import SS7 link handling from osmo_ss7
diff --git a/ebin/ b/ebin/
index 6126f19..20f143f 100644
--- a/ebin/
+++ b/ebin/
@@ -9,10 +9,13 @@
 			m3ua_codec, m3ua_core, m3ua_example,
+			osmo_ss7_sup, osmo_ss7_app,
+			ss7_links, ss7_link_m3ua, ss7_link_ipa_client,
-	 {registered, []},
+	 {registered, [osmo_ss7_app]},
+	 {mod, {osmo_ss7_app, []}},
 	 {applications, []},
 	 {env, [
diff --git a/include/osmo_ss7.hrl b/include/osmo_ss7.hrl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dea6a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/osmo_ss7.hrl
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+-record(sigtran_peer, {
+	ip,
+	port,
+	point_code
+-record(sigtran_link, {
+	type,
+	name,
+	linkset_name,
+	sls,
+	local,
+	remote
diff --git a/src/osmo_ss7_app.erl b/src/osmo_ss7_app.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bd8292
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osmo_ss7_app.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+-author('Harald Welte <>').
+% application behaviour callbacks
+-export([start/2, start_phase/3, prep_stop/1, stop/1, config_change/3]).
+start(normal, StartArgs) ->
+	supervisor:start_link({local, osmo_ss7_sup}, osmo_ss7_sup, StartArgs).
+start_phase(_Phase, _StartType, _PhaseArgs) ->
+	ok.
+prep_stop(State) ->
+	State.
+stop(_State) ->
+	ok.
+config_change(_Changed, _New, _Removed) ->
+	ok.
+reload_config() ->
+	osmo_util:reload_config(),
+	% FIXME: do something
+	ok.
diff --git a/src/osmo_ss7_sup.erl b/src/osmo_ss7_sup.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..891e8b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osmo_ss7_sup.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+% OTP Supervisor for Osmocom SCCP
+% (C) 2011 by Harald Welte <>
+% All Rights Reserved
+% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
+% License, or (at your option) any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+% along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+-export([start_link/0, add_mtp_link/1]).
+start_link() ->
+	supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [{debug, [trace]}]).
+init(Args) ->
+	LinksChild = {ss7_links, {ss7_links, start_link, []},
+		     permanent, 2000, worker, [ss7_links]},
+	{ok,{{one_for_one,60,600}, [LinksChild]}}.
+% Add a m3ua link to this supervisor
+add_mtp_link(L=#sigtran_link{type = m3ua, name = Name,
+			   local = Local, remote = Remote}) ->
+	ChildName = list_to_atom("ss7_link_m3ua_" ++ Name),
+	ChildSpec = {ChildName, {ss7_link_m3ua, start_link, [L]},
+		     permanent, infinity, worker, [ss7_link_m3ua]},
+	supervisor:start_child(?MODULE, ChildSpec);
+add_mtp_link([]) ->
+	ok;
+add_mtp_link([Head|Tail]) ->
+	add_mtp_link(Head, Tail).
+add_mtp_link(Head, Tail) ->
+	{ok, _Child} = add_mtp_link(Head),
+	add_mtp_link(Tail).
diff --git a/src/ss7_link_ipa_client.erl b/src/ss7_link_ipa_client.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1cb95a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ss7_link_ipa_client.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+% Osmocom adaptor to interface the IPA core with osmo_sccp
+% (C) 2011 by Harald Welte <>
+% All Rights Reserved
+% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
+% License, or (at your option) any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+% along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+-author('Harald Welte <>').
+-export([start_link/1, init/1]).
+-record(loop_dat, {
+	 ipa_pid,
+	 link
+	}).
+start_link(Args) ->
+	gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, Args, []).
