blob: cb39b94a1c62c83839a48bcd5d2ff860fc5d97a1 [file] [log] [blame]
# coding=utf-8
"""Representation of the ISO7816-4 filesystem model.
The File (and its derived classes) represent the structure / hierarchy
of the ISO7816-4 smart card file system with the MF, DF, EF and ADF
entries, further sub-divided into the EF sub-types Transparent, Linear Fixed, etc.
The classes are intended to represent the *specification* of the filesystem,
not the actual contents / runtime state of interacting with a given smart card.
(C) 2021 by Harald Welte <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
import code
import json
import cmd2
from cmd2 import CommandSet, with_default_category, with_argparser
import argparse
from pySim.utils import sw_match, h2b, b2h, is_hex
from pySim.exceptions import *
class CardFile(object):
"""Base class for all objects in the smart card filesystem.
Serve as a common ancestor to all other file types; rarely used directly.
RESERVED_NAMES = ['..', '.', '/', 'MF']
RESERVED_FIDS = ['3f00']
def __init__(self, fid=None, sfid=None, name=None, desc=None, parent=None):
if not isinstance(self, CardADF) and fid == None:
raise ValueError("fid is mandatory")
if fid:
fid = fid.lower()
self.fid = fid # file identifier
self.sfid = sfid # short file identifier = name # human readable name
self.desc = desc # human readable description
self.parent = parent
if self.parent and self.parent != self and self.fid:
self.shell_commands = []
# Note: the basic properties (fid, name, ect.) are verified when
# the file is attached to a parent file. See method add_file() in
# class Card DF
def __str__(self):
return self.fid
def _path_element(self, prefer_name):
if prefer_name and
return self.fid
def fully_qualified_path(self, prefer_name=True):
"""Return fully qualified path to file as list of FID or name strings."""
if self.parent != self:
ret = self.parent.fully_qualified_path(prefer_name)
ret = []
return ret
def get_mf(self):
"""Return the MF (root) of the file system."""
if self.parent == None:
return None
# iterate towards the top. MF has parent == self
node = self
while node.parent != node:
node = node.parent
return node
def _get_self_selectables(self, alias=None, flags = []):
"""Return a dict of {'identifier': self} tuples"""
sels = {}
if alias:
sels.update({alias: self})
if self.fid and (flags == [] or 'FIDS' in flags):
sels.update({self.fid: self})
if and (flags == [] or 'FNAMES' in flags):
sels.update({ self})
return sels
def get_selectables(self, flags = []):
"""Return a dict of {'identifier': File} that is selectable from the current file."""
sels = {}
# we can always select ourself
if flags == [] or 'SELF' in flags:
sels = self._get_self_selectables('.', flags)
# we can always select our parent
if flags == [] or 'PARENT' in flags:
sels = self.parent._get_self_selectables('..', flags)
# if we have a MF, we can always select its applications
if flags == [] or 'MF' in flags:
mf = self.get_mf()
if mf:
sels.update(mf._get_self_selectables(flags = flags))
sels.update(mf.get_app_selectables(flags = flags))
return sels
def get_selectable_names(self, flags = []):
"""Return a list of strings for all identifiers that are selectable from the current file."""
sels = self.get_selectables(flags)
return sels.keys()
def decode_select_response(self, data_hex):
"""Decode the response to a SELECT command."""
