub,
# TS 31.102 Section 4.2.18
class EF_AD(TransparentEF):
class OP_MODE(enum.IntEnum):
normal = 0x00
type_approval = 0x80
normal_and_specific_facilities = 0x01
type_approval_and_specific_facilities = 0x81
maintenance_off_line = 0x02
cell_test = 0x04
def __init__(self, fid='6fad', sfid=0x03, name='EF.AD', desc='Administrative Data', size={4, 6}):
super().__init__(fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, size=size)
self._construct = BitStruct(
# Byte 1
'ms_operation_mode'/Bytewise(Enum(Byte, EF_AD.OP_MODE)),
# Byte 2 + 3
'additional_info'/Bytewise(FlagsEnum(Int16ub, ciphering_indicator=1, csg_display_control=2,
prose_services=4, extended_drx=8)),
# TS 31.102 Section 4.2.23
class EF_PSLOCI(TransparentEF):
def __init__(self, fid='6f73', sfid=0x0c, name='EF.PSLOCI', desc='PS Location information', size={14, 14}):
super().__init__(fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, size=size)
self._construct = Struct('ptmsi'/HexAdapter(Bytes(4)), 'ptmsi_sig'/HexAdapter(Bytes(3)),
'rai'/HexAdapter(Bytes(6)), 'rau_status'/Int8ub)
# TS 31.102 Section 4.2.33
class EF_ICI(CyclicEF):
def __init__(self, fid='6f80', sfid=0x14, name='EF.ICI', rec_len={28, 48},
desc='Incoming Call Information', **kwargs):
super().__init__(fid=fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, rec_len=rec_len, **kwargs)
self._construct = Struct('alpha_id'/Bytes(this._.total_len-28),
# TS 31.102 Section 4.2.34
class EF_OCI(CyclicEF):
def __init__(self, fid='6f81', sfid=0x15, name='EF.OCI', rec_len={27, 47},
desc='Outgoing Call Information', **kwargs):
super().__init__(fid=fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, rec_len=rec_len, **kwargs)
self._construct = Struct('alpha_id'/Bytes(this._.total_len-27),
# TS 31.102 Section 4.2.35
class EF_ICT(CyclicEF):
def __init__(self, fid='6f82', sfid=None, name='EF.ICT', rec_len={3, 3},
desc='Incoming Call Timer', **kwargs):
super().__init__(fid=fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, rec_len=rec_len, **kwargs)
self._construct = Struct('accumulated_call_timer'/Int24ub)
# TS 31.102 Section 4.2.38
class EF_CCP2(LinFixedEF):
def __init__(self, fid='6f4f', sfid=0x16, name='EF.CCP2', desc='Capability Configuration Parameters 2', **kwargs):
super().__init__(fid=fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, rec_len={15, None}, **kwargs)
# TS 31.102 Section 4.2.48
class EF_ACL(TransparentEF):
def __init__(self, fid='6f57', sfid=None, name='EF.ACL', size={32, None},
desc='Access Point Name Control List', **kwargs):
super().__init__(fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, size=size, **kwargs)
self._construct = Struct('num_of_apns'/Int8ub, 'tlvs'/GreedyBytes)
# TS 31.102 Section 4.2.51
class EF_START_HFN(TransparentEF):
def __init__(self, fid='6f5b', sfid=0x0f, name='EF.START-HFN', size={6, 6},
desc='Initialisation values for Hyperframe number', **kwargs):
super().__init__(fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, size=size, **kwargs)
self._construct = Struct('start_cs'/Int24ub, 'start_ps'/Int24ub)
# TS 31.102 Section 4.2.52
class EF_THRESHOLD(TransparentEF):
def __init__(self, fid='6f5c', sfid=0x10, name='EF.THRESHOLD', size={3, 3},
desc='Maximum value of START', **kwargs):
