blob: 6c32e7a116417c6519cdbbb1d81716ea63195548 [file] [log] [blame]
== Debugging
{app-name} is a complex program which at the same time orchestrates sets of
other complex programs to form a network of nodes. As such, it can be sometimes
challenging to find out what is going on during a trial run. This section aims
at providing some tips on how to debug possible issues.
=== Logging level
{app-name} runs by default under 'info' log level. As a first debugging step, it
is always a good idea to increase log verbosity. By switching to debug level
(command line argument '-l dbg'), a lot more information and events are displayed which
can give a much better idea to understand possible misconfigurations or wrong
In any case, {app-name} usually provides several log files of interest. In
general, both a 'log' and a 'log_brief' are stored directly under the trial's
run directory, the first containing output up to debug level included, while the
second contains output up to info level included. Furthermore, {app-name} writes
a debug level log file per test case under each test's run directory.
It is also in general useful to enable the '-T' command line argument. By using
it, it will instruct {app-name} to write the full backtrace to the log output
when something wrong happens, such an unexpected exception.
=== python debugger
{app-name} can be further debugged using python's debugger 'pdb'. Easiest way to
use it is to modify the python code were you want to break and add this code:
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
When {app-name} runs over that code, it will pause and provide a debugging
interactive shell, where one can inspect variables, execute code, etc.
TIP: Remember {app-name} is managed by its internal main loop, meaning if you
jump into a debugger console you will still need to give back control to the
main loop for events to be processed and checks done. That can be done for
instance by calling the 'MainLoop.sleep(log_obj, secs)' internal API in general
or `sleep(secs)' under test context.
=== debug suite
Sometimes, however, one may be interested in debugging the behavior of the
software under test by {app-name} rather than {app-name} itself. For instance,
one may simply want to set up a full running network of nodes and keep it up
until some manual tests are done, or one may want {app-name} to do so at a given
point of time.
To fulfill this kind of scenarios, {app-name} provides some code available for
tests to gain access to a high-level interactive console which is fully
integrated with {app-name}'s own main loop. So the approach here is usually to
write a regular test (with its corresponding <<suite_conf,suite.conf>>) to set
up and run all required processes and then allow it to jump into the interactive
console instance. Then the test pulls received commands from it and it is
responsible for parsing and implementing them. One command can for instance ask
a modem to send an sms to another. Another command can for instance jump into a
<<pdb,debugger console>>.
The interactive console is available to tests through the 'prompt' method, and
its implementation can be found under 'method input_polling' in ''.
An interactive console example as explained in this section can be found under
the 'debug/' test in osmo-gsm-tester.git.