return self.parent.decode_select_response(data_hex)
class CardDF(CardFile):
"""DF (Dedicated File) in the smart card filesystem. Those are basically sub-directories."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
if not isinstance(self, CardADF):
if not 'fid' in kwargs:
raise TypeError('fid is mandatory for all DF')
self.children = dict()
def __str__(self):
return "DF(%s)" % (super().__str__())
def add_file(self, child, ignore_existing=False):
"""Add a child (DF/EF) to this DF"""
if not isinstance(child, CardFile):
raise TypeError("Expected a File instance")
if not is_hex(child.fid, minlen = 4, maxlen = 4):
raise ValueError("File name %s is not a valid fid" % (child.fid))
if in CardFile.RESERVED_NAMES:
raise ValueError("File name %s is a reserved name" % (
if child.fid in CardFile.RESERVED_FIDS:
raise ValueError("File fid %s is a reserved fid" % (child.fid))
if child.fid in self.children:
if ignore_existing:
raise ValueError("File with given fid %s already exists" % (child.fid))
if self.lookup_file_by_sfid(child.sfid):
raise ValueError("File with given sfid %s already exists" % (child.sfid))
if self.lookup_file_by_name(
if ignore_existing:
raise ValueError("File with given name %s already exists" % (
self.children[child.fid] = child
child.parent = self
def add_files(self, children, ignore_existing=False):
"""Add a list of child (DF/EF) to this DF"""
for child in children:
self.add_file(child, ignore_existing)
def get_selectables(self, flags = []):
"""Get selectable (DF/EF names) from current DF"""
# global selectables + our children
sels = super().get_selectables(flags)
if flags == [] or 'FIDS' in flags:
sels.update({x.fid: x for x in self.children.values() if x.fid})
if flags == [] or 'FNAMES' in flags:
sels.update({ x for x in self.children.values() if})
return sels
def lookup_file_by_name(self, name):
if name == None:
return None
for i in self.children.values():
if and == name:
return i
return None
def lookup_file_by_sfid(self, sfid):
if sfid == None:
return None
for i in self.children.values():
if i.sfid == int(sfid):
return i
return None
def lookup_file_by_fid(self, fid):
if fid in self.children:
return self.children[fid]
return None
class CardMF(CardDF):
"""MF (Master File) in the smart card filesystem"""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# can be overridden; use setdefault
kwargs.setdefault('fid', '3f00')
kwargs.setdefault('name', 'MF')
kwargs.setdefault('desc', 'Master File (directory root)')
# cannot be overridden; use assignment
kwargs['parent'] = self
self.applications = dict()
def __str__(self):
return "MF(%s)" % (self.fid)
def add_application(self, app):
"""Add an ADF (Application Dedicated File) to the MF"""
if not isinstance(app, CardADF):
raise TypeError("Expected an ADF instance")
if app.aid in self.applications:
raise ValueError("AID %s already exists" % (app.aid))
self.applications[app.aid] = app
def get_app_names(self):
"""Get list of completions (AID names)"""
return [ for x in self.applications]
def get_selectables(self, flags = []):
"""Get list of completions (DF/EF/ADF names) from current DF"""
sels = super().get_selectables(flags)
return sels
def get_app_selectables(self, flags = []):
"""Get applications by AID + name"""
sels = {}
if flags == [] or 'AIDS' in flags:
sels.update({x.aid: x for x in self.applications.values()})
if flags == [] or 'ANAMES' in flags:
sels.update({ x for x in self.applications.values() if})
return sels
def decode_select_response(self, data_hex):
"""Decode the response to a SELECT command."""
return data_hex
class CardADF(CardDF):
"""ADF (Application Dedicated File) in the smart card filesystem"""
def __init__(self, aid, **kwargs):
self.aid = aid # Application Identifier
if self.parent:
def __str__(self):
return "ADF(%s)" % (self.aid)
def _path_element(self, prefer_name):
if and prefer_name:
return self.aid
class CardEF(CardFile):
"""EF (Entry File) in the smart card filesystem"""
def __init__(self, *, fid, **kwargs):
kwargs['fid'] = fid
def __str__(self):
return "EF(%s)" % (super().__str__())
def get_selectables(self, flags = []):
"""Get list of completions (EF names) from current DF"""
#global selectable names + those of the parent DF
sels = super().get_selectables(flags)
sels.update({ for x in self.parent.children.values() if x != self})
return sels
class TransparentEF(CardEF):
"""Transparent EF (Entry File) in the smart card filesystem"""
@with_default_category('Transparent EF Commands')
class ShellCommands(CommandSet):
def __init__(self):
read_bin_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
read_bin_parser.add_argument('--offset', type=int, default=0, help='Byte offset for start of read')
read_bin_parser.add_argument('--length', type=int, help='Number of bytes to read')
def do_read_binary(self, opts):
"""Read binary data from a transparent EF"""
(data, sw) =, opts.offset)
def do_read_binary_decoded(self, opts):
"""Read + decode data from a transparent EF"""
(data, sw) =
self._cmd.poutput(json.dumps(data, indent=4))
upd_bin_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
upd_bin_parser.add_argument('--offset', type=int, default=0, help='Byte offset for start of read')
upd_bin_parser.add_argument('data', help='Data bytes (hex format) to write')
def do_update_binary(self, opts):
"""Update (Write) data of a transparent EF"""
(data, sw) =, opts.offset)
if data:
upd_bin_dec_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
upd_bin_dec_parser.add_argument('data', help='Abstract data (JSON format) to write')
def do_update_binary_decoded(self, opts):
"""Encode + Update (Write) data of a transparent EF"""
data_json = json.loads(
(data, sw) =
if data:
self._cmd.poutput(json.dumps(data, indent=4))
def __init__(self, fid, sfid=None, name=None, desc=None, parent=None, size={1,None}):
super().__init__(fid=fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, parent=parent)
self.size = size
self.shell_commands = [self.ShellCommands()]
def decode_bin(self, raw_bin_data):
"""Decode raw (binary) data into abstract representation. Overloaded by specific classes."""
