blob: 911e1a5ada328c5e74a6b89ee5053ec25ad5821b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2014 Ericsson AB
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Zoltan Jasz - initial implementation and initial documentation
* Abhishek Gupta
* Attila Balasko
* Endre Kulcsar
* Gabor Bettesch
* Gabor Szalai
* Janos Kovesdi
* Sandor Palugyai
* Tibor Csondes
// File: UsefulTtcn3Types.ttcn
// Rev: R9A
// Prodnr: CNL 113 368
module UsefulTtcn3Types {
type integer byte (-128 .. 127) with { variant "/* 8 bit */" };
type integer unsignedbyte (0 .. 255) with { variant "/*unsigned 8 bit*/" };
type integer short (-32768 .. 32767) with { variant "/*16 bit*/" };
type integer unsignedshort (0 .. 65535) with { variant "/*unsigned 16 bit*/" };
type integer long (-2147483648 .. 2147483647) with { variant "/*32 bit*/" };
type integer unsignedlong (0 .. 4294967295) with { variant "/*unsigned 32 bit*/" };
type integer longlong /* ( -9223372036854775808 .. 9223372036854775807 ) */ with { variant "/*64 bit*/" };
type integer unsignedlonglong /* ( 0 .. 18446744073709551615 ) */ with { variant "/*unsigned 64 bit*/" };
type float IEEE754float with { variant "/*IEEE754 float*/" };
type float IEEE754double with { variant "/*IEEE754 double*/" };
type float IEEE754extfloat with { variant "/*IEEE754 extended float*/" };
type float IEEE754extdouble with { variant "/*IEEE754 extended double*/" };
type universal charstring utf8string with { variant "/*UTF-8*/" };
type universal charstring bmpstring ( char ( 0,0,0,0 ) .. char ( 0,0,255,255) ) with { variant "/*UCS-2*/" };
type universal charstring utf16string ( char ( 0,0,0,0 ) .. char ( 0,16,255,255) ) with { variant "/*UTF-16*/" };
type universal charstring iso8859string ( char ( 0,0,0,0 ) .. char ( 0,0,0,255) ) with { variant "/*8 bit*/" };
type record IDLfixed
unsignedshort digits,
short scale,
charstring value_
with {
variant "/*IDL:fixed FORMAL/01-12-01 v.2.6*/";
type charstring char length (1);
NOTE 1: The name of this useful type is the same as the TTCN-3 keyword used to denote universal
charstring values in the quadraple form. In general it is disallowed to use TTCN-3 keywords as
identifiers. The "char" useful type is a solitary exception and allowed only for backward compatibility
with previous versions of the TTCN-3 standard. (except Titan doesn't)
NOTE 2: The special string "8 bit" defined in clause 28.2.3 may be used with this type to specify a given encoding
for its values. Also, other properties of the base type can be changed by using attribute mechanisms.
type universal charstring uchar length (1);
NOTE: Special strings defined in clause 28.2.3 except "8 bit" may be used with this type to specify a given
encoding for its values. Also, other properties of the base type can be changed by using attribute
type bitstring bit length (1);
type hexstring hex length (1);
type octetstring octet length (1);
with {
encode "XML";