blob: ac9089cb03ee7e44dc09db02c11ef492f49d9172 [file] [log] [blame]
# Implementation of SimAlliance/TCA Interoperable Profile handling
# (C) 2023-2024 by Harald Welte <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import abc
import io
from typing import List, Tuple
from pySim.utils import enc_iccid, enc_imsi, h2b, rpad, sanitize_iccid
from pySim.esim.saip import ProfileElement, ProfileElementSequence
def remove_unwanted_tuples_from_list(l: List[Tuple], unwanted_keys: List[str]) -> List[Tuple]:
"""In a list of tuples, remove all tuples whose first part equals 'unwanted_key'."""
return list(filter(lambda x: x[0] not in unwanted_keys, l))
def file_replace_content(file: List[Tuple], new_content: bytes):
"""Completely replace all fillFileContent of a decoded 'File' with the new_content."""
# use [:] to avoid making a copy, as we're doing in-place modification of the list here
file[:] = remove_unwanted_tuples_from_list(file, ['fillFileContent', 'fillFileOffset'])
file.append(('fillFileContent', new_content))
return file
class ClassVarMeta(abc.ABCMeta):
"""Metaclass that puts all additional keyword-args into the class. We use this to have one
class definition for something like a PIN, and then have derived classes for PIN1, PIN2, ..."""
def __new__(metacls, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs):
#print("Meta_new_(metacls=%s, name=%s, bases=%s, namespace=%s, kwargs=%s)" % (metacls, name, bases, namespace, kwargs))
x = super().__new__(metacls, name, bases, namespace)
for k, v in kwargs.items():
setattr(x, k, v)
return x
class ConfigurableParameter(abc.ABC, metaclass=ClassVarMeta):
"""Base class representing a part of the eSIM profile that is configurable during the
personalization process (with dynamic data from elsewhere)."""
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def validate(self):
"""Optional validation method. Can be used by derived classes to perform validation
of the input value (self.value). Will raise an exception if validation fails."""
def apply(self, pes: ProfileElementSequence):
class Iccid(ConfigurableParameter):
"""Configurable ICCID. Expects the value to be a string of decimal digits.
If the string of digits is only 18 digits long, a Luhn check digit will be added."""
name = 'iccid'
def validate(self):
# convert to string as it migt be an integer
iccid_str = str(self.value)
if len(iccid_str) < 18 or len(iccid_str) > 20:
raise ValueError('ICCID must be 18, 19 or 20 digits long')
if not iccid_str.isdecimal():
raise ValueError('ICCID must only contain decimal digits')
def apply(self, pes: ProfileElementSequence):
iccid_str = sanitize_iccid(self.value)
# patch the header
pes.get_pe_for_type('header').decoded['iccid'] = iccid_str
# patch MF/EF.ICCID
file_replace_content(pes.get_pe_for_type('mf').decoded['ef-iccid'], h2b(enc_iccid(iccid_str)))
class Imsi(ConfigurableParameter):
"""Configurable IMSI. Expects value to be a string of digits. Automatically sets the ACC to
the last digit of the IMSI."""
name = 'imsi'
def validate(self):
# convert to string as it migt be an integer
imsi_str = str(self.value)
if len(imsi_str) < 6 or len(imsi_str) > 15:
raise ValueError('IMSI must be 6..15 digits long')
if not imsi_str.isdecimal():
raise ValueError('IMSI must only contain decimal digits')
def apply(self, pes: ProfileElementSequence):
imsi_str = str(self.value)
# we always use the least significant byte of the IMSI as ACC
acc = (1 << int(imsi_str[-1]))
for pe in pes.get_pes_for_type('usim'):
file_replace_content(pe.decoded['ef-imsi'], h2b(enc_imsi(imsi_str)))
file_replace_content(pe.decoded['ef-acc'], acc.to_bytes(2, 'big'))
# TODO: DF.GSM_ACCESS if not linked?
def obtain_singleton_pe_from_pelist(l: List[ProfileElement], wanted_type: str) -> ProfileElement:
filtered = list(filter(lambda x: x.type == wanted_type, l))
assert len(filtered) == 1
return filtered[0]
def obtain_first_pe_from_pelist(l: List[ProfileElement], wanted_type: str) -> ProfileElement:
filtered = list(filter(lambda x: x.type == wanted_type, l))
return filtered[0]
class Puk(ConfigurableParameter, metaclass=ClassVarMeta):
"""Configurable PUK (Pin Unblock Code). String ASCII-encoded digits."""
