M2UA Codec: Use generic xUA codec instead
diff --git a/include/m2ua.hrl b/include/m2ua.hrl
index ce9d9e5..371ef46 100644
--- a/include/m2ua.hrl
+++ b/include/m2ua.hrl
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 -define(M2UA_PPID,	2).
 -define(M2UA_PORT,	2904).
diff --git a/src/m2ua_codec.erl b/src/m2ua_codec.erl
index 32bec00..437b3e8 100644
--- a/src/m2ua_codec.erl
+++ b/src/m2ua_codec.erl
@@ -19,79 +19,15 @@
 -author('Harald Welte <laforge@gnumonks.org>').
 -export([parse_m2ua_msg/1, encode_m2ua_msg/1]).
--compile({parse_transform, exprecs}).
-% compute the number of pad bits required after a binary parameter
-get_num_pad_bytes(BinLenBytes) ->
-	case BinLenBytes rem 4 of
-		0 ->	0;
-		Val -> 	4 - Val
-	end.
-% parse a binary chunk of options into an options proplist
-parse_m2ua_opts(<<>>, OptList) when is_list(OptList) ->
-	OptList;
-parse_m2ua_opts(OptBin, OptList) when is_list(OptList) ->
-	<<Tag:16/big, LengthIncHdr:16/big, Remain/binary>> = OptBin,
-	Length = LengthIncHdr - 4,
-	PadLength = get_num_pad_bytes(Length),
-	%io:format("Tag ~w, LenInHdr ~w, Len ~w, PadLen ~w, Remain ~w(~p)~n",
-	%	  [Tag, LengthIncHdr, Length, PadLength, byte_size(Remain), Remain]),
-	<<Value:Length/binary, PadNextOpts/binary>> = Remain,
-	% this is ridiculous, we cannot use "<<Value:Length/binary,
-	% 0:PadLength, Remain/binary>>" as the last part would not match an
-	% empty binary <<>> anymore.  Without the "0:PadLengh" this works
-	% perfectly fine.  Now we need some complicated construct and check if
-	% the resulting list would be empty :((
-	if
-		byte_size(PadNextOpts) > PadLength ->
-			<<0:PadLength/integer-unit:8, NextOpts/binary>> = PadNextOpts;
-		true ->
-			NextOpts = <<>>
-	end,
-	NewOpt = {Tag, {Length, Value}},
-	parse_m2ua_opts(NextOpts, OptList ++ [NewOpt]).
-% parse a single M2UA message
-parse_m2ua_msgt(_, _, _, Remain) ->
-	parse_m2ua_opts(Remain, []).
 % parse a M2UA message binary into a record
 parse_m2ua_msg(DataBin) when is_binary(DataBin) ->
-	<<1:8, 0:8, MsgClass:8, MsgType:8, MsgLen:32/big, Remain/binary>> = DataBin,
-	Parsed = parse_m2ua_msgt(MsgClass, MsgType, MsgLen, Remain),
-	{ok, #m2ua_msg{msg_class = MsgClass, msg_type = MsgType, parameters = Parsed}}.
-% encode a single option
-encode_m2ua_opt({OptNum, {DataBinLen, DataBin}}) when is_integer(OptNum) ->
-	LengthIncHdr = DataBinLen + 4,
-	PadLength = get_num_pad_bytes(DataBinLen),
-	case PadLength of
-		0 -> <<OptNum:16/big, LengthIncHdr:16/big, DataBin/binary>>;
-		_ -> <<OptNum:16/big, LengthIncHdr:16/big, DataBin/binary, 0:PadLength/integer-unit:8>>
-	end.
-% encode a list of options
-encode_m2ua_opts([], OptEnc) ->
-	OptEnc;
-encode_m2ua_opts([CurOpt|OptPropList], OptEnc) ->
-	CurOptEnc = encode_m2ua_opt(CurOpt),
-	encode_m2ua_opts(OptPropList, <<OptEnc/binary, CurOptEnc/binary>>).
-% encode a particular message type
-encode_m2ua_msgt(MsgClass, MsgType, Params) ->
-	OptBin = encode_m2ua_opts(Params, <<>>),
-	MsgLenIncHdr = 8 + byte_size(OptBin),
-	<<1:8, 0:8, MsgClass:8, MsgType:8, MsgLenIncHdr:32/big, OptBin/binary>>.
+	xua_codec:parse_msg(DataBin).
 % encode a message from record to binary
-encode_m2ua_msg(#m2ua_msg{msg_class = MsgClass, msg_type = MsgType, parameters = Params}) ->
-	encode_m2ua_msgt(MsgClass, MsgType, Params).