method = getattr(self, '_decode_bin', None)
if callable(method):
return method(raw_bin_data)
method = getattr(self, '_decode_hex', None)
if callable(method):
return method(b2h(raw_bin_data))
return {'raw': raw_bin_data.hex()}
def decode_hex(self, raw_hex_data):
"""Decode raw (hex string) data into abstract representation. Overloaded by specific classes."""
method = getattr(self, '_decode_hex', None)
if callable(method):
return method(raw_hex_data)
raw_bin_data = h2b(raw_hex_data)
method = getattr(self, '_decode_bin', None)
if callable(method):
return method(raw_bin_data)
return {'raw': raw_bin_data.hex()}
def encode_bin(self, abstract_data):
"""Encode abstract representation into raw (binary) data. Overloaded by specific classes."""
method = getattr(self, '_encode_bin', None)
if callable(method):
return method(abstract_data)
method = getattr(self, '_encode_hex', None)
if callable(method):
return h2b(method(abstract_data))
raise NotImplementedError
def encode_hex(self, abstract_data):
"""Encode abstract representation into raw (hex string) data. Overloaded by specific classes."""
method = getattr(self, '_encode_hex', None)
if callable(method):
return method(abstract_data)
method = getattr(self, '_encode_bin', None)
if callable(method):
raw_bin_data = method(abstract_data)
return b2h(raw_bin_data)
raise NotImplementedError
class LinFixedEF(CardEF):
"""Linear Fixed EF (Entry File) in the smart card filesystem"""
@with_default_category('Linear Fixed EF Commands')
class ShellCommands(CommandSet):
def __init__(self):
read_rec_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
read_rec_parser.add_argument('record_nr', type=int, help='Number of record to be read')
read_rec_parser.add_argument('--count', type=int, default=1, help='Number of records to be read, beginning at record_nr')
def do_read_record(self, opts):
"""Read one or multiple records from a record-oriented EF"""
for r in range(opts.count):
recnr = opts.record_nr + r
(data, sw) =
if (len(data) > 0):
recstr = str(data)
recstr = "(empty)"
self._cmd.poutput("%03d %s" % (recnr, recstr))
read_rec_dec_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
read_rec_dec_parser.add_argument('record_nr', type=int, help='Number of record to be read')
def do_read_record_decoded(self, opts):
"""Read + decode a record from a record-oriented EF"""
(data, sw) =
self._cmd.poutput(json.dumps(data, indent=4))
upd_rec_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
upd_rec_parser.add_argument('record_nr', type=int, help='Number of record to be read')
upd_rec_parser.add_argument('data', help='Data bytes (hex format) to write')
def do_update_record(self, opts):
"""Update (write) data to a record-oriented EF"""
(data, sw) =,
if data:
upd_rec_dec_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
upd_rec_dec_parser.add_argument('record_nr', type=int, help='Number of record to be read')
upd_rec_dec_parser.add_argument('data', help='Data bytes (hex format) to write')
def do_update_record_decoded(self, opts):
"""Encode + Update (write) data to a record-oriented EF"""
(data, sw) =,
if data:
def __init__(self, fid, sfid=None, name=None, desc=None, parent=None, rec_len={1,None}):
super().__init__(fid=fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, parent=parent)
self.rec_len = rec_len
self.shell_commands = [self.ShellCommands()]
def decode_record_hex(self, raw_hex_data):
"""Decode raw (hex string) data into abstract representation. Overloaded by specific classes."""
method = getattr(self, '_decode_record_hex', None)
if callable(method):
return method(raw_hex_data)
raw_bin_data = h2b(raw_hex_data)
method = getattr(self, '_decode_record_bin', None)
if callable(method):
return method(raw_bin_data)
return {'raw': raw_bin_data.hex()}
def decode_record_bin(self, raw_bin_data):
"""Decode raw (binary) data into abstract representation. Overloaded by specific classes."""
method = getattr(self, '_decode_record_bin', None)
if callable(method):
return method(raw_bin_data)
raw_hex_data = b2h(raw_bin_data)
method = getattr(self, '_decode_record_hex', None)
if callable(method):
return method(raw_hex_data)
return {'raw': raw_hex_data}
def encode_record_hex(self, abstract_data):
"""Encode abstract representation into raw (hex string) data. Overloaded by specific classes."""