super().__init__(fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, size=size, **kwargs)
self._construct = Struct('max_start'/Int24ub)
# TS 31.102 Section 4.2.77
class EF_VGCSCA(TransRecEF):
def __init__(self, fid='6fd4', sfid=None, name='EF.VGCSCA', size={2, 100}, rec_len=2,
desc='Voice Group Call Service Ciphering Algorithm', **kwargs):
super().__init__(fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, size=size, rec_len=rec_len, **kwargs)
self._construct = Struct('alg_v_ki_1'/Int8ub, 'alg_v_ki_2'/Int8ub)
# TS 31.102 Section 4.2.79
class EF_GBABP(TransparentEF):
def __init__(self, fid='6fd6', sfid=None, name='EF.GBABP', size={3, 50},
desc='GBA Bootstrapping parameters', **kwargs):
super().__init__(fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, size=size, **kwargs)
self._construct = Struct('rand'/LV, 'b_tid'/LV, 'key_lifetime'/LV)
# TS 31.102 Section 4.2.80
class EF_MSK(LinFixedEF):
def __init__(self, fid='6fd7', sfid=None, name='EF.MSK', desc='MBMS Service Key List', **kwargs):
super().__init__(fid=fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, rec_len={20, None}, **kwargs)
msk_ts_constr = Struct('msk_id'/Int32ub, 'timestamp_counter'/Int32ub)
self._construct = Struct('key_domain_id'/Bytes(3),
# TS 31.102 Section 4.2.81
class EF_MUK(LinFixedEF):
class MUK_Idr(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x80):
_construct = HexAdapter(GreedyBytes)
class MUK_Idi(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x82):
_construct = HexAdapter(GreedyBytes)
class MUK_ID(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0xA0, nested=[MUK_Idr, MUK_Idi]):
class TimeStampCounter(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x81):
class EF_MUK_Collection(TLV_IE_Collection, nested=[MUK_ID, TimeStampCounter]):
def __init__(self, fid='6fd8', sfid=None, name='EF.MUK', desc='MBMS User Key', **kwargs):
super().__init__(fid=fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, rec_len={None, None}, **kwargs)
self._tlv = EF_MUK.EF_MUK_Collection
# TS 31.102 Section 4.2.83
class EF_GBANL(LinFixedEF):
class NAF_ID(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x80):
_construct = HexAdapter(GreedyBytes)
class B_TID(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x81):
_construct = HexAdapter(GreedyBytes)
class EF_GBANL_Collection(BER_TLV_IE, nested=[NAF_ID, B_TID]):
def __init__(self, fid='6fda', sfid=None, name='EF.GBANL', desc='GBA NAF List', **kwargs):
super().__init__(fid=fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, rec_len={None, None}, **kwargs)
self._tlv = EF_GBANL.EF_GBANL_Collection
# TS 31.102 Section 4.2.85
class EF_EHPLMNPI(TransparentEF):
def __init__(self, fid='6fdb', sfid=None, name='EF.EHPLMNPI', size={1, 1},
desc='Equivalent HPLMN Presentation Indication', **kwargs):
super().__init__(fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, size=size, **kwargs)
self._construct = Struct('presentation_ind' /
Enum(Byte, no_preference=0, display_highest_prio_only=1, display_all=2))
# TS 31.102 Section 4.2.87
class EF_NAFKCA(LinFixedEF):
class NAF_KeyCentreAddress(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x80):
_construct = HexAdapter(GreedyBytes)
