blob: 222b28bcb86736b19cfc8513c590bf707610363b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Based on
# Python DBUS Test Server
# runs until the Quit() method is called via DBUS
from gi.repository import GLib
from pydbus import SessionBus
loop = GLib.MainLoop()
class MyDBUSService(object):
<interface name='net.lew21.pydbus.ClientServerExample'>
<method name='Hello'>
<arg type='s' name='response' direction='out'/>
<method name='EchoString'>
<arg type='s' name='a' direction='in'/>
<arg type='s' name='response' direction='out'/>
<method name='Quit'/>
def Hello(self):
"""returns the string 'Hello, World!'"""
return "Hello, World!"
def EchoString(self, s):
"""returns whatever is passed to it"""
return s
def Quit(self):
"""removes this object from the DBUS connection and exits"""
bus = SessionBus()
bus.publish("net.lew21.pydbus.ClientServerExample", MyDBUSService())