+encode_m2ua_msg(Msg) when is_record(Msg, xua_msg) ->
+	xua_codec:encode_msg(Msg).
diff --git a/src/m3ua_core.erl b/src/m3ua_core.erl
index 3167c81..ef443ae 100644
--- a/src/m3ua_core.erl
+++ b/src/m3ua_core.erl
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
 	gen_fsm:start_link(?MODULE, InitOpts, [{debug, [trace]}]).
 reconnect_sctp(L = #m3ua_state{sctp_remote_ip = Ip, sctp_remote_port = Port, sctp_sock = Sock}) ->
+	timer:sleep(1*1000),
 	io:format("SCTP Reconnect ~p:~p~n", [Ip, Port]),
 	InitMsg = #sctp_initmsg{num_ostreams = 2, max_instreams = 2},
 	case gen_sctp:connect(Sock, Ip, Port, [{active, once}, {reuseaddr, true},
diff --git a/test/isup_codec_tests.erl b/test/isup_codec_tests.erl
index 0b2d49a..2fd421f 100644
--- a/test/isup_codec_tests.erl
+++ b/test/isup_codec_tests.erl
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
@@ -44,12 +45,12 @@
 pcap_cb(sctp, _From, _Path, 2, DataBin) ->
-	{ok, M2ua} = m2ua_codec:parse_m2ua_msg(DataBin),
+	M2ua = m2ua_codec:parse_m2ua_msg(DataBin),
-handle_m2ua(#m2ua_msg{msg_class = ?M2UA_MSGC_MAUP,
-		      msg_type = ?M2UA_MAUP_MSGT_DATA,
-		      parameters = Params}) ->
+handle_m2ua(#xua_msg{msg_class = ?M2UA_MSGC_MAUP,
+		     msg_type = ?M2UA_MAUP_MSGT_DATA,
+		     payload = Params}) ->
 	{_Len, M2uaPayload} = proplists:get_value(16#300, Params),
 	Mtp3 = mtp3_codec:parse_mtp3_msg(M2uaPayload),
diff --git a/test/m2ua_codec_tests.erl b/test/m2ua_codec_tests.erl
index 33d807d..3e09c7b 100644
--- a/test/m2ua_codec_tests.erl
+++ b/test/m2ua_codec_tests.erl
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 -define(M2UA_MSG_BIN, <<1,0,6,1,0,0,0,124,0,1,0,8,0,0,0,0,3,0,0,105,131,92,
@@ -11,9 +12,11 @@
--define(M2UA_MSG_DEC, {m2ua_msg,6,1,[{1,{4,<<0,0,0,0>>}},{768,{101,<<131,92,64,0,192,9,0,3,13,24,10,18,7,0,18,4,83,132,9,0,23,11,18,6,0,18,4,68,119,88,16,70,35,67,100,65,73,4,81,1,2,200,107,42,40,40,6,7,0,17,134,5,1,1,1,160,29,97,27,128,2,7,128,161,9,6,7,4,0,0,1,0,1,3,162,3,2,1,0,163,5,161,3,2,1,0,108,13,163,11,2,1,64,2,1,8,48,3,10,1,0>>}}]}).
+-define(M2UA_MSG_DEC, {xua_msg,1,6,1,[{1,{4,<<0,0,0,0>>}},{768,{101,<<131,92,64,0,192,9,0,3,13,24,10,18,7,0,18,4,83,132,9,0,23,11,18,6,0,18,4,68,119,88,16,70,35,67,100,65,73,4,81,1,2,200,107,42,40,40,6,7,0,17,134,5,1,1,1,160,29,97,27,128,2,7,128,161,9,6,7,4,0,0,1,0,1,3,162,3,2,1,0,163,5,161,3,2,1,0,108,13,163,11,2,1,64,2,1,8,48,3,10,1,0>>}}]}).
 parse_test() ->
-	?assertEqual({ok, ?M2UA_MSG_DEC}, m2ua_codec:parse_m2ua_msg(?M2UA_MSG_BIN)).
+	?assertEqual(?M2UA_MSG_DEC, m2ua_codec:parse_m2ua_msg(?M2UA_MSG_BIN)),
+	?assertEqual(?M2UA_MSG_DEC, xua_codec:parse_msg(?M2UA_MSG_BIN)).
 encode_test() ->
-	?assertEqual(?M2UA_MSG_BIN, m2ua_codec:encode_m2ua_msg(?M2UA_MSG_DEC)).
+	?assertEqual(?M2UA_MSG_BIN, m2ua_codec:encode_m2ua_msg(?M2UA_MSG_DEC)),
+	?assertEqual(?M2UA_MSG_BIN, xua_codec:encode_msg(?M2UA_MSG_DEC)).