def __init__(self, fid='6fdd', sfid=None, name='EF.NAFKCA', rec_len={None, None},
desc='NAF Key Centre Address', **kwargs):
super().__init__(fid=fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, rec_len=rec_len, **kwargs)
self._tlv = EF_NAFKCA.NAF_KeyCentreAddress
# TS 31.102 Section 4.2.90
class EF_NCP_IP(LinFixedEF):
class DataDestAddrRange(TLV_IE, tag=0x83):
_construct = Struct('type_of_address'/Enum(Byte, IPv4=0x21, IPv6=0x56),
class AccessPointName(TLV_IE, tag=0x80):
# coded as per TS 23.003
_construct = HexAdapter(GreedyBytes)
class Login(TLV_IE, tag=0x81):
# as per SMS DCS TS 23.038
_construct = GsmStringAdapter(GreedyBytes)
class Password(TLV_IE, tag=0x82):
# as per SMS DCS TS 23.038
_construct = GsmStringAdapter(GreedyBytes)
class BearerDescription(TLV_IE, tag=0x84):
# Bearer descriptionTLV DO as per TS 31.111
class EF_NCP_IP_Collection(TLV_IE_Collection,
nested=[AccessPointName, Login, Password, BearerDescription]):
def __init__(self, fid='6fe2', sfid=None, name='EF.NCP-IP', rec_len={None, None},
desc='Network Connectivity Parameters for USIM IP connections', **kwargs):
super().__init__(fid=fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, rec_len=rec_len, **kwargs)
self._tlv = EF_NCP_IP.EF_NCP_IP_Collection
# TS 31.102 Section 4.2.91
class EF_EPSLOCI(TransparentEF):
def __init__(self, fid='6fe3', sfid=0x1e, name='EF.EPSLOCI', size={18, 18},
desc='EPS Location Information', **kwargs):
super().__init__(fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, size=size, **kwargs)
upd_status_constr = Enum(
Byte, updated=0, not_updated=1, roaming_not_allowed=2)
self._construct = Struct('guti'/Bytes(12), 'last_visited_registered_tai'/Bytes(5),
# TS 31.102 Section 4.2.92
class EF_EPSNSC(LinFixedEF):
class KSI_ASME(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x80):
_construct = Int8ub
class K_ASME(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x81):
_construct = HexAdapter(GreedyBytes)
class UplinkNASCount(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x82):
_construct = Int32ub
class DownlinkNASCount(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x83):
_construct = Int32ub
class IDofNASAlgorithms(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x84):
_construct = HexAdapter(GreedyBytes)
class EPS_NAS_Security_Context(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0xa0,
nested=[KSI_ASME, K_ASME, UplinkNASCount, DownlinkNASCount,
def __init__(self, fid='6fe4', sfid=0x18, name='EF.EPSNSC', rec_len={54, 128},
desc='EPS NAS Security Context', **kwargs):
super().__init__(fid=fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, rec_len=rec_len, **kwargs)
self._tlv = EF_EPSNSC.EPS_NAS_Security_Context
# TS 31.102 Section 4.2.96
class EF_PWS(TransparentEF):
def __init__(self, fid='6fec', sfid=None, name='EF.PWS', desc='Public Warning System', size={1, 1}, **kwargs):
super().__init__(fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, size=size, **kwargs)
pws_config = FlagsEnum(
Byte, ignore_pws_in_hplmn_and_equivalent=1, ignore_pws_in_vplmn=2)
self._construct = Struct('pws_configuration'/pws_config)
# TS 31.102 Section 4.2.101
class EF_IPS(CyclicEF):
def __init__(self, fid='6ff1', sfid=None, name='EF.IPS', rec_len={4, 4},
