blob: 0e06d74f2ff23f55e714e6b4a1b2acba488820b1 [file] [log] [blame]
% M2UA / M3UA / SUA AS gsn_fsm according to RFC3868 4.3.1
% (C) 2011-2012 by Harald Welte <>
% All Rights Reserved
% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
% License, or (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
% Additional Permission under GNU AGPL version 3 section 7:
% If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or
% combining it with runtime libraries of Erlang/OTP as released by
% Ericsson on (or a modified version of these
% libraries), containing parts covered by the terms of the Erlang Public
% License (, the licensors of this
% Program grant you additional permission to convey the resulting work
% without the need to license the runtime libraries of Erlang/OTP under
% the GNU Affero General Public License. Corresponding Source for a
% non-source form of such a combination shall include the source code
% for the parts of the runtime libraries of Erlang/OTP used as well as
% that of the covered work.
-author('Harald Welte <>').
% gen_fsm exports
-export([init/1, terminate/3, code_change/4, handle_event/3, handle_sync_event/4, handle_info/3]).
% states in this FSM
-export([as_down/2, as_inactive/2, as_active/2, as_pending/2]).
% exported API
% Timeouts in milliseconds
-define(T_R_TIMEOUT, 2*60*100).
-record(as_state, {
create_asp(Name, AspFsmArgs) ->
AsFsmName = sg_as_sup:get_as_fsm_name(Name),
gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(AsFsmName, {create_asp, AspFsmArgs}).
% gen_fsm callbacks
init([AsSupPid]) when is_pid(AsSupPid) ->
AsState = #as_state{asp_list = [],
as_sup_pid = AsSupPid,
role = sg},
{ok, as_down, AsState}.
terminate(Reason, State, _LoopDat) ->
io:format("Terminating ~p in State ~p (Reason: ~p)~n",
[?MODULE, State, Reason]),
code_change(_OldVsn, StateName, LoopDat, _Extra) ->
{ok, StateName, LoopDat}.
handle_sync_event({create_asp, Args}, From, State, LoopDat) ->
% resolve the ASP supervisor PID
AsSupPid = LoopDat#as_state.as_sup_pid,
AsChildList = supervisor:which_children(AsSupPid),
io:format("AsSupPid ~p, ChildList ~p~n", [AsSupPid, AsChildList]),
{asp_sup, AspSupPid, _, _} = lists:keyfind(asp_sup, 1, AsChildList),
% actually tell it to start a new ASP, prepend our own Pid
Ret = supervisor:start_child(AspSupPid, [self()|Args]),
LoopDatOut = case Ret of
{ok, AspPid} ->
LoopDat#as_state{asp_list = [AspPid|LoopDat#as_state.asp_list]};
{ok, AspPid, _} ->
LoopDat#as_state{asp_list = [AspPid|LoopDat#as_state.asp_list]};
_ ->
{reply, Ret, State, LoopDatOut}.
handle_event(Event, State, LoopDat) ->
io:format("Unknown Event ~p in state ~p~n", [Event, State]),
{next_state, State, LoopDat}.
handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, State, LoopDat) ->
io:format("EXIT from Process ~p (~p), cleaning up ASP list~n",
[Pid, Reason]),
% FIXME: send fake ASP-DOWN event about ASP to self
NewAspList = lists:delete(Pid, LoopDat#as_state.asp_list),
{next_state, State, LoopDat#as_state{asp_list = NewAspList}};
handle_info(Info, State, LoopDat) ->
io:format("Unknown Info ~p in state ~p~n", [Info, State]),
{next_state, State, LoopDat}.
% STATE "as_down"
as_down(#primitive{subsystem = 'ASPAS', gen_name = 'ASP_INACTIVE',
spec_name = indication, parameters = _Params}, LoopDat) ->
% One ASP transitions into ASP-INACTIVE
next_state(as_inactive, LoopDat);
as_down(#primitive{subsystem = 'ASPAS', gen_name = 'ASP_DOWN',
spec_name = indication, parameters = _Params}, LoopDat) ->
% ignore
next_state(as_down, LoopDat).
