blob: 87ef6d26ccb2e62bb29632e226bf762914b2ba19 [file] [log] [blame]
module Osmocom_CTRL_Types {
type charstring CtrlVerb ("GET", "SET") with {
/* see on why this
* match expression is needed here */
variant "TEXT_CODING(,convert=upper_case,'((GET)|(SET)|(TRAP))',case_insensitive)"
type charstring CtrlReplyVerb ("GET_REPLY", "SET_REPLY") with {
variant "TEXT_CODING(,convert=upper_case,'((GET_REPLY)|(SET_REPLY))',case_insensitive)"
type charstring CtrlId (pattern "\d#(1,9)");
type charstring CtrlVariable (pattern "[^, \{\}\[\]\(\)<>\|~\\\^`'\"\?=;/\+\*&%$\#!]*");
type charstring CtrlValue (pattern "[^ ]");
type charstring CtrlReason;
type record CtrlCommand {
CtrlVerb verb,
CtrlId id,
CtrlVariable variable,
CtrlValue val optional /* only for SET */
} with {
variant "SEPARATOR(' ',)"
type record CtrlResponse {
CtrlReplyVerb verb,
CtrlId id,
CtrlVariable variable,
CtrlValue val
} with {
variant "SEPARATOR(' ',)"
type record CtrlError {
CtrlId id,
CtrlReason reason
} with {
variant "BEGIN('ERROR ',,case_insensitive)"
variant "SEPARATOR(' ',)"
type record CtrlTrap {
CtrlVariable variable,
CtrlValue val
} with {
variant "BEGIN('TRAP ',,case_insensitive)"
variant "SEPARATOR(' ',)"
type union CtrlMessage {
CtrlCommand cmd,
CtrlResponse resp,
CtrlError err,
CtrlTrap trap
external function enc_CtrlMessage(in CtrlMessage id) return charstring
with { extension "prototype(convert) encode(TEXT)"};
external function dec_CtrlMessage(in charstring id) return CtrlMessage
with { extension "prototype(convert) decode(TEXT)"};
template CtrlMessage ts_CtrlMsgGet(CtrlId id, CtrlVariable variable) := {
cmd := {
verb := "GET",
id := id,
variable := variable,
val := omit
template CtrlMessage ts_CtrlMsgSet(CtrlId id, CtrlVariable variable, CtrlValue val) := {
cmd := {
verb := "SET",
id := id,
variable := variable,
val := omit
template CtrlMessage tr_CtrlMsgGetRepl(template CtrlId id, template CtrlVariable variable := ?) := {
resp := {
verb := "GET_REPLY",
id := id,
variable := variable,
val := ?
template CtrlMessage tr_CtrlMsgSetRepl(template CtrlId id, template CtrlVariable variable := ?,
template CtrlValue val := ?) := {
resp := {
verb := "SET_REPLY",
id := id,
variable := variable,
val := val
template CtrlMessage tr_CtrlMsgTrap(template CtrlVariable variable := ?,
template CtrlValue val := ?) := {
trap := {
variable := variable,
val := val
template CtrlMessage tr_CtrlMsgError(template CtrlId id := ?, template CtrlReason reason := ?) := {
err := {
id := id,
reason := reason
} with { encode "TEXT" }