blob: c68986b3d609ff1bc80450a096d4dc484164b322 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @file
# @author Roman Khassraf <>
# @section LICENSE
# Gr-gsm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# Gr-gsm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with gr-gsm; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
from gnuradio import blocks
from gnuradio import eng_notation
from gnuradio import gr
from gnuradio.eng_option import eng_option
from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
import collections
import grgsm
import pmt
import socket
class grgsm_decoder(gr.top_block):
def __init__(self, timeslot=0, subslot=None, chan_mode='BCCH',
cfile=None, fc=939.4e6, samp_rate=2e6,
a5=1, a5_kc=None,
speech_file=None, speech_codec=None,
gr.top_block.__init__(self, "Gr-gsm Decode")
# Parameters
self.timeslot = timeslot
self.subslot = subslot
self.chan_mode = chan_mode
self.burst_file = burst_file
self.cfile = cfile
self.fc = fc
self.samp_rate = samp_rate
self.a5 = a5
self.kc = a5_kc
if len(a5_kc) < 8:
self.kc = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]
self.speech_file = speech_file
self.speech_codec = speech_codec
self.verbose = verbose
self.print_bursts = print_bursts
# Blocks
if self.burst_file:
self.burst_file_source = grgsm.burst_file_source(burst_file)
elif self.cfile:
self.file_source = blocks.file_source(gr.sizeof_gr_complex*1, self.cfile, False)
self.receiver = grgsm.receiver(4, ([0]), ([]))
if self.fc is not None:
self.input_adapter = grgsm.gsm_input(ppm=0, osr=4, fc=self.fc, samp_rate_in=samp_rate)
self.offset_control = grgsm.clock_offset_control(self.fc)
self.input_adapter = grgsm.gsm_input(ppm=0, osr=4, samp_rate_in=samp_rate)
self.dummy_burst_filter = grgsm.dummy_burst_filter()
self.timeslot_filter = grgsm.burst_timeslot_filter(self.timeslot)
self.subslot_filter = None
if self.chan_mode == 'BCCH_SDCCH4' and self.subslot is not None:
self.subslot_filter = grgsm.burst_sdcch_subslot_filter(grgsm.SS_FILTER_SDCCH4, self.subslot)
elif self.chan_mode == 'SDCCH8' and self.subslot is not None:
self.subslot_filter = grgsm.burst_sdcch_subslot_filter(grgsm.SS_FILTER_SDCCH8, self.subslot)
if self.chan_mode == 'BCCH':
self.bcch_demapper = grgsm.universal_ctrl_chans_demapper(self.timeslot,
([2, 6, 12, 16, 22, 26, 32, 36, 42, 46]),
([1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]))
elif self.chan_mode == 'BCCH_SDCCH4':
self.bcch_sdcch4_demapper = grgsm.universal_ctrl_chans_demapper(self.timeslot,
([2, 6, 12, 16, 22, 26, 32, 36, 42, 46]),
([1, 2, 2, 2, 7, 7, 7, 7, 135, 135]))
elif self.chan_mode == 'SDCCH8':
self.sdcch8_demapper = grgsm.universal_ctrl_chans_demapper(self.timeslot,
([0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44]),
([8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 136, 136, 136, 136]))
elif self.chan_mode == 'TCHF':
self.tch_f_demapper = grgsm.tch_f_chans_demapper(self.timeslot)
self.tch_f_decoder = grgsm.tch_f_decoder(speech_codec, speech_file)
if self.kc != [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]:
self.decryption = grgsm.decryption(self.kc, self.a5)
self.cch_decoder_decrypted = grgsm.control_channels_decoder()
if self.chan_mode == 'TCHF':
self.decryption_tch_sacch = grgsm.decryption(self.kc, self.a5)
self.cch_decoder = grgsm.control_channels_decoder()
self.socket_pdu = blocks.socket_pdu("UDP_CLIENT", "", "4729", 10000)
if self.verbose:
self.message_printer = grgsm.message_printer(pmt.intern(""), True, True, False)