method = getattr(self, '_encode_record_hex', None)
if callable(method):
return method(abstract_data)
method = getattr(self, '_encode_record_bin', None)
if callable(method):
raw_bin_data = method(abstract_data)
return b2h(raww_bin_data)
raise NotImplementedError
def encode_record_bin(self, abstract_data):
"""Encode abstract representation into raw (binary) data. Overloaded by specific classes."""
method = getattr(self, '_encode_record_bin', None)
if callable(method):
return method(abstract_data)
method = getattr(self, '_encode_record_hex', None)
if callable(method):
return b2h(method(abstract_data))
raise NotImplementedError
class CyclicEF(LinFixedEF):
"""Cyclic EF (Entry File) in the smart card filesystem"""
# we don't really have any special support for those; just recycling LinFixedEF here
def __init__(self, fid, sfid=None, name=None, desc=None, parent=None, rec_len={1,None}):
super().__init__(fid=fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, parent=parent, rec_len=rec_len)
class TransRecEF(TransparentEF):
"""Transparent EF (Entry File) containing fixed-size records.
These are the real odd-balls and mostly look like mistakes in the specification:
Specified as 'transparent' EF, but actually containing several fixed-length records
We add a special class for those, so the user only has to provide encoder/decoder functions
for a record, while this class takes care of split / merge of records.
def __init__(self, fid, sfid=None, name=None, desc=None, parent=None, rec_len=None, size={1,None}):
super().__init__(fid=fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, parent=parent, size=size)
self.rec_len = rec_len
def decode_record_hex(self, raw_hex_data):
"""Decode raw (hex string) data into abstract representation. Overloaded by specific classes."""
method = getattr(self, '_decode_record_hex', None)
if callable(method):
return method(raw_hex_data)
method = getattr(self, '_decode_record_bin', None)
if callable(method):
raw_bin_data = h2b(raw_hex_data)
return method(raw_bin_data)
return {'raw': raw_hex_data}
def decode_record_bin(self, raw_bin_data):
"""Decode raw (hex string) data into abstract representation. Overloaded by specific classes."""
method = getattr(self, '_decode_record_bin', None)
if callable(method):
return method(raw_bin_data)
raw_hex_data = b2h(raw_bin_data)
method = getattr(self, '_decode_record_hex', None)
if callable(method):
return method(raw_hex_data)
return {'raw': raw_hex_data}
def encode_record_hex(self, abstract_data):
"""Encode abstract representation into raw (hex string) data. Overloaded by specific classes."""
method = getattr(self, '_encode_record_hex', None)
if callable(method):
return method(abstract_data)
method = getattr(self, '_encode_record_bin', None)
if callable(method):
return h2b(method(abstract_data))
raise NotImplementedError
def encode_record_bin(self, abstract_data):
"""Encode abstract representation into raw (binary) data. Overloaded by specific classes."""
method = getattr(self, '_encode_record_bin', None)
if callable(method):
return method(abstract_data)
method = getattr(self, '_encode_record_hex', None)
if callable(method):
return h2b(method(abstract_data))
raise NotImplementedError
def _decode_bin(self, raw_bin_data):
chunks = [raw_bin_data[i:i+self.rec_len] for i in range(0, len(raw_bin_data), self.rec_len)]
return [self.decode_record_bin(x) for x in chunks]
def _encode_bin(self, abstract_data):
chunks = [self.encode_record_bin(x) for x in abstract_data]
# FIXME: pad to file size
return b''.join(chunks)
class RuntimeState(object):
"""Represent the runtime state of a session with a card."""
def __init__(self, card, profile): = CardMF()
self.card = card
self.selected_file =
self.profile = profile
# add applications + MF-files from profile
apps = self._match_applications()
for a in apps:
for f in self.profile.files_in_mf:
def _match_applications(self):
"""match the applications from the profile with applications on the card"""
apps_profile = self.profile.applications
aids_card = self.card.read_aids()
apps_taken = []
if aids_card:
aids_taken = []
print("AIDs on card:")
for a in aids_card:
for f in apps_profile:
if f.aid in a:
print(" %s: %s" % (, a))
aids_unknown = set(aids_card) - set(aids_taken)
for a in aids_unknown:
print(" unknown: %s" % a)
print("error: could not determine card applications")
return apps_taken
def get_cwd(self):
"""Obtain the current working directory."""
if isinstance(self.selected_file, CardDF):
return self.selected_file
return self.selected_file.parent
def get_application(self):
"""Obtain the currently selected application (if any)."""
