blob: 2481c2eb585931154f0dbd65a4a4b00a619ac8c3 [file] [log] [blame]
* gpsdo.c
* Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Sylvain Munaut <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "console.h"
#include "gps.h"
#include "gpsdo.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "ice1usb_proto.h"
#include "config.h"
struct {
/* Configuration */
enum gpsdo_vctxo_model vctxo;
/* Current tuning */
struct {
uint16_t coarse;
uint16_t fine;
} tune;
/* Measurements */
struct {
uint32_t tick_prev; /* Previous tick value */
uint32_t last; /* Last measurement */
int skip; /* Number of measurement left to discard */
int invalid; /* Number of consecutive invalid measurements */
} meas;
/* FSM */
enum {
STATE_DISABLED, /* Forced to manual */
STATE_HOLD_OVER, /* GPS invalid data, hold */
STATE_TUNE_COARSE, /* Adjust coarse tuning until we're +- 3 Hz */
STATE_TUNE_FINE, /* Fine tracking */
} state;
/* Coarse tuning */
struct {
int step;
} coarse;
/* Fine tracking */
struct {
int acc; /* Accumulated error */
int integral; /* PID Integral term */
} fine;
} g_gpsdo;
* VCXTO parameters
* - iKv is reciprocal sensitivity vs 'coarse' count for fast initial acquisition
* - Kp, Ki, Kd are params for the fine-tracking PID loop
* Note that the spec if often a guaranteed minimum range and goes
* from ~0.1V to 3.2V instead of 0-3.3V so actual sensitivity is
* higher than the "theoritical value". We boost it by ~ 10% here.
static const struct {
int iKv; /* hi-count / Hz (.8 fixed point) */
int Kp; /* PID proportional term (.12 fixed point) */
int Ki; /* PID integral term (.12 fixed point) */
int Kd; /* PID differential term (.12 fixed point) */
} vctxo_params[] = {
.iKv = 300, /* +- 50 ppm pull range => ~ 0.75 Hz / hi-count (set to 0.85) */
.Kp = 14336,
.Ki = 410,
.Kd = -6144,
.iKv = 160, /* +- 100 ppm pull range => ~ 1.50 Hz / hi-count (set to 1.6) */
.Kp = 7168,
.Ki = 205,
.Kd = -4096,
/* Tuning params */
#define TARGET 30720000
#define MAX_DEV_VALID 1000
#define MAX_DEV_FINE 3
#define MAX_INVALID 5
static void _gpsdo_coarse_start(void);
gpsdo_get_status(struct e1usb_gpsdo_status *status)
const uint8_t state_map[] = {
const uint8_t ant_map[] = {
status->state = state_map[g_gpsdo.state];
status->antenna_state = ant_map[gps_antenna_status()];
status->valid_fix = gps_has_valid_fix();
status->tune.coarse = g_gpsdo.tune.coarse;
status->tune.fine = g_gpsdo.tune.fine;
status->freq_est = g_gpsdo.meas.last;
status->err_acc = (g_gpsdo.state == STATE_TUNE_FINE) ? g_gpsdo.fine.acc : 0;
gpsdo_enable(bool enable)
if (!enable)
g_gpsdo.state = STATE_DISABLED;
else if (g_gpsdo.state == STATE_DISABLED)
g_gpsdo.state = STATE_HOLD_OVER;
return g_gpsdo.state != STATE_DISABLED;
gpsdo_set_tune(uint16_t coarse, uint16_t fine)
/* Set value */
g_gpsdo.tune.coarse = coarse;
g_gpsdo.tune.fine = fine;
pdm_set(PDM_CLK_HI, true, g_gpsdo.tune.coarse, false);
pdm_set(PDM_CLK_LO, true, g_gpsdo.tune.fine, false);
/* If we were in 'fine' mode, reset to coarse */
if (g_gpsdo.state == STATE_TUNE_FINE)
gpsdo_get_tune(uint16_t *coarse, uint16_t *fine)
*coarse = g_gpsdo.tune.coarse;
*fine = g_gpsdo.tune.fine;
static void
/* Debug */
printf("[+] GPSDO Coarse Start: tune=%d:%d\n", g_gpsdo.tune.coarse, g_gpsdo.tune.fine);
/* Set the state */
g_gpsdo.state = STATE_TUNE_COARSE;
/* Skip a few measurements to be safe */
g_gpsdo.meas.skip = 3;
/* Reset coarse tuning state */
g_gpsdo.coarse.step = 0;
/* Put the fine adjust back in the middle point */
g_gpsdo.tune.coarse += ((int)g_gpsdo.tune.fine - 2048) >> 6;
g_gpsdo.tune.fine = 2048;
pdm_set(PDM_CLK_HI, true, g_gpsdo.tune.coarse, false);
pdm_set(PDM_CLK_LO, true, g_gpsdo.tune.fine, false);
static void
printf("[+] GPSDO Fine Start\n");
/* Set the state */
g_gpsdo.state = STATE_TUNE_FINE;
/* Reset the long term error tracking */
