blob: 3b61b42353d02e3d6f266e8a25f9fee9d946de8e [file] [log] [blame]
<vtydoc xmlns='urn:osmocom:xml:libosmocore:vty:doc:1.0'>
<node id='0'>
<node id='1'>
<command id='show version'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='version' doc='Displays program version' />
<command id='show online-help'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='online-help' doc='Online help' />
<command id='list'>
<param name='list' doc='Print command list' />
<command id='exit'>
<param name='exit' doc='Exit current mode and down to previous mode' />
<command id='help'>
<param name='help' doc='Description of the interactive help system' />
<command id='enable'>
<param name='enable' doc='Turn on privileged mode command' />
<command id='terminal length &lt;0-512&gt;'>
<param name='terminal' doc='Set terminal line parameters' />
<param name='length' doc='Set number of lines on a screen' />
<param name='&lt;0-512&gt;' doc='Number of lines on screen (0 for no pausing)' />
<command id='terminal no length'>
<param name='terminal' doc='Set terminal line parameters' />
<param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
<param name='length' doc='Set number of lines on a screen' />
<command id='echo .MESSAGE'>
<param name='echo' doc='Echo a message back to the vty' />
<param name='.MESSAGE' doc='The message to echo' />
<command id='who'>
<param name='who' doc='Display who is on vty' />
<command id='show history'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='history' doc='Display the session command history' />
<command id='show network'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='network' doc='Display information about a GSM NETWORK' />
<command id='show bts [&lt;0-255&gt;]'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='bts' doc='Display information about a BTS' />
<param name='[&lt;0-255&gt;]' doc='BTS number' />
<command id='show trx [&lt;0-255&gt;] [&lt;0-255&gt;]'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='trx' doc='Display information about a TRX' />
<param name='[&lt;0-255&gt;]' doc='BTS Number' />
<param name='[&lt;0-255&gt;]' doc='TRX Number' />
<command id='show timeslot [&lt;0-255&gt;] [&lt;0-255&gt;] [&lt;0-7&gt;]'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='timeslot' doc='Display information about a TS' />
<param name='[&lt;0-255&gt;]' doc='BTS Number' />
<param name='[&lt;0-255&gt;]' doc='TRX Number' />
<param name='[&lt;0-7&gt;]' doc='Timeslot Number' />
<command id='show lchan [&lt;0-255&gt;] [&lt;0-255&gt;] [&lt;0-7&gt;] [lchan_nr]'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='lchan' doc='Display information about a logical channel' />
<param name='[&lt;0-255&gt;]' doc='BTS Number' />
<param name='[&lt;0-255&gt;]' doc='TRX Number' />
<param name='[&lt;0-7&gt;]' doc='Timeslot Number' />
<param name='[lchan_nr]' doc='Logical Channel Number' />
<command id='show lchan summary [&lt;0-255&gt;] [&lt;0-255&gt;] [&lt;0-7&gt;] [lchan_nr]'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='lchan' doc='Display information about a logical channel' />
<param name='summary' doc='Short summary' />
<param name='[&lt;0-255&gt;]' doc='BTS Number' />
<param name='[&lt;0-255&gt;]' doc='TRX Number' />
<param name='[&lt;0-7&gt;]' doc='Timeslot Number' />
<param name='[lchan_nr]' doc='Logical Channel Number' />
<command id='logging filter imsi IMSI'>
<param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />
<param name='filter' doc='Filter log messages' />
<param name='imsi' doc='Filter log messages by IMSI' />
<param name='IMSI' doc='IMSI to be used as filter' />
<command id='show paging [&lt;0-255&gt;]'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='paging' doc='Display information about paging reuqests of a BTS' />
<param name='[&lt;0-255&gt;]' doc='BTS Number' />
<command id='show paging-group &lt;0-255&gt; IMSI'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='paging-group' doc='Display the paging group' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='BTS Number' />
<param name='IMSI' doc='IMSI' />
<command id='logging enable'>
<param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />
<param name='enable' doc='Enables logging to this vty' />
<command id='logging disable'>
<param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />
<param name='disable' doc='Disables logging to this vty' />
<command id='logging filter all (0|1)'>
<param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />
<param name='filter' doc='Filter log messages' />
<param name='all' doc='Do you want to log all messages?' />
<param name='0' doc='Only print messages matched by other filters' />
<param name='1' doc='Bypass filter and print all messages' />
<command id='logging color (0|1)'>
<param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />
<param name='color' doc='Configure color-printing for log messages' />
<param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t use color for printing messages' />
<param name='1' doc='Use color for printing messages' />
<command id='logging timestamp (0|1)'>
<param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />
<param name='timestamp' doc='Configure log message timestamping' />
<param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t prefix each log message' />
<param name='1' doc='Prefix each log message with current timestamp' />
<command id='logging set-log-mask MASK'>
<param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />
<param name='set-log-mask' doc='Set the logmask of this logging target' />
<param name='MASK' doc='The logmask to use' />
<command id='logging set log mask MASK'>
<param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />
<param name='set' doc='Decide which categories to output.' />
<param name='log' doc='Log commands' />
<param name='mask' doc='Mask commands' />
<param name='MASK' doc='The logmask to use' />
<command id='logging level (all|rll|cc|mm|rr|rsl|nm|mncc|pag|meas|sccp|msc|mgcp|ho|db|ref|gprs|ns|bssgp|llc|sndcp|nat|ctrl|smpp|lglobal|llapd|linp|lmux|lmi|lmib|lsms) (everything|debug|info|notice|error|fatal)'>
<param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />
<param name='level' doc='Set the log level for a specified category' />
<param name='all' doc='Global setting for all subsystems' />
<param name='rll' doc='A-bis Radio Link Layer (RLL)' />
<param name='cc' doc='Layer3 Call Control (CC)' />
<param name='mm' doc='Layer3 Mobility Management (MM)' />
<param name='rr' doc='Layer3 Radio Resource (RR)' />
<param name='rsl' doc='A-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL)' />
<param name='nm' doc='A-bis Network Management / O&amp;M (NM/OML)' />
<param name='mncc' doc='MNCC API for Call Control application' />
<param name='pag' doc='Paging Subsystem' />
<param name='meas' doc='Radio Measurement Processing' />
<param name='sccp' doc='SCCP Protocol' />
<param name='msc' doc='Mobile Switching Center' />
<param name='mgcp' doc='Media Gateway Control Protocol' />
<param name='ho' doc='Hand-Over' />
<param name='db' doc='Database Layer' />
<param name='ref' doc='Reference Counting' />
<param name='gprs' doc='GPRS Packet Service' />
<param name='ns' doc='GPRS Network Service (NS)' />
<param name='bssgp' doc='GPRS BSS Gateway Protocol (BSSGP)' />
<param name='llc' doc='GPRS Logical Link Control Protocol (LLC)' />
<param name='sndcp' doc='GPRS Sub-Network Dependent Control Protocol (SNDCP)' />
<param name='nat' doc='GSM 08.08 NAT/Multiplexer' />
<param name='ctrl' doc='Control interface' />
<param name='smpp' doc='SMPP interface for external SMS apps' />
<param name='lglobal' doc='Library-internal global log family' />
<param name='llapd' doc='LAPD in libosmogsm' />
<param name='linp' doc='A-bis Intput Subsystem' />
<param name='lmux' doc='A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplex' />
<param name='lmi' doc='A-bis Input Driver for Signalling' />
<param name='lmib' doc='A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice)' />
<param name='lsms' doc='Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS)' />
<param name='everything' doc='Log simply everything' />
<param name='debug' doc='Log debug messages and higher levels' />
<param name='info' doc='Log informational messages and higher levels' />
<param name='notice' doc='Log noticable messages and higher levels' />
<param name='error' doc='Log error messages and higher levels' />
<param name='fatal' doc='Log only fatal messages' />
<command id='show logging vty'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='logging' doc='Show current logging configuration' />
<param name='vty' doc='Show current logging configuration for this vty' />
<command id='show alarms'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='alarms' doc='Show current logging configuration' />
<command id='show e1_driver'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='e1_driver' doc='Display information about available E1 drivers' />
<command id='show e1_line [line_nr] [stats]'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='e1_line' doc='Display information about a E1 line' />
<param name='[line_nr]' doc='E1 Line Number' />
<param name='[stats]' doc='Include statistics' />
<command id='show e1_timeslot [line_nr] [ts_nr]'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='e1_timeslot' doc='Display information about a E1 timeslot' />
<param name='[line_nr]' doc='E1 Line Number' />
<param name='[ts_nr]' doc='E1 Timeslot Number' />
<command id='show statistics'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='statistics' doc='Statistics about the BSC' />
<command id='show mscs'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='mscs' doc='MSC Connections and State' />
<command id='show position'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='position' doc='Position information of the BTS' />
<node id='2'>
<node id='3'>
<command id='help'>
<param name='help' doc='Description of the interactive help system' />
<command id='list'>
<param name='list' doc='Print command list' />
<command id='write terminal'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='terminal' doc='Write to terminal' />
<command id='write file'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='file' doc='Write to configuration file' />
<command id='write memory'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='memory' doc='Write configuration to the file (same as write file)' />
<command id='write'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<command id='show running-config'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='running-config' doc='running configuration' />
<command id='exit'>
<param name='exit' doc='Exit current mode and down to previous mode' />
<command id='disable'>
<param name='disable' doc='Turn off privileged mode command' />
<command id='configure terminal'>
<param name='configure' doc='Configuration from vty interface' />
<param name='terminal' doc='Configuration terminal' />
<command id='copy running-config startup-config'>
<param name='copy' doc='Copy configuration' />
<param name='running-config' doc='Copy running config to... ' />
<param name='startup-config' doc='Copy running config to startup config (same as write file)' />
<command id='show startup-config'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='startup-config' doc='Contentes of startup configuration' />
<command id='show version'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='version' doc='Displays program version' />
<command id='show online-help'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='online-help' doc='Online help' />
<command id='terminal length &lt;0-512&gt;'>
<param name='terminal' doc='Set terminal line parameters' />
<param name='length' doc='Set number of lines on a screen' />
<param name='&lt;0-512&gt;' doc='Number of lines on screen (0 for no pausing)' />
<command id='terminal no length'>
<param name='terminal' doc='Set terminal line parameters' />
<param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
<param name='length' doc='Set number of lines on a screen' />
<command id='echo .MESSAGE'>
<param name='echo' doc='Echo a message back to the vty' />
<param name='.MESSAGE' doc='The message to echo' />
<command id='who'>
<param name='who' doc='Display who is on vty' />
<command id='show history'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='history' doc='Display the session command history' />
<command id='terminal monitor'>
<param name='terminal' doc='Set terminal line parameters' />
