blob: c7c1c249169c493a2b37fdbf76d1c02f300da746 [file] [log] [blame]
# ms_driver: Launch OsmocomBB mobile's virtually connected to a BTS
# Copyright (C) 2018 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
from datetime import timedelta
from ..core import log, util
from osmo_ms_driver.cdf import cdfs
from osmo_ms_driver.event_server import EventServer
from osmo_ms_driver.simple_loop import SimpleLoop
from osmo_ms_driver.location_update_test import MassUpdateLocationTest
from osmo_ms_driver.starter import BinaryOptions, MobileTestStarter
from osmo_ms_driver.test_support import TestExecutor
import os.path
import shutil
import tempfile
class MsDriver(log.Origin):
def __init__(self, testenv):
super().__init__(log.C_RUN, 'ms-driver')
self._testenv = testenv
# TODO: take config out of the test scenario
self._time_start = timedelta(seconds=60)
self._time_step = timedelta(milliseconds=100)
self._test_duration = timedelta(seconds=120)
self._cdf = cdfs["ease_in_out"](self._time_start, self._time_step)
self._loop = SimpleLoop()
self._executor = TestExecutor()
self.event_server_sk_tmp_dir = None
self._subscribers = []
self._configured = False
self._results = {}
# Set-up and start the event server
event_server_path = self.event_server_path()
if len(event_server_path.encode()) > 107:
raise log.Error('Path for event_server socket is longer than max allowed len for unix socket path (107):', self.event_server_path())
self._ev_server = EventServer("ev_server", event_server_path)
def event_server_path(self):
if self.event_server_sk_tmp_dir is None:
self.event_server_sk_tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp('', 'ogteventserversk')
return os.path.join(self.event_server_sk_tmp_dir, 'osmo_ms_driver.unix')
def build_binary_options(self):
"""Builds an instance of BinaryOptions.
Populates the BinaryOptions by searching the virtphy and mobile
application within the trial directory.
# Get the base directory for the virtphy/mobile application
inst = util.Dir(os.path.abspath(self._testenv.trial.get_inst('osmocom-bb')))
# Assume these are dynamically linked and verify there is a lib dir.
lib = inst.child('lib')
if not os.path.isdir(lib):
raise RuntimeError('No lib/ in %r' % inst)
env = { 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': util.prepend_library_path(lib) }
def check_and_return_binary(name):
"""Checks the binary exists and returns the path."""
binary = inst.child('bin', name)
if not os.path.isfile(binary):
raise RuntimeError('Binary missing: %r' % binary)
return binary
virtphy = check_and_return_binary('virtphy')
mobile = check_and_return_binary('mobile')
return BinaryOptions(virtphy, mobile, env)
def subscriber_add(self, subscriber):
"""Adds a subscriber to the list of subscribers."""
def add_test(self, test_name, **kwargs):
Instantiates and returns a test for the given name.
The instance created and added will be returned.
if test_name == 'ul_test':
test = MassUpdateLocationTest("mass",
self._ev_server, self._results)
# Verify that a test was instantiated.
if test_name is None:
raise log.Error("Unknown test_name: " + test_name)
# Add it to the executor and return it.
return test
def configure(self):
Configures the subscribers, tests and registration server. Needs to be
called after the complete configuration of this driver.
options = self.build_binary_options()
self._starter = MobileTestStarter("mass", options, self._cdf,
self._results, testenv=self._testenv)
for sub in self._subscribers:
self._executor.configure(self._subscribers, self._starter.mobiles())
self._configured = True
def run_test(self):
Runs the configured tests by starting the configured amount of mobile
devices according to their schedule. Returns once all tests succeeded
or the configured timeout has passed.
if not self._configured:
deadline = self._starter.start_all(self._loop, self._test_duration)
self._executor.wait_for_test(self._loop, deadline)
def print_stats(self):
Prints statistics about the test run.
def cleanup(self):
Cleans up the driver (e.g. AF_UNIX files).
# Clean-up the temporary directory.
if self.event_server_sk_tmp_dir:
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