blob: e7e0f665a0bc91656d5ce66c9d98870f7fe22f00 [file] [log] [blame]
# OpenGGSN - Gateway GPRS Support Node
# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004 Mondru AB.
# The contents of this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License Version 2, provided that the above copyright
# notice and this permission notice is included in all copies or
# substantial portions of the software.
# Use "gengetopt --conf-parser < cmdline.ggo"
# to generate cmdline.c and cmdline.h
option "fg" f "Run in foreground" flag off
option "debug" d "Run in debug mode" flag off
option "conf" c "Read configuration file" string default="/etc/ggsn.conf" no
option "pidfile" - "Filename of process id file" string default="/var/run/" no
option "statedir" - "Directory of nonvolatile data" string default="/var/lib/ggsn/" no
option "listen" l "Local interface" string no
option "net" n "Network" string default="" no
option "ipup" - "Script to run after link-up" string no
option "ipdown" - "Script to run after link-down" string no
option "dynip" - "Dynamic IP address pool" string no
option "statip" - "Static IP address pool" string no
option "pcodns1" - "PCO DNS Server 1" string default="" no
option "pcodns2" - "PCO DNS Server 2" string default="" no
option "timelimit" - "Exit after timelimit seconds" int default="0" no
option "apn" a "Access point name" string default="internet" no
option "qos" q "Requested quality of service" int default="0x0b921f" no