Fix error in MTP3MG parsing code

The MTP3MG payload is not the MTP3 payload, but only what is remaining
after the MTP3MG header has been parsed.
diff --git a/src/mtp3_codec.erl b/src/mtp3_codec.erl
index cc83d86..49d575e 100644
--- a/src/mtp3_codec.erl
+++ b/src/mtp3_codec.erl
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
 	#mtp3mg_msg{h0 = H0, h1 = H1, payload = TP};
 decode_payload(?MTP3_SERV_MGMT, Payload) ->
 	<<H1:4, H0:4, Remain/binary>> = Payload,
-	#mtp3mg_msg{h0 = H0, h1 = H1, payload = Payload};
+	#mtp3mg_msg{h0 = H0, h1 = H1, payload = Remain};
 decode_payload(_, Payload) ->