desc='IMEI(SV) Pairing Status', **kwargs):
super().__init__(fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, rec_len=rec_len, **kwargs)
self._construct = Struct('status'/PaddedString(2, 'ascii'),
'link_to_ef_ipd'/Int8ub, 'rfu'/Byte)
# TS 31.102 Section 4.2.103
class EF_ePDGId(TransparentEF):
class ePDGId(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x80, nested=[]):
_construct = Struct('type_of_ePDG_address'/Enum(Byte, FQDN=0, IPv4=1, IPv6=2),
{'FQDN': GreedyString("utf8"),
'IPv4': HexAdapter(GreedyBytes),
'IPv6': HexAdapter(GreedyBytes)}))
def __init__(self, fid='6ff3', sfid=None, name='EF.eDPDGId', desc='Home ePDG Identifier', **kwargs):
super().__init__(fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, **kwargs)
self._tlv = EF_ePDGId.ePDGId
# TS 31.102 Section 4.2.106
class EF_FromPreferred(TransparentEF):
def __init__(self, fid='6ff7', sfid=None, name='EF.FromPreferred', size={1, 1},
desc='From Preferred', **kwargs):
super().__init__(fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, size=size, **kwargs)
self._construct = BitStruct('rfu'/BitsRFU(7), 'from_preferred'/Bit)
# DF.5GS
# TS 31.102 Section
class EF_5GS3GPPLOCI(TransparentEF):
def __init__(self, fid='4f01', sfid=0x01, name='EF.5GS3GPPLOCI', size={20, 20},
desc='5S 3GP location information'):
super().__init__(fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, size=size)
upd_status_constr = Enum(
Byte, updated=0, not_updated=1, roaming_not_allowed=2)
self._construct = Struct('5g_guti'/Bytes(13), 'last_visited_registered_tai_in_5gs'/Bytes(6),
# TS 31.102 Section
class EF_UAC_AIC(TransparentEF):
def __init__(self, fid='4f06', sfid=0x06, name='EF.UAC_AIC', size={4, 4},
desc='UAC Access Identities Configuration'):
super().__init__(fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, size=size)
cfg_constr = FlagsEnum(Byte, multimedia_priority_service=1,
self._construct = Struct('uac_access_id_config'/cfg_constr)
# TS 31.102 Section
class EF_OPL5G(LinFixedEF):
def __init__(self, fid='6f08', sfid=0x08, name='EF.OPL5G', desc='5GS Operator PLMN List'):
super().__init__(fid=fid, sfid=sfid,
name=name, desc=desc, rec_len={10, None})
self._construct = Struct('tai'/Bytes(9), 'pnn_record_id'/Int8ub)
# TS 31.102 Section
class EF_SUPI_NAI(TransparentEF):
class NetworkSpecificIdentifier(TLV_IE, tag=0x80):
# RFC 7542 encoded as UTF-8 string
_construct = GreedyString("utf8")
class GlobalLineIdentifier(TLV_IE, tag=0x81):
# TS 23.003 clause 28.16.2
class GlobalCableIdentifier(TLV_IE, tag=0x82):
# TS 23.003 clause 28.15.2
class NAI_TLV_Collection(TLV_IE_Collection,
nested=[NetworkSpecificIdentifier, GlobalLineIdentifier, GlobalCableIdentifier]):
def __init__(self, fid='4f09', sfid=0x09, name='EF.SUPI_NAI',
desc='SUPI as Network Access Identifier'):
super().__init__(fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc)
self._tlv = EF_SUPI_NAI.NAI_TLV_Collection
class EF_TN3GPPSNN(TransparentEF):
class ServingNetworkName(BER_TLV_IE, tag=0x80):
_construct = GreedyString("utf8")
def __init__(self, fid='4f0c', sfid=0x0c, name='EF.TN3GPPSNN',
desc='Trusted non-3GPP Serving network names list'):
super().__init__(fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc)
self._tlv = EF_TN3GPPSNN.ServingNetworkName
