blob: c5ae1ffcf520d70c6e1c3138ae7874e863d5c016 [file] [log] [blame]
# osmo_gsm_tester: DBUS client to talk to ofono
# Copyright (C) 2016-2017 by sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH
# Author: Neels Hofmeyr <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
from . import log, test, util, event_loop
from pydbus import SystemBus, Variant
import time
import pprint
from gi.repository import GLib
glib_main_loop = GLib.MainLoop()
glib_main_ctx = glib_main_loop.get_context()
bus = SystemBus()
I_MODEM = 'org.ofono.Modem'
I_NETREG = 'org.ofono.NetworkRegistration'
I_SMS = 'org.ofono.MessageManager'
class DeferredHandling:
defer_queue = []
def __init__(self, dbus_iface, handler):
self.handler = handler
self.subscription_id = dbus_iface.connect(self.receive_signal)
def receive_signal(self, *args, **kwargs):
DeferredHandling.defer_queue.append((self.handler, args, kwargs))
def handle_queue():
while DeferredHandling.defer_queue:
handler, args, kwargs = DeferredHandling.defer_queue.pop(0)
handler(*args, **kwargs)
def dbus_connect(dbus_iface, handler):
'''This function shall be used instead of directly connecting DBus signals.
It ensures that we don't nest a glib main loop within another, and also
that we receive exceptions raised within the signal handlers. This makes it
so that a signal handler is invoked only after the DBus polling is through
by enlisting signals that should be handled in the
return DeferredHandling(dbus_iface, handler).subscription_id
def poll_glib():
global glib_main_ctx
while glib_main_ctx.pending():
def systembus_get(path):
global bus
return bus.get('org.ofono', path)
def list_modems():
root = systembus_get('/')
return sorted(root.GetModems())
class ModemDbusInteraction(log.Origin):
'''Work around inconveniences specific to pydbus and ofono.
ofono adds and removes DBus interfaces and notifies about them.
Upon changes we need a fresh pydbus object to benefit from that.
Watching the interfaces change is optional; be sure to call
watch_interfaces() if you'd like to have signals subscribed.
def __init__(self, modem_path):
self.modem_path = modem_path
self.watch_props_subscription = None
self._dbus_obj = None
self.interfaces = set()
# A dict listing signal handlers to connect, e.g.
# { I_SMS: ( ('IncomingMessage', self._on_incoming_message), ), }
self.required_signals = {}
# A dict collecting subscription tokens for connected signal handlers.
# { I_SMS: ( token1, token2, ... ), }
self.connected_signals = util.listdict()
def cleanup(self):
for interface_name in list(self.connected_signals.keys()):
def __del__(self):
def get_new_dbus_obj(self):
return systembus_get(self.modem_path)
def dbus_obj(self):
if self._dbus_obj is None:
self._dbus_obj = self.get_new_dbus_obj()
return self._dbus_obj
def interface(self, interface_name):
return self.dbus_obj()[interface_name]
except KeyError:
self.raise_exn('Modem interface is not available:', interface_name)
def signal(self, interface_name, signal):
return getattr(self.interface(interface_name), signal)
def watch_interfaces(self):
# Note: we are watching the properties on a get_new_dbus_obj() that is
# separate from the one used to interact with interfaces. We need to
# refresh the pydbus object to interact with Interfaces that have newly
# appeared, but exchanging the DBus object to watch Interfaces being
# enabled and disabled is racy: we may skip some removals and
# additions. Hence do not exchange this DBus object. We don't even
# need to store the dbus object used for this, we will not touch it
# again. We only store the signal subscription.
self.watch_props_subscription = dbus_connect(self.get_new_dbus_obj().PropertyChanged,
def unwatch_interfaces(self):
if self.watch_props_subscription is None:
self.watch_props_subscription = None
def on_property_change(self, name, value):
if name == 'Interfaces':
def on_interfaces_change(self, interfaces_now):
# First some logging.
now = set(interfaces_now)
additions = now - self.interfaces
removals = self.interfaces - now
self.interfaces = now
if not (additions or removals):
# nothing changed.
if additions:
self.dbg('interface enabled:', ', '.join(sorted(additions)))
if removals:
self.dbg('interface disabled:', ', '.join(sorted(removals)))