if self.print_bursts:
self.bursts_printer = grgsm.bursts_printer(pmt.intern(""), True, True, False, True)
# Asynch Message Connections
if self.burst_file:
self.msg_connect(self.burst_file_source, "out", self.dummy_burst_filter, "in")
elif self.cfile:
self.connect((self.file_source, 0), (self.input_adapter, 0))
self.connect((self.input_adapter, 0), (self.receiver, 0))
if self.fc is not None:
self.msg_connect(self.offset_control, "ppm", self.input_adapter, "ppm_in")
self.msg_connect(self.receiver, "measurements", self.offset_control, "measurements")
self.msg_connect(self.receiver, "C0", self.dummy_burst_filter, "in")
self.msg_connect(self.dummy_burst_filter, "out", self.timeslot_filter, "in")
if self.print_bursts:
self.msg_connect(self.timeslot_filter, "out", self.bursts_printer, 'bursts')
if (self.chan_mode == 'BCCH_SDCCH4' or self.chan_mode == 'SDCCH8') and self.subslot_filter is not None:
self.msg_connect(self.timeslot_filter, "out", self.subslot_filter, "in")
if self.chan_mode == 'BCCH':
if self.subslot_filter is not None:
self.msg_connect(self.subslot_filter, "out", self.bcch_demapper, "bursts")
self.msg_connect(self.timeslot_filter, "out", self.bcch_demapper, "bursts")
self.msg_connect(self.bcch_demapper, "bursts", self.cch_decoder, "bursts")
self.msg_connect(self.cch_decoder, "msgs", self.socket_pdu, "pdus")
if self.verbose:
self.msg_connect(self.cch_decoder, "msgs", self.message_printer, "msgs")
elif self.chan_mode == 'BCCH_SDCCH4':
if self.subslot_filter is not None:
self.msg_connect(self.subslot_filter, "out", self.bcch_sdcch4_demapper, "bursts")
self.msg_connect(self.timeslot_filter, "out", self.bcch_sdcch4_demapper, "bursts")
if self.kc != [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]:
self.msg_connect(self.bcch_sdcch4_demapper, "bursts", self.decryption, "bursts")
self.msg_connect(self.decryption, "bursts", self.cch_decoder_decrypted, "bursts")
self.msg_connect(self.cch_decoder_decrypted, "msgs", self.socket_pdu, "pdus")
if self.verbose:
self.msg_connect(self.cch_decoder_decrypted, "msgs", self.message_printer, "msgs")
self.msg_connect(self.bcch_sdcch4_demapper, "bursts", self.cch_decoder, "bursts")
self.msg_connect(self.cch_decoder, "msgs", self.socket_pdu, "pdus")
if self.verbose:
self.msg_connect(self.cch_decoder, "msgs", self.message_printer, "msgs")
elif self.chan_mode == 'SDCCH8':
if self.subslot_filter is not None:
self.msg_connect(self.subslot_filter, "out", self.sdcch8_demapper, "bursts")
self.msg_connect(self.timeslot_filter, "out", self.sdcch8_demapper, "bursts")
if self.kc != [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]:
self.msg_connect(self.sdcch8_demapper, "bursts", self.decryption, "bursts")
self.msg_connect(self.decryption, "bursts", self.cch_decoder_decrypted, "bursts")
self.msg_connect(self.cch_decoder_decrypted, "msgs", self.socket_pdu, "pdus")
if self.verbose:
self.msg_connect(self.cch_decoder_decrypted, "msgs", self.message_printer, "msgs")
self.msg_connect(self.sdcch8_demapper, "bursts", self.cch_decoder, "bursts")
self.msg_connect(self.cch_decoder, "msgs", self.socket_pdu, "pdus")
if self.verbose:
self.msg_connect(self.cch_decoder, "msgs", self.message_printer, "msgs")
elif self.chan_mode == 'TCHF':
self.msg_connect(self.timeslot_filter, "out", self.tch_f_demapper, "bursts")
if self.kc != [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]:
self.msg_connect(self.tch_f_demapper, "acch_bursts", self.decryption_tch_sacch, "bursts")