# TS 31.102 Section 4.4.5
class DF_WLAN(CardDF):
def __init__(self, fid='5f40', name='DF.WLAN', desc='Files for WLAN purpose', **kwargs):
super().__init__(fid=fid, name=name, desc=desc, **kwargs)
files = [
TransparentEF('4f41', 0x01, 'EF.Pseudo', 'Pseudonym'),
TransparentEF('4f42', 0x02, 'EF.UPLMNWLAN',
'User controlled PLMN selector for I-WLAN Access'),
TransparentEF('4f43', 0x03, 'EF.OPLMNWLAN',
'Operator controlled PLMN selector for I-WLAN Access'),
LinFixedEF('4f44', 0x04, 'EF.UWSIDL',
'User controlled WLAN Specific Identifier List'),
LinFixedEF('4f45', 0x05, 'EF.OWSIDL',
'Operator controlled WLAN Specific Identifier List'),
TransparentEF('4f46', 0x06, 'EF.WRI',
'WLAN Reauthentication Identity'),
LinFixedEF('4f47', 0x07, 'EF.HWSIDL',
'Home I-WLAN Specific Identifier List'),
TransparentEF('4f48', 0x08, 'EF.WEHPLMNPI',
'I-WLAN Equivalent HPLMN Presentation Indication'),
TransparentEF('4f49', 0x09, 'EF.WHPI',
'I-WLAN HPLMN Priority Indication'),
TransparentEF('4f4a', 0x0a, 'EF.WLRPLMN',
'I-WLAN Last Registered PLMN'),
TransparentEF('4f4b', 0x0b, 'EF.HPLMNDAI',
'HPLMN Direct Access Indicator'),
# TS 31.102 Section 4.4.6
class DF_HNB(CardDF):
def __init__(self, fid='5f50', name='DF.HNB', desc='Files for HomeNodeB purpose', **kwargs):
super().__init__(fid=fid, name=name, desc=desc, **kwargs)
files = [
LinFixedEF('4f01', 0x01, 'EF.ACSGL', 'Allowed CSG Lists'),
LinFixedEF('4f02', 0x02, 'EF.CSGTL', 'CSG Types'),
LinFixedEF('4f03', 0x03, 'EF.HNBN', 'Home NodeB Name'),
LinFixedEF('4f04', 0x04, 'EF.OCSGL', 'Operator CSG Lists'),
LinFixedEF('4f05', 0x05, 'EF.OCSGT', 'Operator CSG Type'),
LinFixedEF('4f06', 0x06, 'EF.OHNBN', 'Operator Home NodeB Name'),
# TS 31.102 Section 4.4.8
class DF_ProSe(CardDF):
def __init__(self, fid='5f90', name='DF.ProSe', desc='Files for ProSe purpose', **kwargs):
super().__init__(fid=fid, name=name, desc=desc, **kwargs)
files = [
LinFixedEF('4f01', 0x01, 'EF.PROSE_MON',
'ProSe Monitoring Parameters'),
LinFixedEF('4f02', 0x02, 'EF.PROSE_ANN',
'ProSe Announcing Parameters'),
LinFixedEF('4f03', 0x03, 'EF.PROSEFUNC', 'HPLMN ProSe Function'),
TransparentEF('4f04', 0x04, 'EF.PROSE_RADIO_COM',
'ProSe Direct Communication Radio Parameters'),
TransparentEF('4f05', 0x05, 'EF.PROSE_RADIO_MON',
'ProSe Direct Discovery Monitoring Radio Parameters'),
TransparentEF('4f06', 0x06, 'EF.PROSE_RADIO_ANN',
'ProSe Direct Discovery Announcing Radio Parameters'),
LinFixedEF('4f07', 0x07, 'EF.PROSE_POLICY',
'ProSe Policy Parameters'),
LinFixedEF('4f08', 0x08, 'EF.PROSE_PLMN', 'ProSe PLMN Parameters'),
TransparentEF('4f09', 0x09, 'EF.PROSE_GC', 'ProSe Group Counter'),
TransparentEF('4f10', 0x10, 'EF.PST', 'ProSe Service Table'),
TransparentEF('4f11', 0x11, 'EF.UIRC',
'ProSe UsageInformationReportingConfiguration'),
LinFixedEF('4f12', 0x12, 'EF.PROSE_GM_DISCOVERY',
'ProSe Group Member Discovery Parameters'),
LinFixedEF('4f13', 0x13, 'EF.PROSE_RELAY',
'ProSe Relay Parameters'),
TransparentEF('4f14', 0x14, 'EF.PROSE_RELAY_DISCOVERY',
'ProSe Relay Discovery Parameters'),
class DF_USIM_5GS(CardDF):
def __init__(self, fid='5FC0', name='DF.5GS', desc='5GS related files', **kwargs):
super().__init__(fid=fid, name=name, desc=desc, **kwargs)
files = [