<param name='monitor' doc='Copy debug output to the current terminal line' />
<command id='terminal no monitor'>
<param name='terminal' doc='Set terminal line parameters' />
<param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
<param name='monitor' doc='Copy debug output to the current terminal line' />
<command id='show network'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='network' doc='Display information about a GSM NETWORK' />
<command id='show bts [&lt;0-255&gt;]'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='bts' doc='Display information about a BTS' />
<param name='[&lt;0-255&gt;]' doc='BTS number' />
<command id='show trx [&lt;0-255&gt;] [&lt;0-255&gt;]'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='trx' doc='Display information about a TRX' />
<param name='[&lt;0-255&gt;]' doc='BTS Number' />
<param name='[&lt;0-255&gt;]' doc='TRX Number' />
<command id='show timeslot [&lt;0-255&gt;] [&lt;0-255&gt;] [&lt;0-7&gt;]'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='timeslot' doc='Display information about a TS' />
<param name='[&lt;0-255&gt;]' doc='BTS Number' />
<param name='[&lt;0-255&gt;]' doc='TRX Number' />
<param name='[&lt;0-7&gt;]' doc='Timeslot Number' />
<command id='show lchan [&lt;0-255&gt;] [&lt;0-255&gt;] [&lt;0-7&gt;] [lchan_nr]'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='lchan' doc='Display information about a logical channel' />
<param name='[&lt;0-255&gt;]' doc='BTS Number' />
<param name='[&lt;0-255&gt;]' doc='TRX Number' />
<param name='[&lt;0-7&gt;]' doc='Timeslot Number' />
<param name='[lchan_nr]' doc='Logical Channel Number' />
<command id='show lchan summary [&lt;0-255&gt;] [&lt;0-255&gt;] [&lt;0-7&gt;] [lchan_nr]'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='lchan' doc='Display information about a logical channel' />
<param name='summary' doc='Short summary' />
<param name='[&lt;0-255&gt;]' doc='BTS Number' />
<param name='[&lt;0-255&gt;]' doc='TRX Number' />
<param name='[&lt;0-7&gt;]' doc='Timeslot Number' />
<param name='[lchan_nr]' doc='Logical Channel Number' />
<command id='logging filter imsi IMSI'>
<param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />
<param name='filter' doc='Filter log messages' />
<param name='imsi' doc='Filter log messages by IMSI' />
<param name='IMSI' doc='IMSI to be used as filter' />
<command id='show paging [&lt;0-255&gt;]'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='paging' doc='Display information about paging reuqests of a BTS' />
<param name='[&lt;0-255&gt;]' doc='BTS Number' />
<command id='show paging-group &lt;0-255&gt; IMSI'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='paging-group' doc='Display the paging group' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='BTS Number' />
<param name='IMSI' doc='IMSI' />
<command id='logging enable'>
<param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />
<param name='enable' doc='Enables logging to this vty' />
<command id='logging disable'>
<param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />
<param name='disable' doc='Disables logging to this vty' />
<command id='logging filter all (0|1)'>
<param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />
<param name='filter' doc='Filter log messages' />
<param name='all' doc='Do you want to log all messages?' />
<param name='0' doc='Only print messages matched by other filters' />
<param name='1' doc='Bypass filter and print all messages' />
<command id='logging color (0|1)'>
<param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />
<param name='color' doc='Configure color-printing for log messages' />
<param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t use color for printing messages' />
<param name='1' doc='Use color for printing messages' />
<command id='logging timestamp (0|1)'>
<param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />
<param name='timestamp' doc='Configure log message timestamping' />
<param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t prefix each log message' />
<param name='1' doc='Prefix each log message with current timestamp' />
<command id='logging set-log-mask MASK'>
<param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />
<param name='set-log-mask' doc='Set the logmask of this logging target' />
<param name='MASK' doc='The logmask to use' />
<command id='logging set log mask MASK'>
<param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />
<param name='set' doc='Decide which categories to output.' />
<param name='log' doc='Log commands' />
<param name='mask' doc='Mask commands' />
<param name='MASK' doc='The logmask to use' />
<command id='logging level (all|rll|cc|mm|rr|rsl|nm|mncc|pag|meas|sccp|msc|mgcp|ho|db|ref|gprs|ns|bssgp|llc|sndcp|nat|ctrl|smpp|lglobal|llapd|linp|lmux|lmi|lmib|lsms) (everything|debug|info|notice|error|fatal)'>
<param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />
<param name='level' doc='Set the log level for a specified category' />
<param name='all' doc='Global setting for all subsystems' />
<param name='rll' doc='A-bis Radio Link Layer (RLL)' />
<param name='cc' doc='Layer3 Call Control (CC)' />
<param name='mm' doc='Layer3 Mobility Management (MM)' />
<param name='rr' doc='Layer3 Radio Resource (RR)' />
<param name='rsl' doc='A-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL)' />
<param name='nm' doc='A-bis Network Management / O&amp;M (NM/OML)' />
<param name='mncc' doc='MNCC API for Call Control application' />
<param name='pag' doc='Paging Subsystem' />
<param name='meas' doc='Radio Measurement Processing' />
<param name='sccp' doc='SCCP Protocol' />
<param name='msc' doc='Mobile Switching Center' />
<param name='mgcp' doc='Media Gateway Control Protocol' />
<param name='ho' doc='Hand-Over' />
<param name='db' doc='Database Layer' />
<param name='ref' doc='Reference Counting' />
<param name='gprs' doc='GPRS Packet Service' />
<param name='ns' doc='GPRS Network Service (NS)' />
<param name='bssgp' doc='GPRS BSS Gateway Protocol (BSSGP)' />
<param name='llc' doc='GPRS Logical Link Control Protocol (LLC)' />
<param name='sndcp' doc='GPRS Sub-Network Dependent Control Protocol (SNDCP)' />
<param name='nat' doc='GSM 08.08 NAT/Multiplexer' />
<param name='ctrl' doc='Control interface' />
<param name='smpp' doc='SMPP interface for external SMS apps' />
<param name='lglobal' doc='Library-internal global log family' />
<param name='llapd' doc='LAPD in libosmogsm' />
<param name='linp' doc='A-bis Intput Subsystem' />
<param name='lmux' doc='A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplex' />
<param name='lmi' doc='A-bis Input Driver for Signalling' />
<param name='lmib' doc='A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice)' />
<param name='lsms' doc='Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS)' />
<param name='everything' doc='Log simply everything' />
<param name='debug' doc='Log debug messages and higher levels' />
<param name='info' doc='Log informational messages and higher levels' />
<param name='notice' doc='Log noticable messages and higher levels' />
<param name='error' doc='Log error messages and higher levels' />
<param name='fatal' doc='Log only fatal messages' />
<command id='show logging vty'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='logging' doc='Show current logging configuration' />
<param name='vty' doc='Show current logging configuration for this vty' />
<command id='show alarms'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='alarms' doc='Show current logging configuration' />
<command id='drop bts connection &lt;0-65535&gt; (oml|rsl)'>
<param name='drop' doc='Debug/Simulation command to drop Abis/IP BTS' />
<param name='bts' doc='Debug/Simulation command to drop Abis/IP BTS' />
<param name='connection' doc='Debug/Simulation command to drop Abis/IP BTS' />
<param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='BTS NR' />
<param name='oml' doc='Drop OML Connection' />
<param name='rsl' doc='Drop RSL Connection' />
<command id='bts &lt;0-255&gt; trx &lt;0-255&gt; timeslot &lt;0-7&gt; pdch (activate|deactivate)'>
<param name='bts' doc='BTS related commands' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='BTS Number' />
<param name='trx' doc='Transceiver' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='Transceiver Number' />
<param name='timeslot' doc='TRX Timeslot' />
<param name='&lt;0-7&gt;' doc='Timeslot Number' />
<param name='pdch' doc='Packet Data Channel' />
<param name='activate' doc='Activate Dynamic PDCH/TCH (-&gt; PDCH mode)' />
<param name='deactivate' doc='Deactivate Dynamic PDCH/TCH (-&gt; TCH mode)' />
<command id='bts &lt;0-255&gt; oml class (site-manager|bts|radio-carrier|baseband-transceiver|channel|adjc|handover|power-contorl|btse|rack|test|envabtse|bport|gprs-nse|gprs-cell|gprs-nsvc|siemenshw) instance &lt;0-255&gt; &lt;0-255&gt; &lt;0-255&gt;'>
<param name='bts' doc='BTS related commands' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='BTS Number' />
<param name='oml' doc='Manipulate the OML managed objects' />
<param name='class' doc='Object Class' />
<param name='site-manager' doc='Site Manager Object' />
<param name='bts' doc='BTS Object' />
<param name='radio-carrier' doc='Radio Carrier Object' />
<param name='baseband-transceiver' doc='Baseband Transceiver Object' />
<param name='channel' doc='Channel (Timeslot) Object' />
<param name='adjc' doc='Adjacent Object (Siemens)' />
<param name='handover' doc='Handover Object (Siemens)' />
<param name='power-contorl' doc='Power Control Object (Siemens)' />
<param name='btse' doc='BTSE Object (Siemens)' />
<param name='rack' doc='Rack Object (Siemens)' />
<param name='test' doc='Test Object (Siemens)' />
<param name='envabtse' doc='ENVABTSE Object (Siemens)' />
<param name='bport' doc='BPORT Object (Siemens)' />
<param name='gprs-nse' doc='GPRS NSE Object (ip.access/osmo-bts)' />
<param name='gprs-cell' doc='GPRS Cell Object (ip.acecss/osmo-bts)' />
<param name='gprs-nsvc' doc='GPRS NSVC Object (ip.acecss/osmo-bts)' />
<param name='siemenshw' doc='SIEMENSHW Object (Siemens)' />
<param name='instance' doc='Object Instance' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='BTS Number' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='TRX Number' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='TS Number' />
<command id='bts &lt;0-255&gt; oml class &lt;0-255&gt; instance &lt;0-255&gt; &lt;0-255&gt; &lt;0-255&gt;'>
<param name='bts' doc='BTS related commands' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='BTS Number' />
<param name='oml' doc='Manipulate the OML managed objects' />
<param name='class' doc='Object Class' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='Object Class' />
<param name='instance' doc='Object Instance' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='BTS Number' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='TRX Number' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='TS Number' />
<command id='bts &lt;0-255&gt; om2000 class (trxc|ts|tf|is|con|dp|cf|tx|rx) &lt;0-255&gt; &lt;0-255&gt; &lt;0-255&gt;'>
<param name='bts' doc='BTS related commands' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='BTS Number' />
<param name='om2000' doc='Manipulate the OM2000 managed objects' />
<param name='class' doc='Object Class' />
<param name='trxc' doc='TRX Controller' />
<param name='ts' doc='Timeslot' />
<param name='tf' doc='Timing Function' />
<param name='is' doc='Interface Switch' />
<param name='con' doc='Abis Concentrator' />
<param name='dp' doc='Digital Path' />
<param name='cf' doc='Central Function' />
<param name='tx' doc='Transmitter' />
<param name='rx' doc='Receiver' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='BTS Number' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='Associated SO Instance' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='Instance Number' />
<command id='bts &lt;0-255&gt; om2000 class &lt;0-255&gt; &lt;0-255&gt; &lt;0-255&gt; &lt;0-255&gt;'>
<param name='bts' doc='BTS related commands' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='BTS Number' />
<param name='om2000' doc='Manipulate the OML managed objects' />
<param name='class' doc='Object Class' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='Object Class' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='BTS Number' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='Associated SO Instance' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='Instance Number' />
