blob: d9408be5728a21cd007883fc67023d7092a1cc0c [file] [log] [blame]
/*! \file control_cmd.h */
#pragma once
#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
#include <osmocom/core/talloc.h>
#include <osmocom/core/write_queue.h>
#include <osmocom/core/logging.h>
#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>
#include <osmocom/vty/vector.h>
#define CTRL_CMD_ERROR -1
#define CTRL_CMD_REPLY 1
#define CTRL_CMD_TRAP_ID "0"
struct ctrl_handle;
/*! The class of node at which a ctrl command is registered to */
enum ctrl_node_type {
CTRL_NODE_ROOT, /* Root elements */
CTRL_NODE_BTS, /* BTS specific (net.btsN.) */
CTRL_NODE_TRX, /* TRX specific (net.btsN.trxM.) */
CTRL_NODE_TS, /* TS specific (net.btsN.trxM.tsI.) */
CTRL_NODE_FSM, /* Finite State Machine (description) */
CTRL_NODE_FSM_INST, /* Finite State Machine (instance) */
CTRL_NODE_LCHAN, /* LCHAN specific (net.btsN.trxM.tsI.lchanL) */
/*! Ctrl command types (GET, SET, ...) */
enum ctrl_type {
/*! human-readable string names for \ref ctrl_type */
extern const struct value_string ctrl_type_vals[];
/*! Represents a single ctrl connection */
struct ctrl_connection {
struct llist_head list_entry;
/*! The queue for sending data back */
struct osmo_wqueue write_queue;
/*! Buffer for partial input data */
struct msgb *pending_msg;
/*! Callback if the connection was closed */
void (*closed_cb)(struct ctrl_connection *conn);
/*! Pending commands for this connection */
struct llist_head cmds;
/*! Pending deferred command responses for this connection */
struct llist_head def_cmds;
struct ctrl_cmd_def;
/*! Represents a single ctrl command after parsing */
struct ctrl_cmd {
/*! connection through which the command was received */
struct ctrl_connection *ccon;
/*! command type */
enum ctrl_type type;
char *id;
/*! node of the specified variable */
void *node;
/*! name of the variable */
char *variable;
/*! value of the specified CTRL variable */
char *value;
/*! respnse message string */
char *reply;
/*! state representing deferred (async) response, if any */
struct ctrl_cmd_def *defer;
#define ctrl_cmd_reply_printf(cmd, fmt, args ...) \
osmo_talloc_asprintf(cmd, cmd->reply, fmt, ## args)
struct ctrl_cmd_struct {
int nr_commands;
char **command;
/*! Implementation of a given CTRL command. This is what a program registers
* using \r ctrl_cmd_install in order to implement a given control variable. */
struct ctrl_cmd_element {
/*! textual name/id of the CTRL command */
const char *name;
struct ctrl_cmd_struct strcmd;
/*! call-back function implementing the SET operation */
int (*set)(struct ctrl_cmd *cmd, void *data);
/*! call-back function implementing the GET operation */
int (*get)(struct ctrl_cmd *cmd, void *data);
/*! call-back function to validate a value; called before SET */
int (*verify)(struct ctrl_cmd *cmd, const char *value, void *data);
struct ctrl_cmd_map {
char *cmd;
enum ctrl_type type;
/* deferred control command, i.e. responded asynchronously */
struct ctrl_cmd_def {
struct llist_head list; /* ctrl_connection.def_cmds */
struct ctrl_cmd *cmd;
void *data; /* opaque user data */
struct ctrl_cmd_def *
ctrl_cmd_def_make(const void *ctx, struct ctrl_cmd *cmd, void *data, unsigned int secs);
int ctrl_cmd_def_is_zombie(struct ctrl_cmd_def *cd);
int ctrl_cmd_def_send(struct ctrl_cmd_def *cd);
int ctrl_cmd_exec(vector vline, struct ctrl_cmd *command, vector node, void *data);
int ctrl_cmd_install(enum ctrl_node_type node, struct ctrl_cmd_element *cmd);
int ctrl_cmd_send(struct osmo_wqueue *queue, struct ctrl_cmd *cmd);