# I'm looking at 31.102 R16.6
EF_5GS3GPPLOCI('4f02', 0x02, 'EF.5GSN3GPPLOCI',
'5GS non-3GPP location information'),
EF_5GS3GPPNSC('4f04', 0x04, 'EF.5GSN3GPPNSC',
'5GS non-3GPP Access NAS Security Context'),
TransparentEF('4F0A', 0x0a, 'EF.Routing_Indicator',
'Routing Indicator', size={4, 4}),
TransparentEF('4F0B', 0x0b, 'EF.URSP',
'UE Route Selector Policies per PLMN'),
class ADF_USIM(CardADF):
def __init__(self, aid='a0000000871002', name='ADF.USIM', fid=None, sfid=None,
desc='USIM Application'):
super().__init__(aid=aid, fid=fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc)
# add those commands to the general commands of a TransparentEF
self.shell_commands += [self.AddlShellCommands()]
files = [
EF_Keys('6f09', 0x09, 'EF.KeysPS',
desc='Ciphering and Integrity Keys for PS domain'),
EF_xPLMNwAcT('6f60', 0x0a, 'EF.PLMNwAcT',
'User controlled PLMN Selector with Access Technology', service=20),
EF_UServiceTable('6f38', 0x04, 'EF.UST', 'USIM Service Table', size={
1, 17}, table=EF_UST_map),
CyclicEF('6f39', None, 'EF.ACM',
'Accumulated call meter', rec_len={3, 3}, service=13),
TransparentEF('6f3e', None, 'EF.GID1', 'Group Identifier Level 1', service=17),
TransparentEF('6f3f', None, 'EF.GID2', 'Group Identifier Level 2', service=18),
TransparentEF('6f41', None, 'EF.PUCT',
'Price per unit and currency table', size={5, 5}, service=13),
EF_PLMNsel('6f7b', 0x0d, 'EF.FPLMN',
'Forbidden PLMNs', size={12, None}),
EF_CBMID(sfid=0x0e, service=29),
EF_ADN('6f3b', None, 'EF.FDN', 'Fixed Dialling Numbers', service=[2, 89]),
EF_SMS('6f3c', None, service=10),
EF_ADN('6f49', None, 'EF.SDN', 'Service Dialling Numbers', service=[4, 89]),
EF_EXT('6f4b', None, 'EF.EXT2', 'Extension2 (FDN)', service=3),
EF_EXT('6f4c', None, 'EF.EXT3', 'Extension2 (SDN)', service=5),
EF_ICT('6f83', None, 'EF.OCT', 'Outgoing Call Timer', service=8),
EF_EXT('6f4e', None, 'EF.EXT5', 'Extension5 (ICI/OCI/MSISDN)', service=44),
# EF_Hiddenkey
EF_ADN('6f4d', None, 'EF.BDN', 'Barred Dialling Numbers', service=6),
EF_EXT('6f55', None, 'EF.EXT4', 'Extension4 (BDN/SSC)', service=7),
EF_UServiceTable('6f56', 0x05, 'EF.EST', 'Enabled Services Table', size={
1, None}, table=EF_EST_map, service=[2, 6, 34, 35]),
EF_xPLMNwAcT('6f61', 0x11, 'EF.OPLMNwAcT', 'User controlled PLMN Selector with Access Technology', service=42),
EF_xPLMNwAcT('6f62', 0x13, 'EF.HPLMNwAcT', 'HPLMN Selector with Access Technology', service=43),
EF_ARR('6f06', 0x17),
TransparentEF('6fc4', None, 'EF.NETPAR', 'Network Parameters'),
EF_PNN('6fc5', 0x19, service=45),
EF_ADN('6fc7', None, 'EF.MBDN', 'Mailbox Dialling Numbers', service=47),
EF_EXT('6fc8', None, 'EF.EXT6', 'Extension6 (MBDN)'),
EF_ADN('6fcb', None, 'EF.CFIS', 'Call Forwarding Indication Status', service=49),
EF_EXT('6fcc', None, 'EF.EXT7', 'Extension7 (CFIS)'),
TransparentEF('6fcd', None, 'EF.SPDI', 'Service Provider Display Information', service=51),
EF_EXT('6fcf', None, 'EF.EXT8', 'Extension8 (MMSN)', service=53),
EF_MMSUCP(service=(52, 55)),
EF_VGCS('6fb3', None, 'EF.VBS', 'Voice Broadcast Service', service=58),
EF_VGCSS('6fb4', None, 'EF.VBSS', 'Voice Broadcast Service Status', service=58),
EF_VGCSCA('6fd5', None, 'EF.VBCSCA', 'Voice Broadcast Service Ciphering Algorithm', service=65),