% STATE "as_inactive"
as_inactive(#primitive{subsystem = 'ASPAS', gen_name = 'ASP_DOWN',
spec_name = indication, parameters = AsPid}, LoopDat) ->
% One ASP transitions into ASP-DOWN
% FIXME: check if there are any other ASP != DOWN, if yes -> as_inactive
case check_any_other_asp_not_down(LoopDat, AsPid) of
true ->
next_state(as_inactive, LoopDat);
false ->
next_state(as_down, LoopDat)
as_inactive(#primitive{subsystem = 'ASPAS', gen_name = 'ASP_ACTIVE',
spec_name = indication, parameters = Params}, LoopDat) ->
% One ASP transitions to ASP-ACTIVE
next_state(as_active, LoopDat);
as_inactive(#primitive{subsystem = 'ASPAS', gen_name = 'ASP_INACTIVE',
spec_name = indication, parameters = _Params}, LoopDat) ->
% ignore
next_state(as_inactive, LoopDat).
% STATE "as_active"
as_active(#primitive{subsystem = 'ASPAS', gen_name = InactDown,
spec_name = indication, parameters = AspPid}, LoopDat) when
InactDown == 'ASP_DOWN'; InactDown == 'ASP_INACTIVE' ->
% One ASP transitions to ASP-INACTIVE
% check if there are other ASP in active, if yes -> as_active
case check_any_other_asp_in_active(LoopDat, AspPid) of
true ->
next_state(as_active, LoopDat);
false ->
{ok, Tr} = timer:apply_after(?T_R_TIMEOUT, gen_fsm, send_event,
[self(), {timer_expired, t_r}]),
next_state(as_pending, LoopDat#as_state{t_r = Tr})
as_active(#primitive{subsystem = 'ASPAS', gen_name = 'ASP_ACTIVE',
spec_name = indication, parameters = _Params}, LoopDat) ->
% ignore
next_state(as_active, LoopDat).
% STATE "as_pending"
as_pending(#primitive{subsystem = 'ASPAS', gen_name = 'ASP_ACTIVE',
spec_name = indication}, LoopDat) ->
% One ASP transitions into ASP-ACTIVE
next_state(as_active, LoopDat);
as_pending(#primitive{subsystem = 'ASPAS', gen_name = 'ASP_INACTIVE',
spec_name = indication, parameters = _Params}, LoopDat) ->
% ignore
next_state(as_pending, LoopDat);
% FIXME: do we need to re-check as_pending state if we get ASP_DOWN of the last
% inactive ASP ?
as_pending(#primitive{subsystem = 'ASPAS', gen_name = 'ASP_DOWN',
spec_name = indication, parameters = _Params}, LoopDat) ->
next_state(as_pending, LoopDat);
as_pending({timer_expired, t_r}, LoopDat) ->
% check if there is at least one ASP in ASP-INACTIVE -> AS-INACTIVE
case check_any_other_asp_in_inactive(LoopDat, undefined) of
true ->
next_state(as_inactive, LoopDat);
false ->
next_state(as_down, LoopDat)
% helper functions
next_state(NewState, LoopDat) ->
%FIXME Module:as_state_change(NewState, LoopDat#as_state.ext_state),
{next_state, NewState, LoopDat}.
%create_asp(LoopDatIn = #as_state{asp_module = {AspModule, AspModuleArgs},
% asp_list = AspListIn}) ->
% Args = [AspModule, AspModuleArgs, UserFun, UserFunArgs, SctpPid],
% {ok, AspPid} = gen_fsm:start_link(xua_asp_fsm, Args, [{debug, [trace]}]),
% {AspPid, LoopDatIn#{asp_list = [AspPid|AspListIn]}}.
check_any_other_asp_in_inactive(LoopDat, AspPid) ->
check_any_other_asp_in_state('ASP_INACTIVE', LoopDat, AspPid).
check_any_other_asp_in_active(LoopDat, AspPid) ->
check_any_other_asp_in_state('ASP_ACTIVE', LoopDat, AspPid).
check_any_other_asp_not_down(LoopDat, AspPid) ->
ListWithoutMe = lists:delete(AspPid, LoopDat#as_state.asp_list),
StateList = build_asp_state_list(ListWithoutMe),
not lists:all(fun(E) -> E == 'ASP_DOWN' end, StateList).
check_any_other_asp_in_state(State, LoopDat, AspPid) ->
ListWithoutMe = lists:delete(AspPid, LoopDat#as_state.asp_list),
StateList = build_asp_state_list(ListWithoutMe),
lists:member(State, StateList).
build_asp_state_list(ListOfPids) ->
[xua_asp_fsm:get_state(X) || X <- ListOfPids].