<command id='show e1_driver'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='e1_driver' doc='Display information about available E1 drivers' />
<command id='show e1_line [line_nr] [stats]'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='e1_line' doc='Display information about a E1 line' />
<param name='[line_nr]' doc='E1 Line Number' />
<param name='[stats]' doc='Include statistics' />
<command id='show e1_timeslot [line_nr] [ts_nr]'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='e1_timeslot' doc='Display information about a E1 timeslot' />
<param name='[line_nr]' doc='E1 Line Number' />
<param name='[ts_nr]' doc='E1 Timeslot Number' />
<command id='show statistics'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='statistics' doc='Statistics about the BSC' />
<command id='show mscs'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='mscs' doc='MSC Connections and State' />
<command id='show position'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='position' doc='Position information of the BTS' />
<command id='generate-location-state-trap &lt;0-255&gt;'>
<param name='generate-location-state-trap' doc='Generate location state report' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='BTS to report' />
<node id='4'>
<command id='help'>
<param name='help' doc='Description of the interactive help system' />
<command id='list'>
<param name='list' doc='Print command list' />
<command id='write terminal'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='terminal' doc='Write to terminal' />
<command id='write file'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='file' doc='Write to configuration file' />
<command id='write memory'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='memory' doc='Write configuration to the file (same as write file)' />
<command id='write'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<command id='show running-config'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='running-config' doc='running configuration' />
<command id='exit'>
<param name='exit' doc='Exit current mode and down to previous mode' />
<command id='end'>
<param name='end' doc='End current mode and change to enable mode.' />
<command id='hostname WORD'>
<param name='hostname' doc='Set system&apos;s network name' />
<param name='WORD' doc='This system&apos;s network name' />
<command id='no hostname [HOSTNAME]'>
<param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
<param name='hostname' doc='Reset system&apos;s network name' />
<param name='[HOSTNAME]' doc='Host name of this router' />
<command id='password (8|) WORD'>
<param name='password' doc='Assign the terminal connection password' />
<param name='8' doc='Specifies a HIDDEN password will follow' />
<param name='' doc='dummy string ' />
<param name='WORD' doc='The HIDDEN line password string' />
<command id='password LINE'>
<param name='password' doc='Assign the terminal connection password' />
<param name='LINE' doc='The UNENCRYPTED (cleartext) line password' />
<command id='enable password (8|) WORD'>
<param name='enable' doc='Modify enable password parameters' />
<param name='password' doc='Assign the privileged level password' />
<param name='8' doc='Specifies a HIDDEN password will follow' />
<param name='' doc='dummy string ' />
<param name='WORD' doc='The HIDDEN &apos;enable&apos; password string' />
<command id='enable password LINE'>
<param name='enable' doc='Modify enable password parameters' />
<param name='password' doc='Assign the privileged level password' />
<param name='LINE' doc='The UNENCRYPTED (cleartext) &apos;enable&apos; password' />
<command id='no enable password'>
<param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
<param name='enable' doc='Modify enable password parameters' />
<param name='password' doc='Assign the privileged level password' />
<command id='banner motd default'>
<param name='banner' doc='Set banner string' />
<param name='motd' doc='Strings for motd' />
<param name='default' doc='Default string' />
<command id='banner motd file [FILE]'>
<param name='banner' doc='Set banner' />
<param name='motd' doc='Banner for motd' />
<param name='file' doc='Banner from a file' />
<param name='[FILE]' doc='Filename' />
<command id='no banner motd'>
<param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
<param name='banner' doc='Set banner string' />
<param name='motd' doc='Strings for motd' />
<command id='service terminal-length &lt;0-512&gt;'>
<param name='service' doc='Set up miscellaneous service' />
<param name='terminal-length' doc='System wide terminal length configuration' />
<param name='&lt;0-512&gt;' doc='Number of lines of VTY (0 means no line control)' />
<command id='no service terminal-length [&lt;0-512&gt;]'>
<param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
<param name='service' doc='Set up miscellaneous service' />
<param name='terminal-length' doc='System wide terminal length configuration' />
<param name='[&lt;0-512&gt;]' doc='Number of lines of VTY (0 means no line control)' />
<command id='line vty'>
<param name='line' doc='Configure a terminal line' />
<param name='vty' doc='Virtual terminal' />
<command id='service advanced-vty'>
<param name='service' doc='Set up miscellaneous service' />
<param name='advanced-vty' doc='Enable advanced mode vty interface' />
<command id='no service advanced-vty'>
<param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
<param name='service' doc='Set up miscellaneous service' />
<param name='advanced-vty' doc='Enable advanced mode vty interface' />
<command id='show history'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='history' doc='Display the session command history' />
<command id='log stderr'>
<param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />
<param name='stderr' doc='Logging via STDERR of the process' />
<command id='no log stderr'>
<param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
<param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />
<param name='stderr' doc='Logging via STDERR of the process' />
<command id='log file .FILENAME'>
<param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />
<param name='file' doc='Logging to text file' />
<param name='.FILENAME' doc='Filename' />
<command id='no log file .FILENAME'>
<param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
<param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />
<param name='file' doc='Logging to text file' />
<param name='.FILENAME' doc='Filename' />
<command id='log alarms &lt;2-32700&gt;'>
<param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />
<param name='alarms' doc='Logging alarms to osmo_strrb' />
<param name='&lt;2-32700&gt;' doc='Maximum number of messages to log' />
<command id='no log alarms'>
<param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
<param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />
<param name='alarms' doc='Logging alarms to osmo_strrb' />
<command id='log syslog (authpriv|cron|daemon|ftp|lpr|mail|news|user|uucp)'>
<param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />
<param name='syslog' doc='Logging via syslog' />
<param name='authpriv' doc='Security/authorization messages facility' />
<param name='cron' doc='Clock daemon (cron/at) facility' />
<param name='daemon' doc='General system daemon facility' />
<param name='ftp' doc='Ftp daemon facility' />
<param name='lpr' doc='Line printer facility' />
<param name='mail' doc='Mail facility' />
<param name='news' doc='News facility' />
<param name='user' doc='Generic facility' />
<param name='uucp' doc='UUCP facility' />
<command id='log syslog local &lt;0-7&gt;'>
<param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />
<param name='syslog' doc='Logging via syslog' />
<param name='local' doc='Syslog LOCAL facility' />
<param name='&lt;0-7&gt;' doc='Local facility number' />
<command id='no log syslog'>
<param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
<param name='log' doc='Configure logging sub-system' />
<param name='syslog' doc='Logging via syslog' />
<command id='network'>
<param name='network' doc='Configure the GSM network' />
<command id='e1_input'>
<param name='e1_input' doc='Configure E1/T1/J1 TDM input' />
<command id='msc [&lt;0-1000&gt;]'>
<param name='msc' doc='Configure MSC details' />
<param name='[&lt;0-1000&gt;]' doc='MSC connection to configure' />
<command id='bsc'>
<param name='bsc' doc='Configure BSC' />
<node id='7'>
<command id='help'>
<param name='help' doc='Description of the interactive help system' />
<command id='list'>
<param name='list' doc='Print command list' />
<command id='write terminal'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='terminal' doc='Write to terminal' />
<command id='write file'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='file' doc='Write to configuration file' />
<command id='write memory'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='memory' doc='Write configuration to the file (same as write file)' />
<command id='write'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<command id='show running-config'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='running-config' doc='running configuration' />
<command id='exit'>
<param name='exit' doc='Exit current mode and down to previous mode' />
<command id='end'>
<param name='end' doc='End current mode and change to enable mode.' />
<command id='logging filter all (0|1)'>
<param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />
<param name='filter' doc='Filter log messages' />
<param name='all' doc='Do you want to log all messages?' />
<param name='0' doc='Only print messages matched by other filters' />
<param name='1' doc='Bypass filter and print all messages' />
<command id='logging color (0|1)'>
<param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />
<param name='color' doc='Configure color-printing for log messages' />
<param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t use color for printing messages' />
<param name='1' doc='Use color for printing messages' />
<command id='logging timestamp (0|1)'>
<param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />
<param name='timestamp' doc='Configure log message timestamping' />
<param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t prefix each log message' />
<param name='1' doc='Prefix each log message with current timestamp' />
<command id='logging level (all|rll|cc|mm|rr|rsl|nm|mncc|pag|meas|sccp|msc|mgcp|ho|db|ref|gprs|ns|bssgp|llc|sndcp|nat|ctrl|smpp|lglobal|llapd|linp|lmux|lmi|lmib|lsms) (everything|debug|info|notice|error|fatal)'>
<param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />
<param name='level' doc='Set the log level for a specified category' />
<param name='all' doc='Global setting for all subsystems' />
<param name='rll' doc='A-bis Radio Link Layer (RLL)' />
<param name='cc' doc='Layer3 Call Control (CC)' />
<param name='mm' doc='Layer3 Mobility Management (MM)' />
<param name='rr' doc='Layer3 Radio Resource (RR)' />
<param name='rsl' doc='A-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL)' />
<param name='nm' doc='A-bis Network Management / O&amp;M (NM/OML)' />
<param name='mncc' doc='MNCC API for Call Control application' />
<param name='pag' doc='Paging Subsystem' />
<param name='meas' doc='Radio Measurement Processing' />
<param name='sccp' doc='SCCP Protocol' />
<param name='msc' doc='Mobile Switching Center' />
<param name='mgcp' doc='Media Gateway Control Protocol' />
<param name='ho' doc='Hand-Over' />
<param name='db' doc='Database Layer' />
<param name='ref' doc='Reference Counting' />
<param name='gprs' doc='GPRS Packet Service' />
<param name='ns' doc='GPRS Network Service (NS)' />
<param name='bssgp' doc='GPRS BSS Gateway Protocol (BSSGP)' />
<param name='llc' doc='GPRS Logical Link Control Protocol (LLC)' />
<param name='sndcp' doc='GPRS Sub-Network Dependent Control Protocol (SNDCP)' />
<param name='nat' doc='GSM 08.08 NAT/Multiplexer' />
<param name='ctrl' doc='Control interface' />
<param name='smpp' doc='SMPP interface for external SMS apps' />
<param name='lglobal' doc='Library-internal global log family' />
<param name='llapd' doc='LAPD in libosmogsm' />
<param name='linp' doc='A-bis Intput Subsystem' />
<param name='lmux' doc='A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplex' />
<param name='lmi' doc='A-bis Input Driver for Signalling' />