+init(L = #sigtran_link{type = ipa_client, name = Name, linkset_name = LinksetName,
+		       sls = Sls, local = Local, remote = Remote}) ->
+	#sigtran_peer{ip = LocalIp, port = LocalPort} = Local,
+	#sigtran_peer{ip = RemoteIp, port = RemotePort} = Remote,
+	% start the IPA link to the SG
+	Opts = [{user_pid, self()}, {sctp_remote_ip, RemoteIp},
+		{sctp_remote_port, RemotePort}, {sctp_local_port, LocalPort},
+		{user_fun, fun ipa_tx_to_user/2}, {user_args, self()}],
+	{ok, IpaPid} = ipa_core:start_link(Opts),
+	% FIXME: register this link with SCCP_SCRC
+	ok = ss7_link:register_link(LinksetName, Sls, Name),
+	{ok, #loop_dat{ipa_pid = IpaPid, link = L}}.
+%	% instantiate SCCP routing instance
+%	{ok, ScrcPid} = sccp_scrc:start_link([{mtp_tx_action, {callback_fn, fun scrc_tx_to_mtp/2, M3uaPid}}]),
+%	loop(#loop_dat{ipa_pid = M3uaPid, scrc_pid = ScrcPid}).
+set_link_state(#sigtran_link{linkset_name = LinksetName, sls = Sls}, State) ->
+	ok = ss7_links:set_link_state(LinksetName, Sls, State).
+scrc_tx_to_mtp(Prim, Args) ->
+	M3uaPid = Args,
+	gen_fsm:send_event(M3uaPid, Prim).
+% Callback that we pass to the ipa_core, which it will call when it wants to
+% send a primitive up the stack to SCCP
+ipa_tx_to_user(Prim, Args) ->
+	UserPid = Args,
+	gen_server:cast(UserPid, Prim).
+% This is what we receive from ipa_tx_to_user/2
+handle_cast(#primitive{subsystem = 'M', gen_name = 'SCTP_ESTABLISH', spec_name = confirm}, L) ->
+	io:format("~p: SCTP_ESTABLISH.ind -> ASP_UP.req~n", [?MODULE]),
+	gen_fsm:send_event(L#loop_dat.ipa_pid, osmo_util:make_prim('M','ASP_UP',request)),
+	{noreply, L};
+handle_cast(#primitive{subsystem = 'M', gen_name = 'ASP_UP', spec_name = confirm}, L) ->
+	io:format("~p: ASP_UP.ind -> ASP_ACTIVE.req~n", [?MODULE]),
+	set_link_state(L, up),
+	gen_fsm:send_event(L#loop_dat.ipa_pid, osmo_util:make_prim('M','ASP_ACTIVE',request)),
+	{noreply, L};
+handle_cast(#primitive{subsystem = 'M', gen_name = 'ASP_ACTIVE', spec_name = confirm}, L) ->
+	io:format("~p: ASP_ACTIVE.ind - M3UA now active and ready~n", [?MODULE]),
+	set_link_state(L, active),
+	%tx_sccp_udt(L#loop_dat.scrc_pid),
+	{noreply, L};
+handle_cast(#primitive{subsystem = 'M', gen_name = 'ASP_DOWN'}, L) ->
+	io:format("~p: ASP_DOWN.ind~n", [?MODULE]),
+	set_link_state(L, down),
+	{noreply, L};
+handle_cast(#primitive{subsystem = 'M', gen_name = 'ASP_INACTIVE'}, L) ->
+	io:format("~p: ASP_DOWN.ind~n", [?MODULE]),
+	set_link_state(L, inactive),
+	{noreply, L};
+handle_cast(P, L) ->
+	io:format("~p: Ignoring M3UA prim ~p~n", [?MODULE, P]),
+	{noreply, L}.
+tx_sccp_udt(ScrcPid) ->
+	CallingP = #sccp_addr{ssn = ?SCCP_SSN_MSC, point_code = osmo_util:pointcode2int(itu, {1,2,2})},
+	CalledP = #sccp_addr{ssn = ?SCCP_SSN_HLR, point_code = osmo_util:pointcode2int(itu, {1,1,1})},
+	Data = <<1,2,3,4>>,
+	Opts = [{protocol_class, 0}, {called_party_addr, CalledP},
+		{calling_party_addr, CallingP}, {user_data, Data}],
+	io:format("~p: Sending N-UNITDATA.req to SCRC~n", [?MODULE]),
+	gen_fsm:send_event(ScrcPid, osmo_util:make_prim('N','UNITDATA',request,Opts)).
diff --git a/src/ss7_link_m3ua.erl b/src/ss7_link_m3ua.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d642d1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ss7_link_m3ua.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+% Osmocom adaptor to interface the M3UA core with osmo_sccp
+% (C) 2011 by Harald Welte <>
+% All Rights Reserved
+% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
+% License, or (at your option) any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+% along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+-author('Harald Welte <>').
