blob: 6b1609ae5c4bab1ec20ae2a4a0bd9edac02a4e44 [file] [log] [blame]
== Control interface
The actual protocol is described in <<common-control-if>>, the variables
common to all programs using it are described in <<ctrl_common_vars>>. Here we
describe variables specific to OsmoBSC. The commands starting with prefix
"bts.N." are specific to a certain BTS so N have to be replaced with BTS
number when issuing command e. g. "". Similarly the
TRX-specific commands are additionally prefixed with TRX number e. g.
.Variables available over control interface
|msc_connection_status|RO|Yes|"connected", "disconnected"|Indicate the status of connection to MSC.
|bts_connection_status|RO|Yes|"connected", "disconnected"|Indicate the status of connection to BTS.
|location|RW|Yes|"<unixtime>,(invalid\|fix2d\|fix3d),<lat>,<lon>,<height>"|Set/Get location data.
|timezone|RW|No|"<hours>,<mins>,<dst>", "off"|-19 \<= hours \<= 19, mins in {0, 15, 30, 45}, and 0 \<= dst \<= 2
|apply-configuration|WO|No|"restart"|Restart all BTSes.
|mnc|RW|No|"<mnc>"|Set/Get MNC (value between (0, 999)).
|mcc|RW|No|"<mcc>"|Set/Get MCC (value between (1, 999)).
|short-name|RW|No|"<name>"|Set/Get network's short name.
|long-name|RW|No|"<name>"|Set/Get network's long name.
|mcc-mnc-apply|WO|No|"<mcc>,<mnc>"|Apply new MCC/MNC values if different from currently used one.
|notification|WO|Yes|Arbitrary value| See <<notif>> for details.
|inform-msc-v1|WO|Yes|Arbitrary value| See <<infomsc>> for details.
|rf_locked|RW|No|"0","1"|See <<rfl>> for details.
|number-of-bts|RO|No|"<num>"|Get number of configured BTS.
|bts.N.location-area-code|RW|No|"<lac>"|Set/Get LAC (value between (0, 65535)).
|bts.N.cell-identity|RW|No|"<id>"|Set/Get Cell Identity (value between (0, 65535)).
|bts.N.apply-configuration|WO|No|Ignored|Restart BTS via OML.
|bts.N.send-new-system-informations|WO|No|Ignored|Regenerate System Information messages for given BTS.
||RO|No|"<name>,<used>,<total>"|See <<chanlo>> for details.
|bts.N.oml-connection-state|RO|No|"connected", "disconnected", "degraded"|Indicate the status of OML connection of BTS.
|bts.N.oml-uptime|RO|No|<uptime>|Return OML link uptime in seconds.
|bts.N.gprs-mode|RW|No|"<mode>"|See <<gprsm>> for details.
|bts.N.rf_state|RO|No|"<oper>,<admin>,<pol>"|See <<rfs>> for details.
|bts.N.trx.M.arfcn|RW|No|"<arfcn>"|Set/Get ARFCN (value between (0, 1023)).
|bts.N.trx.M.max-power-reduction|RW|No|"<mpr>"|See <<mpr>> for details.
=== notification
Setting this variable initiate TRAP "notification" to all the clients connected
to control interface with the value supplied in SET operation. This is not
intended to be used outside of local systems.
=== inform-msc-v1
Setting this variable initiate TRAP "inform-msc-v1" to all connected MSCs
control interfaces with the value supplied in SET operation.
=== channel-load
Obtain channel load for given BTS. Returns concatenated set of triplets
("<name>,<used>,<total>") for all channel types configured on the BTS. The
"<name>" is the channel type. The "<used>" is the number of channels of that
type currently in use. The "<total>" is the number of channels of that type
configured on the BTS.
=== gprs-mode
Set/Get the GPRS mode of the BTS. One of the following is
accepted/returned: "none", "gprs", "egprs".
=== rf_state
Following triplet is returned: "<oper>,<admin>,<pol>". The "<oper>" might be
"operational" or "inoperational" representing different operational states. The
"<admin>" might be "locked" or "unlocked" representing administrative status.
The "<pol>" might be "off", "on", "grace" or "unknown" representing different
RF policies.
=== rf_locked
Set/Get RF locked status. The GET operation will return either "0" or "1"
depending on the RF lock status. The SET operation will set RF lock status if
RF Ctrl is enabled in the BSC Configuration.
=== max-power-reduction
Set/Get the value of maximum power reduction. Even values between 0 and 22 are
FIXME: add variables defined in src/ctrl/control_if.c?