self.msg_connect(self.tch_f_demapper, "tch_bursts", self.decryption, "bursts")
self.msg_connect(self.decryption_tch_sacch, "bursts", self.cch_decoder, "bursts")
self.msg_connect(self.decryption, "bursts", self.tch_f_decoder, "bursts")
self.msg_connect(self.tch_f_demapper, "acch_bursts", self.cch_decoder, "bursts")
self.msg_connect(self.tch_f_demapper, "tch_bursts", self.tch_f_decoder, "bursts")
self.msg_connect(self.tch_f_decoder, "msgs", self.socket_pdu, "pdus")
self.msg_connect(self.cch_decoder, "msgs", self.socket_pdu, "pdus")
if self.verbose:
self.msg_connect(self.tch_f_decoder, "msgs", self.message_printer, "msgs")
self.msg_connect(self.cch_decoder, "msgs", self.message_printer, "msgs")
if __name__ == '__main__':
# List of channel configurations
channel_modes = ['BCCH', 'BCCH_SDCCH4', 'SDCCH8', 'TCHF']
# mapping options to grgsm's enums
tch_codecs = collections.OrderedDict([
('FR', grgsm.TCH_FS),
('EFR', grgsm.TCH_EFR),
('AMR12.2', grgsm.TCH_AFS12_2),
('AMR10.2', grgsm.TCH_AFS10_2),
('AMR7.95', grgsm.TCH_AFS7_95),
('AMR7.4', grgsm.TCH_AFS7_4),
('AMR6.7', grgsm.TCH_AFS6_7),
('AMR5.9', grgsm.TCH_AFS5_9),
('AMR5.15', grgsm.TCH_AFS5_15),
('AMR4.75', grgsm.TCH_AFS4_75)
kc = []
parser = OptionParser(option_class=eng_option, usage="%prog: [options]")
def kc_callback(option, opt_str, value, parser):
""" Callback function that parses Kc """
# format 0x12,0x34,0x56,0x78,0x90,0xAB,0xCD,0xEF
if ',' in value:
value_str = value.split(',')
for s in value_str:
val = int(s, 16)
if val < 0 or val > 255:
parser.error("Invalid Kc % s\n" % s)
if len(kc) != 8:
parser.error("Invalid Kc length")
# format: 1234567890ABCDEF
elif len(value) == 16:
for i in range(8):
s = value[2*i: 2*i + 2]
val = int(s, 16)
if val < 0 or val > 255:
parser.error("Invalid Kc % s\n" % s)
parser.error("Invalid Kc format")
# define options
parser.add_option("-m", "--mode", dest="chan_mode", default='BCCH',
type='choice', choices=channel_modes,
help="Channel mode. Valid options are 'BCCH' (Non-combined C0), "
"'BCCH_SDCCH4'(Combined C0), 'SDCCH8' (Stand-alone control channel) "
"and 'TCHF' (Traffic Channel, Full rate) ")
parser.add_option("-t", "--timeslot", dest="timeslot", type="intx", default=0,
help="Timeslot to decode [default=%default]")
parser.add_option("-u", "--subslot", dest="subslot", type="intx",
help="Subslot to decode. Use in combination with channel type BCCH_SDCCH4 and SDCCH8")
parser.add_option("-b", "--burst-file", dest="burst_file", help="Input file (bursts)")
parser.add_option("-c", "--cfile", dest="cfile", help="Input file (cfile)")
parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
help="If set, the decoded messages (with frame number and count) are printed to stdout")
parser.add_option("-p", "--print-bursts", action="store_true",
help="If set, the raw bursts (with frame number and count) are printed to stdout")
# group cfile options together
cfile_options = OptionGroup(
parser, 'Cfile Options', 'Options for decoding cfile input.',
cfile_options.add_option("-f", "--fc", dest="fc", type="eng_float",
help="Frequency of cfile capture [default=eng_notation.num_to_str(939.4e6)]")
cfile_options.add_option("-a", "--arfcn", dest="arfcn", type="intx",
help="Set ARFCN instead of frequency. "
"In some cases you may have to provide the GSM band also")
cfile_options.add_option("--band", dest="band",
help="Specify the GSM band for the frequency.\nAvailable bands are: "
+ ", ".join(grgsm.arfcn.get_bands()) + "."
