blob: 0ade9b4983209d36f21dea21b339fe6f8c5a3ee3 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/bin/sh -xe
# jenkins build helper script for pysim. This is how we build on
# environment variables:
# * WITH_MANUALS: build manual PDFs if set to "1"
# * PUBLISH: upload manuals after building if set to "1" (ignored without WITH_MANUALS = "1")
if [ ! -d "./pysim-testdata/" ] ; then
echo "###############################################"
echo "Please call from pySim-prog top directory"
echo "###############################################"
exit 1
virtualenv -p python3 venv --system-site-packages
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Execute automatically discovered unit tests first
python -m unittest discover -v -s tests/
# Run pylint to find potential errors
# Ignore E1102: not-callable
# pySim/ E1102: method is not callable (not-callable)
# Ignore E0401: import-error
# pySim/ E0401: Unable to import 'Crypto.Cipher' (import-error)
# pySim/ E0401: Unable to import 'Crypto.Util.strxor' (import-error)
pip install pylint
python -m pylint -j0 --errors-only \
--disable E1102 \
--disable E0401 \
--enable W0301 \
pySim *.py
# attempt to build documentation
pip install sphinx
pip install sphinxcontrib-napoleon
pip3 install -e 'git+'
(cd docs && make html latexpdf)
if [ "$WITH_MANUALS" = "1" ] && [ "$PUBLISH" = "1" ]; then
make -C "docs" publish publish-html
# run the test with physical cards
cd pysim-testdata