blob: 4b1dcce554f8c05c494efb7e597144bf4f0fa391 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Manage a list of penalty timers per BTS;
* initially used by handover algorithm 2 to keep per-BTS timers for each subscriber connection. */
#pragma once
/* Opaque struct to manage penalty timers */
struct penalty_timers;
/* Initialize a list of penalty timers.
* param ctx: talloc context to allocate in.
* returns an empty struct penalty_timers. */
struct penalty_timers *penalty_timers_init(void *ctx);
/* Add a penalty timer for a BTS.
* param pt: penalty timers list as from penalty_timers_init().
* param for_object: arbitrary pointer reference to store a penalty timer for (passing NULL is possible,
* but note that penalty_timers_clear() will clear all timers if given for_object=NULL).
* param timeout: penalty time in seconds. */
void penalty_timers_add(struct penalty_timers *pt, void *for_object, int timeout);
/* Return the amount of penalty time remaining for a BTS.
* param pt: penalty timers list as from penalty_timers_init().
* param for_object: arbitrary pointer reference to query penalty timers for.
* returns seconds remaining until all penalty time has expired. */
unsigned int penalty_timers_remaining(struct penalty_timers *pt, void *for_object);
/* Clear penalty timers for one or all BTS.
* param pt: penalty timers list as from penalty_timers_init().
* param for_object: arbitrary pointer reference to clear penalty time for,
* or NULL to clear all timers. */
void penalty_timers_clear(struct penalty_timers *pt, void *for_object);
/* Free a struct as returned from penalty_timers_init().
* Clear all timers from the list, deallocate the list and set the pointer to NULL.
* param pt: pointer-to-pointer which references a struct penalty_timers as returned by
* penalty_timers_init(); *pt_p will be set to NULL. */
void penalty_timers_free(struct penalty_timers **pt_p);