keyReference = None
def validate(self):
if isinstance(self.value, int):
self.value = '%08d' % self.value
# FIXME: valid length?
if not self.value.isdecimal():
raise ValueError('PUK must only contain decimal digits')
def apply(self, pes: ProfileElementSequence):
puk = ''.join(['%02x' % (ord(x)) for x in self.value])
padded_puk = rpad(puk, 16)
mf_pes = pes.pes_by_naa['mf'][0]
pukCodes = obtain_singleton_pe_from_pelist(mf_pes, 'pukCodes')
for pukCode in pukCodes.decoded['pukCodes']:
if pukCode['keyReference'] == self.keyReference:
pukCode['pukValue'] = h2b(padded_puk)
raise ValueError('cannot find pukCode')
class Puk1(Puk, keyReference=0x01):
class Puk2(Puk, keyReference=0x81):
class Pin(ConfigurableParameter, metaclass=ClassVarMeta):
"""Configurable PIN (Personal Identification Number). String of digits."""
keyReference = None
def validate(self):
if isinstance(self.value, int):
self.value = '%04d' % self.value
if len(self.value) < 4 or len(self.value) > 8:
raise ValueError('PIN mus be 4..8 digits long')
if not self.value.isdecimal():
raise ValueError('PIN must only contain decimal digits')
def apply(self, pes: ProfileElementSequence):
pin = ''.join(['%02x' % (ord(x)) for x in self.value])
padded_pin = rpad(pin, 16)
mf_pes = pes.pes_by_naa['mf'][0]
pinCodes = obtain_first_pe_from_pelist(mf_pes, 'pinCodes')
if pinCodes.decoded['pinCodes'][0] != 'pinconfig':
for pinCode in pinCodes.decoded['pinCodes'][1]:
if pinCode['keyReference'] == self.keyReference:
pinCode['pinValue'] = h2b(padded_pin)
raise ValueError('cannot find pinCode')
class AppPin(ConfigurableParameter, metaclass=ClassVarMeta):
"""Configurable PIN (Personal Identification Number). String of digits."""
keyReference = None
def validate(self):
if isinstance(self.value, int):
self.value = '%04d' % self.value
if len(self.value) < 4 or len(self.value) > 8:
raise ValueError('PIN mus be 4..8 digits long')
if not self.value.isdecimal():
raise ValueError('PIN must only contain decimal digits')
def _apply_one(self, pe: ProfileElement):
pin = ''.join(['%02x' % (ord(x)) for x in self.value])
padded_pin = rpad(pin, 16)
pinCodes = obtain_first_pe_from_pelist(pe, 'pinCodes')
if pinCodes.decoded['pinCodes'][0] != 'pinconfig':
for pinCode in pinCodes.decoded['pinCodes'][1]:
if pinCode['keyReference'] == self.keyReference:
pinCode['pinValue'] = h2b(padded_pin)
raise ValueError('cannot find pinCode')
def apply(self, pes: ProfileElementSequence):
for naa in pes.pes_by_naa:
if naa not in ['usim','isim','csim','telecom']:
for instance in pes.pes_by_naa[naa]:
class Pin1(Pin, keyReference=0x01):
# PIN2 is special: telecom + usim + isim + csim
class Pin2(AppPin, keyReference=0x81):
class Adm1(Pin, keyReference=0x0A):
class Adm2(Pin, keyReference=0x0B):
class AlgoConfig(ConfigurableParameter, metaclass=ClassVarMeta):
"""Configurable Algorithm parameter. bytes."""
key = None
def validate(self):
if not isinstance(self.value, (io.BytesIO, bytes, bytearray)):
raise ValueError('Value must be of bytes-like type')
def apply(self, pes: ProfileElementSequence):
for pe in pes.get_pes_for_type('akaParameter'):
algoConfiguration = pe.decoded['algoConfiguration']
if algoConfiguration[0] != 'algoParameter':
algoConfiguration[1][self.key] = self.value
class K(AlgoConfig, key='key'):
class Opc(AlgoConfig, key='opc'):
class AlgorithmID(AlgoConfig, key='algorithmID'):
def validate(self):
if self.value not in [1, 2, 3]:
raise ValueError('Invalid algorithmID %s' % (self.value))