blob: 733f04c3ef09a03e15d76d5af6f3da9369ef61dd [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# (C) 2023 by Harald Welte <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import unittest
import logging
from pySim.utils import *
from pySim.filesystem import *
import pySim.iso7816_4
import pySim.ts_102_221
import pySim.ts_102_222
import pySim.ts_31_102
import pySim.ts_31_103
import pySim.ts_51_011
import pySim.sysmocom_sja2
import pySim.gsm_r
import pySim.cdma_ruim
def get_qualified_name(c):
"""return the qualified (by module) name of a class."""
return "%s.%s" % (c.__module__, c.__name__)
class LinFixed_Test(unittest.TestCase):
classes = all_subclasses(LinFixedEF)
def test_decode_record(self):
"""Test the decoder for a linear-fixed EF. Requires the given LinFixedEF subclass
to have an '_test_decode' attribute, containing a list of tuples. Each tuple can
either be a
* 2-tuple (hexstring, decoded_dict) or a
* 3-tuple (hexstring, record_nr, decoded_dict)
for c in self.classes:
name = get_qualified_name(c)
if hasattr(c, '_test_decode'):
for t in c._test_decode:
with self.subTest(name, test_decode=t):
inst = c()
if len(t) == 2:
encoded = t[0]
rec_num = 1
decoded = t[1]
encoded = t[0]
rec_num = t[1]
decoded = t[2]
logging.debug("Testing decode of %s", name)
re_dec = inst.decode_record_hex(encoded, rec_num)
self.assertEqual(decoded, re_dec)
def test_encode_record(self):
"""Test the encoder for a linear-fixed EF. Requires the given LinFixedEF subclass
to have an '_test_encode' attribute, containing a list of tuples. Each tuple can
either be a
* 2-tuple (hexstring, decoded_dict) or a
* 3-tuple (hexstring, record_nr, decoded_dict)
for c in self.classes:
name = get_qualified_name(c)
if hasattr(c, '_test_encode'):
for t in c._test_encode:
with self.subTest(name, test_encode=t):
inst = c()
if len(t) == 2:
encoded = t[0]
rec_num = 1
decoded = t[1]
encoded = t[0]
rec_num = t[1]
decoded = t[2]
logging.debug("Testing encode of %s", name)
re_enc = inst.encode_record_hex(decoded, rec_num)
self.assertEqual(encoded.upper(), re_enc.upper())
def test_de_encode_record(self):
"""Test the decoder and encoder for a linear-fixed EF. Performs first a decoder
test, and then re-encodes the decoded data, comparing the re-encoded data with the
initial input data.
Requires the given LinFixedEF subclass to have a '_test_de_encode' attribute,
containing a list of tuples. Each tuple can
either be a
* 2-tuple (hexstring, decoded_dict) or a
* 3-tuple (hexstring, record_nr, decoded_dict)
for c in self.classes:
name = get_qualified_name(c)
if hasattr(c, '_test_de_encode'):
for t in c._test_de_encode:
with self.subTest(name, test_de_encode=t):
inst = c()
if len(t) == 2:
encoded = t[0]
rec_num = 1
decoded = t[1]
encoded = t[0]
rec_num = t[1]
decoded = t[2]
logging.debug("Testing decode of %s", name)
re_dec = inst.decode_record_hex(encoded, rec_num)
self.assertEqual(decoded, re_dec)
# re-encode the decoded data
logging.debug("Testing re-encode of %s", name)
re_enc = inst.encode_record_hex(re_dec, rec_num)
self.assertEqual(encoded.upper(), re_enc.upper())
class TransRecEF_Test(unittest.TestCase):
classes = all_subclasses(TransRecEF)
def test_decode_record(self):
"""Test the decoder for a transparent record-oriented EF. Requires the given TransRecEF subclass
to have an '_test_decode' attribute, containing a list of tuples. Each tuple has to be a
2-tuple (hexstring, decoded_dict).
for c in self.classes:
name = get_qualified_name(c)
if hasattr(c, '_test_decode'):
for t in c._test_decode:
with self.subTest(name, test_decode=t):
inst = c()
encoded = t[0]
decoded = t[1]
logging.debug("Testing decode of %s", name)
re_dec = inst.decode_record_hex(encoded)
self.assertEqual(decoded, re_dec)
def test_encode_record(self):
"""Test the encoder for a transparent record-oriented EF. Requires the given TransRecEF subclass
to have an '_test_encode' attribute, containing a list of tuples. Each tuple has to be a
2-tuple (hexstring, decoded_dict).
