blob: 4b7be6a0746e9fb3f3283865563065453c632bbf [file] [log] [blame]
% ITU-T Q.71x SCCP Message coding / decoding
% (C) 2010 by Harald Welte <>
% All Rights Reserved
% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
% License, or (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
-author('Harald Welte <>').
-export([parse_sccp_msg/1, encode_sccp_msg/1, encode_sccp_msgt/2]).
% parse SCCP Optional Part
parse_sccp_opt(OptType, OptLen, Content) ->
{OptType, {OptLen, Content}}.
parse_sccp_opts(<<>>, OptList) ->
% empty list
parse_sccp_opts(<<0>>, OptList) ->
% end of options
parse_sccp_opts(OptBin, OptList) ->
<<OptType, OptLen, Content:OptLen/binary, Remain/binary>> = OptBin,
NewOpt = parse_sccp_opt(OptType, OptLen, Content),
parse_sccp_opts(Remain, [NewOpt|OptList]).
% Parse incoming SCCP message, one function for every message type
parse_sccp_msgt(?SCCP_MSGT_CR, DataBin) ->
% first get the fixed part
<<_:8, SrcLocalRef:24, ProtoClass:8, RemainVar/binary >> = DataBin,
% variable length fixed part
<<PtrVar:8, PtrOpt:8, _/binary>> = RemainVar,
CalledPartyLen = binary:at(RemainVar, PtrVar),
CalledParty = binary:part(RemainVar, PtrVar+1, CalledPartyLen),
% optional part
OptBin = binary:part(RemainVar, 1 + PtrOpt, byte_size(RemainVar)-(1+PtrOpt)),
OptList = parse_sccp_opts(OptBin, []),
%OptList = [],
% build parsed list of message
[{src_local_ref, SrcLocalRef},{protocol_class, ProtoClass},{called_party_addr, CalledParty}|OptList];
parse_sccp_msgt(?SCCP_MSGT_CC, DataBin) ->
% first get the fixed part
<<_:8, DstLocalRef:24, SrcLocalRef:24, ProtoClass:8, Remain/binary >> = DataBin,
% optional part
OptList = parse_sccp_opts(Remain, []),
% build parsed list of message
[{dst_local_ref, DstLocalRef},{src_local_ref, SrcLocalRef},{protocol_class, ProtoClass}|OptList];
parse_sccp_msgt(?SCCP_MSGT_CREF, DataBin) ->
% first get the fixed part
<<_:8, DstLocalRef:24, RefusalCause:8, Remain/binary >> = DataBin,
% optional part
OptList = parse_sccp_opts(Remain, []),
% build parsed list of message
[{dst_local_ref, DstLocalRef},{refusal_cause, RefusalCause}|OptList];
parse_sccp_msgt(?SCCP_MSGT_RLSD, DataBin) ->
<<_:8, DstLocalRef:24, SrcLocalRef:24, ReleaseCause:8, Remain/binary >> = DataBin,
% optional part
OptList = parse_sccp_opts(Remain, []),
% build parsed list of message
[{dst_local_ref, DstLocalRef},{src_local_ref, SrcLocalRef},{release_cause, ReleaseCause}|OptList];
parse_sccp_msgt(?SCCP_MSGT_RLC, DataBin) ->
<<_:8, DstLocalRef:24, SrcLocalRef:24>> = DataBin,
% build parsed list of message
[{dst_local_ref, DstLocalRef},{src_local_ref, SrcLocalRef}];
parse_sccp_msgt(?SCCP_MSGT_DT1, DataBin) ->
<<_:8, DstLocalRef:24, SegmReass:8, DataPtr:8, Remain/binary >> = DataBin,
DataLen = binary:at(Remain, DataPtr-1),
UserData = binary:part(Remain, DataPtr-1+1, DataLen),
% build parsed list of message
[{dst_local_ref, DstLocalRef},{segm_reass, SegmReass},{user_data, UserData}];
parse_sccp_msgt(?SCCP_MSGT_DT2, DataBin) ->
<<_:8, DstLocalRef:24, SeqSegm:16, DataPtr:8, Remain/binary >> = DataBin,
DataLen = binary:at(Remain, DataPtr-1),
UserData = binary:part(Remain, DataPtr-1+1, DataLen),
% build parsed list of message
[{dst_local_ref, DstLocalRef},{seq_segm, SeqSegm},{user_data, UserData}];
parse_sccp_msgt(?SCCP_MSGT_AK, DataBin) ->
<<_:8, DstLocalRef:24, RxSeqnr:8, Credit:8>> = DataBin,
[{dst_local_ref, DstLocalRef},{rx_seq_nr, RxSeqnr},{credit, Credit}];
parse_sccp_msgt(?SCCP_MSGT_UDT, DataBin) ->
<<_:8, ProtoClass:8, CalledPartyPtr:8, CallingPartyPtr:8, DataPtr:8, Remain/binary >> = DataBin,
% variable part
CalledPartyLen = binary:at(Remain, CalledPartyPtr-3),
