blob: d2b747e5838416d088d48bf30bd57ddd7b5285f3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Wrapper around the TITAN make file generator to work in Debian.
# TITAN has a makefile generator, but somehow Debian seems to install
# the binaries to different paths without patching the make file
# generator, leading in inconsistent non-working Makefiles.
# See for details.
# The regexes below patch the generated Makefile to work on Debian 9 and
# unstable, so far tested with TITAN 6.1.0, 6.2.0 and 6.3.0
test -x "$(which ttcn3_makefilegen 2>/dev/null)" || { echo "ERROR: ttcn3_makefilegen not in PATH"; exit 1; }
# Enable ccache if it can be found in path.
# This speeds up repeated builds of the TTCN3 tests by an order of magnitude
# since most of the generated C++ source files don't change very often.
# Roughly, for an initial build which takes N minutes, a complete rebuild
# after 'make clean' will only take N seconds with ccache.
# Note that ccache cannot speed up compilation of .o files to .so files.
if [ -z "$USE_CCACHE" ] && which ccache 2>/dev/null; then
ttcn3_makefilegen -p -l -U 5 -f $*
TITAN_VERSION=$(ttcn3_makefilegen -v 2>&1 |grep "Product number" |cut --delimiter="/" -f 2-| sed -e "s/[A-Z ]//g")
sed -i -e 's/# TTCN3_DIR = /TTCN3_DIR = \/usr/' Makefile
sed -i -e 's/LDFLAGS = /LDFLAGS = -L \/usr\/lib\/titan /' Makefile
#sed -i -e 's/TTCN3_LIB = ttcn3-parallel/TTCN3_LIB = ttcn3/' Makefile
# The -DMAKEDEPEND_RUN is a workaround for Debian packaging issue,
# see for details
if [ $(($TITAN_VERSION >= 65)) = 1 ]; then
sed -i -e 's/CPPFLAGS = -D$(PLATFORM) -I$(TTCN3_DIR)\/include/CPPFLAGS = -D$(PLATFORM) -DMAKEDEPEND_RUN -DUSE_SCTP -I$(TTCN3_DIR)\/include -I\/usr\/include\/titan/' Makefile
#remove -Wall from CXXFLAGS: we're not interested in generic warnings for autogenerated code cluttering the logs
sed -i -e 's/-Wall//' Makefile
if [ "x$CPPFLAGS_TTCN3" != "x" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/CPPFLAGS_TTCN3 =/CPPFLAGS_TTCN3 = '"$CPPFLAGS_TTCN3"'/' Makefile
# for TITAN 6.3.0
if cat /etc/issue | grep "Arch Linux" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
sed -i -e 's/TTCN3_DIR = $/TTCN3_DIR = \/usr\/ttcn3/' Makefile
sed -i -e 's/TTCN3_DIR = $/TTCN3_DIR = \/usr/' Makefile
sed -i -e 's/\/bin\/compiler/\/bin\/ttcn3_compiler/' Makefile
if [ "x$USE_CCACHE" = "x1" ]; then
# enable ccache
sed -i -e 's/^CXX = g++ $/CXX = env CCACHE_SLOPPINESS=time_macros ccache g++/' Makefile
# Append the -D option to compiler flags. This option disables timestamps
# inside comments in the generated C++ code which interfere with ccache.
sed -i -e 's/^COMPILER_FLAGS = \(.*\)/& -D/' Makefile