blob: 1b6b5d12dbcc2cbdf54c5aaf83c999fd918d34cc [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" pySim: various utilities only used by legacy tools (pySim-{prog,read})
# Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Sylvain Munaut <>
# Copyright (C) 2021 Harald Welte <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
from pySim.utils import Hexstr, rpad, enc_plmn
from pySim.utils import dec_xplmn_w_act, dec_xplmn, dec_mcc_from_plmn, dec_mnc_from_plmn
def hexstr_to_Nbytearr(s, nbytes):
return [s[i:i+(nbytes*2)] for i in range(0, len(s), (nbytes*2))]
def format_xplmn_w_act(hexstr):
s = ""
for rec_data in hexstr_to_Nbytearr(hexstr, 5):
rec_info = dec_xplmn_w_act(rec_data)
if rec_info['mcc'] == "" and rec_info['mnc'] == "":
rec_str = "unused"
rec_str = "MCC: %s MNC: %s AcT: %s" % (
rec_info['mcc'], rec_info['mnc'], ", ".join(rec_info['act']))
s += "\t%s # %s\n" % (rec_data, rec_str)
return s
def format_xplmn(hexstr: Hexstr) -> str:
s = ""
for rec_data in hexstr_to_Nbytearr(hexstr, 3):
rec_info = dec_xplmn(rec_data)
if not rec_info['mcc'] and not rec_info['mnc']:
rec_str = "unused"
rec_str = "MCC: %s MNC: %s" % (rec_info['mcc'], rec_info['mnc'])
s += "\t%s # %s\n" % (rec_data, rec_str)
return s
def format_ePDGSelection(hexstr):
ePDGSelection_info_tag_chars = 2
ePDGSelection_info_tag_str = hexstr[:2]
s = ""
# Minimum length
len_chars = 2
# TODO: Need to determine length properly - definite length support only
# Inconsistency in spec: 3GPP TS 31.102 version 15.2.0 Release 15, 4.2.104
# As per spec, length is 5n, n - number of PLMNs
# But, each PLMN entry is made of PLMN (3 Bytes) + ePDG Priority (2 Bytes) + ePDG FQDN format (1 Byte)
# Totalling to 6 Bytes, maybe length should be 6n
len_str = hexstr[ePDGSelection_info_tag_chars:ePDGSelection_info_tag_chars+len_chars]
# Not programmed scenario
if int(len_str, 16) == 255 or int(ePDGSelection_info_tag_str, 16) == 255:
len_chars = 0
ePDGSelection_info_tag_chars = 0
if len_str[0] == '8':
# The bits 7 to 1 denotes the number of length octets if length > 127
if int(len_str[1]) > 0:
# Update number of length octets
len_chars = len_chars * int(len_str[1])
len_str = hexstr[ePDGSelection_info_tag_chars:len_chars]
content_str = hexstr[ePDGSelection_info_tag_chars+len_chars:]
# Right pad to prevent index out of range - multiple of 6 bytes
content_str = rpad(content_str, len(content_str) +
(12 - (len(content_str) % 12)))
for rec_data in hexstr_to_Nbytearr(content_str, 6):
rec_info = dec_ePDGSelection(rec_data)
if rec_info['mcc'] == 0xFFF and rec_info['mnc'] == 0xFFF:
rec_str = "unused"
rec_str = "MCC: %03d MNC: %03d ePDG Priority: %s ePDG FQDN format: %s" % \
(rec_info['mcc'], rec_info['mnc'],
rec_info['epdg_priority'], rec_info['epdg_fqdn_format'])
s += "\t%s # %s\n" % (rec_data, rec_str)
return s
def enc_st(st, service, state=1):
Encodes the EF S/U/IST/EST and returns the updated Service Table
st - Current value of SIM/USIM/ISIM Service Table
service - Service Number to encode as activated/de-activated
state - 1 mean activate, 0 means de-activate
s - Modified value of SIM/USIM/ISIM Service Table
Default values:
- state: 1 - Sets the particular Service bit to 1
st_bytes = [st[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(st), 2)]
