blob: 64157a0481a4afa0d2f62ec6026bf106651ad857 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2014 Ericsson AB
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Zoltan Jasz - initial implementation and initial documentation
* Abhishek Gupta
* Attila Balasko
* Endre Kulcsar
* Gabor Bettesch
* Gabor Szalai
* Janos Kovesdi
* Sandor Palugyai
* Tibor Csondes
// File: XSD.ttcn
// Rev: R9A
// Prodnr: CNL 113 368
module XSD {
import from UsefulTtcn3Types all;
//These constants are used in the XSD date/time type definitions
const charstring
dash := "-",
cln := ":",
year := "(0(0(0[1-9]|[1-9][0-9])|[1-9][0-9][0-9])|[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])",
yearExpansion := "(-([1-9][0-9]#(0,))#(,1))#(,1)",
month := "(0[1-9]|1[0-2])",
dayOfMonth := "(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])",
hour := "([01][0-9]|2[0-3])",
minute := "([0-5][0-9])",
second := "([0-5][0-9])",
sFraction := "(.[0-9]#(1,))#(,1)",
endOfDayExt := "24:00:00(.0#(1,))#(,1)",
nums := "[0-9]#(1,)",
ZorTimeZoneExt := "(Z|[+-]((0[0-9]|1[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]|14:00))#(,1)",
durTime := "(T[0-9]#(1,)"&
type XMLCompatibleString AnySimpleType
with {
variant "XSD:anySimpleType";
type record AnyType
record of String attr,
record of String elem_list
with {
variant "XSD:anyType";
variant (attr) "anyAttributes";
variant (elem_list) "anyElement";
// String types
type XMLCompatibleString String
with {
variant "XSD:string";
type XMLStringWithNoCRLFHT NormalizedString
with {
variant "XSD:normalizedString";
type NormalizedString Token
with {
variant "XSD:token";
type XMLStringWithNoWhitespace Name
with {
variant "XSD:Name";
type XMLStringWithNoWhitespace NMTOKEN
with {
variant "XSD:NMTOKEN";
type Name NCName
with {
variant "XSD:NCName";
type NCName ID
with {
variant "XSD:ID";
type NCName IDREF
with {
variant "XSD:IDREF";
type NCName ENTITY
with {
variant "XSD:ENTITY";
type octetstring HexBinary
with {
variant "XSD:hexBinary";
type octetstring Base64Binary
with {
variant "XSD:base64Binary";
type XMLStringWithNoCRLFHT AnyURI
with {
variant "XSD:anyURI";
type charstring Language (pattern "[a-zA-Z]#(1,8)(-\w#(1,8))#(0,)")
with {
variant "XSD:language";
// Integer types
type integer Integer
with {
variant "XSD:integer";
type integer PositiveInteger (1 .. infinity)
with {
variant "XSD:positiveInteger";
type integer NonPositiveInteger (-infinity .. 0)
with {
variant "XSD:nonPositiveInteger";
type integer NegativeInteger (-infinity .. -1)
with {
variant "XSD:negativeInteger";
type integer NonNegativeInteger (0 .. infinity)
with {
variant "XSD:nonNegativeInteger";
type longlong Long
with {
variant "XSD:long";
type unsignedlonglong UnsignedLong
with {
variant "XSD:unsignedLong";
type long Int
with {
variant "XSD:int";
type unsignedlong UnsignedInt
with {
variant "XSD:unsignedInt";
type short Short
with {
variant "XSD:short";
type unsignedshort UnsignedShort
with {
variant "XSD:unsignedShort";
type byte Byte
with {
variant "XSD:byte";
type unsignedbyte UnsignedByte
with {
variant "XSD:unsignedByte";
// Float types
type float Decimal
with {
variant "XSD:decimal";
type IEEE754float Float
with {
variant "XSD:float";
type IEEE754double Double
with {
variant "XSD:double";
// Time types
type charstring Duration (pattern
"{dash}#(,1)P({nums}(Y({nums}(M({nums}D{durTime}#(,1)|{durTime}#(,1))|D{durTime}#(,1))|" &
with {
variant "XSD:duration";
type charstring DateTime (pattern
"{yearExpansion}{year}{dash}{month}{dash}{dayOfMonth}T({hour}{cln}{minute}{cln}{second}" &
"{sFraction}|{endOfDayExt}){ZorTimeZoneExt}" )
with {
variant "XSD:dateTime";
type charstring Time (pattern
"({hour}{cln}{minute}{cln}{second}{sFraction}|{endOfDayExt}){ZorTimeZoneExt}" )
with {
variant "XSD:time";
type charstring Date (pattern
"{yearExpansion}{year}{dash}{month}{dash}{dayOfMonth}{ZorTimeZoneExt}" )
with {
variant "XSD:date";
type charstring GYearMonth (pattern
"{yearExpansion}{year}{dash}{month}{ZorTimeZoneExt}" )
with {
variant "XSD:gYearMonth";
type charstring GYear (pattern
"{yearExpansion}{year}{ZorTimeZoneExt}" )
with {
variant "XSD:gYear";
type charstring GMonthDay (pattern
"{dash}{dash}{month}{dash}{dayOfMonth}{ZorTimeZoneExt}" )
with {
variant "XSD:gMonthDay";
type charstring GDay (pattern
"{dash}{dash}{dash}{dayOfMonth}{ZorTimeZoneExt}" )
with {
variant "XSD:gDay";
type charstring GMonth (pattern
"{dash}{dash}{month}{ZorTimeZoneExt}" )
with {
variant "XSD:gMonth";
// Sequence types
type record of NMTOKEN NMTOKENS
with {
variant "XSD:NMTOKENS";
type record of IDREF IDREFS
with {
variant "XSD:IDREFS";
type record of ENTITY ENTITIES
with {
variant "XSD:ENTITIES";
type record QName
AnyURI uri optional,
NCName name
with {
variant "XSD:QName";
// Boolean type
type boolean Boolean
with {
variant "XSD:boolean";
//TTCN-3 type definitions supporting the mapping of W3C XML Schema built-in datatypes
type utf8string XMLCompatibleString
type utf8string XMLStringWithNoWhitespace
type utf8string XMLStringWithNoCRLFHT
encode "XML"