blob: b90236d2003a63ffc0bf7a1516a5869136c3adf3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Congestion check: favor moving a TCH/H that frees a half-used dyn TS completely
create-bts trx-count 1 timeslots c+s4 dyn dyn dyn dyn dyn - -
set-ts-use trx 0 0 states * pdch TCH/HH TCH/H- TCH/HH pdch - -
meas-rep lchan 0 0 2 1 rxlev 30 rxqual 0 ta 0
meas-rep lchan 0 0 3 0 rxlev 30 rxqual 0 ta 0
meas-rep lchan 0 0 4 0 rxlev 30 rxqual 0 ta 0
meas-rep lchan 0 0 4 1 rxlev 30 rxqual 0 ta 0
# pick one to move:
bts 0
handover2 min-free-slots tch/h 6
expect-ho from lchan 0 0 3 0 to lchan 0 0 1 0
expect-ts-use trx 0 0 states * TCH/F TCH/HH pdch TCH/HH pdch - -