g_gpsdo.fine.acc = 0;
g_gpsdo.fine.integral = 0;
static void
_gpsdo_coarse_tune(uint32_t tick_diff)
int freq_diff = (int)tick_diff - TARGET;
/* Is the measurement good enough to switch to fine ? */
if ((freq_diff > -MAX_DEV_FINE) && (freq_diff < MAX_DEV_FINE)) {
/* Estimate correction and apply it */
g_gpsdo.tune.coarse -= (freq_diff * vctxo_params[g_gpsdo.vctxo].iKv) >> 8;
pdm_set(PDM_CLK_HI, true, g_gpsdo.tune.coarse, false);
/* Skip next measurement */
g_gpsdo.meas.skip = 1;
/* Debug */
printf("[+] GPSDO Coarse: err=%d tune=%d\n", freq_diff, g_gpsdo.tune.coarse);
static void
_gpsdo_fine_track(uint32_t tick_diff)
int freq_diff = (int)tick_diff - TARGET;
/* Did we deviate too much ? */
if ((freq_diff < -2*MAX_DEV_FINE) || (freq_diff > 2*MAX_DEV_FINE)) {
/* Accumulate long term error and integrate it */
g_gpsdo.fine.acc += freq_diff;
g_gpsdo.fine.integral += g_gpsdo.fine.acc;
/* PID */
g_gpsdo.tune.fine = 2048 - ((
vctxo_params[g_gpsdo.vctxo].Kp * g_gpsdo.fine.acc +
vctxo_params[g_gpsdo.vctxo].Ki * g_gpsdo.fine.integral +
vctxo_params[g_gpsdo.vctxo].Kd * freq_diff
) >> 12);
/* If fine tune is getting close to boundary, do our
* best to transfer part of it to coarse tuning */
if ((g_gpsdo.tune.fine < 512) || (g_gpsdo.tune.fine > 3584))
int coarse_adj = ((int)g_gpsdo.tune.fine - 2048) >> 6;
g_gpsdo.tune.coarse += coarse_adj;
g_gpsdo.tune.fine -= coarse_adj << 6;
pdm_set(PDM_CLK_HI, true, g_gpsdo.tune.coarse, false);
/* Apply fine */
pdm_set(PDM_CLK_LO, true, g_gpsdo.tune.fine, false);
/* Debug */
printf("[+] GPSDO Fine: err=%d acc=%d tune=%d\n", freq_diff, g_gpsdo.fine.acc, g_gpsdo.tune.fine);
uint32_t tick_now, tick_diff;
bool valid;
/* If more than 3 sec elapsed since last PPS, go to hold-over */
if (time_elapsed(g_gpsdo.meas.tick_prev, 3 * SYS_CLK_FREQ)) {
g_gpsdo.state = STATE_HOLD_OVER;
g_gpsdo.meas.invalid = 0;
g_gpsdo.meas.skip = 0;
/* Get current tick and check if there was a PPS and estimate frequency */
tick_now = time_pps_read();
if (tick_now == g_gpsdo.meas.tick_prev)
g_gpsdo.meas.last = tick_diff = tick_now - g_gpsdo.meas.tick_prev;
g_gpsdo.meas.tick_prev = tick_now;
/* If we're currently discarding samples, skip it */
if (g_gpsdo.meas.skip) {
/* If we're disabled, nothing else to do */
if (g_gpsdo.state == STATE_DISABLED)
/* Check GPS state */
if (!gps_has_valid_fix()) {
/* No GPS fix, go to hold-over */
g_gpsdo.state = STATE_HOLD_OVER;
g_gpsdo.meas.invalid = 0;
g_gpsdo.meas.skip = 0;
/* Check measurement plausibility */
valid = (tick_diff > (TARGET - MAX_DEV_VALID)) && (tick_diff < (TARGET + MAX_DEV_VALID));
if (valid) {
/* If we're in hold-over, switch to active */
if (g_gpsdo.state == STATE_HOLD_OVER) {
} else {
/* Count invalid measurements */
if (++g_gpsdo.meas.invalid >= MAX_INVALID) {
if (g_gpsdo.state != STATE_HOLD_OVER) {
/* We go back to hold-over */
g_gpsdo.state = STATE_HOLD_OVER;
g_gpsdo.meas.invalid = 0;
} else {
/* We're in hold-over, with valid fix, and
* still get a bunch of invalid. Reset tuning */
g_gpsdo.tune.coarse = 2048;
g_gpsdo.tune.fine = 2048;
pdm_set(PDM_CLK_HI, true, g_gpsdo.tune.coarse, false);
pdm_set(PDM_CLK_LO, true, g_gpsdo.tune.fine, false);
/* In all cases, invalid measurements are not used */
g_gpsdo.meas.invalid = 0;
/* If we reach here, we have a valid fix, valid measurement and
* we're not in hold-over or disabled. Feed the correct loop */
if (g_gpsdo.state == STATE_TUNE_COARSE)
else if (g_gpsdo.state == STATE_TUNE_FINE)
gpsdo_init(enum gpsdo_vctxo_model vctxo)
/* State */
memset(&g_gpsdo, 0x00, sizeof(g_gpsdo));
/* Default tune to middle range */
g_gpsdo.tune.coarse = 2048;
g_gpsdo.tune.fine = 2048;
pdm_set(PDM_CLK_HI, true, g_gpsdo.tune.coarse, false);
pdm_set(PDM_CLK_LO, true, g_gpsdo.tune.fine, false);
/* Initial state and config */
g_gpsdo.state = STATE_HOLD_OVER;
g_gpsdo.vctxo = vctxo;