<param name='lmib' doc='A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice)' />
<param name='lsms' doc='Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS)' />
<param name='everything' doc='Log simply everything' />
<param name='debug' doc='Log debug messages and higher levels' />
<param name='info' doc='Log informational messages and higher levels' />
<param name='notice' doc='Log noticable messages and higher levels' />
<param name='error' doc='Log error messages and higher levels' />
<param name='fatal' doc='Log only fatal messages' />
<command id='logging filter imsi IMSI'>
<param name='logging' doc='Configure log message to this terminal' />
<param name='filter' doc='Filter log messages' />
<param name='imsi' doc='Filter log messages by IMSI' />
<param name='IMSI' doc='IMSI to be used as filter' />
<node id='8'>
<command id='help'>
<param name='help' doc='Description of the interactive help system' />
<command id='list'>
<param name='list' doc='Print command list' />
<command id='write terminal'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='terminal' doc='Write to terminal' />
<command id='write file'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='file' doc='Write to configuration file' />
<command id='write memory'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='memory' doc='Write configuration to the file (same as write file)' />
<command id='write'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<command id='show running-config'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='running-config' doc='running configuration' />
<command id='exit'>
<param name='exit' doc='Exit current mode and down to previous mode' />
<command id='end'>
<param name='end' doc='End current mode and change to enable mode.' />
<command id='login'>
<param name='login' doc='Enable password checking' />
<command id='no login'>
<param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
<param name='login' doc='Enable password checking' />
<node id='9'>
<command id='help'>
<param name='help' doc='Description of the interactive help system' />
<command id='list'>
<param name='list' doc='Print command list' />
<command id='write terminal'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='terminal' doc='Write to terminal' />
<command id='write file'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='file' doc='Write to configuration file' />
<command id='write memory'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='memory' doc='Write configuration to the file (same as write file)' />
<command id='write'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<command id='show running-config'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='running-config' doc='running configuration' />
<command id='exit'>
<param name='exit' doc='Exit current mode and down to previous mode' />
<command id='end'>
<param name='end' doc='End current mode and change to enable mode.' />
<command id='e1_line &lt;0-255&gt; driver (misdn|misdn_lapd|dahdi|ipa)'>
<param name='e1_line' doc='Configure E1/T1/J1 Line' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='Line Number' />
<param name='driver' doc='Set driver for this line' />
<param name='misdn' doc='mISDN supported E1 Card (kernel LAPD)' />
<param name='misdn_lapd' doc='mISDN supported E1 Card (userspace LAPD)' />
<param name='dahdi' doc='DAHDI supported E1/T1/J1 Card' />
<param name='ipa' doc='IPA TCP/IP input' />
<command id='e1_line &lt;0-255&gt; port &lt;0-255&gt;'>
<param name='e1_line' doc='Configure E1/T1/J1 Line' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='Line Number' />
<param name='port' doc='Set physical port/span/card number' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='E1/T1 Port/Span/Card number' />
<command id='e1_line &lt;0-255&gt; name .LINE'>
<param name='e1_line' doc='Configure E1/T1/J1 Line' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='Line Number' />
<param name='name' doc='Set name for this line' />
<param name='.LINE' doc='Human readable name' />
<command id='e1_line &lt;0-255&gt; keepalive'>
<param name='e1_line' doc='Configure E1/T1/J1 Line' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='Line Number' />
<param name='keepalive' doc='Enable keep-alive probing' />
<command id='e1_line &lt;0-255&gt; keepalive &lt;1-300&gt; &lt;1-20&gt; &lt;1-300&gt;'>
<param name='e1_line' doc='Configure E1/T1/J1 Line' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='Line Number' />
<param name='keepalive' doc='Enable keep-alive probing' />
<param name='&lt;1-300&gt;' doc='Idle interval in seconds before probes are sent' />
<param name='&lt;1-20&gt;' doc='Number of probes to sent' />
<param name='&lt;1-300&gt;' doc='Delay between probe packets in seconds' />
<command id='no e1_line &lt;0-255&gt; keepalive'>
<param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
<param name='e1_line' doc='Configure E1/T1/J1 Line' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='Line Number' />
<param name='keepalive' doc='Enable keep-alive probing' />
<node id='14'>
<command id='help'>
<param name='help' doc='Description of the interactive help system' />
<command id='list'>
<param name='list' doc='Print command list' />
<command id='write terminal'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='terminal' doc='Write to terminal' />
<command id='write file'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='file' doc='Write to configuration file' />
<command id='write memory'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='memory' doc='Write configuration to the file (same as write file)' />
<command id='write'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<command id='show running-config'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='running-config' doc='running configuration' />
<command id='exit'>
<param name='exit' doc='Exit current mode and down to previous mode' />
<command id='end'>
<param name='end' doc='End current mode and change to enable mode.' />
<command id='network country code &lt;1-999&gt;'>
<param name='network' doc='Set the GSM network country code' />
<param name='country' doc='Country commands' />
<param name='code' doc='Code commands' />
<param name='&lt;1-999&gt;' doc='Network Country Code to use' />
<command id='mobile network code &lt;0-999&gt;'>
<param name='mobile' doc='Set the GSM mobile network code' />
<param name='network' doc='Network Commands' />
<param name='code' doc='Code commands' />
<param name='&lt;0-999&gt;' doc='Mobile Network Code to use' />
<command id='short name NAME'>
<param name='short' doc='Set the short GSM network name' />
<param name='name' doc='Name Commands' />
<param name='NAME' doc='Name to use' />
<command id='long name NAME'>
<param name='long' doc='Set the long GSM network name' />
<param name='name' doc='Name Commands' />
<param name='NAME' doc='Name to use' />
<command id='auth policy (closed|accept-all|token)'>
<param name='auth' doc='Authentication (not cryptographic)' />
<param name='policy' doc='Set the GSM network authentication policy' />
<param name='closed' doc='Require the MS to be activated in HLR' />
<param name='accept-all' doc='Accept all MS, whether in HLR or not' />
<param name='token' doc='Use SMS-token based authentication' />
<command id='location updating reject cause &lt;2-111&gt;'>
<param name='location' doc='Set the reject cause of location updating reject' />
<param name='updating' doc='Set the reject cause of location updating reject' />
<param name='reject' doc='Set the reject cause of location updating reject' />
<param name='cause' doc='Set the reject cause of location updating reject' />
<param name='&lt;2-111&gt;' doc='Cause Value as Per GSM TS 04.08' />
<command id='encryption a5 (0|1|2|3)'>
<param name='encryption' doc='Encryption options' />
<param name='a5' doc='A5 encryption' />
<param name='0' doc='A5/0: No encryption' />
<param name='1' doc='A5/1: Encryption' />
<param name='2' doc='A5/2: Export-grade Encryption' />
<param name='3' doc='A5/3: &apos;New&apos; Secure Encryption' />
<command id='neci (0|1)'>
<param name='neci' doc='New Establish Cause Indication' />
<param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t set the NECI bit' />
<param name='1' doc='Set the NECI bit' />
<command id='rrlp mode (none|ms-based|ms-preferred|ass-preferred)'>
<param name='rrlp' doc='Radio Resource Location Protocol' />
<param name='mode' doc='Set the Radio Resource Location Protocol Mode' />
<param name='none' doc='Don&apos;t send RRLP request' />
<param name='ms-based' doc='Request MS-based location' />
<param name='ms-preferred' doc='Request any location, prefer MS-based' />
<param name='ass-preferred' doc='Request any location, prefer MS-assisted' />
<command id='mm info (0|1)'>
<param name='mm' doc='Mobility Management' />
<param name='info' doc='Send MM INFO after LOC UPD ACCEPT' />
<param name='0' doc='Disable' />
<param name='1' doc='Enable' />
<command id='handover (0|1)'>
<param name='handover' doc='Handover Options' />
<param name='0' doc='Don&apos;t perform in-call handover' />
<param name='1' doc='Perform in-call handover' />
<command id='handover window rxlev averaging &lt;1-10&gt;'>
<param name='handover' doc='Handover Options' />
<param name='window' doc='Measurement Window' />
<param name='rxlev' doc='Received Level Averaging' />
<param name='averaging' doc='How many RxLev measurements are used for averaging' />
<param name='&lt;1-10&gt;' doc='Amount to use for Averaging' />
<command id='handover window rxqual averaging &lt;1-10&gt;'>
<param name='handover' doc='Handover Options' />
<param name='window' doc='Measurement Window' />
<param name='rxqual' doc='Received Quality Averaging' />
<param name='averaging' doc='How many RxQual measurements are used for averaging' />
<param name='&lt;1-10&gt;' doc='Amount to use for Averaging' />
<command id='handover window rxlev neighbor averaging &lt;1-10&gt;'>
<param name='handover' doc='Handover Options' />
<param name='window' doc='Measurement Window' />
<param name='rxlev' doc='Received Level Averaging' />
<param name='neighbor' doc='Neighbor' />
<param name='averaging' doc='How many RxQual measurements are used for averaging' />
<param name='&lt;1-10&gt;' doc='Amount to use for Averaging' />
<command id='handover power budget interval &lt;1-99&gt;'>
<param name='handover' doc='Handover Options' />
<param name='power' doc='Power Budget' />
<param name='budget' doc='How often to check if we have a better cell (SACCH frames)' />
<param name='interval' doc='Interval' />
<param name='&lt;1-99&gt;' doc='Number' />
<command id='handover power budget hysteresis &lt;0-999&gt;'>
<param name='handover' doc='Handover Options' />
<param name='power' doc='Power Budget' />
<param name='budget' doc='How many dB does a neighbor to be stronger to become a HO candidate' />
<param name='hysteresis' doc='Hysteresis' />
<param name='&lt;0-999&gt;' doc='Number' />
<command id='handover maximum distance &lt;0-9999&gt;'>
<param name='handover' doc='Handover Options' />
<param name='maximum' doc='How big is the maximum timing advance before HO is forced' />
<param name='distance' doc='Distance' />
<param name='&lt;0-9999&gt;' doc='Number' />
<command id='timer t3101 &lt;0-65535&gt;'>
<param name='timer' doc='Configure GSM Timers' />
<param name='t3101' doc='Set the timeout value for IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT.' />
<param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='Timer Value' />
<command id='timer t3103 &lt;0-65535&gt;'>
<param name='timer' doc='Configure GSM Timers' />
<param name='t3103' doc='Set the timeout value for HANDOVER.' />
<param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='Timer Value' />
<command id='timer t3105 &lt;0-65535&gt;'>
<param name='timer' doc='Configure GSM Timers' />
<param name='t3105' doc='Set the timer for repetition of PHYSICAL INFORMATION.' />
<param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='Timer Value' />
<command id='timer t3107 &lt;0-65535&gt;'>
<param name='timer' doc='Configure GSM Timers' />
<param name='t3107' doc='Currently not used.' />
<param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='Timer Value' />
<command id='timer t3109 &lt;0-65535&gt;'>
<param name='timer' doc='Configure GSM Timers' />
<param name='t3109' doc='Set the RSL SACCH deactivation timeout.' />
<param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='Timer Value' />
<command id='timer t3111 &lt;0-65535&gt;'>
