blob: 0a9a0115f9d13d688d6b4937e82524a3781bcd78 [file] [log] [blame]
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# Copyright 2018 sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH <>
import atexit
import collections
import sys
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile
def next_buildable(depends, done):
""" Find the next program that can be built, because it has all
dependencies satisfied. Initially this would be libosmocore, as it has
no dependencies, then the only library that depends on libosmocore and
so on.
:param depends: return value of dependencies.generate()
:param done: ordered dict of programs that would already have been
built at this point.
Example: {"lib-a": "0.11.0", "lib-b": "0.5.0"}
# Iterate over dependencies
for program, data in depends.items():
# Skip what's already done
if program in done:
# Check for missing dependencies
depends_done = True
for depend in data["depends"]:
if depend not in done:
depends_done = False
# All dependencies satisfied: we have a winner!
if depends_done:
return program, data["version"]
# Impossible to build the dependency tree
print("ERROR: can't figure out how to build the rest!")
def generate(depends):
""" Generate an ordered dictionary with the right build order.
:param depends: return value of dependencies.generate()
:returns: an ordered dict like the following:
{"libosmocore": "0.11.0",
"libosmo-abis": "0.5.0",
"osmo-bts": "master"} """
# Iterate over dependencies
ret = collections.OrderedDict()
count = len(depends.keys())
while len(ret) != count:
# Continue with the one without unsatisfied dependencies
program, version = next_buildable(depends, ret)
ret[program] = version
return ret
def print_dict(stack):
""" Print the whole build stack.
:param stack: return value from generate() above """
print("Build order:")
for program, version in stack.items():
print(" * " + program + ":" + version)
def set_environment(jobs, prefix):
""" Configure the environment variables before running configure, make etc.
:param jobs: parallel build jobs (for make)
:param prefix: installation folder
extend = {"PKG_CONFIG_PATH": prefix + "/lib/pkgconfig",
"LD_LIBRARY_PATH": prefix + "/lib"}
for env_var, folder in extend.items():
old = os.environ[env_var] if env_var in os.environ else ""
os.environ[env_var] = old + ":" + folder
# Set JOBS for make
os.environ["JOBS"] = str(jobs)
def build(workdir, jobs, stack):
""" Build one program with all its dependencies.
:param workdir: path to where all data (git, build, install) is stored
:param jobs: parallel build jobs (for make)
:param stack: the build stack as returned by generate() above
The dependencies.clone() function has already downloaded missing
sources and checked out the right version tags. So in this function we
can directly enter the source folder and run the build commands.
Notes about the usage of 'make clean' and 'make distclean':
* Without 'make clean' we might have files in the build directory with
a different prefix hardcoded (e.g. from a previous run of
* 'make distclean' gets used to remove everything that mentioned the
prefix set by osmo-depcheck. That way the user won't have it set
anymore in case they decide to compile the code again manually from
the source folder. """
# Prepare the install folder and environment
prefix = workdir + "/install"
unitdir = prefix + "/lib/systemd/system/"
set_environment(jobs, prefix)
# Iterate over stack
for program, version in stack.items():
print("Building " + program + ":" + version)
# Create and enter the build folder
builddir = workdir + "/build/" + program
# Run the build commands
gitdir = workdir + "/git/" + program
commands = [["autoreconf", "-fi", gitdir],
[gitdir + "/configure", "--prefix", prefix,
"--with-systemdsystemunitdir=" + unitdir],
["make", "clean"],
["make", "install"],
["make", "distclean"]]
for command in commands:
print("+ " + " ".join(command)), check=True)