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card: Library adapted to request (U)SIM cards and other types of telco cards.
Copyright (C) 2010 Benoit Michau
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Python library to work on
# SIM card
# communication based on ISO7816 card
# needs pyscard from:
from card.ICC import ISO7816
from card.FS import SIM_FS
from card.utils import *
class SIM(ISO7816):
define attributes, methods and facilities for ETSI / 3GPP SIM card
check SIM specifications in ETSI TS 102.221 and 3GPP TS 51.011
inherit methods and objects from ISO7816 class
use self.dbg = 1 or more to print live debugging information
def __init__(self):
initialize like an ISO7816-4 card with CLA=0xA0
can also be used for USIM working in SIM mode,
ISO7816.__init__(self, CLA=0xA0)
if self.dbg:
print '[DBG] type definition: %s' % type(self)
print '[DBG] CLA definition: %s' % hex(self.CLA)
def sw_status(self, sw1, sw2):
sw_status(sw1=int, sw2=int) -> string
extends SW status bytes interpretation from ISO7816
with ETSI / 3GPP SW codes
helps to speak with the smartcard!
status = ISO7816.sw_status(self, sw1, sw2)
if sw1 == 0x91: status = 'normal processing, with extra info ' \
'containing a command for the terminal: length of the ' \
'response data %d' % sw2
elif sw1 == 0x9E: status = 'normal processing, SIM data download ' \
'error: length of the response data %d' % sw2
elif sw1 == 0x9F: status = 'normal processing: length of the ' \
'response data %d' % sw2
elif (sw1, sw2) == (0x93, 0x00): status = 'SIM application toolkit ' \
'busy, command cannot be executed at present'
elif sw1 == 0x92 :
status = 'memory management'
if sw2 < 16: status += ': command successful but after %d '\
'retry routine' % sw2
elif sw2 == 0x40: status += ': memory problem'
elif sw1 == 0x94:
status = 'referencing management'
if sw2 == 0x00: status += ': no EF selected'
elif sw2 == 0x02: status += ': out of range (invalid address)'
elif sw2 == 0x04: status += ': file ID or pattern not found'
elif sw2 == 0x08: status += ': file inconsistent with the command'
elif sw1 == 0x98:
status = 'security management'
if sw2 == 0x02: status += ': no CHV initialized'
elif sw2 == 0x04: status += ': access condition not fulfilled, ' \
'at least 1 attempt left'
elif sw2 == 0x08: status += ': in contradiction with CHV status'
elif sw2 == 0x10: status += ': in contradiction with ' \
'invalidation status'
elif sw2 == 0x40: status += ': unsuccessful CHV verification, ' \
'no attempt left'
elif sw2 == 0x50: status += ': increase cannot be performed, ' \
'max value reached'
elif sw2 == 0x62: status += ': authentication error, ' \
'application specific'
elif sw2 == 0x63: status += ': security session expired'
return status
def verify_pin(self, pin='', pin_type=1):
verify CHV1 (PIN code) or CHV2 with VERIFY APDU command
call ISO7816 VERIFY method
if pin_type in [1, 2] and type(pin) is str and \
len(pin) == 4 and 0 <= int(pin) < 10000:
PIN = [ord(i) for i in pin] + [0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF]
self.coms.push( self.VERIFY(P2=pin_type, Data=PIN) )
if self.dbg:
print '[WNG] bad parameters'
def disable_pin(self, pin='', pin_type=1):
disable CHV1 (PIN code) or CHV2 with DISABLE_CHV APDU command
TIP: do it as soon as you can when you are working
with a SIM / USIM card for which you know the PIN!
call ISO7816 DISABLE method
if pin_type in [1, 2] and type(pin) is str and \
len(pin) == 4 and 0 <= int(pin) < 10000:
PIN = [ord(i) for i in pin] + [0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF]
self.coms.push( self.DISABLE_CHV(P2=pin_type, Data=PIN) )
if self.dbg:
print '[WNG] bad parameters'
def unblock_pin(self, pin_type=1, unblock_pin=''):
WARNING: not correctly implemented!!!
and PUK are in general 8 nums...