<param name='timer' doc='Configure GSM Timers' />
<param name='t3111' doc='Set the RSL timeout to wait before releasing the RF Channel.' />
<param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='Timer Value' />
<command id='timer t3113 &lt;0-65535&gt;'>
<param name='timer' doc='Configure GSM Timers' />
<param name='t3113' doc='Set the time to try paging a subscriber.' />
<param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='Timer Value' />
<command id='timer t3115 &lt;0-65535&gt;'>
<param name='timer' doc='Configure GSM Timers' />
<param name='t3115' doc='Currently not used.' />
<param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='Timer Value' />
<command id='timer t3117 &lt;0-65535&gt;'>
<param name='timer' doc='Configure GSM Timers' />
<param name='t3117' doc='Currently not used.' />
<param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='Timer Value' />
<command id='timer t3119 &lt;0-65535&gt;'>
<param name='timer' doc='Configure GSM Timers' />
<param name='t3119' doc='Currently not used.' />
<param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='Timer Value' />
<command id='timer t3122 &lt;0-65535&gt;'>
<param name='timer' doc='Configure GSM Timers' />
<param name='t3122' doc='Waiting time (seconds) after IMM ASS REJECT' />
<param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='Timer Value' />
<command id='timer t3141 &lt;0-65535&gt;'>
<param name='timer' doc='Configure GSM Timers' />
<param name='t3141' doc='Currently not used.' />
<param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='Timer Value' />
<command id='dtx-used (0|1)'>
<param name='dtx-used' doc='Enable the usage of DTX.' />
<param name='0' doc='DTX is disabled' />
<param name='1' doc='DTX is enabled' />
<command id='subscriber-keep-in-ram (0|1)'>
<param name='subscriber-keep-in-ram' doc='Keep unused subscribers in RAM.' />
<param name='0' doc='Delete unused subscribers' />
<param name='1' doc='Keep unused subscribers' />
<command id='paging any use tch (0|1)'>
<param name='paging' doc='Assign a TCH when receiving a Paging Any request' />
<param name='any' doc='Any Channel' />
<param name='use' doc='Use' />
<param name='tch' doc='TCH' />
<param name='0' doc='Do not use TCH for Paging Request Any' />
<param name='1' doc='Do use TCH for Paging Request Any' />
<command id='bts &lt;0-255&gt;'>
<param name='bts' doc='Select a BTS to configure' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='BTS Number' />
<node id='15'>
<command id='help'>
<param name='help' doc='Description of the interactive help system' />
<command id='list'>
<param name='list' doc='Print command list' />
<command id='write terminal'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='terminal' doc='Write to terminal' />
<command id='write file'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='file' doc='Write to configuration file' />
<command id='write memory'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='memory' doc='Write configuration to the file (same as write file)' />
<command id='write'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<command id='show running-config'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='running-config' doc='running configuration' />
<command id='exit'>
<param name='exit' doc='Exit current mode and down to previous mode' />
<command id='end'>
<param name='end' doc='End current mode and change to enable mode.' />
<command id='type (unknown|bs11|nanobts|rbs2000|nokia_site|sysmobts)'>
<param name='type' doc='BTS Vendor/Type' />
<param name='unknown' doc='Unknown BTS Type' />
<param name='bs11' doc='Siemens BTS (BS-11 or compatible)' />
<param name='nanobts' doc='ip.access nanoBTS or compatible' />
<param name='rbs2000' doc='Ericsson RBS2000 Series' />
<param name='nokia_site' doc='Nokia {Metro,Ultra,In}Site' />
<param name='sysmobts' doc='sysmocom sysmoBTS' />
<command id='description .TEXT'>
<param name='description' doc='Save human-readable decription of the object' />
<param name='.TEXT' doc='Text until the end of the line' />
<command id='no description'>
<param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
<param name='description' doc='Remove description of the object' />
<command id='band BAND'>
<param name='band' doc='Set the frequency band of this BTS' />
<param name='BAND' doc='Frequency band' />
<command id='cell_identity &lt;0-65535&gt;'>
<param name='cell_identity' doc='Set the Cell identity of this BTS' />
<param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='Cell Identity' />
<command id='location_area_code &lt;0-65535&gt;'>
<param name='location_area_code' doc='Set the Location Area Code (LAC) of this BTS' />
<param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='LAC' />
<command id='training_sequence_code &lt;0-7&gt;'>
<param name='training_sequence_code' doc='Set the Training Sequence Code (TSC) of this BTS' />
<param name='&lt;0-7&gt;' doc='TSC' />
<command id='base_station_id_code &lt;0-63&gt;'>
<param name='base_station_id_code' doc='Set the Base Station Identity Code (BSIC) of this BTS' />
<param name='&lt;0-63&gt;' doc='BSIC of this BTS' />
<command id='ip.access unit_id &lt;0-65534&gt; &lt;0-255&gt;'>
<param name='ip.access' doc='Abis/IP specific options' />
<param name='unit_id' doc='Set the IPA BTS Unit ID' />
<param name='&lt;0-65534&gt;' doc='Unit ID (Site)' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='Unit ID (BTS)' />
<command id='ip.access rsl-ip A.B.C.D'>
<param name='ip.access' doc='Abis/IP specific options' />
<param name='rsl-ip' doc='Set the IPA RSL IP Address of the BSC' />
<param name='A.B.C.D' doc='Destination IP address for RSL connection' />
<command id='timezone &lt;-19-19&gt; (0|15|30|45)'>
<param name='timezone' doc='Set the Timezone Offset of this BTS' />
<param name='&lt;-19-19&gt;' doc='Timezone offset (hours)' />
<param name='0' doc='Timezone offset (00 minutes)' />
<param name='15' doc='Timezone offset (15 minutes)' />
<param name='30' doc='Timezone offset (30 minutes)' />
<param name='45' doc='Timezone offset (45 minutes)' />
<command id='timezone &lt;-19-19&gt; (0|15|30|45) &lt;0-2&gt;'>
<param name='timezone' doc='Set the Timezone Offset of this BTS' />
<param name='&lt;-19-19&gt;' doc='Timezone offset (hours)' />
<param name='0' doc='Timezone offset (00 minutes)' />
<param name='15' doc='Timezone offset (15 minutes)' />
<param name='30' doc='Timezone offset (30 minutes)' />
<param name='45' doc='Timezone offset (45 minutes)' />
<param name='&lt;0-2&gt;' doc='DST offset (hours)' />
<command id='no timezone'>
<param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
<param name='timezone' doc='Disable BTS specific timezone' />
<command id='nokia_site skip-reset (0|1)'>
<param name='nokia_site' doc='Nokia *Site related commands' />
<param name='skip-reset' doc='Skip the reset step during bootstrap process of this BTS' />
<param name='0' doc='Do NOT skip the reset' />
<param name='1' doc='Skip the reset' />
<command id='nokia_site no-local-rel-conf (0|1)'>
<param name='nokia_site' doc='Nokia *Site related commands' />
<param name='no-local-rel-conf' doc='Do not wait for RELease CONFirm message when releasing channel locally' />
<param name='0' doc='Wait for RELease CONFirm' />
<param name='1' doc='Do not wait for RELease CONFirm' />
<command id='oml ip.access stream_id &lt;0-255&gt; line E1_LINE'>
<param name='oml' doc='Organization &amp; Maintenance Link' />
<param name='ip.access' doc='A-bis/IP Specific Options' />
<param name='stream_id' doc='Set the ip.access Stream ID of the OML link of this BTS' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='Stream Identifier' />
<param name='line' doc='Virtual E1 Line Number' />
<param name='E1_LINE' doc='Virtual E1 Line Number' />
<command id='oml e1 line E1_LINE timeslot &lt;1-31&gt; sub-slot (0|1|2|3|full)'>
<param name='oml' doc='Organization &amp; Maintenance Link' />
<param name='e1' doc='OML E1/T1 Configuration' />
<param name='line' doc='E1/T1 line number to be used for OML' />
<param name='E1_LINE' doc='E1/T1 line number to be used for OML' />
<param name='timeslot' doc='E1/T1 timeslot to be used for OML' />
<param name='&lt;1-31&gt;' doc='E1/T1 timeslot to be used for OML' />
<param name='sub-slot' doc='E1/T1 sub-slot to be used for OML' />
<param name='0' doc='Use E1/T1 sub-slot 0' />
<param name='1' doc='Use E1/T1 sub-slot 1' />
<param name='2' doc='Use E1/T1 sub-slot 2' />
<param name='3' doc='Use E1/T1 sub-slot 3' />
<param name='full' doc='Use full E1 slot 3' />
<command id='oml e1 tei &lt;0-63&gt;'>
<param name='oml' doc='Organization &amp; Maintenance Link' />
<param name='e1' doc='OML E1/T1 Configuration' />
<param name='tei' doc='Set the TEI to be used for OML' />
<param name='&lt;0-63&gt;' doc='TEI Number' />
<command id='channel allocator (ascending|descending)'>
<param name='channel' doc='Channnel Allocator' />
<param name='allocator' doc='Channel Allocator' />
<param name='ascending' doc='Allocate Timeslots and Transceivers in ascending order' />
<param name='descending' doc='Allocate Timeslots and Transceivers in descending order' />
<command id='rach tx integer &lt;0-15&gt;'>
<param name='rach' doc='Random Access Control Channel' />
<param name='tx' doc='Set the raw tx integer value in RACH Control parameters IE' />
<param name='integer' doc='Set the raw tx integer value in RACH Control parameters IE' />
<param name='&lt;0-15&gt;' doc='Raw tx integer value in RACH Control parameters IE' />
<command id='rach max transmission (1|2|4|7)'>
<param name='rach' doc='Random Access Control Channel' />
<param name='max' doc='Set the maximum number of RACH burst transmissions' />
<param name='transmission' doc='Set the maximum number of RACH burst transmissions' />
<param name='1' doc='Maximum number of 1 RACH burst transmissions' />
<param name='2' doc='Maximum number of 2 RACH burst transmissions' />
<param name='4' doc='Maximum number of 4 RACH burst transmissions' />
<param name='7' doc='Maximum number of 7 RACH burst transmissions' />
<command id='channel-descrption attach (0|1)'>
<param name='channel-descrption' doc='Channel Description' />
<param name='attach' doc='Set if attachment is required' />
<param name='0' doc='Attachment is NOT required' />
<param name='1' doc='Attachment is required (standard)' />
<command id='channel-descrption bs-pa-mfrms &lt;2-9&gt;'>
<param name='channel-descrption' doc='Channel Description' />
<param name='bs-pa-mfrms' doc='Set number of multiframe periods for paging groups' />
<param name='&lt;2-9&gt;' doc='Number of multiframe periods for paging groups' />
<command id='channel-descrption bs-ag-blks-res &lt;0-7&gt;'>
<param name='channel-descrption' doc='Channel Description' />
<param name='bs-ag-blks-res' doc='Set number of blocks reserved for access grant' />
<param name='&lt;0-7&gt;' doc='Number of blocks reserved for access grant' />
<command id='rach nm busy threshold &lt;0-255&gt;'>
<param name='rach' doc='Random Access Control Channel' />
<param name='nm' doc='Network Management' />
<param name='busy' doc='Set the NM Busy Threshold' />
<param name='threshold' doc='Set the NM Busy Threshold' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='NM Busy Threshold in dB' />
<command id='rach nm load average &lt;0-65535&gt;'>
<param name='rach' doc='Random Access Control Channel' />
<param name='nm' doc='Network Management' />
<param name='load' doc='Set the NM Loadaverage Slots value' />
<param name='average' doc='Set the NM Loadaverage Slots value' />
<param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='NM Loadaverage Slots value' />
<command id='cell barred (0|1)'>
<param name='cell' doc='Should this cell be barred from access?' />
<param name='barred' doc='Should this cell be barred from access?' />
<param name='0' doc='Cell should NOT be barred' />
<param name='1' doc='Cell should be barred' />
<command id='rach emergency call allowed (0|1)'>
<param name='rach' doc='Random Access Control Channel' />
<param name='emergency' doc='Should this cell allow emergency calls?' />
<param name='call' doc='Should this cell allow emergency calls?' />
<param name='allowed' doc='Should this cell allow emergency calls?' />
<param name='0' doc='Do NOT allow emergency calls' />
<param name='1' doc='Allow emergency calls' />
<command id='rach access-control-class (0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|11|12|13|14|15) (barred|allowed)'>
<param name='rach' doc='Random Access Control Channel' />