+-export([start_link/1, init/1]).
+-record(loop_dat, {
+	 m3ua_pid,
+	 link
+	}).
+start_link(Args) ->
+	gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, Args, [{debug, [trace]}]).
+init(L = #sigtran_link{type = m3ua, name = Name, linkset_name = LinksetName,
+		       sls = Sls, local = Local, remote = Remote}) ->
+	#sigtran_peer{ip = LocalIp, port = LocalPort} = Local,
+	#sigtran_peer{ip = RemoteIp, port = RemotePort} = Remote,
+	% start the M3UA link to the SG
+	Opts = [{user_pid, self()}, {sctp_remote_ip, RemoteIp},
+		{sctp_remote_port, RemotePort}, {sctp_local_port, LocalPort},
+		{user_fun, fun m3ua_tx_to_user/2}, {user_args, self()}],
+	{ok, M3uaPid} = m3ua_core:start_link(Opts),
+	% FIXME: register this link with SCCP_SCRC
+	ok = ss7_links:register_link(LinksetName, Sls, Name),
+	{ok, #loop_dat{m3ua_pid = M3uaPid, link = L}}.
+%	% instantiate SCCP routing instance
+%	{ok, ScrcPid} = sccp_scrc:start_link([{mtp_tx_action, {callback_fn, fun scrc_tx_to_mtp/2, M3uaPid}}]),
+%	loop(#loop_dat{m3ua_pid = M3uaPid, scrc_pid = ScrcPid}).
+set_link_state(#sigtran_link{linkset_name = LinksetName, sls = Sls}, State) ->
+	ok = ss7_links:set_link_state(LinksetName, Sls, State).
+scrc_tx_to_mtp(Prim, Args) ->
+	M3uaPid = Args,
+	gen_fsm:send_event(M3uaPid, Prim).
+% Callback that we pass to the m3ua_core, which it will call when it wants to
+% send a primitive up the stack to SCCP
+m3ua_tx_to_user(Prim, Args) ->
+	UserPid = Args,
+	gen_server:cast(UserPid, Prim).
+handle_cast(P = #primitive{subsystem = 'MTP', gen_name = 'TRANSFER', spec_name = request}, L) ->
+	scrc_tx_to_mtp(P, L#loop_dat.m3ua_pid),
+	{noreply, L};
+% This is what we receive from m3ua_tx_to_user/2
+handle_cast(#primitive{subsystem = 'M', gen_name = 'SCTP_ESTABLISH', spec_name = confirm}, L) ->
+	io:format("~p: SCTP_ESTABLISH.ind -> ASP_UP.req~n", [?MODULE]),
+	gen_fsm:send_event(L#loop_dat.m3ua_pid, osmo_util:make_prim('M','ASP_UP',request)),
+	{noreply, L};
+handle_cast(#primitive{subsystem = 'M', gen_name = 'ASP_UP', spec_name = confirm}, L) ->
+	io:format("~p: ASP_UP.ind -> ASP_ACTIVE.req~n", [?MODULE]),
+	set_link_state(, up),
+	gen_fsm:send_event(L#loop_dat.m3ua_pid, osmo_util:make_prim('M','ASP_ACTIVE',request)),
+	{noreply, L};
+handle_cast(#primitive{subsystem = 'M', gen_name = 'ASP_ACTIVE', spec_name = confirm}, L) ->
+	io:format("~p: ASP_ACTIVE.ind - M3UA now active and ready~n", [?MODULE]),
+	set_link_state(, active),
+	%tx_sccp_udt(L#loop_dat.scrc_pid),
+	{noreply, L};
+handle_cast(#primitive{subsystem = 'M', gen_name = 'ASP_DOWN'}, L) ->
+	io:format("~p: ASP_DOWN.ind~n", [?MODULE]),
+	set_link_state(, down),
+	{noreply, L};
+handle_cast(#primitive{subsystem = 'M', gen_name = 'ASP_INACTIVE'}, L) ->
+	io:format("~p: ASP_DOWN.ind~n", [?MODULE]),
+	set_link_state(, inactive),
+	{noreply, L};
+handle_cast(P, L) ->
+	io:format("~p: Ignoring M3UA prim ~p~n", [?MODULE, P]),
+	{noreply, L}.