int ctrl_cmd_send_to_all(struct ctrl_handle *ctrl, struct ctrl_cmd *cmd);
struct ctrl_cmd *ctrl_cmd_parse3(void *ctx, struct msgb *msg, bool *parse_failed);
struct ctrl_cmd *ctrl_cmd_parse2(void *ctx, struct msgb *msg);
struct ctrl_cmd *ctrl_cmd_parse(void *ctx, struct msgb *msg);
struct msgb *ctrl_cmd_make(struct ctrl_cmd *cmd);
struct ctrl_cmd *ctrl_cmd_cpy(void *ctx, struct ctrl_cmd *cmd);
struct ctrl_cmd *ctrl_cmd_create(void *ctx, enum ctrl_type);
struct ctrl_cmd *ctrl_cmd_trap(struct ctrl_cmd *cmd);
/*! Helper to generate static struct ctrl_cmd_element
* \param[in] cmdname symbol name of the command related functions/structures
* \param[in] cmdstr string name exposed on CTRL
* \param[in] verify_name full symbol name of verification function */
#define CTRL_CMD_DEFINE_STRUCT(cmdname, cmdstr, verify_name) \
static struct ctrl_cmd_element cmd_##cmdname = { \
.name = cmdstr, \
.get = &get_##cmdname, \
.set = &set_##cmdname, \
.verify = verify_name, \
/*! Helper to generate static GET function for integer
* \param[in] cmdname symbol name of the command related function
* \param[in] dtype name of outer struct of user data
* \param[in] element name of field within \a dtype */
#define CTRL_HELPER_GET_INT(cmdname, dtype, element) \
static int get_##cmdname(struct ctrl_cmd *cmd, void *_data) \
{ \
dtype *node = cmd->node; \
cmd->reply = talloc_asprintf(cmd, "%i", node->element); \
if (!cmd->reply) { \
cmd->reply = "OOM"; \
return CTRL_CMD_ERROR; \
} \
return CTRL_CMD_REPLY; \
/*! Helper to generate static SET function for integer
* \param[in] cmdname symbol name of the command related function
* \param[in] dtype name of outer struct of user data
* \param[in] element name of field within \a dtype */
#define CTRL_HELPER_SET_INT(cmdname, dtype, element) \
static int set_##cmdname(struct ctrl_cmd *cmd, void *_data) \
{ \
dtype *node = cmd->node; \
int tmp = atoi(cmd->value); \
node->element = tmp; \
return get_##cmdname(cmd, _data); \
/*! Helper to generate static VERIFY unction validating a numeric range
* \param[in] cmdname symbol name of the command related function
* \param[in] min minimum permitted integer value
* \param[in] max maximum permitted integer value */
#define CTRL_HELPER_VERIFY_RANGE(cmdname, min, max) \
static int verify_##cmdname(struct ctrl_cmd *cmd, const char *value, void *_data) \
{ \
int tmp = atoi(value); \
if ((tmp >= min)&&(tmp <= max)) { \
return 0; \
} \
cmd->reply = "Input not within the range"; \
return -1; \
/*! Helper to generate GET, SET, VERIFY + ctrl_cmd_element for integer
* \param[in] cmdname symbol name of the command related function
* \param[in] cmdstr string name exposed on CTRL
* \param[in] dtype name of outer struct of user data
* \param[in] element name of field within \a dtype
* \param[in] min minimum permitted integer value
* \param[in] max maximum permitted integer value */
#define CTRL_CMD_DEFINE_RANGE(cmdname, cmdstr, dtype, element, min, max) \
CTRL_HELPER_GET_INT(cmdname, dtype, element) \
CTRL_HELPER_SET_INT(cmdname, dtype, element) \
CTRL_HELPER_VERIFY_RANGE(cmdname, min, max) \
CTRL_CMD_DEFINE_STRUCT(cmdname, cmdstr, verify_##cmdname)
/*! Helper to generate static GET function for string
* \param[in] cmdname symbol name of the command related function
* \param[in] dtype name of outer struct of user data
* \param[in] element name of field within \a dtype */
#define CTRL_HELPER_GET_STRING(cmdname, dtype, element) \
static int get_##cmdname(struct ctrl_cmd *cmd, void *_data) \