<param name='access-control-class' doc='Set access control class' />
<param name='0' doc='Access control class 0' />
<param name='1' doc='Access control class 1' />
<param name='2' doc='Access control class 2' />
<param name='3' doc='Access control class 3' />
<param name='4' doc='Access control class 4' />
<param name='5' doc='Access control class 5' />
<param name='6' doc='Access control class 6' />
<param name='7' doc='Access control class 7' />
<param name='8' doc='Access control class 8' />
<param name='9' doc='Access control class 9' />
<param name='11' doc='Access control class 11 for PLMN use' />
<param name='12' doc='Access control class 12 for security services' />
<param name='13' doc='Access control class 13 for public utilities (e.g. water/gas suppliers)' />
<param name='14' doc='Access control class 14 for emergency services' />
<param name='15' doc='Access control class 15 for PLMN staff' />
<param name='barred' doc='barred to use access control class' />
<param name='allowed' doc='allowed to use access control class' />
<command id='ms max power &lt;0-40&gt;'>
<param name='ms' doc='MS Options' />
<param name='max' doc='Maximum transmit power of the MS' />
<param name='power' doc='Maximum transmit power of the MS' />
<param name='&lt;0-40&gt;' doc='Maximum transmit power of the MS in dBm' />
<command id='periodic location update &lt;6-1530&gt;'>
<param name='periodic' doc='Periodic Location Updating Interval' />
<param name='location' doc='Periodic Location Updating Interval' />
<param name='update' doc='Periodic Location Updating Interval' />
<param name='&lt;6-1530&gt;' doc='Periodic Location Updating Interval in Minutes' />
<command id='no periodic location update'>
<param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
<param name='periodic' doc='Periodic Location Updating Interval' />
<param name='location' doc='Periodic Location Updating Interval' />
<param name='update' doc='Periodic Location Updating Interval' />
<command id='cell reselection hysteresis &lt;0-14&gt;'>
<param name='cell' doc='Cell Parameters' />
<param name='reselection' doc='Cell re-selection parameters' />
<param name='hysteresis' doc='Cell Re-Selection Hysteresis in dB' />
<param name='&lt;0-14&gt;' doc='Cell Re-Selection Hysteresis in dB' />
<command id='rxlev access min &lt;0-63&gt;'>
<param name='rxlev' doc='Minimum RxLev needed for cell access' />
<param name='access' doc='Minimum RxLev needed for cell access' />
<param name='min' doc='Minimum RxLev needed for cell access' />
<param name='&lt;0-63&gt;' doc='Minimum RxLev needed for cell access (better than -110dBm)' />
<command id='cell bar qualify (0|1)'>
<param name='cell' doc='Cell Parameters' />
<param name='bar' doc='Cell Bar Qualify' />
<param name='qualify' doc='Cell Bar Qualify' />
<param name='0' doc='Set CBQ to 0' />
<param name='1' doc='Set CBQ to 1' />
<command id='cell reselection offset &lt;0-126&gt;'>
<param name='cell' doc='Cell Parameters' />
<param name='reselection' doc='Cell Re-Selection Parameters' />
<param name='offset' doc='Cell Re-Selection Offset (CRO) in dB' />
<param name='&lt;0-126&gt;' doc='Cell Re-Selection Offset (CRO) in dB' />
<command id='temporary offset &lt;0-60&gt;'>
<param name='temporary' doc='Cell selection temporary negative offset' />
<param name='offset' doc='Cell selection temporary negative offset' />
<param name='&lt;0-60&gt;' doc='Cell selection temporary negative offset in dB' />
<command id='temporary offset infinite'>
<param name='temporary' doc='Cell selection temporary negative offset' />
<param name='offset' doc='Cell selection temporary negative offset' />
<param name='infinite' doc='Sets cell selection temporary negative offset to infinity' />
<command id='penalty time &lt;20-620&gt;'>
<param name='penalty' doc='Cell selection penalty time' />
<param name='time' doc='Cell selection penalty time' />
<param name='&lt;20-620&gt;' doc='Cell selection penalty time in seconds (by 20s increments)' />
<command id='penalty time reserved'>
<param name='penalty' doc='Cell selection penalty time' />
<param name='time' doc='Cell selection penalty time' />
<param name='reserved' doc='Set cell selection penalty time to reserved value 31, (indicate that CELL_RESELECT_OFFSET is subtracted from C2 and TEMPORARY_OFFSET is ignored)' />
<command id='gprs mode (none|gprs|egprs)'>
<param name='gprs' doc='GPRS Packet Network' />
<param name='mode' doc='GPRS Mode for this BTS' />
<param name='none' doc='GPRS Disabled on this BTS' />
<param name='gprs' doc='GPRS Enabled on this BTS' />
<param name='egprs' doc='EGPRS (EDGE) Enabled on this BTS' />
<command id='gprs ns timer (tns-block|tns-block-retries|tns-reset|tns-reset-retries|tns-test|tns-alive|tns-alive-retries) &lt;0-255&gt;'>
<param name='gprs' doc='GPRS Packet Network' />
<param name='ns' doc='Network Service' />
<param name='timer' doc='Network Service Timer' />
<param name='tns-block' doc='(un)blocking Timer (Tns-block) timeout' />
<param name='tns-block-retries' doc='(un)blocking Timer (Tns-block) number of retries' />
<param name='tns-reset' doc='Reset Timer (Tns-reset) timeout' />
<param name='tns-reset-retries' doc='Reset Timer (Tns-reset) number of retries' />
<param name='tns-test' doc='Test Timer (Tns-test) timeout' />
<param name='tns-alive' doc='Alive Timer (Tns-alive) timeout' />
<param name='tns-alive-retries' doc='Alive Timer (Tns-alive) number of retries' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='Timer Value' />
<command id='gprs routing area &lt;0-255&gt;'>
<param name='gprs' doc='GPRS Packet Network' />
<param name='routing' doc='GPRS Routing Area Code' />
<param name='area' doc='GPRS Routing Area Code' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='GPRS Routing Area Code' />
<command id='gprs network-control-order (nc0|nc1|nc2)'>
<param name='gprs' doc='GPRS Packet Network' />
<param name='network-control-order' doc='GPRS Network Control Order' />
<param name='nc0' doc='MS controlled cell re-selection, no measurement reporting' />
<param name='nc1' doc='MS controlled cell re-selection, MS sends measurement reports' />
<param name='nc2' doc='Network controlled cell re-selection, MS sends measurement reports' />
<command id='gprs cell bvci &lt;2-65535&gt;'>
<param name='gprs' doc='GPRS Packet Network' />
<param name='cell' doc='GPRS Cell Settings' />
<param name='bvci' doc='GPRS BSSGP VC Identifier' />
<param name='&lt;2-65535&gt;' doc='GPRS BSSGP VC Identifier' />
<command id='gprs cell timer (blocking-timer|blocking-retries|unblocking-retries|reset-timer|reset-retries|suspend-timer|suspend-retries|resume-timer|resume-retries|capability-update-timer|capability-update-retries) &lt;0-255&gt;'>
<param name='gprs' doc='GPRS Packet Network' />
<param name='cell' doc='Cell / BSSGP' />
<param name='timer' doc='Cell/BSSGP Timer' />
<param name='blocking-timer' doc='Tbvc-block timeout' />
<param name='blocking-retries' doc='Tbvc-block retries' />
<param name='unblocking-retries' doc='Tbvc-unblock retries' />
<param name='reset-timer' doc='Tbvcc-reset timeout' />
<param name='reset-retries' doc='Tbvc-reset retries' />
<param name='suspend-timer' doc='Tbvc-suspend timeout' />
<param name='suspend-retries' doc='Tbvc-suspend retries' />
<param name='resume-timer' doc='Tbvc-resume timeout' />
<param name='resume-retries' doc='Tbvc-resume retries' />
<param name='capability-update-timer' doc='Tbvc-capa-update timeout' />
<param name='capability-update-retries' doc='Tbvc-capa-update retries' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='Timer Value' />
<command id='gprs nsei &lt;0-65535&gt;'>
<param name='gprs' doc='GPRS Packet Network' />
<param name='nsei' doc='GPRS NS Entity Identifier' />
<param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='GPRS NS Entity Identifier' />
<command id='gprs nsvc &lt;0-1&gt; nsvci &lt;0-65535&gt;'>
<param name='gprs' doc='GPRS Packet Network' />
<param name='nsvc' doc='Network Service Virtual Connection (NS-VC)' />
<param name='&lt;0-1&gt;' doc='NSVC Logical Number' />
<param name='nsvci' doc='NS Virtual Connection Identifier' />
<param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='GPRS NS VC Identifier' />
<command id='gprs nsvc &lt;0-1&gt; local udp port &lt;0-65535&gt;'>
<param name='gprs' doc='GPRS Packet Network' />
<param name='nsvc' doc='Network Service Virtual Connection (NS-VC)' />
<param name='&lt;0-1&gt;' doc='NSVC Logical Number' />
<param name='local' doc='GPRS NS Local UDP Port' />
<param name='udp' doc='GPRS NS Local UDP Port' />
<param name='port' doc='GPRS NS Local UDP Port' />
<param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='GPRS NS Local UDP Port Number' />
<command id='gprs nsvc &lt;0-1&gt; remote udp port &lt;0-65535&gt;'>
<param name='gprs' doc='GPRS Packet Network' />
<param name='nsvc' doc='Network Service Virtual Connection (NS-VC)' />
<param name='&lt;0-1&gt;' doc='NSVC Logical Number' />
<param name='remote' doc='GPRS NS Remote UDP Port' />
<param name='udp' doc='GPRS NS Remote UDP Port' />
<param name='port' doc='GPRS NS Remote UDP Port' />
<param name='&lt;0-65535&gt;' doc='GPRS NS Remote UDP Port Number' />
<command id='gprs nsvc &lt;0-1&gt; remote ip A.B.C.D'>
<param name='gprs' doc='GPRS Packet Network' />
<param name='nsvc' doc='Network Service Virtual Connection (NS-VC)' />
<param name='&lt;0-1&gt;' doc='NSVC Logical Number' />
<param name='remote' doc='GPRS NS Remote IP Address' />
<param name='ip' doc='GPRS NS Remote IP Address' />
<param name='A.B.C.D' doc='GPRS NS Remote IP Address' />
<command id='paging free &lt;-1-1024&gt;'>
<param name='paging' doc='Paging options' />
<param name='free' doc='Only page when having a certain amount of free slots' />
<param name='&lt;-1-1024&gt;' doc='amount of required free paging slots. -1 to disable' />
<command id='system-information (1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|13|16|17|18|19|20|2bis|2ter|2quater|5bis|5ter) mode (static|computed)'>
<param name='system-information' doc='System Information Messages' />
<param name='1' doc='System Information Type 1' />
<param name='2' doc='System Information Type 2' />
<param name='3' doc='System Information Type 3' />
<param name='4' doc='System Information Type 4' />
<param name='5' doc='System Information Type 5' />
<param name='6' doc='System Information Type 6' />
<param name='7' doc='System Information Type 7' />
<param name='8' doc='System Information Type 8' />
<param name='9' doc='System Information Type 9' />
<param name='10' doc='System Information Type 10' />
<param name='13' doc='System Information Type 13' />
<param name='16' doc='System Information Type 16' />
<param name='17' doc='System Information Type 17' />
<param name='18' doc='System Information Type 18' />
<param name='19' doc='System Information Type 19' />
<param name='20' doc='System Information Type 20' />
<param name='2bis' doc='System Information Type 2bis' />
<param name='2ter' doc='System Information Type 2ter' />
<param name='2quater' doc='System Information Type 2quater' />
<param name='5bis' doc='System Information Type 5bis' />
<param name='5ter' doc='System Information Type 5ter' />
<param name='mode' doc='System Information Mode' />
<param name='static' doc='Static user-specified' />
<param name='computed' doc='Dynamic, BSC-computed' />
<command id='system-information (1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|13|16|17|18|19|20|2bis|2ter|2quater|5bis|5ter) static HEXSTRING'>
<param name='system-information' doc='System Information Messages' />
<param name='1' doc='System Information Type 1' />
<param name='2' doc='System Information Type 2' />
<param name='3' doc='System Information Type 3' />
<param name='4' doc='System Information Type 4' />
<param name='5' doc='System Information Type 5' />
<param name='6' doc='System Information Type 6' />
<param name='7' doc='System Information Type 7' />
<param name='8' doc='System Information Type 8' />
<param name='9' doc='System Information Type 9' />
<param name='10' doc='System Information Type 10' />
<param name='13' doc='System Information Type 13' />
<param name='16' doc='System Information Type 16' />
<param name='17' doc='System Information Type 17' />
<param name='18' doc='System Information Type 18' />
<param name='19' doc='System Information Type 19' />
<param name='20' doc='System Information Type 20' />
<param name='2bis' doc='System Information Type 2bis' />
<param name='2ter' doc='System Information Type 2ter' />
<param name='2quater' doc='System Information Type 2quater' />