CalledParty = binary:part(Remain, CalledPartyPtr-3+1, CalledPartyLen),
CallingPartyLen = binary:at(Remain, CallingPartyPtr-2),
CallingParty = binary:part(Remain, CallingPartyPtr-2+1, CallingPartyLen),
DataLen = binary:at(Remain, DataPtr-1),
UserData = binary:part(Remain, DataPtr-1+1, DataLen),
[{protocol_class, ProtoClass},{called_party_addr, CalledParty},
{calling_party_addr, CallingParty},{user_data, UserData}];
parse_sccp_msgt(?SCCP_MSGT_UDTS, DataBin) ->
parse_sccp_msgt(?SCCP_MSGT_UDT, DataBin);
parse_sccp_msgt(?SCCP_MSGT_ED, DataBin) ->
<<_:8, DstLocalRef:24, DataPtr:8, Remain/binary>> = DataBin,
DataLen = binary:at(Remain, DataPtr-1),
UserData = binary:part(Remain, DataPtr-1+1, DataLen),
[{dst_local_ref, DstLocalRef}, {user_data, UserData}];
parse_sccp_msgt(?SCCP_MSGT_EA, DataBin) ->
<<_:8, DstLocalRef:24>> = DataBin,
[{dst_local_ref, DstLocalRef}];
parse_sccp_msgt(?SCCP_MSGT_RSR, DataBin) ->
<<_:8, DstLocalRef:24, SrcLocalRef:24, ResetCause:8>> = DataBin,
[{dst_local_ref, DstLocalRef},{src_local_ref, SrcLocalRef},{reset_cause, ResetCause}];
parse_sccp_msgt(?SCCP_MSGT_RSC, DataBin) ->
<<_:8, DstLocalRef:24, SrcLocalRef:24>> = DataBin,
[{dst_local_ref, DstLocalRef},{src_local_ref, SrcLocalRef}];
parse_sccp_msgt(?SCCP_MSGT_ERR, DataBin) ->
<<_:8, DstLocalRef:24, ErrCause:8>> = DataBin,
[{dst_local_ref, DstLocalRef},{error_cause, ErrCause}];
parse_sccp_msgt(?SCCP_MSGT_IT, DataBin) ->
<<_:8, DstLocalRef:24, SrcLocalRef:24, ProtoClass:8, SegmSeq:16, Credit:8>> = DataBin,
[{dst_local_ref, DstLocalRef},{src_local_ref, SrcLocalRef},
{protocol_class, ProtoClass},{seq_segm, SegmSeq},{credit, Credit}].
% process one incoming SCCP message
parse_sccp_msg(DataBin) ->
MsgType = binary:first(DataBin),
Parsed = parse_sccp_msgt(MsgType, DataBin),
{ok, #sccp_msg{msg_type = MsgType, parameters = Parsed}}.
% Encoding Part
encode_sccp_opt({OptNum, {DataBinLen, DataBin}}) when is_integer(OptNum) ->
DataBinLen8 = DataBinLen*8,
<<OptNum:8, DataBinLen:8, DataBin:DataBinLen8>>;
encode_sccp_opt({OptAtom,_}) when is_atom(OptAtom) ->
encode_sccp_opts([], OptEnc) ->
% end of options + convert to binary
list_to_binary([OptEnc, ?SCCP_PNC_END_OF_OPTIONAL]);
encode_sccp_opts([CurOpt|OptPropList], OptEnc) ->
CurOptEnc = encode_sccp_opt(CurOpt),
encode_sccp_opts(OptPropList, list_to_binary([OptEnc,CurOptEnc])).
encode_sccp_msgt(?SCCP_MSGT_CR, Params) ->
SrcLocalRef = proplists:get_value(src_local_ref, Params),
ProtoClass = proplists:get_value(protocol_class, Params),
OptBin = encode_sccp_opts(Params, []),
<<?SCCP_MSGT_CR:8, SrcLocalRef:24, ProtoClass:8, OptBin/binary>>;
encode_sccp_msgt(?SCCP_MSGT_CC, Params) ->
SrcLocalRef = proplists:get_value(src_local_ref, Params),
DstLocalRef = proplists:get_value(dst_local_ref, Params),
ProtoClass = proplists:get_value(protocol_class, Params),
OptBin = encode_sccp_opts(Params, []),
<<?SCCP_MSGT_CC:8, DstLocalRef:24, SrcLocalRef:24, ProtoClass:8, OptBin/binary >>;
encode_sccp_msgt(?SCCP_MSGT_CREF, Params) ->
DstLocalRef = proplists:get_value(dst_local_ref, Params),
RefusalCause = proplists:get_value(refusal_cause, Params),
Remain = <<>>,
<<?SCCP_MSGT_CREF:8, DstLocalRef:24, RefusalCause:8, Remain/binary >>;
encode_sccp_msgt(?SCCP_MSGT_RLSD, Params) ->
SrcLocalRef = proplists:get_value(src_local_ref, Params),
DstLocalRef = proplists:get_value(dst_local_ref, Params),
ReleaseCause = proplists:get_value(release_cause, Params),
Remain = <<>>,
<<?SCCP_MSGT_RLSD:8, DstLocalRef:24, SrcLocalRef:24, ReleaseCause:8, Remain/binary >>.
% encode one sccp message data structure into the on-wire format
encode_sccp_msg(#sccp_msg{msg_type = MsgType, parameters = Params}) ->
encode_sccp_msgt(MsgType, Params).