blob: af66b3238e283935fc4b8040e6a314d76da5a61b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# osmo_gsm_tester: invoke a single test run
# Copyright (C) 2016-2017 by sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH
# Author: Neels Hofmeyr <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
'''osmo_gsm_tester: invoke a single test run.
./ ~/my_trial_package/ -s osmo_trx
./ ~/my_trial_package/ -c sms_tests:dyn_ts+eu_band+bts_sysmo
./ ~/my_trial_package/ -c sms_tests/mo_mt_sms:bts_trx
(The names for test suite, scenario and series names used in these examples
must be defined by the osmo-gsm-tester configuration.)
A trial package contains binaries (usually built by a jenkins job) of GSM
software, including the core network programs as well as binaries for the
various BTS models.
A test suite defines specific actions to be taken and verifies their outcome.
Such a test suite may leave certain aspects of a setup undefined, e.g. it may
be BTS model agnostic or does not care which voice codecs are chosen.
A test scenario completes the picture in that it defines which specific choices
shall be made to run a test suite. Any one test suite may thus run on any
number of different scenarios, e.g. to test various voice codecs.
Test scenarios may be combined. For example, one scenario may define a timeslot
configuration to use, while another scenario may define the voice codec
There may still be aspects that are neither required by a test suite nor
strictly defined by a scenario, which will be resolved automatically, e.g. by
choosing the first available item that matches the other constraints.
A test run thus needs to define: a trial package containing built binaries, a
combination of scenarios to run a suite in, and a test suite to launch in the
given scenario with the given binaries.
The osmo-gsm-tester configuration may define one or more series as a number of
suite:scenario combinations. So instead of a specific suite:scenario
combination, the name of such a series can be passed.
If neither a combination or series is specified, the default series will be run
as defined in the osmo-gsm-tester configuration.
The scenarios and suites run for a given trial will be recorded in a trial
package's directory: Upon launch, a 'test_package/run.<date>' directory will be
created, which will collect logs and reports.
import sys
import argparse
from signal import *
from osmo_gsm_tester import __version__
from osmo_gsm_tester.core import log
from osmo_gsm_tester.core.config import read_config_file, DEFAULT_SUITES_CONF
from osmo_gsm_tester.core.schema import generate_schemas
from osmo_gsm_tester import trial, suite
def sig_handler_cleanup(signum, frame):
print("killed by signal %d" % signum)
# This sys.exit() will raise a SystemExit base exception at the current
# point of execution. Code must be prepared to clean system-wide resources
# by using the "finally" section. This allows at the end 'atexit' hooks to
# be called before exiting.
def main():
signal(sig, sig_handler_cleanup)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(epilog=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
# Note: since we're using RawTextHelpFormatter to keep nicely separate
# paragraphs in the long help text, we unfortunately also need to take care
# of line wraps in the shorter cmdline options help.
# The line width here is what remains of screen width after the list of
# options placed by ArgumentParser. That's unfortunately subject to change
# and undefined, so when things change, just run a local
# ./ --help and try to keep everything in 80 chars width.
# The help text is indented automatically, but line width is manual.
# Using multi-line strings here -- doesn't look nice in the python flow but
# is easiest to maintain.
parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='store_true',
help='Show version')
help='Directory containing binaries to test')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--suite-scenario', dest='suite_scenario', action='append',
help='''A suite-scenarios combination
like suite:scenario+scenario''')
parser.add_argument('-S', '--series', dest='series', action='append',
help='''A series of suite-scenarios combinations
as defined in the osmo-gsm-tester configuration''')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--test', dest='test', action='append',
help='''Run only tests matching this name.
Any test name that contains the given string is run.
To get an exact match, prepend a "=" like
"-t =my_exact_name". The ".py" suffix is always
parser.add_argument('-l', '--log-level', dest='log_level', choices=log.LEVEL_STRS.keys(),
help='Set logging level for all categories (on stdout)')
parser.add_argument('-T', '--traceback', dest='trace', action='store_true',
help='Enable stdout logging of tracebacks')
parser.add_argument('-R', '--source', dest='source', action='store_true',
help='Enable stdout logging of source file')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--conf-dir', dest='conf_dir',
help='''Specify configuration dir (overrides
OSMO_GSM_TESTER_CONF env and default locations)''')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.version:
print('combinations:', repr(args.suite_scenario))
print('series:', repr(args.series))
print('trial:', repr(args.trial_package))
print('tests:', repr(args.test))
# create a default log to stdout
log.LogTarget().style(all_origins_on_levels=(log.L_ERR, log.L_TRACEBACK), src=False)
if args.log_level:
if args.trace:
if args.source:
if args.conf_dir:
config.override_conf = args.conf_dir
combination_strs = list(args.suite_scenario or [])
# for series in args.series:
# combination_strs.extend(config.get_series(series))
if not combination_strs:
combination_strs = config.read_config_file(config.DEFAULT_SUITES_CONF, if_missing_return=[])
if combination_strs:
print('Running default suites:\n ' + ('\n '.join(combination_strs)))
print('No default suites configured (%r)' % config.DEFAULT_SUITES_CONF)
if not combination_strs:
raise RuntimeError('Need at least one suite:scenario or series to run')
# Generate supported schemas dynamically from objects:
# make sure all suite:scenarios exist
suite_scenarios = []
for combination_str in combination_strs:
# pick tests and make sure they exist
test_names = []
for test_name in (args.test or []):
found = False
if test_name.startswith('=') and not test_name.endswith('.py'):
test_name = test_name + '.py'
for suite_scenario_str, suite_def, scenarios in suite_scenarios:
for def_test_name in suite_def.test_basenames:
if test_name.startswith('='):
match = test_name[1:] == def_test_name
match = test_name in def_test_name
if match:
found = True
if not found:
raise RuntimeError('No test found for %r' % test_name)
if test_names:
test_names = sorted(set(test_names))
with trial.Trial(args.trial_package) as current_trial:
for suite_scenario_str, suite_def, scenarios in suite_scenarios:
current_trial.add_suite_run(suite_scenario_str, suite_def, scenarios)
if current_trial.status != trial.Trial.PASS:
return 1
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
rc = 2
rc = main()
# Tell the log to show the exception, then terminate the program with the exception anyway.
# Since exceptions within test runs should be caught and evaluated, this is basically about
# exceptions during command line parsing and such, so it's appropriate to abort immediately.
# vim: expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4