<param name='5bis' doc='System Information Type 5bis' />
<param name='5ter' doc='System Information Type 5ter' />
<param name='static' doc='Static System Information filling' />
<param name='HEXSTRING' doc='Static user-specified SI content in HEX notation' />
<command id='neighbor-list mode (automatic|manual|manual-si5)'>
<param name='neighbor-list' doc='Neighbor List' />
<param name='mode' doc='Mode of Neighbor List generation' />
<param name='automatic' doc='Automatically from all BTS in this OpenBSC' />
<param name='manual' doc='Manual' />
<param name='manual-si5' doc='Manual with different lists for SI2 and SI5' />
<command id='neighbor-list (add|del) arfcn &lt;0-1023&gt;'>
<param name='neighbor-list' doc='Neighbor List' />
<param name='add' doc='Add to manual neighbor list' />
<param name='del' doc='Delete from manual neighbor list' />
<param name='arfcn' doc='ARFCN of neighbor' />
<param name='&lt;0-1023&gt;' doc='ARFCN of neighbor' />
<command id='si5 neighbor-list (add|del) arfcn &lt;0-1023&gt;'>
<param name='si5' doc='SI5 Neighbor List' />
<param name='neighbor-list' doc='SI5 Neighbor List' />
<param name='add' doc='Add to manual SI5 neighbor list' />
<param name='del' doc='Delete from SI5 manual neighbor list' />
<param name='arfcn' doc='ARFCN of neighbor' />
<param name='&lt;0-1023&gt;' doc='ARFCN of neighbor' />
<command id='rf-lock-exclude'>
<param name='rf-lock-exclude' doc='Exclude this BTS from the global RF Lock' />
<command id='no rf-lock-exclude'>
<param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
<param name='rf-lock-exclude' doc='Exclude this BTS from the global RF Lock' />
<command id='force-combined-si'>
<param name='force-combined-si' doc='Force the generation of a single SI (no ter/bis)' />
<command id='no force-combined-si'>
<param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
<param name='force-combined-si' doc='Force the generation of a single SI (no ter/bis)' />
<command id='codec-support fr'>
<param name='codec-support' doc='Codec Support settings' />
<param name='fr' doc='Fullrate' />
<command id='codec-support fr (hr|efr|amr)'>
<param name='codec-support' doc='Codec Support settings' />
<param name='fr' doc='Fullrate' />
<param name='hr' doc='Half Rate' />
<param name='efr' doc='Enhanced Full Rate' />
<param name='amr' doc='Adaptive Multirate' />
<command id='codec-support fr (hr|efr|amr) (hr|efr|amr)'>
<param name='codec-support' doc='Codec Support settings' />
<param name='fr' doc='Fullrate' />
<param name='hr' doc='Half Rate' />
<param name='efr' doc='Enhanced Full Rate' />
<param name='amr' doc='Adaptive Multirate' />
<param name='hr' doc='Half Rate' />
<param name='efr' doc='Enhanced Full Rate' />
<param name='amr' doc='Adaptive Multirate' />
<command id='codec-support fr (hr|efr|amr) (hr|efr|amr) (hr|efr|amr)'>
<param name='codec-support' doc='Codec Support settings' />
<param name='fr' doc='Fullrate' />
<param name='hr' doc='Half Rate' />
<param name='efr' doc='Enhanced Full Rate' />
<param name='amr' doc='Adaptive Multirate' />
<param name='hr' doc='Half Rate' />
<param name='efr' doc='Enhanced Full Rate' />
<param name='amr' doc='Adaptive Multirate' />
<param name='hr' doc='Half Rate' />
<param name='efr' doc='Enhanced Full Rate' />
<param name='amr' doc='Adaptive Multirate' />
<command id='codec-support fr (hr|efr|amr) (hr|efr|amr) (hr|efr|amr) (hr|efr|amr)'>
<param name='codec-support' doc='Codec Support settings' />
<param name='fr' doc='Fullrate' />
<param name='hr' doc='Half Rate' />
<param name='efr' doc='Enhanced Full Rate' />
<param name='amr' doc='Adaptive Multirate' />
<param name='hr' doc='Half Rate' />
<param name='efr' doc='Enhanced Full Rate' />
<param name='amr' doc='Adaptive Multirate' />
<param name='hr' doc='Half Rate' />
<param name='efr' doc='Enhanced Full Rate' />
<param name='amr' doc='Adaptive Multirate' />
<param name='hr' doc='Half Rate' />
<param name='efr' doc='Enhanced Full Rate' />
<param name='amr' doc='Adaptive Multirate' />
<command id='trx &lt;0-255&gt;'>
<param name='trx' doc='Radio Transceiver' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='Select a TRX to configure' />
<command id='is-connection-list (add|del) &lt;0-2047&gt; &lt;0-2047&gt; &lt;0-255&gt;'>
<param name='is-connection-list' doc='Interface Switch Connnection List' />
<param name='add' doc='Add to IS list' />
<param name='del' doc='Delete from IS list' />
<param name='&lt;0-2047&gt;' doc='ICP1' />
<param name='&lt;0-2047&gt;' doc='ICP2' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='Contiguity Index' />
<node id='16'>
<command id='help'>
<param name='help' doc='Description of the interactive help system' />
<command id='list'>
<param name='list' doc='Print command list' />
<command id='write terminal'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='terminal' doc='Write to terminal' />
<command id='write file'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='file' doc='Write to configuration file' />
<command id='write memory'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='memory' doc='Write configuration to the file (same as write file)' />
<command id='write'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<command id='show running-config'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='running-config' doc='running configuration' />
<command id='exit'>
<param name='exit' doc='Exit current mode and down to previous mode' />
<command id='end'>
<param name='end' doc='End current mode and change to enable mode.' />
<command id='arfcn &lt;0-1023&gt;'>
<param name='arfcn' doc='Set the ARFCN for this TRX' />
<param name='&lt;0-1023&gt;' doc='Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number' />
<command id='description .TEXT'>
<param name='description' doc='Save human-readable decription of the object' />
<param name='.TEXT' doc='Text until the end of the line' />
<command id='no description'>
<param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
<param name='description' doc='Remove description of the object' />
<command id='nominal power &lt;0-100&gt;'>
<param name='nominal' doc='Nominal TRX RF Power in dBm' />
<param name='power' doc='Nominal TRX RF Power in dBm' />
<param name='&lt;0-100&gt;' doc='Nominal TRX RF Power in dBm' />
<command id='max_power_red &lt;0-100&gt;'>
<param name='max_power_red' doc='Reduction of maximum BS RF Power (relative to nominal power)' />
<param name='&lt;0-100&gt;' doc='Reduction of maximum BS RF Power in dB' />
<command id='rsl e1 line E1_LINE timeslot &lt;1-31&gt; sub-slot (0|1|2|3|full)'>
<param name='rsl' doc='RSL Parameters' />
<param name='e1' doc='E1/T1 interface to be used for RSL' />
<param name='line' doc='E1/T1 interface to be used for RSL' />
<param name='E1_LINE' doc='E1/T1 Line Number to be used for RSL' />
<param name='timeslot' doc='E1/T1 Timeslot to be used for RSL' />
<param name='&lt;1-31&gt;' doc='E1/T1 Timeslot to be used for RSL' />
<param name='sub-slot' doc='E1/T1 Sub-slot to be used for RSL' />
<param name='0' doc='E1/T1 Sub-slot 0 is to be used for RSL' />
<param name='1' doc='E1/T1 Sub-slot 1 is to be used for RSL' />
<param name='2' doc='E1/T1 Sub-slot 2 is to be used for RSL' />
<param name='3' doc='E1/T1 Sub-slot 3 is to be used for RSL' />
<param name='full' doc='E1/T1 full timeslot is to be used for RSL' />
<command id='rsl e1 tei &lt;0-63&gt;'>
<param name='rsl' doc='RSL Parameters' />
<param name='e1' doc='Set the TEI to be used for RSL' />
<param name='tei' doc='Set the TEI to be used for RSL' />
<param name='&lt;0-63&gt;' doc='TEI to be used for RSL' />
<command id='rf_locked (0|1)'>
<param name='rf_locked' doc='Set or unset the RF Locking (Turn off RF of the TRX)' />
<param name='0' doc='TRX is NOT RF locked (active)' />
<param name='1' doc='TRX is RF locked (turned off)' />
<command id='timeslot &lt;0-7&gt;'>
<param name='timeslot' doc='Select a Timeslot to configure' />
<param name='&lt;0-7&gt;' doc='Timeslot number' />
<node id='17'>
<command id='help'>
<param name='help' doc='Description of the interactive help system' />
<command id='list'>
<param name='list' doc='Print command list' />
<command id='write terminal'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='terminal' doc='Write to terminal' />
<command id='write file'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='file' doc='Write to configuration file' />
<command id='write memory'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='memory' doc='Write configuration to the file (same as write file)' />
<command id='write'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<command id='show running-config'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='running-config' doc='running configuration' />
<command id='exit'>
<param name='exit' doc='Exit current mode and down to previous mode' />
<command id='end'>
<param name='end' doc='End current mode and change to enable mode.' />
<command id='phys_chan_config (none|ccch|ccch+sdcch4|tch/f|tch/h|sdcch8|pdch|tch/f_pdch|unknown)'>
<param name='phys_chan_config' doc='Physical Channel Combination' />
<param name='none' doc='Physical Channel not configured' />
<param name='ccch' doc='FCCH + SCH + BCCH + CCCH (Comb. IV)' />
<param name='ccch+sdcch4' doc='FCCH + SCH + BCCH + CCCH + 4 SDCCH + 2 SACCH (Comb. V)' />
<param name='tch/f' doc='TCH/F + FACCH/F + SACCH (Comb. I)' />
<param name='tch/h' doc='2 TCH/H + 2 FACCH/H + 2 SACCH (Comb. II)' />
<param name='sdcch8' doc='8 SDCCH + 4 SACCH (Comb. VII)' />
<param name='pdch' doc='Packet Data Channel for GPRS/EDGE' />
<param name='tch/f_pdch' doc='Dynamic TCH/F or GPRS PDCH' />
<param name='unknown' doc='Unknown / Unsupported channel combination' />
<command id='phys_chan_config PCHAN'>
<param name='phys_chan_config' doc='Physical Channel configuration (TCH/SDCCH/...)' />
<param name='PCHAN' doc='Physical Channel' />
<command id='training_sequence_code &lt;0-7&gt;'>
<param name='training_sequence_code' doc='Training Sequence Code of the Timeslot' />
<param name='&lt;0-7&gt;' doc='TSC' />
<command id='hopping enabled (0|1)'>
<param name='hopping' doc='Configure frequency hopping' />
<param name='enabled' doc='Enable or disable frequency hopping' />
<param name='0' doc='Disable frequency hopping' />
<param name='1' doc='Enable frequency hopping' />
<command id='hopping sequence-number &lt;0-63&gt;'>
<param name='hopping' doc='Configure frequency hopping' />
<param name='sequence-number' doc='Which hopping sequence to use for this channel' />
<param name='&lt;0-63&gt;' doc='Hopping Sequence Number (HSN)' />
<command id='hopping maio &lt;0-63&gt;'>
<param name='hopping' doc='Configure frequency hopping' />
<param name='maio' doc='Which hopping MAIO to use for this channel' />
<param name='&lt;0-63&gt;' doc='Mobile Allocation Index Offset (MAIO)' />
<command id='hopping arfcn add &lt;0-1023&gt;'>
<param name='hopping' doc='Configure frequency hopping' />
<param name='arfcn' doc='Configure hopping ARFCN list' />
<param name='add' doc='Add an entry to the hopping ARFCN list' />
<param name='&lt;0-1023&gt;' doc='ARFCN' />
<command id='hopping arfcn del &lt;0-1023&gt;'>
<param name='hopping' doc='Configure frequency hopping' />
<param name='arfcn' doc='Configure hopping ARFCN list' />
<param name='del' doc='Delete an entry to the hopping ARFCN list' />
<param name='&lt;0-1023&gt;' doc='ARFCN' />
<command id='e1 line E1_LINE timeslot &lt;1-31&gt; sub-slot (0|1|2|3|full)'>
<param name='e1' doc='E1/T1 channel connected to this on-air timeslot' />
<param name='line' doc='E1/T1 channel connected to this on-air timeslot' />
<param name='E1_LINE' doc='E1/T1 line connected to this on-air timeslot' />
<param name='timeslot' doc='E1/T1 timeslot connected to this on-air timeslot' />
<param name='&lt;1-31&gt;' doc='E1/T1 timeslot connected to this on-air timeslot' />
<param name='sub-slot' doc='E1/T1 sub-slot connected to this on-air timeslot' />
<param name='0' doc='E1/T1 sub-slot 0 connected to this on-air timeslot' />
<param name='1' doc='E1/T1 sub-slot 1 connected to this on-air timeslot' />
<param name='2' doc='E1/T1 sub-slot 2 connected to this on-air timeslot' />
<param name='3' doc='E1/T1 sub-slot 3 connected to this on-air timeslot' />
<param name='full' doc='Full E1/T1 timeslot connected to this on-air timeslot' />
<node id='22'>
<command id='help'>
<param name='help' doc='Description of the interactive help system' />
<command id='list'>
<param name='list' doc='Print command list' />