# iterate upwards from selected file; check if any is an ADF
node = self.selected_file
while node.parent != node:
if isinstance(node, CardADF):
return node
node = node.parent
return None
def interpret_sw(self, sw):
"""Interpret the given SW relative to the currently selected Application
or the underlying profile."""
app = self.get_application()
if app:
# The application either comes with its own interpret_sw
# method or we will use the interpret_sw method from the
# card profile.
if hasattr(app, "interpret_sw"):
return app.interpret_sw(sw)
return self.profile.interpret_sw(sw)
return app.interpret_sw(sw)
return self.profile.interpret_sw(sw)
def select(self, name, cmd_app=None):
"""Change current directory"""
sels = self.selected_file.get_selectables()
if is_hex(name):
name = name.lower()
if name in sels:
f = sels[name]
# unregister commands of old file
if cmd_app and self.selected_file.shell_commands:
for c in self.selected_file.shell_commands:
if isinstance(f, CardADF):
(data, sw) = self.card._scc.select_adf(f.aid)
(data, sw) = self.card._scc.select_file(f.fid)
self.selected_file = f
except SwMatchError as swm:
k = self.interpret_sw(swm.sw_actual)
if not k:
raise RuntimeError("%s: %s - %s" % (swm.sw_actual, k[0], k[1]))
# register commands of new file
if cmd_app and self.selected_file.shell_commands:
for c in self.selected_file.shell_commands:
return f.decode_select_response(data)
#elif looks_like_fid(name):
raise ValueError("Cannot select unknown %s" % (name))
def read_binary(self, length=None, offset=0):
if not isinstance(self.selected_file, TransparentEF):
raise TypeError("Only works with TransparentEF")
return self.card._scc.read_binary(self.selected_file.fid, length, offset)
def read_binary_dec(self):
(data, sw) = self.read_binary()
dec_data = self.selected_file.decode_hex(data)
print("%s: %s -> %s" % (sw, data, dec_data))
return (dec_data, sw)
def update_binary(self, data_hex, offset=0):
if not isinstance(self.selected_file, TransparentEF):
raise TypeError("Only works with TransparentEF")
return self.card._scc.update_binary(self.selected_file.fid, data_hex, offset)
def update_binary_dec(self, data):
data_hex = self.selected_file.encode_hex(data)
print("%s -> %s" % (data, data_hex))
return self.update_binary(data_hex)
def read_record(self, rec_nr=0):
if not isinstance(self.selected_file, LinFixedEF):
raise TypeError("Only works with Linear Fixed EF")
# returns a string of hex nibbles
return self.card._scc.read_record(self.selected_file.fid, rec_nr)
def read_record_dec(self, rec_nr=0):
(data, sw) = self.read_record(rec_nr)
return (self.selected_file.decode_record_hex(data), sw)
def update_record(self, rec_nr, data_hex):
if not isinstance(self.selected_file, LinFixedEF):
raise TypeError("Only works with Linear Fixed EF")
return self.card._scc.update_record(self.selected_file.fid, rec_nr, data_hex)
def update_record_dec(self, rec_nr, data):
hex_data = self.selected_file.encode_record_hex(data)
return self.update_record(self, rec_nr, data_hex)
class FileData(object):
"""Represent the runtime, on-card data."""
def __init__(self, fdesc):
self.desc = fdesc
self.fcp = None
def interpret_sw(sw_data, sw):
"""Interpret a given status word within the profile. Returns tuple of
two strings"""
for class_str, swdict in sw_data.items():
# first try direct match
if sw in swdict:
return (class_str, swdict[sw])
# next try wildcard matches
for pattern, descr in swdict.items():
if sw_match(sw, pattern):
return (class_str, descr)
return None
class CardApplication(object):
"""A card application is represented by an ADF (with contained hierarchy) and optionally
some SW definitions."""
def __init__(self, name, adf=None, sw=None): = name
self.adf = adf
self.sw = sw or dict()
def __str__(self):
return "APP(%s)" % (
def interpret_sw(self, sw):
"""Interpret a given status word within the application. Returns tuple of
two strings"""
return interpret_sw(self.sw, sw)
class CardProfile(object):
"""A Card Profile describes a card, it's filessystem hierarchy, an [initial] list of
applications as well as profile-specific SW and shell commands. Every card has
one card profile, but there may be multiple applications within that profile."""
def __init__(self, name, **kw): = name
self.desc = kw.get("desc", None)
self.files_in_mf = kw.get("files_in_mf", [])
self.sw = kw.get("sw", [])
self.applications = kw.get("applications", [])
self.shell_cmdsets = kw.get("shell_cmdsets", [])
def __str__(self):
def add_application(self, app):
def interpret_sw(self, sw):
"""Interpret a given status word within the profile. Returns tuple of
two strings"""
return interpret_sw(self.sw, sw)