# The dbus object is now stale and needs refreshing before we
# access the next interface function.
self._dbus_obj = None
# If an interface disappeared, disconnect the signal handlers for it.
# Even though we're going to use a fresh dbus object for new
# subscriptions, we will still keep active subscriptions alive on the
# old dbus object which will linger, associated with the respective
# signal subscription.
for removed in removals:
# Connect signals for added interfaces.
for interface_name in additions:
def remove_signals(self, interface_name):
got = self.connected_signals.pop(interface_name, [])
if not got:
self.dbg('Disconnecting', len(got), 'signals for', interface_name)
for subscription in got:
def connect_signals(self, interface_name):
# If an interface was added, it must not have existed before. For
# paranoia, make sure we have no handlers for those.
want = self.required_signals.get(interface_name, [])
if not want:
self.dbg('Connecting', len(want), 'signals for', interface_name)
for signal, cb in self.required_signals.get(interface_name, []):
subscription = dbus_connect(self.signal(interface_name, signal), cb)
self.connected_signals.add(interface_name, subscription)
def has_interface(self, *interface_names):
for interface_name in interface_names:
result = True
except KeyError:
result = False
self.dbg('has_interface(%s) ==' % (', '.join(interface_names)), result)
return result
def properties(self, iface=I_MODEM):
return self.dbus_obj()[iface].GetProperties()
def property_is(self, name, val, iface=I_MODEM):
is_val =
self.dbg(name, '==', is_val)
return is_val is not None and is_val == val
def set_bool(self, name, bool_val, iface=I_MODEM):
# to make sure any pending signals are received before we send out more DBus requests
val = bool(bool_val)
self.log('Setting', name, val)
self.interface(iface).SetProperty(name, Variant('b', val))
event_loop.wait(self, self.property_is, name, bool_val)
def set_powered(self, powered=True):
self.set_bool('Powered', powered)
def set_online(self, online=True):
self.set_bool('Online', online)
def is_powered(self):
return self.property_is('Powered', True)
def is_online(self):
return self.property_is('Online', True)
def require_features(self, *required):
'''Make sure the given feature strings are present in
properties()['Features'], raise an exception otherwise.'''
features = set('Features'))
r = set(required)
if not (r < features):
self.raise_exn('This modem lacks features:', r - features)
class Modem(log.Origin):
'convenience for ofono Modem interaction'
msisdn = None
sms_received_list = None
def __init__(self, conf):
self.conf = conf
self.path = conf.get('path')
self.sms_received_list = []
self.dbus = ModemDbusInteraction(self.path)
self.dbus.require_features('sms', 'net')
self.dbus.required_signals = {
I_SMS: ( ('IncomingMessage', self._on_incoming_message), ),
def cleanup(self):
self.dbus = None
def properties(self, *args, **kwargs):
'''Return a dict of properties on this modem. For the actual arguments,
see, which this function calls. The
returned dict is defined by ofono. An example is:
{'Lockdown': False,
'Powered': True,
'Model': 'MC7304',
'Revision': 'SWI9X15C_05.05.66.00 r29972 CARMD-EV-FRMWR1 2015/10/08 08:36:28',
'Manufacturer': 'Sierra Wireless, Incorporated',
'Emergency': False,
'Interfaces': ['org.ofono.SmartMessaging',
'Serial': '356853054230919',
'Features': ['sms', 'net', 'gprs', 'ussd', 'rat', 'sim', 'gps'],
'Type': 'hardware',
'Online': True}
return*args, **kwargs)
def set_powered(self, powered=True):
return self.dbus.set_powered(powered=powered)
def set_online(self, online=True):
return self.dbus.set_online(online=online)
def is_powered(self):
return self.dbus.is_powered()
def is_online(self):
return self.dbus.is_online()
def set_msisdn(self, msisdn):
self.msisdn = msisdn
def imsi(self):
imsi = self.conf.get('imsi')
if not imsi:
with self:
raise RuntimeError('No IMSI')
return imsi
def ki(self):
return self.conf.get('ki')
def connect(self, nitb):
'set the modem up to connect to MCC+MNC from NITB config'
self.log('connect to', nitb)
if self.is_powered():
self.dbg('is powered')
event_loop.wait(self, lambda: not self.dbus.has_interface(I_NETREG, I_SMS), timeout=10)
event_loop.wait(self, self.dbus.has_interface, I_NETREG, I_SMS, timeout=10)
def sms_send(self, to_msisdn, *tokens):
if hasattr(to_msisdn, 'msisdn'):
to_msisdn = to_msisdn.msisdn
sms = Sms(self.msisdn, to_msisdn, 'from ' +, *tokens)
self.log('sending sms to MSISDN', to_msisdn, sms=sms)
mm = self.dbus.interface(I_SMS)
mm.SendMessage(to_msisdn, str(sms))
return sms
def _on_incoming_message(self, message, info):
self.log('Incoming SMS:', repr(message))
self.sms_received_list.append((message, info))
def sms_was_received(self, sms):
for msg, info in self.sms_received_list:
if sms.matches(msg):
self.log('SMS received as expected:', repr(msg))
return True
return False
class Sms:
_last_sms_idx = 0
msg = None
def __init__(self, from_msisdn=None, to_msisdn=None, *tokens):
Sms._last_sms_idx += 1
msgs = ['message nr. %d' % Sms._last_sms_idx]
if from_msisdn:
msgs.append('from %s' % from_msisdn)
if to_msisdn:
msgs.append('to %s' % to_msisdn)
self.msg = ', '.join(msgs)
def __str__(self):
return self.msg
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.msg)
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Sms):
return self.msg == other.msg
return inself.msg == other
def matches(self, msg):
return self.msg == msg
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