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-- File: SS_Errors.asn
-- Rev: R1B
-- Prodnr: CNL 113 832
-- Contact:
-- Reference: 3GPP TS 24.080 v13.0.0
SS-Errors {
itu-t identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0) gsm-Access (2) modules (3)
ss-Errors (1) version12 (12)}
Remote-Operations-Information-Objects {joint-iso-itu-t remote-operations(4)
informationObjects(5) version1(0)};
-- The MAP errors
-- unknownSubscriber, bearerServiceNotProvisioned, teleserviceNotProvisioned,
-- illegalSS-Operation, ss-ErrorStatus, ss-NotAvailable, ss-SubscriptionViolation,
-- ss-Incompatibility, systemFailure, dataMissing, unexpectedDataValue, facilityNotSupported,
-- pw-RegistrationFailure, negativePW-Check, callBarred, numberOfPW-AttemptsViolation,
-- absentSubscriber, illegalSubscriber, illegalEquipment, ussd-Busy, unknownAlphabet,
-- forwardingViolation, forwardingFailed
-- are imported from MAP-Errors in SS-Protocol module.
-- errors definition
resourcesNotAvailable ERROR ::= {
CODE local:127 }
maxNumberOfMPTY-ParticipantsExceeded ERROR ::= {
CODE local:126 }
invalidDeflectedToNumber ERROR ::= {
CODE local:125 }
specialServiceCode ERROR ::= {
CODE local:124 }
deflectionToServedSubscriber ERROR ::= {
CODE local:123 }
rejectedByNetwork ERROR ::= {
CODE local:122 }
rejectedByUser ERROR ::= {
CODE local:121 }