s = ""
# Check whether the requested service is present in each byte
for i in range(0, len(st_bytes)):
# Byte i contains info about Services num (8i+1) to num (8i+8)
if service in range((8*i) + 1, (8*i) + 9):
byte = int(st_bytes[i], 16)
# Services in each byte are in order MSB to LSB
# MSB - Service (8i+8)
# LSB - Service (8i+1)
mod_byte = 0x00
# Copy bit by bit contents of byte to mod_byte with modified bit
# for requested service
for j in range(1, 9):
mod_byte = mod_byte >> 1
if service == (8*i) + j:
mod_byte = state == 1 and mod_byte | 0x80 or mod_byte & 0x7f
mod_byte = byte & 0x01 == 0x01 and mod_byte | 0x80 or mod_byte & 0x7f
byte = byte >> 1
s += ('%02x' % (mod_byte))
s += st_bytes[i]
return s
def dec_st(st, table="sim") -> str:
Parses the EF S/U/IST and prints the list of available services in EF S/U/IST
if table == "isim":
from pySim.ts_31_103 import EF_IST_map
lookup_map = EF_IST_map
elif table == "usim":
from pySim.ts_31_102 import EF_UST_map
lookup_map = EF_UST_map
from pySim.ts_51_011 import EF_SST_map
lookup_map = EF_SST_map
st_bytes = [st[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(st), 2)]
avail_st = ""
# Get each byte and check for available services
for i in range(0, len(st_bytes)):
# Byte i contains info about Services num (8i+1) to num (8i+8)
byte = int(st_bytes[i], 16)
# Services in each byte are in order MSB to LSB
# MSB - Service (8i+8)
# LSB - Service (8i+1)
for j in range(1, 9):
if byte & 0x01 == 0x01 and ((8*i) + j in lookup_map):
# Byte X contains info about Services num (8X-7) to num (8X)
# bit = 1: service available
# bit = 0: service not available
avail_st += '\tService %d - %s\n' % (
(8*i) + j, lookup_map[(8*i) + j])
byte = byte >> 1
return avail_st
def enc_ePDGSelection(hexstr, mcc, mnc, epdg_priority='0001', epdg_fqdn_format='00'):
Encode ePDGSelection so it can be stored at EF.ePDGSelection or EF.ePDGSelectionEm.
See 3GPP TS 31.102 version 15.2.0 Release 15, section 4.2.104 and 4.2.106.
Default values:
- epdg_priority: '0001' - 1st Priority
- epdg_fqdn_format: '00' - Operator Identifier FQDN
plmn1 = enc_plmn(mcc, mnc) + epdg_priority + epdg_fqdn_format
# TODO: Handle encoding of Length field for length more than 127 Bytes
content = '80' + ('%02x' % (len(plmn1)//2)) + plmn1
content = rpad(content, len(hexstr))
return content
def dec_ePDGSelection(sixhexbytes):
Decode ePDGSelection to get EF.ePDGSelection or EF.ePDGSelectionEm.
See 3GPP TS 31.102 version 15.2.0 Release 15, section 4.2.104 and 4.2.106.
res = {'mcc': 0, 'mnc': 0, 'epdg_priority': 0, 'epdg_fqdn_format': ''}
plmn_chars = 6
epdg_priority_chars = 4
epdg_fqdn_format_chars = 2
# first three bytes (six ascii hex chars)
plmn_str = sixhexbytes[:plmn_chars]
# two bytes after first three bytes
epdg_priority_str = sixhexbytes[plmn_chars:plmn_chars +
# one byte after first five bytes
epdg_fqdn_format_str = sixhexbytes[plmn_chars +
epdg_priority_chars:plmn_chars + epdg_priority_chars + epdg_fqdn_format_chars]
res['mcc'] = dec_mcc_from_plmn(plmn_str)
res['mnc'] = dec_mnc_from_plmn(plmn_str)
res['epdg_priority'] = epdg_priority_str
res['epdg_fqdn_format'] = epdg_fqdn_format_str == '00' and 'Operator Identifier FQDN' or 'Location based FQDN'
return res