for c in self.classes:
name = get_qualified_name(c)
if hasattr(c, '_test_decode'):
for t in c._test_decode:
with self.subTest(name, test_decode=t):
inst = c()
encoded = t[0]
decoded = t[1]
logging.debug("Testing decode of %s", name)
re_dec = inst.decode_record_hex(encoded)
self.assertEqual(decoded, re_dec)
def test_de_encode_record(self):
"""Test the decoder and encoder for a transparent record-oriented EF. Performs first a decoder
test, and then re-encodes the decoded data, comparing the re-encoded data with the
initial input data.
Requires the given TransRecEF subclass to have a '_test_de_encode' attribute,
containing a list of tuples. Each tuple has to be a 2-tuple (hexstring, decoded_dict).
for c in self.classes:
name = get_qualified_name(c)
if hasattr(c, '_test_de_encode'):
for t in c._test_de_encode:
with self.subTest(name, test_de_encode=t):
inst = c()
encoded = t[0]
decoded = t[1]
logging.debug("Testing decode of %s", name)
re_dec = inst.decode_record_hex(encoded)
self.assertEqual(decoded, re_dec)
# re-encode the decoded data
logging.debug("Testing re-encode of %s", name)
re_enc = inst.encode_record_hex(re_dec)
self.assertEqual(encoded.upper(), re_enc.upper())
class TransparentEF_Test(unittest.TestCase):
def get_classes(cls):
"""get list of TransparentEF sub-classes which are not a TransRecEF subclass."""
classes = all_subclasses(TransparentEF)
trans_rec_classes = all_subclasses(TransRecEF)
return filter(lambda c: c not in trans_rec_classes, classes)
def setUpClass(cls):
"""set-up method called once for this class by unittest framework"""
cls.classes = cls.get_classes()
def test_decode_file(self):
"""Test the decoder for a transparent EF. Requires the given TransparentEF subclass
to have a '_test_decode' attribute, containing a list of tuples. Each tuple
is a 2-tuple (hexstring, decoded_dict).
for c in self.classes:
name = get_qualified_name(c)
if hasattr(c, '_test_decode'):
for t in c._test_decode:
with self.subTest(name, test_decode=t):
inst = c()
encoded = t[0]
decoded = t[1]
logging.debug("Testing decode of %s", name)
re_dec = inst.decode_hex(encoded)
self.assertEqual(decoded, re_dec)
def test_encode_file(self):
"""Test the encoder for a transparent EF. Requires the given TransparentEF subclass
to have a '_test_encode' attribute, containing a list of tuples. Each tuple
is a 2-tuple (hexstring, decoded_dict).
for c in self.classes:
name = get_qualified_name(c)
if hasattr(c, '_test_encode'):
for t in c._test_encode:
with self.subTest(name, test_encode=t):
inst = c()
encoded = t[0]
decoded = t[1]
logging.debug("Testing encode of %s", name)
re_dec = inst.decode_hex(encoded)
self.assertEqual(decoded, re_dec)
def test_de_encode_file(self):
"""Test the decoder and encoder for a transparent EF. Performs first a decoder
test, and then re-encodes the decoded data, comparing the re-encoded data with the
initial input data.
Requires the given TransparentEF subclass to have a '_test_de_encode' attribute,
containing a list of tuples. Each tuple is a 2-tuple (hexstring, decoded_dict).
for c in self.classes:
name = get_qualified_name(c)
if hasattr(c, '_test_de_encode'):
for t in c._test_de_encode:
with self.subTest(name, test_de_encode=t):
inst = c()
encoded = t[0]
decoded = t[1]
logging.debug("Testing decode of %s", name)
re_dec = inst.decode_hex(encoded)
self.assertEqual(decoded, re_dec)
logging.debug("Testing re-encode of %s", name)
re_dec = inst.decode_hex(encoded)
re_enc = inst.encode_hex(re_dec)
self.assertEqual(encoded.upper(), re_enc.upper())
if __name__ == '__main__':
logger = logging.getLogger()