EF_PLMNsel('6fd9', 0x1d, 'EF.EHPLMN', 'Equivalent HPLMN', size={12, None}, service=71),
EF_EHPLMNPI(service=(71, 73)),
# EF_LRPLMNSI ('6fdc', service=74)
EF_NAFKCA(service=(68, 76)),
TransparentEF('6fde', None, 'EF.SPNI', 'Service Provider Name Icon', service=78),
LinFixedEF('6fdf', None, 'EF.PNNI', 'PLMN Network Name Icon', service=79),
EF_EPSLOCI('6fe3', 0x1e, 'EF.EPSLOCI', 'EPS location information', service=85),
TransparentEF('6fe6', None, 'EF.UFC', 'USAT Facility Control', size={1, 16}),
TransparentEF('6fe8', None, 'EF.NASCONFIG', 'Non Access Stratum Configuration', service=96),
# UICC IARI (only in cards that have no ISIM) service=95
LinFixedEF('6fed', None, 'EF.FDNURI', 'Fixed Dialling Numbers URI', service=(2, 99)),
LinFixedEF('6fee', None, 'EF.BDNURI', 'Barred Dialling Numbers URI', service=(6, 99)),
LinFixedEF('6fef', None, 'EF.SDNURI', 'Service Dialling Numbers URI', service=(4, 99)),
# EF_IWL (IMEI(SV) White List)
EF_ePDGId(service=(106, 107)),
# FIXME: from EF_ePDGSelection onwards
# FIXME: DF_SoLSA service=23
# FIXME: DF_GSM_ACCESS service=27
DF_WLAN(service=[59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 66, 81, 82, 83, 84, 88]),
DF_HNB(service=[86, 90]),
# FIXME: DF_ACDC service=108
# FIXME: DF_TV service=116
DF_USIM_5GS(service=[122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 129, 130]),
def decode_select_response(self, data_hex):
return pySim.ts_102_221.CardProfileUICC.decode_select_response(data_hex)
@with_default_category('Application-Specific Commands')
class AddlShellCommands(CommandSet):
def __init__(self):
authenticate_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
authenticate_parser.add_argument('rand', help='Random challenge')
authenticate_parser.add_argument('autn', help='Authentication Nonce')
#authenticate_parser.add_argument('--context', help='Authentication context', default='3G')
def do_authenticate(self, opts):
"""Perform Authentication and Key Agreement (AKA)."""
(data, sw) = self._cmd.card._scc.authenticate(opts.rand, opts.autn)
def do_terminal_profile(self, arg):
"""Send a TERMINAL PROFILE command to the card."""
(data, sw) = self._cmd.card._scc.terminal_profile(arg)
self._cmd.poutput('SW: %s, data: %s' % (sw, data))
def do_envelope(self, arg):
"""Send an ENVELOPE command to the card."""
(data, sw) = self._cmd.card._scc.envelope(arg)
self._cmd.poutput('SW: %s, data: %s' % (sw, data))
def do_envelope_sms(self, arg):
"""Send an ENVELOPE command to the card."""
tpdu_ie = SMS_TPDU()
dev_ids = DeviceIdentities(
decoded={'source_dev_id': 'network', 'dest_dev_id': 'uicc'})
sms_dl = SMSPPDownload(children=[dev_ids, tpdu_ie])
(data, sw) = self._cmd.card._scc.envelope(b2h(sms_dl.to_tlv()))
self._cmd.poutput('SW: %s, data: %s' % (sw, data))
# TS 31.102 Section 7.3
sw_usim = {
'Security management': {
'9862': 'Authentication error, incorrect MAC',
'9864': 'Authentication error, security context not supported',
'9865': 'Key freshness failure',
'9866': 'Authentication error, no memory space available',
'9867': 'Authentication error, no memory space available in EF MUK',
class CardApplicationUSIM(CardApplication):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__('USIM', adf=ADF_USIM(), sw=sw_usim)