blob: d0542bdb4f04e4259603766323d0ae409c915733 [file] [log] [blame]
== icE1usb Firmware
The icE1usb _firmware_ is a small amount of bare-iron software running
on the picoRISCV soft-core of the _gateware_.
It mainly consists of drivers for the no2e1 E1 Framer IP core and the
no2usb USB Device IP core which are part of the gateware described in
=== Firmware Upgrade (DFU)
icE1usb contains support for the USB DFU (Device Firmware Upgrade)
As such, you can use any USB DFU compliant utility to upgrade the
firmware of the icE1usb device.
DFU mode can be entered in two ways:
1. by performing a DFU detach from the normal application firmware
(obviously that requires a [still] working firmware present on the
device). To do so, please use `dfu-util -e`
1. by pushing the push-button (see <<hw-pushbutton>>) during power-up.
Simply disconnect the USB cable, then push that button and keep it
pushed while re-attaching the USB cable.
The icE1usb boot loader enumerates as VID:PID `1d50:6145`, while the
normal application firmware enumerates as `1d50:6144`,
You can for example use `lsusb` to check the VID:PID:
$ lsusb -d 1d50:
Bus 001 Device 042: ID 1d50:6145<1> OpenMoko, Inc. icE1usb
$ sudo dfu-util -d 1d50:6145 -e <2>
$ lsusb -d 1d50:
Bus 001 Device 043: ID 1d50:6144<3> OpenMoko, Inc. icE1usb (DFU)
<1> initially the device is in normal runtime mode
<2> we use `dfu-util -e` to switch to DFU mode
<3> we can see, the device is now in DFU mode
==== Obtaining firmware upgrades
The latest firmware can currently be found at the personal developer
directory of tnt at
A more official download location will be provided shortly.
==== Upgrading the FPGA gateware
Gateware files are called `icE1usb-*.bin`.
The gateware can be upgraded by accessing the DFU _altsetting 0_ using `dfu-util` *`-a 0`*
Assuming you already are in DFU mode, you would typically use a command
like `dfu-util -d 1d50:6144 -a 0 -D icE1usb-202010-bd3999e96.bin -R` to perform the upgrade.
NOTE: The `-R` will switch the device back to runtime mode after the
upgrade. If you want to upgrade the firmware in the same session, skip
the `-R` in the above command.
==== Upgrading the picoRISCV firmware
Firmware files are called `fw_app*.bin`.
The firmware can be upgraded by accessing the DFU _altsetting 1_ using `dfu-util` *`-a 1`*
Assuming you already are in DFU mode, you would typically use a command
like `dfu-util -d 1d50:6144 -a 1 -D fw_app-202011-4d9a04e2.bin -R` to perform the upgrade.
.Typical output during upgrade of the firmware
$ sudo dfu-util -d 1d50:6144 -a 1 -D ./fw_app.bin -R
dfu-util 0.9
Copyright 2005-2009 Weston Schmidt, Harald Welte and OpenMoko Inc.
Copyright 2010-2016 Tormod Volden and Stefan Schmidt
This program is Free Software and has ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
Please report bugs to
dfu-util: Invalid DFU suffix signature
dfu-util: A valid DFU suffix will be required in a future dfu-util release!!!
Opening DFU capable USB device...
ID 1d50:6144
Run-time device DFU version 0101
Claiming USB DFU Interface...
Setting Alternate Setting #1 ...
Determining device status: state = dfuIDLE, status = 0
dfuIDLE, continuing
DFU mode device DFU version 0101
Device returned transfer size 4096
Copying data from PC to DFU device
Download [=========================] 100% 11256 bytes
Download done.
state(2) = dfuIDLE, status(0) = No error condition is present
Resetting USB to switch back to runtime mode
As the `-R` option was used, the device will reset and re-enumerate in
the newly programmed firmware.
You can verify this as follows:
$ lsusb -d 1d50:
Bus 001 Device 042: ID 1d50:6145 OpenMoko, Inc. icE1usb
or alternatively:
$ dfu-util -l -d 1d50:
dfu-util 0.9
Copyright 2005-2009 Weston Schmidt, Harald Welte and OpenMoko Inc.
Copyright 2010-2016 Tormod Volden and Stefan Schmidt
This program is Free Software and has ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
Please report bugs to
Found Runtime: [1d50:6145] ver=0003, devnum=44, cfg=1, intf=1, path="1-2", alt=0, name="DFU runtime", serial="dc697407e7881531"
=== Use of the E1 Interface LEDs
Each E1 interface has two LEDs integrated into the RJ45 connector.
FIXME: describe how they are used.
=== Use of the Multi-Color RGB LED
FIXME: describe how it is used.