TODO: make it correctly!
unblock CHV1 (PIN code) or CHV2 with UNBLOCK_CHV APDU command
and set 0000 value for new PIN
call ISO7816 UNBLOCK_CHV method
print 'not correctly implemented'
#if pin_type == 1:
# pin_type = 0
if pin_type in [0, 2] and type(unblock_pin) is str and \
len(unblock_pin) == 4 and 0 <= int(unblock_pin) < 10000:
UNBL_PIN = [ord(i) for i in unblock_pin] + [0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF]
self.coms.push( self.UNBLOCK_CHV(P2=pin_type, Lc=0x10, \
Data=UNBL_PIN + \
[0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF]) )
if self.dbg:
print '[WNG] bad parameters'
#return self.UNBLOCK_CHV(P2=pin_type)
def parse_file(self, Data=[]):
parse_file(Data=[0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x89]) -> dict(file)
parses a list of bytes returned when selecting a file
interprets the content of some informative bytes for right accesses,
type / format of file... see TS 51.011
works over the SIM file structure
fil = {}
fil['Size'] = Data[2]*0x100 + Data[3]
fil['File Identifier'] = Data[4:6]
fil['Type'] = ('RFU', 'MF', 'DF', '', 'EF')[Data[6]]
fil['Length'] = Data[12]
if fil['Type'] == 'MF' or fil['Type'] == 'DF':
fil['DF_num'] = Data[14]
fil['EF_num'] = Data[15]
fil['codes_num'] = Data[16]
fil['CHV1'] = ('not initialized','initialized')\
[(Data[18] & 0x80) / 0x80]\
+ ': %d attempts remain' % (Data[18] & 0x0F)
fil['unblock_CHV1'] = ('not initialized','initialized')\
[(Data[19] & 0x80) / 0x80]\
+ ': %d attempts remain' % (Data[19] & 0x0F)
fil['CHV2'] = ('not initialized','initialized')\
[(Data[20] & 0x80) / 0x80]\
+ ': %d attempts remain' % (Data[20] & 0x0F)
fil['unblock_CHV2'] = ('not initialized','initialized')\
[(Data[21] & 0x80) / 0x80]\
+ ': %d attempts remain' % (Data[21] & 0x0F)
if len(Data) > 23:
fil['Adm'] = Data[23:]
elif fil['Type'] == 'EF':
cond = ('ALW', 'CHV1', 'CHV2', 'RFU', 'ADM_4', 'ADM_5',
'ADM_6', 'ADM_7', 'ADM_8', 'ADM_9', 'ADM_A',
'ADM_B', 'ADM_C', 'ADM_D', 'ADM_E', 'NEW')
fil['UPDATE'] = cond[Data[8] & 0x0F]
fil['READ'] = cond[Data[8] >> 4]
fil['INCREASE'] = cond[Data[9] >> 4]
fil['INVALIDATE'] = cond[Data[10] & 0x0F]
fil['REHABILITATE'] = cond[Data[10] >> 4]
fil['Status'] = ('not read/updatable when invalidated',
'read/updatable when invalidated')\
[byteToBit(Data[11])[5]] \
+ (': invalidated',': not invalidated')\
fil['Structure'] = ('transparent', 'linear fixed', '', 'cyclic')\
if fil['Structure'] == 'cyclic':
fil['INCREASE'] = byteToBit(Data[7])[1]
if len(Data) > 14:
fil['Record Length'] = Data[14]
return fil
def run_gsm_alg(self, RAND=16*[0x00]):
self.run_gsm_alg( RAND ) -> ( SRES, Kc )
RAND : list of bytes, length 16
SRES : list of bytes, length 4
Kc : list of bytes, length 8
run GSM authentication algorithm:
accepts any kind of RAND (old GSM fashion)
feed with RAND 16 bytes value
return a list with SRES and Kc, or None on error
if len(RAND) != 16:
if self.dbg:
print '[WNG] needs a 16 bytes input RAND value'
return None
# select DF_GSM directory[0x7F, 0x20])
if self.coms()[2] != (0x90, 0x00):
if self.dbg:
print '[DBG] %s' % self.coms()
return None
# run authentication
self.coms.push(self.INTERNAL_AUTHENTICATE(P1=0x00, P2=0x00, Data=RAND))
if self.coms()[2][0] != 0x9F:
if self.dbg:
print '[DBG] %s' % self.coms()
return None
# get authentication response
if self.coms()[2] != (0x90, 0x00):
if self.dbg:
print '[DBG] %s' % self.coms()
return None
SRES, Kc = self.coms()[3][0:4], self.coms()[3][4:]
return [ SRES, Kc ]
def get_imsi(self):
self.get_imsi() -> string(IMSI)
reads IMSI value at address [0x6F, 0x07]
returns IMSI string on success or None on error
# select DF_GSM for SIM card[0x7F, 0x20])
if self.coms()[2] != (0x90, 0x00):
if self.dbg:
print '[DBG] %s' % self.coms()
return None
# select IMSI file
imsi =[0x6F, 0x07])
if self.coms()[2] != (0x90, 0x00):
if self.dbg:
print '[DBG] %s' % self.coms()
return None
# and parse the received data into the IMSI structure
if 'Data' in imsi.keys() and len(imsi['Data']) == 9:
return decode_BCD(imsi['Data'])[3:]
# if issue with the content of the DF_IMSI file
if self.dbg:
print '[DBG] %s' % self.coms()
return None