blob: 539e5ed79a1ca1edda5b37e6f0b3a884d48c19f4 [file] [log] [blame]
# osmo_gsm_tester: specifics for running an ip.access nanoBTS
# Copyright (C) 2018 by sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH
# Author: Pau Espin Pedrol <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import os
import re
import json
from .core import log, config, util, process
from .core.event_loop import MainLoop
from . import pcap_recorder, bts, pcu
from . import powersupply
class NanoBts(bts.Bts):
def __init__(self, suite_run, conf):
super().__init__(suite_run, conf, 'nanobts_%s' % conf.get('label', 'nolabel'), 'nanobts')
self.pwsup_list = []
self._pcu = None
def _configure(self):
if self.bsc is None:
raise log.Error('BTS needs to be added to a BSC or NITB before it can be configured')
for trx_i in range(self.num_trx()):
pwsup_opt = self.conf.get('trx_list')[trx_i].get('power_supply', {})
if not pwsup_opt:
raise log.Error('No power_supply attribute provided in conf for TRX %d!' % trx_i)
pwsup_type = pwsup_opt.get('type')
if not pwsup_type:
raise log.Error('No type attribute provided in power_supply conf for TRX %d!' % trx_i)
self.pwsup_list.append(powersupply.get_instance_by_type(pwsup_type, pwsup_opt))
def get_pcap_filter_all_trx_ip(self):
ret = "("
for trx_i in range(self.num_trx()):
if trx_i != 0:
ret = ret + " or "
bts_trx_ip = self.conf.get('trx_list')[trx_i].get('addr')
ret = ret + "host " + bts_trx_ip
ret = ret + ")"
return ret
def conf_for_bsc(self):
values = self.conf_for_bsc_prepare()
# Hack until we have proper ARFCN resource allocation support (OS#2230)
band = values.get('band')
trx_list = values.get('trx_list')
if band == 'GSM-1900':
for trx_i in range(len(trx_list)):
config.overlay(trx_list[trx_i], { 'arfcn' : str(531 + trx_i * 2) })
elif band == 'GSM-900':
for trx_i in range(len(trx_list)):
config.overlay(trx_list[trx_i], { 'arfcn' : str(50 + trx_i * 2) })
config.overlay(values, { 'osmobsc_bts_type': 'nanobts' })
return values
def cleanup(self):
for pwsup in self.pwsup_list:
self.dbg('Powering off NanoBTS TRX')
self.pwsup_list = []
# PUBLIC (test API included)
def start(self, keepalive=False):
if self.conf.get('ipa_unit_id') is None:
raise log.Error('No attribute ipa_unit_id provided in conf!')
self.run_dir = util.Dir(self.suite_run.get_test_run_dir().new_dir(
unitid = int(self.conf.get('ipa_unit_id'))
# Make sure all nanoBTS TRX are powered and in a clean state:
for pwsup in self.pwsup_list:
self.dbg('Powering cycling NanoBTS TRX')
pcap_recorder.PcapRecorder(self.suite_run, self.run_dir.new_dir('pcap'), None,
'%s and port not 22' % self.get_pcap_filter_all_trx_ip())
# TODO: If setting N TRX, we should set up them in parallel instead of waiting for each one.
for trx_i in range(self.num_trx()):
bts_trx_ip = self.conf.get('trx_list')[trx_i].get('addr')
# This fine for now, however concurrent tests using Nanobts may run into "address already in use" since dst is broadcast.
# Once concurrency is needed, a new config attr should be added to have an extra static IP assigned on the main-unit to each Nanobts resource.
local_bind_ip = util.dst_ip_get_local_bind(bts_trx_ip)
self.log('Finding nanobts %s, binding on %s...' % (bts_trx_ip, local_bind_ip))
ipfind = AbisIpFind(self.suite_run, self.run_dir, local_bind_ip, 'preconf')
running_unitid, running_trx = ipfind.get_unitid_by_ip(bts_trx_ip)
self.log('Found nanobts %s with unit_id %d trx %d' % (bts_trx_ip, running_unitid, running_trx))
ipconfig = IpAccessConfig(self.suite_run, self.run_dir, bts_trx_ip)
running_oml_ip = ipconfig.get_oml_ip()
if running_unitid != unitid or running_trx != trx_i:
if not ipconfig.set_unit_id(unitid, trx_i, False):
raise log.Error('Failed configuring unit id %d trx %d' % (unitid, trx_i))
if running_oml_ip != self.bsc.addr():
# Apply OML IP and restart nanoBTS as it is required to apply the changes.
self.dbg('Current OML IPaddr "%s" does not match BSC IPaddr "%s", reconfiguring and restarting it' % (running_oml_ip, self.bsc.addr()))
if not ipconfig.set_oml_ip(self.bsc.addr(), True):
raise log.Error('Failed configuring OML IP %s' % bts_trx_ip)
# Let some time for BTS to restart. It takes much more than 20 secs, and
# this way we make sure we don't catch responses in abisip-find prior to
# BTS restarting.
MainLoop.sleep(self, 20)
self.dbg('Starting to connect id %d trx %d to' % (unitid, trx_i), self.bsc)
ipfind = AbisIpFind(self.suite_run, self.run_dir, local_bind_ip, 'postconf')
self.log('nanoBTS id %d trx %d configured and running' % (unitid, trx_i))
self.dbg('nanoBTS id %d trx %d no need to change OML IP (%s) and restart' % (unitid, trx_i, running_oml_ip))
MainLoop.wait(self, self.bsc.bts_is_connected, self, timeout=600)
self.log('nanoBTS connected to BSC')
#According to roh, it can be configured to use a static IP in a permanent way:
# 1- use abisip-find to find the default address
# 2- use ./ipaccess-config --ip-address IP/MASK
# 3- use ./ipaccess-config --ip-gateway IP to set the IP of the main unit
# 4- use ./ipaccess-config --restart to restart and apply the changes
#Start must do the following:
# 1- use abisip-find to find the default address
# 2- use ./ipaccess-config --unit-id UNIT_ID
# 3- use ./ipaccess-config --oml-ip --restart to set the IP of the BSC and apply+restart.
# According to roh, using the 3 of them together was not reliable to work properly.
def ready_for_pcu(self):
"""We don't really care as we use a Dummy PCU class."""
