blob: 8696252359cb190e20b3afc3c0aae140faa293ce [file] [log] [blame]
<vtydoc xmlns='urn:osmocom:xml:libosmocore:vty:doc:1.0'>
<node id='14'>
<child_of nodeid='4' />
<name>GSM Network Configuration</name>
<description>This is the base node for all configuration of
GSM network related configuration, it includes the LAC, CI
access criteria but also the configuration of each BTS in this
<node id='15'>
<child_of nodeid='14' />
<name>BTS Configuration</name>
<description>This is the configuration of a single BTS.</description>
<command id='oml ipa stream-id &lt;0-255&gt; line E1_LINE'>
Set the IPA stream identifier for the OML link within the IPA
multiplex. Must be the same as on the BTS side. The default
value is 255. Only applies to BTSs connected via Abis/IP
<command id='is-connection-list (add|del) &lt;0-2047&gt; &lt;0-2047&gt; &lt;0-255&gt;'>
Only applies to Ericsson OML2000 based BTSs.
<command id='con-connection-list (add|del) &lt;1-255&gt; &lt;0-1023&gt; deconcentrated'>
Only applies to Ericsson OML2000 based BTSs.
<command id='con-connection-list (add|del) &lt;1-255&gt; &lt;0-1023&gt; tei &lt;0-63&gt;'>
Only applies to Ericsson OML2000 based BTSs.
<command id='channel-description attach (0|1)'>
Configure whether the IMSI ATTACH (and DETACH) procedures
shall be used by MS in this cell. The default should be enabled.
<command id='ipa rsl-ip A.B.C.D'>
Configure the IP address of the BSC used for RSL. Abis/IP
BTSs, including OsmoBTS and the nanoBTS will be instructed to
connect their RSL links to that IP address.
<command id='base_station_id_code &lt;0-63&gt;'>
Configure the BSIC of the cell. It is a 6-bit value
consisting of a 3-bit NCC (network color code) in the upper 3
bits, and a 3-bit BCC (base station color code) in the lower 3
<command id='training_sequence_code &lt;0-7&gt;'>
Configure the default TSC for all timeslots on all TRX of the BTS.
The normal default is to use the BCC part of the BSIC as TSC.
Not all BTS models support a TSC != BCC.
<command id='si5 neighbor-list (add|del) arfcn &lt;0-1023&gt;'>
Add or remove an ARFCN to/from the list of neighbor cells
advertised in dedicated mode via SACCH. This command is only
available in manual-si5 neighbor-list mode.
<command id='neighbor-list (add|del) arfcn &lt;0-1023&gt;'>
Add or remove an ARFCN to/from the list of neighbor cells.
This command is only available in manual neighbor-list mode.
<command id='gprs network-control-order (nc0|nc1|nc2)'>
<command id='cell reselection offset &lt;0-126&gt;'>
If a cell advertises a cell reselection offset (CRO), it will
become more attractive during cell re-selection, despite not
being received at a higher level than other cells. The CRO
of each neighbor cell is added to the respective received
signal level before comparing their values for re-selection.
<command id='cell reselection hysteresis &lt;0-14&gt;'>
The Cell Re-Selection Hysteresis determines how many dB a
neighbor cell must be stronger than the current serving cell
before the MS considers that neighbor cell as a candidate for
<command id='ipa unit-id &lt;0-65534&gt; &lt;0-255&gt;'>
The ip.access unit ID is a parameter of the IPA
Signalling-over-IP multiplex. It is administratively
configured on the BTS side, and used by the BTS to identify
itself to the BSC. The BSC then selects the BTS configuration
for this Unit ID. It consists of three parts, the Site ID,
the BTS ID and the TRX ID. The TRX ID automatically
corresponds to to the transceiver number and is thus not
configurable here.
<command id='ms max power &lt;0-40&gt;'>
Configures the maximum transmit power (in dBm) that any MS may
use within this cell.
<command id='periodic location update &lt;6-1530&gt;'>
The periodic location updating interval determines how often
the MS will periodically perform a LOCATION UPDATE procedure,
despite not having actually changed location. The value is
specified in minutes.
<command id='cell barred (0|1)'>
Using this command, you can enable/disable barring of the cell.
Barred cells are not visible/accessible to regular phones.
Only some special operator testing phones can be configured in
a way to ignore cell barring.
<command id='rxlev access min &lt;0-63&gt;'>
Using this command, you can determine the minimum downlink
signal receive level (RxLev), at which the BTS must be
received by the MS in order to attempt establishing dedicated
channels via the RACH.
<command id='rach access-control-class (0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|11|12|13|14|15) (barred|allowed)'>
Using this command, you can configure which access control
classes are permitted to access this cell. The access control
class of a MS is determined by the contents of the EF.ACC file
on the SIM card.
Access Control Class 10 corresponds to Emergency Calls, and is
thus not configurable this way.
<command id='rach emergency call allowed (0|1)'>
Using this command, you can determine if this cell permits the
use of the 'EMERGENCY CALL' feature.
<warning>Unless you operate a public network with connection to the
public emergency services in compliance with applicable regulatory
requirements, you should always have emergency calls disabled (allowed
0) - which is also the default configuration.</warning>
<command id='channel-description bs-ag-blks-res &lt;0-7&gt;'>
Using this command, you can specify how many blocks of the
downlink CCCH should be reserved for exclusive usage as AGCH.
<warning>Not all BTS models currently support non-default configuration
of this parameter.</warning>
<command id='oml e1 tei &lt;0-63&gt;'>
Set the LAPD TEI used for the OML connection of this BTS.
Only applies to classic E1 based A-bis.
<node id='16'>
<child_of nodeid='15' />
<name>TRX Configuration</name>
<description>This is the configuration of a TRX.</description>
<command id='nominal power &lt;0-100&gt;'>
Inform the BSC about the nominal RF transmit power of the BTS in dBm.
This value must be entered depending on the BTS model and
external setup such as amplifiers. Changing this value will
not change the actually transmitted power, it will just affect
the reporting in the BSC VTY.
<command id='max_power_red &lt;0-100&gt;'>
Request the actual RF transmit power of the BTS to be reduced
by the specified number of dB.
<command id='rsl e1 tei &lt;0-63&gt;'>
Set the LAPD TEI used for the RSL connection of this TRX.
Only applies to classic E1 based A-bis.
<command id='rf_locked (0|1)'>
Enable (1) or disable (0) the RF locking for this TRX. RF
locking is a mechanism by which the transmitter can be shut
down by administrative means, e.g. via the control interface.
<node id='17'>
<child_of nodeid='16' />
<name>TS Configuration</name>
<description>This is the configuration of a TS.</description>
<command id='training_sequence_code &lt;0-7&gt;'>
Configure the timeslot to run on a different TSC than the
default TSC of the BTS (which is derived from the BCC part of the BSIC).
Please note that not all BTS models support timeslot-specific TSC!
<command id='hopping enabled (0|1)'>
Enable or disable frequency hopping for this timeslot. Please
note that not all BTS models may support frequency hopping,
and that frequency hopping is only permitted for secondary
TRXs, so TRX 0 must always be non-hopping.
<node id='22'>
<child_of nodeid='3' />
<name>OML Commands</name>
<description>This node allows to manipulate the OML state of
a connected BTS. It is meant for testing during development.</description>
<node id='26'>
<child_of nodeid='3' />
<name>OML2000 Commands</name>
<description>This node allows to issue OML2000 commands for
Ericsson BTS. It is meant for testing during development.</description>