blob: f62b944feb17cda703ee19d6f415b3f9aa55a55b [file] [log] [blame]
2004-01-15: Jens Jakobsen <>
Added iptables firewall script.
2004-01-14: Jens Jakobsen <>
Changes to allow compilation under Solaris: u_int8_t changed to uint8_t
and tun api changed for sun platform (#ifdef).
2004-01-09: Jens Jakobsen <>
Fixed bug which included NSAPI in GTPv0 create PDP context messages.
2003-11-10: Jens Jakobsen <>
Added --net option for sgsnemu. Allow user to specify the network
address and mask of the local interface.
Added --gtpversion option for sgsnemu. Allow user to specify which
GTP version to use.
Added --nsapi option for sgsnemu. Allow user to specify which
NSAPI to use.
Changed the functionality for multiple contexts. Previously
contexts were differentiated by nsapi. This limited the number of
contexts to 16. Now each context is established with a new imsi
and msisdn.
2003-10-22: Jens Jakobsen <>
Support for GTP1. Currently without support for the secondary pdp
context activation procedure.
sgsnemu will first attempt to use GTP1. If that fails it will
proceed with GTP0.
Various gtplib API changes to allow support for GTP1.
gtplib now listens to 3 separate UDP ports: GTP0, GTP1 control
plane and GTP1 user plane. A socket for each port has to be
included in the application select loop.
gtplib now verifies that messages are valid for the particular
type of support node. As an example a received Create PDP Context
Request message is not allowed for an SGSN.
Standards compliance document.
2003-07-07: Jens Jakobsen <>
Added file for building binary RPM packages. Now openggsn
will install binaries, man pages as well as scripts.
Added ggsn and sgsnemu man pages
Added ggsn Sys V init script
Added bootstrap script for autotools automation
2003-04-11: Jens Jakobsen <>
Added -ggdb to gtp, sgsnemu and ggsn makefiles in order to include
debugging information.
Added ippool.c and ippool.h to ggsn. This allows for generic
allocation of dynamic ip addresses based on a <net>/<mask>
description of ip address space. The same files are also used in
sgsnemu, but only for hashing IP addresses. At the same time the
corresponding functionality is removed from pdp.c.
Added syserr.h and syserr.c to ggsn and sgsnemu. These files allow
writing to syslog with file name and line number. Later this
should also be introduced in gtp.
Added support for DNS protocol configuration options in ggsn for
create context response. This allow the MS to setup DNS
configuration correctly.
tun.c and tun.h have been updated to allow setting interface IP
addresses and routes by means of ioctl and netlink. This allow
sgsnemu to allocate an interface IP address for each context
2003-01-29: Jens Jakobsen <>
Added -L../gtp to sgsnemu and ggsn makefiles so that make will
work without an installed libgtp.
Added sgsnemu check to check for valid pointer when deleting tun.
Removed enabling of ip_forward = 1 from ggsn.c and sgsnemu. From a
security point of view it was not very good that openggsn
automatically enabled routing.
Added ipup, ipdown and createif to sgsnemu/cmdline.ggo. Now
sgsnemu will set up default route and then execute ipup script
after tun device has been set up. After tun has been deleted the
ipdown script is executed.
Added support for ping to sgsnemu.
Added ipup and ipdown to ggsn/cmdline.ggo.