+terminate(Reason, _S) ->
+	io:format("terminating ~p with reason ~p", [?MODULE, Reason]),
+	ok.
+tx_sccp_udt(ScrcPid) ->
+	CallingP = #sccp_addr{ssn = ?SCCP_SSN_MSC, point_code = osmo_util:pointcode2int(itu, {1,2,2})},
+	CalledP = #sccp_addr{ssn = ?SCCP_SSN_HLR, point_code = osmo_util:pointcode2int(itu, {1,1,1})},
+	Data = <<1,2,3,4>>,
+	Opts = [{protocol_class, 0}, {called_party_addr, CalledP},
+		{calling_party_addr, CallingP}, {user_data, Data}],
+	io:format("~p: Sending N-UNITDATA.req to SCRC~n", [?MODULE]),
+	gen_fsm:send_event(ScrcPid, osmo_util:make_prim('N','UNITDATA',request,Opts)).
diff --git a/src/ss7_links.erl b/src/ss7_links.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f6cd53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ss7_links.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+% Internal SCCP link database keeping
+% (C) 2011 by Harald Welte <>
+% All Rights Reserved
+% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
+% License, or (at your option) any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+% along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+% gen_fsm callbacks
+-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
+	 terminate/2, code_change/3]).
+% our published API
+% client functions, may internally talk to our sccp_user server
+-export([register_linkset/3, unregister_linkset/1]).
+-export([register_link/3, unregister_link/2, set_link_state/3]).
+-export([bind_service/2, unbind_service/1]).
+-export([get_pid_for_link/2, get_pid_for_dpc_sls/2, mtp3_tx/1,
+	 get_linkset_for_dpc/1, dump_all_links/0]).
+-record(slink, {
+	key,		% {linkset_name, sls}
+	name,
+	linkset_name,
+	sls,
+	user_pid,
+	state
+-record(slinkset, {
+	name,
+	local_pc,
+	remote_pc,
+	user_pid,
+	state,
+	links
+-record(service, {
+	name,
+	service_nr,
+	user_pid
+-record(su_state, {
+	linkset_tbl,
+	link_tbl,
+	service_tbl
+% initialization code
+start_link() ->
+	gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], [{debug, [trace]}]).
+init(_Arg) ->
+	LinksetTbl = ets:new(ss7_linksets, [ordered_set, named_table,
+					     {keypos,}]),
+	ServiceTbl = ets:new(mtp3_services, [ordered_set, named_table,
+				{keypos, #service.service_nr}]),
+	% create a named table so we can query without reference directly
+	% within client/caller process
+	LinkTbl = ets:new(ss7_link_table, [ordered_set, named_table,
+					    {keypos, #slink.key}]),
+	{ok, #su_state{linkset_tbl = LinksetTbl, link_tbl = LinkTbl,
+			service_tbl = ServiceTbl}}.
+% client side API
+% all write operations go through gen_server:call(), as only the ?MODULE
+% process has permission to modify the table content
+register_linkset(LocalPc, RemotePc, Name) ->
+	gen_server:call(?MODULE, {register_linkset, {LocalPc, RemotePc, Name}}).
+unregister_linkset(Name) ->
+	gen_server:call(?MODULE, {unregister_linkset, {Name}}).
+register_link(LinksetName, Sls, Name) ->
+	gen_server:call(?MODULE, {register_link, {LinksetName, Sls, Name}}).
+unregister_link(LinksetName, Sls) ->
+	gen_server:call(?MODULE, {unregister_link, {LinksetName, Sls}}).