{ \
dtype *data = cmd->node; \
cmd->reply = talloc_asprintf(cmd, "%s", data->element); \
if (!cmd->reply) { \
cmd->reply = "OOM"; \
return CTRL_CMD_ERROR; \
} \
return CTRL_CMD_REPLY; \
/*! Helper to generate static SET function for string
* \param[in] cmdname symbol name of the command related function
* \param[in] dtype name of outer struct of user data
* \param[in] element name of field within \a dtype */
#define CTRL_HELPER_SET_STRING(cmdname, dtype, element) \
static int set_##cmdname(struct ctrl_cmd *cmd, void *_data) \
{ \
dtype *data = cmd->node; \
osmo_talloc_replace_string(cmd->node, &data->element, cmd->value); \
return get_##cmdname(cmd, _data); \
/*! Helper to generate GET, SET, VERIFY + ctrl_cmd_element for string
* \param[in] cmdname symbol name of the command related function
* \param[in] cmdstr string name exposed on CTRL
* \param[in] dtype name of outer struct of user data
* \param[in] element name of field within \a dtype */
#define CTRL_CMD_DEFINE_STRING(cmdname, cmdstr, dtype, element) \
CTRL_HELPER_GET_STRING(cmdname, dtype, element) \
CTRL_HELPER_SET_STRING(cmdname, dtype, element) \
/*! Declare a read-write attribute. Declares get, set, verify.
* \param[in] cmdname symbol name of the command related functions/structures
* \param[in] cmdstr string name exposed on CTRL */
#define CTRL_CMD_DEFINE(cmdname, cmdstr) \
static int get_##cmdname(struct ctrl_cmd *cmd, void *data); \
static int set_##cmdname(struct ctrl_cmd *cmd, void *data); \
static int verify_##cmdname(struct ctrl_cmd *cmd, const char *value, void *data); \
CTRL_CMD_DEFINE_STRUCT(cmdname, cmdstr, verify_##cmdname)
/*! Define a read-only attribute. Declares get, implements set+verify
* \param[in] cmdname symbol name of the command related functions/structures
* \param[in] cmdstr string name exposed on CTRL */
#define CTRL_CMD_DEFINE_RO(cmdname, cmdstr) \
static int get_##cmdname(struct ctrl_cmd *cmd, void *data); \
static int set_##cmdname(struct ctrl_cmd *cmd, void *data) \
{ \
cmd->reply = "Read Only attribute"; \
return CTRL_CMD_ERROR; \
} \
static int verify_##cmdname(struct ctrl_cmd *cmd, const char *value, void *data) \
{ \
cmd->reply = "Read Only attribute"; \
return 1; \
} \
CTRL_CMD_DEFINE_STRUCT(cmdname, cmdstr, verify_##cmdname)
/*! Define a write-only attribute. Declares set+verify, implements read call-back
* \param[in] cmdname symbol name of the command related functions/structures
* \param[in] cmdstr string name exposed on CTRL */
#define CTRL_CMD_DEFINE_WO(cmdname, cmdstr) \
static int set_##cmdname(struct ctrl_cmd *cmd, void *data); \
static int get_##cmdname(struct ctrl_cmd *cmd, void *data) \
{ \
cmd->reply = "Write Only attribute"; \
return CTRL_CMD_ERROR; \
} \
static int verify_##cmdname(struct ctrl_cmd *cmd, const char *val, void *data); \
CTRL_CMD_DEFINE_STRUCT(cmdname, cmdstr, verify_##cmdname)
/*! Define a write-only attribute without verify. Declares set, implements read+verify
* \param[in] cmdname symbol name of the command related functions/structures
* \param[in] cmdstr string name exposed on CTRL */
#define CTRL_CMD_DEFINE_WO_NOVRF(cmdname, cmdstr) \
static int set_##cmdname(struct ctrl_cmd *cmd, void *data); \
static int get_##cmdname(struct ctrl_cmd *cmd, void *data) \
{ \
cmd->reply = "Write Only attribute"; \
return CTRL_CMD_ERROR; \
} \
static int verify_##cmdname(struct ctrl_cmd *cmd, const char *val, void *data) \
{ \
return 0; \
} \
CTRL_CMD_DEFINE_STRUCT(cmdname, cmdstr, verify_##cmdname)
struct gsm_network;