return True
def pcu(self):
if not self._pcu:
self._pcu = pcu.PcuDummy(self.suite_run, self, self.conf)
return self._pcu
class AbisIpFind(log.Origin):
suite_run = None
parent_run_dir = None
run_dir = None
inst = None
env = None
bind_ip = None
proc = None
BIN_ABISIP_FIND = 'abisip-find'
BTS_UNIT_ID_RE = re.compile("Unit_ID='(?P<unit_id>\d+)/\d+/(?P<trx_id>\d+)'")
def __init__(self, suite_run, parent_run_dir, bind_ip, name_suffix):
super().__init__(log.C_RUN, AbisIpFind.BIN_ABISIP_FIND + '-' + name_suffix)
self.suite_run = suite_run
self.parent_run_dir = parent_run_dir
self.bind_ip = bind_ip
self.env = {}
def start(self):
self.run_dir = util.Dir(self.parent_run_dir.new_dir(
self.inst = util.Dir(os.path.abspath(self.suite_run.trial.get_inst('osmo-bsc')))
lib = self.inst.child('lib')
if not os.path.isdir(lib):
raise log.Error('No lib/ in %r' % self.inst)
ipfind_path = self.inst.child('bin', AbisIpFind.BIN_ABISIP_FIND)
if not os.path.isfile(ipfind_path):
raise RuntimeError('Binary missing: %r' % ipfind_path)
env = { 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': util.prepend_library_path(lib) }
self.proc = process.Process(, self.run_dir,
(ipfind_path, '-i', '1', '-b', self.bind_ip),
def stop(self):
def get_line_by_ip(self, ipaddr):
"""Get latest line (more up to date) from abisip-find based on ip address."""
token = "IP_Address='%s'" % ipaddr
myline = None
for line in (self.proc.get_stdout() or '').splitlines():
if token in line:
myline = line
return myline
def get_unitid_by_ip(self, ipaddr):
line = self.get_line_by_ip(ipaddr)
if line is None:
return None
res =
if res:
unit_id = int('unit_id'))
trx_id = int('trx_id'))
return (unit_id, trx_id)
raise log.Error('abisip-find unit_id field for nanobts %s not found in %s' %(ipaddr, line))
def bts_ready(self, ipaddr):
return self.get_line_by_ip(ipaddr) is not None
def wait_bts_ready(self, ipaddr):
MainLoop.wait(self, self.bts_ready, ipaddr)
# There's a period of time after boot in which nanobts answers to
# abisip-find but tcp RSTs ipacces-config conns. Let's wait in here a
# bit more time to avoid failing after stating the BTS is ready.
MainLoop.sleep(self, 2)
class IpAccessConfig(log.Origin):
suite_run = None
parent_run_dir = None
run_dir = None
inst = None
env = None
bts_ip = None
BIN_IPACCESS_CONFIG = 'ipaccess-config'
def __init__(self, suite_run, parent_run_dir, bts_ip):
super().__init__(log.C_RUN, IpAccessConfig.BIN_IPACCESS_CONFIG)
self.suite_run = suite_run
self.parent_run_dir = parent_run_dir
self.bts_ip = bts_ip
self.env = {}
def create_process(self, binary_name, *args):
binary = os.path.abspath(self.inst.child('bin', binary_name))
run_dir = self.run_dir.new_dir(binary_name)
if not os.path.isfile(binary):
raise RuntimeError('Binary missing: %r' % binary)
proc = process.Process(binary_name, run_dir,
(binary,) + args,
return proc
def run(self, name_suffix, *args):
self.run_dir = util.Dir(self.parent_run_dir.new_dir('-'+name_suffix))
self.inst = util.Dir(os.path.abspath(self.suite_run.trial.get_inst('osmo-bsc')))
lib = self.inst.child('lib')
self.env = { 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': util.prepend_library_path(lib) }
self.proc = self.create_process(IpAccessConfig.BIN_IPACCESS_CONFIG, *args)
return self.proc.launch_sync(raise_nonsuccess=False)
def set_unit_id(self, unitid, trx_num, restart=False):
uid_str = '%d/0/%d' % (unitid, trx_num)
if restart:
retcode ='setunitid', '--restart', '--unit-id', '%s' % uid_str, self.bts_ip)
retcode ='setunitid', '--unit-id', '%s' % uid_str, self.bts_ip)
if retcode != 0:
self.err('ipaccess-config --unit-id %s returned error code %d' % (uid_str, retcode))
return retcode == 0
def set_oml_ip(self, omlip, restart=False):
if restart:
retcode ='setoml', '--restart', '--oml-ip', omlip, self.bts_ip)
retcode ='setoml', '--oml-ip', omlip, self.bts_ip)
if retcode != 0:
self.error('ipaccess-config --oml-ip %s returned error code %d' % (omlip, retcode))
return retcode == 0
def get_oml_ip(self):
retcode ='getoml', '-q', '-G', self.bts_ip)
if retcode != 0:
raise log.Error('ipaccess-config -q -G %s returned error code %d' % (self.bts_ip, retcode))
output = self.proc.get_stdout()
# Our logging system adds "launched on" line at the start, so let's skip until the json code:
output_json = output[output.index('{'):]
json_data = json.loads(output_json)
return json_data['primary_oml_ip']
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