+set_link_state(LinksetName, Sls, State) ->
+	gen_server:call(?MODULE, {set_link_state, {LinksetName, Sls, State}}).
+% bind a service (such as ISUP, SCCP) to the MTP3 link manager
+bind_service(ServiceNum, ServiceName) ->
+	gen_server:call(?MODULE, {bind_service, {ServiceNum, ServiceName}}).
+% unbind a service (such as ISUP, SCCP) from the MTP3 link manager
+unbind_service(ServiceNum) ->
+	gen_server:call(?MODULE, {unbind_service, {ServiceNum}}).
+% the lookup functions can directly use the ets named_table from within
+% the client process, no need to go through a synchronous IPC
+get_pid_for_link(LinksetName, Sls) ->
+	case ets:lookup(ss7_link_table, {LinksetName, Sls}) of
+	    [#slink{user_pid = Pid}] ->	
+		% FIXME: check the link state 
+		{ok, Pid};
+	    _ ->
+		{error, no_such_link}
+	end.
+% Resolve linkset name directly connected to given point code
+get_linkset_for_dpc(Dpc) ->
+	Ret = ets:match_object(ss7_linksets,
+			       #slinkset{remote_pc = Dpc, _ = '_'}),
+	case Ret of
+	    [] ->
+		{error, undefined};
+	    [#slinkset{name=Name}|_Tail] ->
+		{ok, Name}
+	end.
+% resolve link-handler Pid for given (directly connected) point code/sls
+get_pid_for_dpc_sls(Dpc, Sls) ->
+	case get_linkset_for_dpc(Dpc) of
+	    {error, Err} ->
+		{error, Err};
+	    {ok, LinksetName} ->
+		get_pid_for_link(LinksetName, Sls)
+	end.
+% process a received message on an underlying link
+mtp3_rx(Mtp3 = #mtp3_msg{service_ind = Serv}) ->
+	case ets:lookup(mtp3_services, Serv) of
+	     [#service{user_pid = Pid}] ->
+		gen_server:cast(Pid,
+				osmo_util:make_prim('MTP', 'TRANSFER',
+						    indication, Mtp3));
+	    _ ->
+		% FIXME: send back some error message on MTP level
+		ok
+	end.
+% transmit a MTP3 message via any of the avaliable links for the DPC
+mtp3_tx(Mtp3 = #mtp3_msg{routing_label = RoutLbl}) ->
+	#mtp3_routing_label{dest_pc = Dpc, sig_link_sel = Sls} = RoutLbl,
+	% discover the link through which we shall send
+	case get_pid_for_dpc_sls(Dpc, Sls) of
+	    {error, Error} ->
+		{error, Error};
+	    {ok, Pid} ->
+		    gen_server:cast(Pid,
+				osmo_util:make_prim('MTP', 'TRANSFER',
+						    request, Mtp3))
+	end.
+dump_all_links() ->
+	List = ets:tab2list(ss7_linksets),
+	dump_linksets(List).
+dump_linksets([]) ->
+	ok;
+dump_linksets([Head|Tail]) when is_record(Head, slinkset) ->
+	dump_single_linkset(Head),
+	dump_linksets(Tail).
+dump_single_linkset(Sls) when is_record(Sls, slinkset) ->
+	#slinkset{name = Name, local_pc = Lpc, remote_pc = Rpc,
+		  state = State} = Sls,
+	io:format("Linkset ~p, Local PC: ~p, Remote PC: ~p, State: ~p~n",
+		  [Name, Lpc, Rpc, State]),
+	dump_linkset_links(Name).
+dump_linkset_links(Name) ->
+	List = ets:match_object(ss7_link_table,
+				#slink{key={Name,'_'}, _='_'}),
+	dump_links(List).
+dump_links([]) ->
+	ok;
+dump_links([Head|Tail]) when is_record(Head, slink) ->
+	#slink{name = Name, sls = Sls, state = State} = Head,
+	io:format("  Link ~p, SLS: ~p, State: ~p~n",
+		  [Name, Sls, State]),
+	dump_links(Tail).