+ "If no band is specified, it will be determined automatically, defaulting to 0.")
cfile_options.add_option("-s", "--samp-rate", dest="samp_rate", type="eng_float",
help="Sample rate of cfile capture [default=%default]")
# group decryption options
decryption_options = OptionGroup(
parser, 'Decryption Options', 'Options for setting the A5 decryption parameters.',
decryption_options.add_option("-e", "--a5", dest="a5", type="intx", default=1,
help="A5 version [default=%default]. A5 versions 1 - 3 supported")
decryption_options.add_option("-k", "--kc", action="callback", callback=kc_callback, type="string",
help="A5 session key Kc. Valid formats are "
"'0x12,0x34,0x56,0x78,0x90,0xAB,0xCD,0xEF' and '1234567890ABCDEF'")
# group TCH options
tch_options = OptionGroup(
parser, 'TCH Options', 'Options for setting Traffic channel decoding parameters.',
tch_options.add_option("-d", "--speech-codec", dest="speech_codec", default='FR',
type='choice', choices=tch_codecs.keys(),
help="TCH-F speech codec [default=%default]. "
"Valid options are " + ", ".join(tch_codecs.keys()))
tch_options.add_option("-o", "--output-tch", dest="speech_output_file", default="/tmp/",
help="TCH/F speech output file [default=%default].")
# parse
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
# some verifications
if (options.cfile is None and options.burst_file is None) or \
(options.cfile is not None and options.burst_file is not None):
parser.error("Please provide a cfile or a burst file (but not both) as input\n")
if options.timeslot < 0 or options.timeslot > 7:
parser.error("Invalid timeslot. Must be a in range 0-7\n")
if options.subslot is not None and (options.subslot < 0 or options.subslot > 7):
parser.error("Invalid subslot. Must be a in range 0-7\n")
if options.a5 < 0 or options.a5 > 3:
parser.error("Invalid A5 version\n")
if options.cfile and (options.fc is None and options.arfcn is None) or (options.fc is not None and options.arfcn is not None):
print("You haven't provided a frequency or an ARFCN - working without automatic frequency offset correction.\n")
# handle frequency / arfcn input
arfcn = 0
fc = 939.4e6
if options.arfcn:
if not in grgsm.arfcn.get_bands():
parser.error("Invalid GSM band\n")
elif not grgsm.arfcn.is_valid_arfcn(options.arfcn,
parser.error("ARFCN is not valid in the specified band\n")
arfcn = options.arfcn
fc = grgsm.arfcn.arfcn2downlink(arfcn,
arfcn = options.arfcn
for band in grgsm.arfcn.get_bands():
if grgsm.arfcn.is_valid_arfcn(arfcn, band):
fc = grgsm.arfcn.arfcn2downlink(arfcn, band)
elif options.fc:
fc = options.fc
if not in grgsm.arfcn.get_bands():
parser.error("Invalid GSM band\n")
elif not grgsm.arfcn.is_valid_downlink(options.fc,
parser.error("Frequency is not valid in the specified band\n")
arfcn = grgsm.arfcn.downlink2arfcn(options.fc,
for band in grgsm.arfcn.get_bands():
if grgsm.arfcn.is_valid_downlink(options.fc, band):
arfcn = grgsm.arfcn.downlink2arfcn(options.fc, band)
# open udp port 4729 to avoid icmp messages
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
sock.bind(("localhost", 4729))
# instanciate decoder
tb = grgsm_decoder(timeslot=options.timeslot, subslot=options.subslot, chan_mode=options.chan_mode,
cfile=options.cfile, fc=fc, samp_rate=options.samp_rate,
a5=options.a5, a5_kc=kc,
speech_file=options.speech_output_file, speech_codec=tch_codecs.get(options.speech_codec),
# run
# we are done, close socket