blob: 0685484c9741abfbdaee28855810bec18ca3011e [file] [log] [blame]
-- *******************************************************************************
-- * Copyright (c) 2004, 2014 Ericsson AB
-- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
-- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- *
-- *
-- * Contributors:
-- * Zoltan Jasz - initial implementation and initial documentation
-- * Abhishek Gupta
-- * Attila Balasko
-- * Endre Kulcsar
-- * Gabor Bettesch
-- * Gabor Szalai
-- * Janos Kovesdi
-- * Sandor Palugyai
-- * Tibor Csondes
-- *******************************************************************************
-- File: MobileDomainDefinitions.asn
-- Rev: R9A
-- Prodnr: CNL 113 368
-- Reference:
MobileDomainDefinitions {ccitt (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0)
mobileDomain (0) mobileDomainDefinitions (0) version1 (1)}
-- Mobile DomainId
mobileDomainId OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {ccitt (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0)}
-- Mobile Subdomains
gsm-NetworkId OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {mobileDomainId gsm-Network (1)}
gsm-AccessId OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {mobileDomainId gsm-Access (2)}
gsm-OperationAndMaintenanceId OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {mobileDomainId gsm-Operation-Maintenance (3)}
gsm-MessagingId OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {mobileDomainId gsm-Messaging (4)}
-- Common Component Ids for structuring Mobile Subdomains
CommonComponentId ::= INTEGER (0..9)
ac-Id CommonComponentId ::= 0
as-Id CommonComponentId ::= 1
ase-Id CommonComponentId ::= 2
moduleId CommonComponentId ::= 3
er-Id CommonComponentId ::= 4
END -- MobileDomainDefinitions