<command id='write terminal'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='terminal' doc='Write to terminal' />
<command id='write file'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='file' doc='Write to configuration file' />
<command id='write memory'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='memory' doc='Write configuration to the file (same as write file)' />
<command id='write'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<command id='show running-config'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='running-config' doc='running configuration' />
<command id='exit'>
<param name='exit' doc='Exit current mode and down to previous mode' />
<command id='end'>
<param name='end' doc='End current mode and change to enable mode.' />
<command id='change-adm-state (locked|unlocked|shutdown|null)'>
<param name='change-adm-state' doc='Change the Administrative State' />
<param name='locked' doc='Locked' />
<param name='unlocked' doc='Unlocked' />
<param name='shutdown' doc='Shutdown' />
<param name='null' doc='NULL' />
<command id='opstart'>
<param name='opstart' doc='Send an OPSTART message to the object' />
<node id='25'>
<command id='help'>
<param name='help' doc='Description of the interactive help system' />
<command id='list'>
<param name='list' doc='Print command list' />
<command id='write terminal'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='terminal' doc='Write to terminal' />
<command id='write file'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='file' doc='Write to configuration file' />
<command id='write memory'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='memory' doc='Write configuration to the file (same as write file)' />
<command id='write'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<command id='show running-config'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='running-config' doc='running configuration' />
<command id='exit'>
<param name='exit' doc='Exit current mode and down to previous mode' />
<command id='end'>
<param name='end' doc='End current mode and change to enable mode.' />
<command id='token TOKEN'>
<param name='token' doc='A token for the BSC to be sent to the MSC' />
<param name='TOKEN' doc='A token' />
<command id='core-mobile-network-code &lt;1-999&gt;'>
<param name='core-mobile-network-code' doc='Use this network code for the backbone' />
<param name='&lt;1-999&gt;' doc='NCC value' />
<command id='core-mobile-country-code &lt;1-999&gt;'>
<param name='core-mobile-country-code' doc='Use this country code for the backbone' />
<param name='&lt;1-999&gt;' doc='MCC value' />
<command id='ip.access rtp-base &lt;1-65000&gt;'>
<param name='ip.access' doc='IP.ACCESS specific' />
<param name='rtp-base' doc='Set the rtp-base port for the RTP stream' />
<param name='&lt;1-65000&gt;' doc='Port number' />
<command id='codec-list .LIST'>
<param name='codec-list' doc='Set the allowed audio codecs' />
<param name='.LIST' doc='List of audio codecs' />
<command id='dest A.B.C.D &lt;1-65000&gt; &lt;0-255&gt;'>
<param name='dest' doc='Add a destination to a MUX/MSC' />
<param name='A.B.C.D' doc='IP Address' />
<param name='&lt;1-65000&gt;' doc='Port' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='DSCP' />
<command id='no dest A.B.C.D &lt;1-65000&gt; &lt;0-255&gt;'>
<param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
<param name='dest' doc='Remove a destination to a MUX/MSC' />
<param name='A.B.C.D' doc='IP Address' />
<param name='&lt;1-65000&gt;' doc='Port' />
<param name='&lt;0-255&gt;' doc='DSCP' />
<command id='timeout-ping NR'>
<param name='timeout-ping' doc='Set the PING interval, negative for not sending PING' />
<param name='NR' doc='Timeout in seconds' />
<command id='timeout-pong NR'>
<param name='timeout-pong' doc='Set the time to wait for a PONG' />
<param name='NR' doc='Timeout in seconds' />
<command id='bsc-welcome-text .TEXT'>
<param name='bsc-welcome-text' doc='Set the USSD notification to be sent' />
<param name='.TEXT' doc='Text to be sent' />
<command id='no bsc-welcome-text'>
<param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
<param name='bsc-welcome-text' doc='Clear the USSD notification to be sent' />
<command id='bsc-msc-lost-text .TEXT'>
<param name='bsc-msc-lost-text' doc='Set the USSD notification to be sent on MSC connection loss' />
<param name='.TEXT' doc='Text to be sent' />
<command id='no bsc-msc-lost-text'>
<param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
<param name='bsc-msc-lost-text' doc='Clear the USSD notification to be sent on MSC connection loss' />
<command id='bsc-grace-text .TEXT'>
<param name='bsc-grace-text' doc='Set the USSD notification to be sent when the MSC has entered the grace period' />
<param name='.TEXT' doc='Text to be sent' />
<command id='no bsc-grace-text'>
<param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
<param name='bsc-grace-text' doc='Clear the USSD notification to be sent when the MSC has entered the grace period' />
<command id='type (normal|local)'>
<param name='type' doc='Select the MSC type' />
<param name='normal' doc='Plain GSM MSC' />
<param name='local' doc='Special MSC for local call routing' />
<command id='allow-emergency (allow|deny)'>
<param name='allow-emergency' doc='Allow CM ServiceRequests with type emergency' />
<param name='allow' doc='Allow' />
<param name='deny' doc='Deny' />
<command id='local-prefix REGEXP'>
<param name='local-prefix' doc='Prefix for local numbers' />
<param name='REGEXP' doc='REGEXP used' />
<command id='amr-config 12_2k (allowed|forbidden)'>
<param name='amr-config' doc='AMR Multirate Configuration' />
<param name='12_2k' doc='Bitrate' />
<param name='allowed' doc='Allowed' />
<param name='forbidden' doc='Forbidden' />
<command id='amr-config 10_2k (allowed|forbidden)'>
<param name='amr-config' doc='AMR Multirate Configuration' />
<param name='10_2k' doc='Bitrate' />
<param name='allowed' doc='Allowed' />
<param name='forbidden' doc='Forbidden' />
<command id='amr-config 7_95k (allowed|forbidden)'>
<param name='amr-config' doc='AMR Multirate Configuration' />
<param name='7_95k' doc='Bitrate' />
<param name='allowed' doc='Allowed' />
<param name='forbidden' doc='Forbidden' />
<command id='amr-config 7_40k (allowed|forbidden)'>
<param name='amr-config' doc='AMR Multirate Configuration' />
<param name='7_40k' doc='Bitrate' />
<param name='allowed' doc='Allowed' />
<param name='forbidden' doc='Forbidden' />
<command id='amr-config 6_70k (allowed|forbidden)'>
<param name='amr-config' doc='AMR Multirate Configuration' />
<param name='6_70k' doc='Bitrate' />
<param name='allowed' doc='Allowed' />
<param name='forbidden' doc='Forbidden' />
<command id='amr-config 5_90k (allowed|forbidden)'>
<param name='amr-config' doc='AMR Multirate Configuration' />
<param name='5_90k' doc='Bitrate' />
<param name='allowed' doc='Allowed' />
<param name='forbidden' doc='Forbidden' />
<command id='amr-config 5_15k (allowed|forbidden)'>
<param name='amr-config' doc='AMR Multirate Configuration' />
<param name='5_15k' doc='Bitrate' />
<param name='allowed' doc='Allowed' />
<param name='forbidden' doc='Forbidden' />
<command id='amr-config 4_75k (allowed|forbidden)'>
<param name='amr-config' doc='AMR Multirate Configuration' />
<param name='4_75k' doc='Bitrate' />
<param name='allowed' doc='Allowed' />
<param name='forbidden' doc='Forbidden' />
<node id='26'>
<command id='help'>
<param name='help' doc='Description of the interactive help system' />
<command id='list'>
<param name='list' doc='Print command list' />
<command id='write terminal'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='terminal' doc='Write to terminal' />
<command id='write file'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='file' doc='Write to configuration file' />
<command id='write memory'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='memory' doc='Write configuration to the file (same as write file)' />
<command id='write'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<command id='show running-config'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='running-config' doc='running configuration' />
<command id='exit'>
<param name='exit' doc='Exit current mode and down to previous mode' />
<command id='end'>
<param name='end' doc='End current mode and change to enable mode.' />
<command id='reset-command'>
<param name='reset-command' doc='Reset the MO' />
<command id='start-request'>
<param name='start-request' doc='Start the MO' />
<command id='status-request'>
<param name='status-request' doc='Get the MO Status' />
<command id='connect-command'>
<param name='connect-command' doc='Connect the MO' />
<command id='disconnect-command'>
<param name='disconnect-command' doc='Disconnect the MO' />
<command id='enable-request'>
<param name='enable-request' doc='Enable the MO' />
<command id='disable-request'>
<param name='disable-request' doc='Disable the MO' />
<command id='operational-info &lt;0-1&gt;'>
<param name='operational-info' doc='Set operational information' />
<param name='&lt;0-1&gt;' doc='Set operational info to 0 or 1' />
<command id='test-request'>
<param name='test-request' doc='Test the MO' />
<command id='configuration-request'>
<param name='configuration-request' doc='Send the configuration request for current MO' />
<command id='con-connection-list (add|del) &lt;1-255&gt; &lt;0-1023&gt; deconcentrated'>
<param name='con-connection-list' doc='CON connetiton list' />
<param name='add' doc='Add entry to CON list' />
<param name='del' doc='Delete entry from CON list' />
<param name='&lt;1-255&gt;' doc='Connection Group Number' />
<param name='&lt;0-1023&gt;' doc='CON Connection Point' />
<param name='deconcentrated' doc='De-concentrated in/outlet' />
<command id='con-connection-list (add|del) &lt;1-255&gt; &lt;0-1023&gt; tei &lt;0-63&gt;'>
<param name='con-connection-list' doc='CON connetiton list' />
<param name='add' doc='Add entry to CON list' />
<param name='del' doc='Delete entry from CON list' />
<param name='&lt;1-255&gt;' doc='Connection Group Number' />
<param name='&lt;0-1023&gt;' doc='CON Connection Point' />
<param name='tei' doc='Concentrated in/outlet with TEI' />
<param name='&lt;0-63&gt;' doc='TEI Number' />
<node id='30'>
<command id='help'>
<param name='help' doc='Description of the interactive help system' />
<command id='list'>
<param name='list' doc='Print command list' />
<command id='write terminal'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='terminal' doc='Write to terminal' />
<command id='write file'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='file' doc='Write to configuration file' />
<command id='write memory'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<param name='memory' doc='Write configuration to the file (same as write file)' />
<command id='write'>
<param name='write' doc='Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal' />
<command id='show running-config'>
<param name='show' doc='Show running system information' />
<param name='running-config' doc='running configuration' />
<command id='exit'>
<param name='exit' doc='Exit current mode and down to previous mode' />
<command id='end'>
<param name='end' doc='End current mode and change to enable mode.' />
<command id='mid-call-text .TEXT'>
<param name='mid-call-text' doc='Set the USSD notifcation to be send.' />
<param name='.TEXT' doc='Text to be sent' />
<command id='mid-call-timeout NR'>
<param name='mid-call-timeout' doc='Switch from Grace to Off in NR seconds.' />
<param name='NR' doc='Timeout in seconds' />
<command id='bsc-rf-socket PATH'>
<param name='bsc-rf-socket' doc='Set the filename for the RF control interface.' />
<param name='PATH' doc='RF Control path' />
<command id='bsc-auto-rf-off &lt;1-65000&gt;'>
<param name='bsc-auto-rf-off' doc='Disable RF on MSC Connection' />
<param name='&lt;1-65000&gt;' doc='Timeout' />
<command id='no bsc-auto-rf-off'>
<param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
<param name='bsc-auto-rf-off' doc='Disable RF on MSC Connection' />
<command id='missing-msc-text .TEXT'>
<param name='missing-msc-text' doc='Set the USSD notification to be send when a MSC has not been found.' />
<param name='.TEXT' doc='Text to be sent' />
<command id='no missing-msc-text'>
<param name='no' doc='Negate a command or set its defaults' />
<param name='missing-msc-text' doc='Clear the USSD notification to be send when a MSC has not been found.' />