blob: f2e650327ec2c933337c2ed709f1e5a93352b8d9 [file] [log] [blame]
Initializing sercomm_inst
Registering callback for invalid DLCI
Registering callback for valid DLCI
Checking reject of overlod of valid DLCI
Checking Rx of incoming msg for valid DLCI
Feeding data into sercomm: 7e 17 03 32 33 7e
dlci_rx_cb(): 32 33
Checking Rx of incoming msg for unequipped DLCI
Feeding data into sercomm: 7e 03 03 66 6f 6f 7e
Checking Rx of incoming msg for valid DLCI
Feeding data into sercomm: 7e 17 03 32 33 7e
dlci_rx_cb(): 32 33
Checking Rx of incoming msg with escaped char for valid DLCI
Feeding data into sercomm: 7e 17 03 7d 12 33 7e
dlci_rx_cb(): 32 33
Checking that no chars are to be transmitted
Transmitting msgb through sercomm
Draining from UART: 0x7e 0x2a 0x03 0x4d 0x61 0x68 0x6c 0x7a 0x65 0x69 0x74 0x7e
Testing built-in echo DLCI
Feeding data into sercomm: 7e 80 03 65 63 68 6f 7e
Draining from UART: 0x7e 0x80 0x03 0x65 0x63 0x68 0x6f 0x7e