+% server side code
+handle_call({register_linkset, {LocalPc, RemotePc, Name}},
+				{FromPid, _FromRef}, S) ->
+	#su_state{linkset_tbl = Tbl} = S,
+	Ls = #slinkset{local_pc = LocalPc, remote_pc = RemotePc,
+		       name = Name, user_pid = FromPid},
+	case ets:insert_new(Tbl, Ls) of
+	    false ->
+		{reply, {error, ets_insert}, S};
+	    _ ->
+		% We need to trap the user Pid for EXIT
+		% in order to automatically remove any links/linksets if
+		% the user process dies
+		link(FromPid),
+		{reply, ok, S}
+	end;
+handle_call({unregister_linkset, {Name}}, {FromPid, _FromRef}, S) ->
+	#su_state{linkset_tbl = Tbl} = S,
+	ets:delete(Tbl, Name),
+	{reply, ok, S};
+handle_call({register_link, {LsName, Sls, Name}},
+				{FromPid, _FromRef}, S) ->
+	#su_state{linkset_tbl = LinksetTbl, link_tbl = LinkTbl} = S,
+	% check if linkset actually exists
+	case ets:lookup(LinksetTbl, LsName) of
+	    [#slinkset{}] ->
+		Link = #slink{name = Name, sls = Sls, state = down,
+			      user_pid = FromPid, key = {LsName, Sls}},
+		case ets:insert_new(LinkTbl, Link) of
+		    false ->
+			{reply, {error, link_exists}, S};
+		    _ ->
+			% We need to trap the user Pid for EXIT
+			% in order to automatically remove any links if
+			% the user process dies
+			link(FromPid),
+			{reply, ok, S}
+		end;
+	    _ ->
+		{reply, {error, no_such_linkset}, S}
+	end;
+handle_call({unregister_link, {LsName, Sls}}, {FromPid, _FromRef}, S) ->
+	#su_state{link_tbl = LinkTbl} = S,
+	ets:delete(LinkTbl, {LsName, Sls}),
+	{reply, ok, S};
+handle_call({set_link_state, {LsName, Sls, State}}, {FromPid, _}, S) ->
+	#su_state{link_tbl = LinkTbl} = S,
+	case ets:lookup(LinkTbl, {LsName, Sls}) of
+	    [] ->
+		{reply, {error, no_such_link}, S};
+	    [Link] ->
+		NewLink = Link#slink{state = State},
+		ets:insert(LinkTbl, NewLink),
+		{reply, ok, S}
+	end;
+handle_call({bind_service, {SNum, SName}}, {FromPid, _},
+	    #su_state{service_tbl = ServTbl} = S) ->
+	NewServ = #service{name = SName, service_nr = SNum,
+			   user_pid = FromPid},
+	case ets:insert_new(ServTbl, NewServ) of
+	    false ->
+		{reply, {error, ets_insert}, S};
+	    _ ->
+		{reply, ok, S}
+	end;
+handle_call({unbind_service, {SNum}}, {FromPid, _},
+	    #su_state{service_tbl = ServTbl} = S) ->
+	ets:delete(ServTbl, SNum),
+	{reply, ok, S}.
+handle_cast(Info, S) ->
+	error_logger:error_report(["unknown handle_cast",
+				  {module, ?MODULE},
+				  {info, Info}, {state, S}]),
+	{noreply, S}.
+handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, S) ->
+	io:format("EXIT from Process ~p (~p), cleaning up tables~n",
+		  [Pid, Reason]),
+	#su_state{linkset_tbl = LinksetTbl, link_tbl = LinkTbl} = S,
+	ets:match_delete(LinksetTbl, #slinkset{user_pid = Pid}),
+	ets:match_delete(LinkTbl, #slink{user_pid = Pid}),
+	{noreply, S};
+handle_info(Info, S) ->
+	error_logger:error_report(["unknown handle_info",
+				  {module, ?MODULE},
+				  {info, Info}, {state, S}]),
+	{noreply, S}.
+terminate(Reason, _S) ->
+	io:format("terminating ~p with reason ~p", [?MODULE, Reason]),
+	ok.
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+	{ok, State}.